想睡觉的英文句子 篇一
Do you ever have those days where you just can't seem to keep your eyes open? You find yourself daydreaming about crawling into bed and falling into a deep, peaceful slumber. It's like your body is begging for rest and your mind is craving the sweet escape of sleep.
As the day goes on, the desire to sleep only grows stronger. You catch yourself yawning every few minutes, your eyelids feeling heavier with each passing hour. The thought of getting under the covers and closing your eyes becomes the only thing you can think about.
You start counting down the hours until you can finally retreat to the comfort of your bed. The minutes drag on as you fight to keep your eyes open, struggling to stay focused on the tasks at hand. All you want is to drift off into dreamland and leave the worries of the day behind.
Finally, the moment arrives when you can surrender to the call of sleep. You slip under the covers, feeling the weight of the day lifting off your shoulders. Your body relaxes as you sink into the mattress, the softness enveloping you like a warm hug.
As you close your eyes and feel the drowsiness wash over you, a sense of peace settles in your soul. The outside world fades away as you drift into a state of blissful oblivion. Your breathing slows, your mind clears, and you are consumed by the soothing darkness of sleep.
In that moment, there is nothing else in the world but the sensation of restfulness and contentment. You are free from the stresses and responsibilities of the day, lost in the tranquility of sleep. And as you finally succumb to its embrace, you know that tomorrow will be a brighter day because of the rest you have found tonight.
想睡觉的英文句子 篇二
Have you ever experienced the overwhelming urge to sleep that seems to consume your every thought? It's like a relentless craving that can only be satisfied by surrendering to the sweet release of slumber. Your body aches for rest, your mind yearns for peace, and all you can think about is the blissful sensation of closing your eyes and drifting off into dreamland.
Throughout the day, the desire to sleep tugs at you like a persistent whisper in the back of your mind. You find yourself struggling to concentrate, your eyelids drooping as if weighed down by the heaviness of exhaustion. The world around you blurs as you long for the comfort of your bed, the softness of your pillow, and the warmth of your blankets.
Every passing hour feels like an eternity as you wait for the moment when you can finally give in to sleep. You try to fight off the fatigue, to push through the weariness, but the allure of slumber is too strong to resist. All you want is to shut out the world, to let go of your worries, and to sink into the serenity of sleep.
And then, at last, the time comes when you can escape into the welcoming embrace of your bed. You pull back the covers, slide beneath the sheets, and feel the tension in your body melt away. The softness of the mattress cradles you, the silence of the room envelops you, and the darkness of your closed eyes beckons you into a state of pure relaxation.
As you drift off into sleep, a sense of tranquility washes over you, soothing your mind and body. You are at peace, free from the stresses of the day, lost in the gentle rhythm of your breathing. In that moment, there is nothing but the quiet comfort of rest, the deep calm of slumber, and the promise of a new day ahead.
And as you surrender to the irresistible pull of sleep, you know that you will wake up refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to face whatever challenges come your way. For in the solace of sleep, you find the strength to conquer the day and the peace to embrace the night.
想睡觉的英文句子 篇三
想睡觉的英文句子 精选45句
1. 黑色再黑,有你就美;生活悲催,有你不累;困难加倍,有你无所谓;安然入睡,只因你在身边作陪。
2. Hit the sack/hay 上床睡觉去(俚语)。
3. 睡眼朦胧释义:朦胧:模糊不清。
4. sleep deprivation 缺觉、睡眠不足
5. 精疲力尽释义:精神疲惫,力气用尽。
6. 站在最高处,一切的负累困扰覆手纠结,千寻梦绕,只愿做一个冰冻的种子,迈过往生,迈过风尘,走到山穷水尽,走过孤风冷雨,不可一世凋落,我又该往哪里寻
7. I sleep in every weekend and wake up around noon.
8. I suffered from insomnia/sleeplessness yesterday. 我昨晚失眠了。
9. I want to catch a wink before the guest arrive.
10. Let's hit the sack/hay. We have to get an early start in the morning.
11. 城市灯火惹人醉,人在江湖确实累;困难重重梦难遂,残酷现实要面对;生活无聊心疲惫,笑对人生无眼泪;人生难得几回醉,多多休息别太累
12. I'm a very light sleeper.
13. Take a snooze 打个盹儿。
14. It's time to say good night. 该道声晚安了。
15. teeth grinding 磨牙
16. Catch some Zs 小睡一会儿。
17. nightmare 噩梦
18. night terrors 夜惊
19. Go to bed/sleep. 上床睡觉。
20. Did the alarm go off? 闹钟响了吗?
21. Off to bed. 上床去了。
22. jet lag 时差综合症,由时
23. sleepwalking 梦游
24. 昨晚熬夜写作业,今天早上上课的时候,眼皮像是被灌了铅一样,不由自主地下沉,看着老师模糊的身影,我渐渐地弯下背,趴倒在课桌上。
25. I'm such a heavy sleeper that the explosion didn't wake me.
26. It's bedtime. 睡觉时间到了。
27. Every time I fly to the United States, I get really bad jet lag. 每次我飞去美国都要经受严重的时差影响。
28. Let me sleep on for ten minutes. 让我再睡10分钟。
29. insomnia 失眠
30. Take a nap. 小憩一会儿。
31. I was so tired I could have slept around the clock.
32. 累困,时间就在我看着窗外的景色看着美丽的晚霞悄悄的走了。
33. 委靡不振释义:委靡:也作“萎靡”,颓丧。
34. sleep disorder 睡眠障碍
35. I'll meet you at the movies right after I take a little catnap.
36. 我的钥匙在哪儿
37. 星期一的早晨闹铃响起时,我睡眼朦胧的起床,只想着结束一天的行程回来继续补眠。
38. 他疲倦了,可是这种情况老没个完。
39. I want to stay in bed for another half an hour. 我真想在床上多睡半个小时。
40. A post-prandial snooze sets the brain up for learning.
41. 昏昏欲睡释义:头脑昏昏沉沉;只想睡觉。
42. Good night, sleep tight, sweet dreams. 晚安,睡个好觉,做个好梦。
43. 暮气沉沉释义:形容精神萎靡不振,缺乏朝气出自:范文澜《中国通史》第四编第一章第四节:“久已有志于改革的王安石,受命执政,生气勃勃,但朝廷却是暮气沉沉。
44. 在走向成功的征途中,坚持的过程往往就是积累的过程。
45. 唉