动物英文句子 篇一
Animals are an important part of our world. They come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny insects to massive elephants. Each animal plays a unique role in the ecosystem, contributing to the balance of the environment.
One of the most fascinating things about animals is their ability to adapt to different environments. From the frozen tundra to the scorching desert, animals have evolved special characteristics that allow them to thrive in even the harshest conditions. For example, polar bears have thick fur and layers of blubber to keep them warm in the Arctic, while camels have humps to store water in the desert.
Animals also have complex social structures that help them survive and thrive. Many animals live in groups, such as herds of elephants or packs of wolves, where they work together to protect each other and find food. Some animals even have intricate communication systems, using sounds, body language, and even chemical signals to convey messages to one another.
Unfortunately, many animal species are facing threats from human activities such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change. As a result, countless animals are at risk of extinction, which would have devastating consequences for the planet. It is crucial that we take action to protect and preserve the incredible diversity of animal life on Earth.
In conclusion, animals are truly amazing creatures that deserve our respect and protection. We must work together to ensure that future generations can continue to marvel at the beauty and wonder of the animal kingdom.
动物英文句子 篇二
The animal kingdom is full of incredible diversity and wonder. From the majestic lion to the tiny ant, each animal has its own unique characteristics and behaviors that make it special.
One of the most fascinating aspects of animals is their ability to communicate. While humans use spoken language to convey messages, animals have developed a wide variety of ways to communicate with each other. Birds sing songs to attract mates and defend their territory, while bees perform intricate dances to communicate the location of food sources.
Animals also exhibit a wide range of behaviors that are both fascinating and complex. Some animals, such as dolphins and chimpanzees, have been observed using tools to help them hunt for food. Others, like octopuses and chameleons, have incredible camouflage abilities that allow them to blend in with their surroundings.
In addition to their physical abilities, animals also have unique personalities and emotions. Research has shown that many animals experience emotions such as joy, fear, and sadness, and form strong bonds with other members of their species. For example, elephants have been known to mourn the loss of a loved one, and dogs show loyalty and affection to their human companions.
As we continue to learn more about the animal kingdom, it is clear that animals are intelligent, complex beings that deserve our admiration and respect. It is our responsibility to treat animals with kindness and compassion, and to work towards creating a world where all creatures can live in harmony.
In conclusion, animals are truly remarkable creatures that enrich our lives in countless ways. By appreciating and protecting the animals around us, we can ensure a brighter future for all living beings on Earth.
动物英文句子 篇三
1. 小白兔吃饱了的时候,就仨一群俩一伙地在沙地上跑来跑去,像一个个小雪球在滚动。
2. 希望的眼眸,不只你拥有。
3. Shen Cheng is a project official with the animal-protection group ACTAsia. 沈成,动物保护组织“行动亚洲”项目官员。
4. 保护动物,与自然和谐保护鸟类,保护野生动物,人人有责。
5. 雄鸡一唱天下亮,爱犬狂叫狐狸逃。鹦鹉学舌来戏弄人,鸳鸯嬉水爱情鸟。美丽天使白天鹅,猴戴帽子扮装人。世界动物日,保护动物好朋友,多为人类做贡献。
6. Father is likea bull in a china shop when he tries to help in the kitchen. 爸爸在厨房帮忙时,往往显得笨手笨脚,越帮越忙。
7. 鸟儿高唱在云霄,野兔奔跑在草地。狮虎呼啸在山林,鱼儿潜游在水底。这个世界多美丽,万物共存有生机。人类不可把恶作,破坏平衡灭生灵。世界动物日到了,保护动物从我做起!
8. A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘,差之千里。
9. 大手小手齐动手,爱鸟护鸟拯救鸟。
10. too much pudding will choke a dog。 布丁太多噎死狗。
11. 人类和高等动物大脑之间的差别,显然在于程度上而不是本质上的差异。–查尔斯?达尔文,生物学家
12. There is an in-built protection in every animal; 每一种动物都有一种本身固有的保护;
13. 保护动物,从我做起。
14. 鸟是害虫的天敌,鸟是人类的朋友。
15. 理解某种超越人类中心主义的世界观,甚至能够像爱他们自己那样去爱其他动物。–罗尔斯顿
16. 你说你爱孤独与烈酒却最爱不曾说过的自由.
17. A little pot is soon hot. 狗肚子盛不得四两油。
18. 上帝所创造的,即使是最低等的动物,皆是生命合唱团的一员,我不喜欢只针对人类需要而不顾及猫狗等动物的任何宗教。–林肯
19. 有思考潜力的人必须会反对所有的残酷行径,无论这项行径是否深植传统,只要我们有选择的机会,就就应避免造成其他动物受苦受害。–施韦泽,法国思想家人道主义行动者
20. 保护野生动物就是保护人类自己!
21. 保护野生动物,维护生态安全!
22. 请还鸟儿们一片自由翱翔的天空。
23. 为了美好的明天,请节约用水、爱护小动物、保护森林大自然。
24. 自然界中有规律,食物链条不可破。肆意捕杀物种亡,生态平衡遭破坏。链条断开影响大,自然危机难改变。世界动物日,请保护动物,让世界永远精彩!
25. Key Protected Wild Plants List plays an important role in forestry enforcement, science research and biopersity conservation. 保护植物名录是林政执法、科学研究、公众参与生物多样性保护等活动的重要工具。
26. 爱护动物,人人有责。
27. 酒香肉香,不如鸟语花香。
28. The cat is playing with a live mouse. 猫在戏弄那只活老鼠。
29. 你在远方我在流浪我流浪的地方是你在的远方
30. Guoguo: We should also protect animals. 我们也应该保护动物。
31. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。
32. 人类和高等动物大脑之间的差别,显然在于程度上而不是本质上的差异。–查尔斯?达尔文
33. To protect birds and wild animal. 保护鸟类保护野生动物人人有责。
34. 地球因有了飞禽走兽而有了生机,自然因有了鸟语花香而有了朝气,生态因有了珍禽异兽而有了平衡,生活因有了莺歌燕舞而有了欢乐,世界动物日,保护动物从你我做起,赶快行动吧。
35. 动物世界英语怎么写,我们的身影遍布了整个校园。
36. 保护鸟类,保护野生动物,保护家园。
37. 农家实在好,样样都是宝。–民谚
38. 人类的爱,希望和恐惧与动物没有什么两样,他们就像阳光,出于同源,落于同地。–约翰·默尔
39. 同在蓝天下,人鸟共家园。
40. Sub-Zero, Scorpion, and Reptile. 零度, 蝎子, 爬行动物。
41. 养猪不上算,请到地里看。–民谚
42. don’t trust a goat with the kitchengarden,or a wolf with sheepfold。 不能请羊管菜园,不能请狼管羊圈。
43. 爱鸟护鸟是人类的美德。
44. Aquatic animals get tanks, land animals get enclosures of some kind. 水栖动物获得池塘,陆栖动物获得某种笼子。
45. 保护野生动物,不打鸟,捉蛇,捉青蛙。
46. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。
47. 保护野生动物,就是关爱人类自己。
48. Our autumn outing to Shanghai Zoo! 活动回顾我们的上海动物园亲子秋游!
49. Have you been to Mai Po Nature Reserve? 你有没有去过米埔野生动物保护区?
50. 保护动物,与自然和谐
51. A person who is cruel to animals will become cruel to humans. —— Thomas Aquinas 一个对动物残忍的人,也会变得对人类残忍。
52. He that plants trees loves others besides himself.植树的人,不但爱己,而且爱人。
53. City workers planted trees and flowers in the park.都市工人在公园里种植树木跟花朵。
54. Protecting unaffected farms through movement controls and biosecurity measures 通过控制移动和生物安保措施保护未受感染的农场;
55. 保护野生动物,共建美丽福建。
56. 真正爱护小鸟,就不要剥夺它的自由!
57. 保护野生动物,从我做起。
58. 经典车子开走了旁白,台词在云端邂逅生命的声音。
59. Every child loves little animals. 孩子
60. 濒危动物要保护,人工养殖来培育。留下样品子孙看,珍奇动物不杀戮。人类生活美灿烂,保护动物莫小看。世界动物保护日,生态平衡很重要,保护动物人有责。
61. 没有动物,人类是孤单的,没有动物,自然是暗淡的,没有动物,地球是无生机的,世界动物日,保护动物,让人与动物共同创造美丽的地球家园,一起行动!
62. 爱护鸟儿吧!不要让树木感到孤独。
63. 老虎在丛林中哀求,熊猫在竹林里哭泣,猴子在树上呼吁,企鹅在冰上祈祷,不要让世界上仅剩人类自己。世界动物日,信息来呼吁,动物是我们的朋友,保护动物从点滴做起,让动物和我们快乐在一起!
64. 保护鸟类,为环境增姿添彩。
65. Animal protection, everyone's responsibility. Please maintain ecological balance. 保护动物,人人有责。请维持生态平衡。
66. 我想用余生为你暖一盏茶 晚风微扬时勿忘回家
67. A joke never gains an enemy but loses a friend. 戏谑不能化敌为友,只能使人失去朋友。
68. A good fame is better than a good face. 美名胜过美貌。
69. 不吃田鸡,保蛙护农。
70. 亲爱的朋友们,让我们善待动物,珍爱每一种生命。
71. 鸟类是害虫的天然克星,请倾心爱护吧!
72. A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。
73. 人类怎样对待动物,动物就会怎样对待人类。
74. A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. 一本好书,相伴一生。
75. Animal rights activists say primate studies subject animals to needless suffering, like the stress of being caged. 动物权利活动家们称灵长类动物实验造成了动物无谓地被折磨,例如被关在笼子里的压力。
76. 同一片天空,同一个家园。
77. 动物是人类的第二,请大家来保护它们。
78. A great talker is a great liar. 说大话者多谎言。
79. 啼鸟有时能劝客,山桃无赖已撩人。
80. 每一种动物,或大或小,却都演绎着生命的传奇故事。
81. 兔子的耳朵又大又长,只要听见一点轻微的声音,就会“唰”地一下竖起来,灵巧地四面转动,寻找声音发出的地方,直到声音没有了,才恢复常态。
82. 人与动物和谐相处是一幅多美的图画。动物发出的悠扬婉转,激情昂扬的鸣叫是一首多么动听的歌曲。人与动物共同书写的历史是一段多么动人的文字。世界动物日,保护动物,保护我们的朋友。
83. 狮子老虎使深山老林生机勃勃,神出鬼没。雄鹰百鸟使蓝天活力昂然,增色添彩。鱼类水生使大海江河魅力无限,水下舞蹈。保护动物美丽地球,为人类生活添彩。
84. The males in the herd protect the females and the young . 兽群中的雄性动物保护雌性动物和幼仔。
85. The bharal is listed as least concern under the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, this equates with pigeons. 岩羊是国际动物保护协会濒危物种名单中最不危险的,就像鸽子一样。
86. Planting trees Trees are very helpful and important for us. 树对我们人类是多么的重要和有用。
87. 保护野生动物,人与自然共存。
88. We should plant trees and let the wild animals live.我们应种树让野生动物生存下去。
89. 世界是平等的,请爱护动物。没有爱就没有美好。
90. the best fish swim near the bottom。 好鱼常在水底游。
91. Adversity makes a man wise, not rich. 逆境出人才。
92. People who are cruel to animals will not be merciful to people. —— Schopenhauer, Germany 对待动物残忍的人,对待人也必不会仁慈。
93. A little body often harbors a great soul. 浓缩的都是精品。
94. 篱笆外的猫不再受宠 有些事我懂。
95. Hunters are barred from wildlife sanctuaries. 野生动物保护区内禁止狩猎。
96. 是先有鸟还是先有蛋,你不知道,我不知道,只有鸟知道;
97. Manghe Nature Reserve, there are 882 kinds of seed plants, 285 kinds of animals. 蟒河自然保护区内,有种子植物882种,动物285种。
98. 我怎样能因为蝎子有蜇人的天性就放弃我爱的天性呢?
99. Spring is the optimum season for planting trees.春天是最好的植树季节。
100. 没有鱼儿的陪衬,水再清也无活力,没有鸟儿的映衬,天再蓝也无朝气,没有动物的存在,人在多也是寂寞,世界动物日,一起保护动物,让我们共同和睦的生活在地球家园上。
101. Despite the efforts of conservationists, the cheetah is still in peril. 除了动物保护主义者的保护,猎豹仍处于极大的危险之中。
102. Lithium-ion polymer rechargeable battery, charging with automatic protection function; 使用可充电聚合物锂离子电池、充电时具有自动保护功能;
103. 机械操练机械操练必须在机械记忆的基础上进行。
104. father is likea bull in a china shop when he tries to help in the kitchen. 爸爸在厨房帮忙时,往往显得笨手笨脚,越帮越忙。
105. A bad workman always blames his tools. 不会撑船怪河弯。
106. 即使是凶猛的野兽,如果总关在笼里,也会失去自己的勇猛本性。–塔西佗
动物英文句子 篇四
1. 地球上没有动物,那是一个没有活力的世界。
2. 地球上指可数的野生动物资源大国,在想方设法保护他们的同时,也无可奈何地看着他们惨遭扑杀,践踏,掠夺……人类在破坏环境时,也在破坏国家的保护动物,大熊猫。素有”国宝”之称等等命运同样不佳,如果再破坏生态环境,这些世代赖以繁衍的家园也遭到疯狂的扫荡,株连九族的下场并不鲜见,是我们人类残酷无情的破坏他们。
3. 保护动物,与自然和谐。
4. 同在地球上,共享大自然!
5. 保护动物,你我的职责。
6. A merry heart goes all the way. 心旷神怡,事事顺利。
7. 鸟是害虫的。天敌,鸟是人类的益友。
8. 对待动物残忍的人,对待人也必不会仁慈。–叔本华
9. Spring is the most suitable season to plant trees.春天是最好的植树季节。
10. Planting trees is a good way to help the environment.种树是保护环境的一个好方法。
11. 关爱动物,呵护自己。
12. 无数事实证明,人类与动物共存亡。
13. 不要让我们的孩子只能在博物馆里才见到今日的动物。
14. A man can do no more than he can. 凡事都应量力而行。
15. Originating back when hunting was still a major sport, this phrase came from when animals were used to track, catch or retrieve prey. 这句话要追溯到以打猎为主要运动的时代,这时的动物们被用来追踪、捕猎和取回猎物。
16. 野生动物是人类的朋友!
17. A constant guest is never welcome. 常客令人厌。
18. The Michigan Humane Society shelters and cares for about 15, 000 stray animals a year. 密歇根州动物保护协会每年大约要收容和保护15 000个流浪动物。
19. 上帝所创造的,即使是最低等的动物,皆是生命合唱团的一员,我不喜欢只针对人类需要而不顾及猫狗等动物的任何宗教。–林肯,美国总统
20. 狗是唯一爱你甚过於你爱自己的生物。–德国作家温鲁
21. For several years animal groups and SPCA inspectors, armed with bags and sacks, have conducted raids before and during the festival to rescue the snakes, many of them cobras. 几年来,每到蛇节前夕和节日期间,动物保护团体和英国动物保护协会的检查员们,就会手拎大袋子, 到处搜捕耍蛇人藏匿的蛇,其中大部分是眼镜蛇。
22. A man cannot spin and reel at the same time. 一心不能二用。
23. The cat is playing with a live mouse.
24. A man becomes learned by asking questions. 不耻下问才能有学问。
25. the fox preys farthest from his hole。 狐狸捕食,远离洞府。
26. Currently, Catalan animal protection laws protect all animals except the bulls and horses used in bullfights. 现在加泰罗尼亚的动物保护法保护所有动物,但不包括用于斗牛的公牛和马。
27. 形容动物世界好词好句,只有和你在一起的时光才是直立行走。
28. 动物是人类的朋友,请爱护它吧。爱护动物人人有责。
29. 听一声清脆的鸟鸣,心灵就注入一片阳光。
30. Leibniz'S Final System: Monads, Matter, And Animals. 莱布尼茨的最终体系:单子,物质,与动物。
31. 生命是依着自我的习性生活在自由的领域中,这其中没有谁主宰谁,或谁是谁的“主人”。–施韦泽,法国思想家人道主义行动者
32. 人的良心要求人去帮忙一切能够帮忙的有生之物,并免于去伤害任何生命;除非人能遵从这种良知,人就不能说是有道德的。–施韦泽,法国思想家人道主义行动者
33. 人人投身科学爱鸟,处处彰显生态魅力。
34. A pair of animal cruelty, also will become the human cruelty.——Thomas, equinox. 一个对动物残忍的人,也会变得对人类残忍。
35. 保护动物,人人有责。请维持生态平衡。
36. 野生动物是,人类的朋友。
37. All that ends well is well. 结果好,就一切都好。
38. 我就奇怪了,像你这样的稀奇物种,就应列为国家一级保护动物,在去世博会展出。
39. 好词乔贵来辞行一句,经典你试着拉长脸到社会去试一试。
40. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. xx日之计在于晨。
41. Protect, checkups, survive, wildlife, clue, crocodile. 保护,检查,生存,野生动物,线索,鳄鱼。
42. 这世界上有一种鸟是没有腿的,它一辈子只停下来一次,那次就是它死去的时候。
43. 小花猫的脑袋圆圆的,顶着一对尖尖的小耳朵,那大大的绿眼睛瞪得像两盏小绿灯。
44. A lion attacks a pangolin in the Selous Game Reserve in in Tanzania. 坦桑尼亚塞卢斯野生动物保护区里,一头狮子在吞食一只穿山甲。
45. A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友。
46. All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的不一定都是金子。
47. 人给鸟爱心,鸟让人开心,人鸟和谐多。
48. 辽阔的草原,属于动物的天堂,广阔的天空,属于鸟儿的梦想,宽阔的河流,属于鱼虾的殿堂,世界动物日,爱护动物,保护动物,地球不只属于人类!
49. 爱护鸟儿吧。不要让树木感到孤独。
50. 拒食野生动物,维护生态平衡。
51. The prime requirement of a newly planted tree is rapid establishment of the root.对新栽幼树的起码要求是迅速建立起根系骨架。
52. 关注候鸟,保护家园。
53. 故事很长很心酸没有风也没有酒我却依然讲的眼泪婆娑像阁楼里的老猫 。
54. A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。
55. 保护野生动物,不打鸟,不捉蛇,不捉青蛙。
56. The world’s wildlife, in other words, is depraved. 换句话说,世界上野生动物的行为是堕落不堪的。
57. Animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Thursday urged people to stop eating fish and go vegan to help animals and the planet. 动物权益保护组织“人道对待动物协会(PETA)”周四劝告人们应立刻停止食用鱼类,转而吃纯素,以保护动物及整个地球。