英文想家句子 篇一
Homesickness is a feeling that can strike anyone, no matter where they are in the world. It is a longing for the familiar, a yearning for the comfort of home. The following English sentences capture the essence of homesickness and the deep emotions that come with missing home.
1. "Home is not a place, it's a feeling." This simple yet profound sentence reminds us that home is more than just a physical location. It is the sense of belonging, the memories, and the love that make a place truly feel like home.
2. "I miss the way my mom's cooking fills the house with delicious aromas." This sentence speaks to the sensory memories that can trigger homesickness. The smell of a favorite meal cooking or the sound of a loved one's laughter can transport us back to the comfort of home.
3. "I long for the familiar sights and sounds of my hometown." This sentence captures the nostalgia that comes with missing home. The familiar landmarks, the sounds of the neighborhood, and the faces of loved ones all contribute to the sense of longing for home.
4. "Home is where the heart is." This classic saying rings true for anyone experiencing homesickness. No matter where we are in the world, our hearts will always be tied to the place that feels like home.
5. "I miss the feeling of being surrounded by family and friends." This sentence conveys the loneliness and isolation that can come with being far from home. The support and love of family and friends are irreplaceable, and their absence can leave a void in our hearts.
6. "I find comfort in memories of home." This sentence highlights the power of memories to bring us solace when we are feeling homesick. Reflecting on happy times spent at home can help ease the pain of being far away.
7. "I count down the days until I can return to the place that holds my heart." This sentence expresses the longing and anticipation of returning home. The hope of being reunited with loved ones and the familiarity of home can provide motivation to endure the challenges of being away.
8. "No matter where I go, a piece of me will always remain at home." This final sentence encapsulates the bittersweet nature of homesickness. While we may be far from home physically, a part of us will always be connected to the place that shaped us and holds our most cherished memories.
In conclusion, homesickness is a universal feeling that can touch us all at some point in our lives. These English sentences capture the complex emotions and deep longing that come with missing home, reminding us of the importance of connection, love, and memories in feeling truly at home.
英文想家句子 篇二
The feeling of homesickness is a powerful force that can impact us no matter where we are in the world. It is a longing for the familiar, a yearning for the comfort of home. The following English sentences evoke the emotions and memories that come with missing home, capturing the essence of homesickness in all its complexity.
1. "There is a special kind of loneliness that comes with missing home." This sentence speaks to the unique sense of isolation that can accompany homesickness. Even surrounded by people, the absence of the familiar can leave us feeling adrift and alone.
2. "I ache for the sound of my father's voice and the warmth of his embrace." This sentence highlights the deep emotional connections that tie us to home. The voices and touch of loved ones can provide a sense of security and love that is sorely missed when we are far away.
3. "The memories of home are like a balm for my weary soul." This sentence conveys the healing power of memories in easing the pain of homesickness. Remembering happy times spent at home can provide comfort and solace in times of loneliness.
4. "I yearn for the taste of my favorite foods and the comfort of familiar surroundings." This sentence captures the sensory experiences that can trigger homesickness. The taste of a beloved dish or the sight of a familiar landmark can transport us back to the warmth and love of home.
5. "I miss the feeling of being understood and accepted for who I am." This sentence speaks to the sense of belonging and acceptance that comes with being at home. The unconditional love and support of family and friends can make us feel truly seen and valued.
6. "I find myself searching for home in every new place I go." This sentence reflects the longing to recreate the sense of home wherever we are. Whether through familiar routines, cherished mementos, or connections with others, we seek to find comfort and belonging in unfamiliar surroundings.
7. "I carry the spirit of home with me wherever I go." This sentence conveys the idea that home is more than just a place—it is a feeling that we can carry within us no matter where we are in the world. The love, memories, and connections that define home stay with us wherever we go.
8. "I know that home is waiting for me, a beacon of light in the darkness of homesickness." This final sentence expresses the hope and reassurance that home provides in times of longing and loneliness. The knowledge that we will one day return to the place that holds our heart can provide comfort and strength in moments of homesickness.
In conclusion, homesickness is a powerful and complex emotion that can touch us all at some point in our lives. These English sentences capture the deep longing, nostalgia, and emotional connections that come with missing home, reminding us of the importance of love, connection, and belonging in feeling truly at home.
英文想家句子 篇三
1. 又是一年春节时,归心似箭急切之之情,待到工作完毕时,轻轻松松回家至。
2. Still pity the homeland water, thousands of miles to see the boat off.
3. 怎么做才能快乐?你是不是觉得,即使一切都无需改变,走路的姿势,面部的表情,说话的声调,都无需改变,而快乐也回到你的身边呢?错了,那不可能。
4. 举目望明月,低头思故乡。
5. 异乡的人群,家是一团火。
6. 在她的指引下,倒了一杯白水给她。
7. 望阙云遮眼,思乡雨滴心。Looking at the clouds cover the eyes, homesickness raindrop heart.
8. 近乡情更怯,不敢问来人。Hometown is more timid, dare not ask people.
9. 此去经年,应是良辰好景虚设。To go through the years here should be a good time and a good scenery in vain.
10. 又名恐祚,字瑟人,号定庵,浙江仁和(今杭州)人。
11. ——杜甫《阁夜》乡书何处达?归雁洛阳边。
12. ——李益《从军北征》谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。
13. ——齐己《送人游塞》渐老念乡国,先归独羡君。
14. ——纳兰性德《菩萨蛮·问君何事轻离别》凭君莫问:清泾浊渭,去马来牛。
15. 脚下良田千万亩,只爱家乡一寸土。There are thousands of mu of good fields under your feet, only one inch of land in your hometown.
16. ——姜夔《踏莎行·自沔东来》君家何处住,妾住在横塘。
17. 离人无语消魂,细雨斜风掩门。Leaving people silent soul, rain and inclined wind cover the door.
18. 你想啊,比如北大自主招生,人家不录奥数第一,不录钢琴九级,录你一个啥都没有的?中秋来临花好月圆,祝福披星戴月送身边,愿你:花容月貌笑容甜,风花雪月爱圆满,众星捧月总耀眼,日月同辉永相伴,日新月异每一天!祝你中秋笑开颜!八月十五不送礼,发条短信祝福你,健康快乐唱伴你,好运和你不分离,还有让我告诉你,财神已经跟随你,钞票珠宝都给你,幸福人生属于你!中秋快乐!现在高考没取消,尚且有不
19. 在上海举办的一次家乡经济发展恳谈会上,阔别家乡多年,而今在上海滩创业有成的江总动情地说起这样一个故事:他回到久别的家乡,在欢迎会上,家乡的县委书记为他点了《想家的时候》这首歌,并安排县电视台一名歌唱得比较好的工作人员演唱,听着这熟悉的乡音,听着这饱含深情的歌声,他流泪了。
20. 海上生明月,天涯共此时。The bright moon is rising above the sea, everyone faraway enjoy the same moment.
21. 出身于官僚地主家庭。
22. ——简长《送僧南归》悬飞竟不下,乱起未成行。
23. 夫妻间性生活是必不可少的活动,但是随着年龄的增加,以及男人女人生理心理构造的不同,会再一定程度上产生区别。
24. ——李白但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。
25. 家,是孩子蹦跳着贴进怀中的笑脸。
26. 果不其然,化冲动为行动。
27. 想家,是一种幸福。
28. ——高适《别董大》胡马依北风,越鸟巢南枝。
29. 每天都想家,想家里的那张床,想家里的母亲是否又有白发增,?逦粕睢D钦偶窃刈潘暝碌睦?频牧常?俏壹??模?罡腥耍?钊萌诵奶鄣牧场D盖祝?肽懔恕?我甚为想家,尤其在夜深人静的时候,在异乡独处一个凄冷的情感角落,我微闭了这双眼睛,怀愁地聆听着那首使我有诸多感触的萨克斯曲子——《回家》时,心中那想家的念头就越来越浓烈。
30. 家庭的温馨的回忆都是永远的记忆在我的脑海里,而且我有时候每时每刻都想起了家庭的温馨是永远使这个家庭永远都是幸福的家庭!想家是一种情怀。
31. 一个平淡的人,只要心怀有高度的梦想,那么他就有了云中花朵般迷人的魅力。
32. 想家是一种习惯,是一种心情,是一种成长。
33. 孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。
34. 离愁正引千丝乱,更东陌、飞絮潆潆。Departure is leading to a lot of confusion, more eastward strangers, flying flocks.
35. 人是倾城姓倾国,丁香花发一徘徊。
36. 想家的人,爱静静的默坐,想像“举头望明月,低头思故乡”的意境,回味家的温暖,任腮边两行热泪慢慢的蠕动。
37. ——王通爱名尚利,小人哉。
38. ——秋瑾《九日感赋》水如天,忆当年。
39. ——吴文英《诉衷情·秋情》秦时明月汉时关,万里长征人未还。
40. 朋友以前是一个很正直的人。
41. ——王夫之论天下者,必循天下之公——王夫之自然者天地,主持者人——王夫之言有大而无实,无实者,不祥之言也。
42. 物离乡贵,人离乡贱。Things are expensive and people are cheap.