
时间:2012-03-01 09:18:44
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西线无战事句子英文 篇一

"West Front, No War" Sentence in English

In the novel "West Front, No War" by Sun Li, the protagonist Fang Hongjian's journey of growth and self-discovery is beautifully portrayed against the backdrop of the tumultuous times of the late Qing dynasty. The title itself, "West Front, No War", sets the tone for a story that is not just about the absence of physical conflict, but also about the internal struggles and battles that the characters face.

Throughout the novel, Fang Hongjian is faced with numerous challenges and obstacles that force him to confront his own beliefs, values, and identity. From his initial idealistic views of the world to his eventual disillusionment with the corrupt and decaying society around him, Fang Hongjian's journey is one of transformation and enlightenment. The title "West Front, No War" serves as a reminder that sometimes the greatest battles are fought within ourselves, and that true peace can only be achieved through introspection and self-realization.

One of the most powerful themes of the novel is the idea of personal responsibility and agency. Fang Hongjian's refusal to conform to the expectations of society and his unwavering dedication to his own principles make him a truly admirable and inspiring character. The title "West Front, No War" encapsulates this idea perfectly, highlighting the importance of standing up for what is right even in the absence of external conflict.

In conclusion, "West Front, No War" is a novel that resonates with readers on a deep and emotional level. Through the protagonist's journey of self-discovery and growth, the novel explores themes of personal integrity, moral courage, and the search for meaning in a chaotic world. The title itself serves as a powerful metaphor for the internal struggles and battles that we all face in our lives, reminding us that true peace can only be achieved through inner harmony and self-awareness.

西线无战事句子英文 篇二

"West Front, No War" Sentence in English

"West Front, No War" is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that explores the complexities of human nature and the impact of societal expectations on individual identity. Set in the turbulent times of the late Qing dynasty, the novel follows the protagonist Fang Hongjian as he navigates the challenges of a world in upheaval.

One of the central themes of the novel is the idea of conflict versus peace, both on a personal and societal level. The title "West Front, No War" symbolizes the duality of human nature, where outward appearances may be calm and peaceful, but inner turmoil and conflict still exist. Fang Hongjian's journey mirrors this dichotomy, as he struggles to reconcile his own beliefs and values with the expectations of the world around him.

The title "West Front, No War" also speaks to the larger societal issues at play in the novel. As the Qing dynasty crumbles and China faces increasing external threats, the characters must grapple with the question of how to maintain peace and stability in a world torn apart by war and chaos. Fang Hongjian's quest for inner peace and self-discovery becomes intertwined with the larger struggle for the future of China, highlighting the interconnectedness of personal and political conflict.

In conclusion, "West Front, No War" is a novel that delves deep into the human experience, exploring themes of conflict, peace, and the search for meaning in a chaotic world. The title itself serves as a powerful reminder of the complexities of human nature and the constant struggle to find harmony and balance in a world of constant change and uncertainty. Through the character of Fang Hongjian, readers are encouraged to reflect on their own beliefs, values, and identity, and to consider the importance of personal integrity and moral courage in the face of adversity.

西线无战事句子英文 篇三

西线无战事句子英文 精选31句

1. 我们已经不再是青年。我们不愿再对这个世界发动进攻。我们是逃兵。我们躲开自己,躲开我们的生活。当我们才十八岁。刚刚开始热爱这个世界,热爱生活;然而我们不得不对它开炮。那第一颗打来的榴弹,击中了我们的心坎。我们与行动、追求和进步隔断了联系。我们再也不相信它们了;我们相信战争。

2. 祸从口出,我的嘴巴是我的敌人。”不该说的话不要说,让有些话永远烂在肚子里,这就是一个人最起码的嘴德。

3. 人们可以叫你闭上嘴巴,但绝不可能阻止你拥有自己的看法。

4. 我希望,我能完全信任你,我还从来没有能这样信任过谁。我也希望,你将给我最大的支持。

5. 他于一九一八年十月阵亡,那一天整个战线是如此的平静和沉寂,所以军队指挥部的战报上仅仅写着这样一句话:西线无战事。

6. 每个人都会有缺陷,就像被上帝咬过的苹果,有的人缺陷比较大,正是因为上帝特别喜欢他的芬芳。

7. 一个士兵只有度过一千次偶然性才算活着。

8. 人的罪恶根源只有两个,既游手好闲和迷信。美德也只有两个,既工作和智慧。

9. 我眼看着这个世界渐渐的蜕化成一片荒野,我听到永无止境的雷鸣般的谴责声,那也会将我们毁灭,我能感受到千万人正经历着的苦难,然而,假如我仰望苍穹,我相信一切还会变好的,相信这样的残酷终究会结束,相信和平和安宁一定会复返。

10. 我们要不惜一切代价地活着,因而我们不能背上感情这个重负。

11. 其实这本书讲什么都不要紧,重要的是它对她的意义。

12. 让死人去埋葬死人吧,我们既然有生命,我们就应当活下去,而且要活得幸福。

13. 不离不弃:信任与爱的行为。通常只有小孩子能辨识真伪。

14. 勇敢!让我们记住我们的责任,毫无怨言地去履行。总会有摆脱困境的办法的。

15. 你


16. 我不知道保持自己的本性不受任何外界影响是不是一种好的品行,但是我知道遵从自己的良心一定是正确的。

17. 人类真让人捉摸不透。

18. 我们会在一声令下之后把他们当成敌人,又可能因一声令下而与他们结为朋友。那些人轻轻地拿笔在桌上写了几行字,于是我们过去所认为的世人不耻的卑鄙的手段却成为新的追求方式。但每每眼睁睁看着他们满脸稚气,和蓄着xxx式胡须的面孔,我无法用敌友来加以区别!在新兵的眼中每一个低级军官,在学生眼中每一个高级教师都是最憎恶的敌人,但在我们眼里他们这些人要更为可恶。只要他们重返自由,我们之间又会相互视为敌人,把枪口再瞄向对方。

19. 有时我在想,或许是上帝在考验我,不管是现在还是未来。我一定要让自己变得越来越优秀。就算没有榜样也没有人给我建议,可最终我还是会变得更坚强。

20. 人是为了自己的希望才活着的。

21. 走自己的路,看看会走向哪里,别无选择。

22. 没人对你说“不”的时候 你是长不大的。

23. 时间是治愈伤口的良药。

24. 城市的街道到处是人。然而,即使街道空旷无人,陌路人也不会比现在更孤寂。

25. 假使每个人只为他自己的信念去打仗,就没有战争了。

26. 不要向井里吐痰,也许你还会来喝井里的水。

27. 在生活中只有两种实在的不幸:受良心责备和疾病 只要没有这两件坏事 就是幸福。

28. 一个机会直接引发了另一个机会,就像一次冒险引起了更多的冒险,一个生命将生产出更多生命,一次死亡将导致更多的死亡一样。从这种程度说,一切都是命中注定。

29. 希望停战,希望和平。

30. 只要我还活着,能看到这阳光,这无云的天空,我就不可能不幸福!

31. 死者的遗言不是要报仇,而是永远不再有(战争)


