
时间:2016-05-05 07:14:34
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赞美同学的英文句子 篇一

In today's world, the ability to communicate effectively in English is becoming increasingly important. As a language teacher, I have had the pleasure of reading some truly remarkable English sentences written by my students. These sentences not only showcase the students' language proficiency, but also reflect their creativity, intelligence, and unique perspectives.

One sentence that particularly impressed me was written by a student named Emily. She wrote, "In a world where you can be anything, be kind." This simple yet profound sentence not only demonstrates Emily's excellent grasp of the English language, but also conveys a powerful message about the importance of kindness and empathy in today's society. I was truly touched by the wisdom and maturity displayed in this sentence, and it made me realize the immense potential and depth of character that Emily possesses.

Another student, named David, wrote a sentence that left me in awe of his creativity and imagination. He wrote, "The stars whispered secrets to the moon, painting the night sky with tales of love and longing." This beautifully crafted sentence not only showcases David's mastery of language and poetic sensibility, but also reveals his ability to evoke emotions and create vivid imagery through words. I was captivated by the beauty and eloquence of this sentence, and it reminded me of the power of language to transport us to other worlds and evoke deep emotions within us.

Overall, I am truly impressed by the talent and creativity displayed by my students in their English writing. Each sentence they write is a reflection of their unique voice, perspective, and personality, and it is a joy for me to witness their growth and development as language learners. I am confident that with their dedication, passion, and hard work, they will continue to produce more beautiful and inspiring English sentences that will touch the hearts and minds of others.

赞美同学的英文句子 篇二

As a teacher of English as a second language, I have had the privilege of reading some truly exceptional English sentences written by my students. These sentences not only showcase the students' language skills, but also reveal their creativity, intelligence, and passion for learning.

One sentence that stood out to me was written by a student named Sarah. She wrote, "The sun kissed the horizon goodnight, painting the sky in a symphony of colors." This poetic and evocative sentence not only demonstrates Sarah's mastery of language and imagery, but also reveals her ability to capture the beauty and wonder of the world around her. I was deeply moved by the elegance and artistry of this sentence, and it reminded me of the power of language to transport us to new and magical worlds.

Another student, named Michael, wrote a sentence that left me in awe of his analytical thinking and intellectual depth. He wrote, "In a society that values conformity, the rebel is often the true visionary." This thought-provoking sentence not only showcases Michael's critical thinking skills and philosophical insight, but also challenges societal norms and encourages us to think differently. I was impressed by the courage and wisdom displayed in this sentence, and it reminded me of the importance of questioning the status quo and embracing our individuality.

Overall, I am constantly amazed by the talent and creativity of my students when it comes to writing in English. Each sentence they write is a testament to their unique voice, perspective, and personality, and it is a joy for me to witness their growth and development as language learners. I am confident that with their dedication, passion, and hard work, they will continue to produce more brilliant and thought-provoking English sentences that will inspire and enlighten others.

赞美同学的英文句子 篇三

1. 看过电影《一声叹息》,请谈谈对男主角这段表白的深入体会:“婚外恋这事儿,哪对方是个小仙女,也千万别去碰!”

2. Great  伟大的

3. 我为自己的心感到骄傲。它曾受戏弄,曾经心焦,曾遭破碎,却依然鲜活跳动。

4. The job was hard, which made me so tired that I almost quit half way.

5. 早晨,太阳公公用他那温暖轻柔的手臂把大地从梦中唤醒,金色的阳光铺满大地。

6. 胜利的门常常虚掩着,只需你英勇去推,它就会豁然洞开。

7. Classes in our school usually finish at four in the afternoon.

8. 从我遇见你的那天起,我做的每一件事,都是为了靠近你。

9. 那个女孩寂寞美丽的舞蹈,她闭上眼睛试着去想象有人和她一起尽情跳舞。跳舞。她可以抱着她一生的热情、怀着感恩的心和那个人一直跳舞到死。

10. I will greet this day with love in my heart.

11. 提醒着我是不是该存在,存在在你不存在的存在。

12. 在蝉鸣声中醒来,夏日早晨,朝晕早已穿透了窗权,从蝉配合鸟声便似真啼:一只只婉转轻唱,交织成一阀颂歌,不止惊梦,该是唤起了万物的灵性啊!

13. 我和你在一起的时候压力好大啊!谁让你这么优秀啦!

14. Take the essence and discard the dregs.

15. 你感觉到生命的转瞬即逝的刹那。

16. 身处暗夜,也要坚强,为着阳光舞蹈。

17. But what these people fail to see is that international tourism may bring about a disastrous impact on our environment and local history.

18. 故乡的早晨,是那么的宁静,那么的纯洁,那么的美丽。黎明的曙光揭去夜幕的轻纱,吐出灿烂的朝霞。

19. Your work on that project was incredible.

20. 只见老师扬起双手,惦起脚尖,做出留头似的旋转。这时,她像一只在空中飞旋的天鹅;又像在地面翩翩起舞的孔雀。老师那阿娜的身姿,仿佛与音乐溶为一体;那柔软的身体衬托出了舞者高贵的美!我陶醉了,从此我便爱上了舞蹈。

21. No your days, the habit of loneliness, has accepted your departure.

22. Live beautifully, dream passionately, love completely.

23. Success?comes?from?doing?what?you?really?love?and?what?you?are?really?good?at. 只有做自己真正喜欢并且擅长的事时,才有可能取得成功。

24. 我爱荷花池,它虽没有西湖那样浓妆淡抹,没有长江那样气势磅礴,没有瘦西湖那样宁静柔和,就是这样一个小池子,带个人们的感觉却是无景能比的。

25. A proper part-time job does not occupy students’too much time. In fact, it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study. As an old saying goes: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

26. The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible”。

27. I have the confidence that we will have a great time there. Looking forward to your reply. 我有信心我们在那里会玩得很开心。期待您的回复。

28. Blessed?is?he?whose?fame?does?not?outshine?his?truth.——Tagore ?有福之人,是因为他的真实比他的名誉更耀眼。——泰戈尔

29. 小蜜瓜羞得满脸通红,只好硬着头皮向心兰老师请教。

30. Good Job  干的出色(名言网)

31. 一阵颤栗从她左手指尖传至肩膀,又从肩膀传至右手指尖。手上的银钏也随之振动,她完全没有刻意做作,每一个动作都是自然而流畅,仿佛出水的白莲。

32. 强者孤独的背后是辉煌,弱者孤独的身后是凄凉。

33. 你不去面对又怎么能去改变呢。

34. Bravo  好啊!妙!

35. Gratitude is the sign of noble souls。感恩是精神高尚的标志。

36. Time and tide wait for no man. 时不我待。

37. 片片的荷叶,如母亲的手接着雨,是慈爱的、温厚的,以至于那雨被感化,悠忽间轻微地嘤嘤低泣着滚落在母亲的手里,恋恋地隐入荷塘里。那声音,初起时的渺渺茫茫,而后却已然是浩浩荡荡,妙不可言。没有残荷的凄楚,没有淡雾的缠绵,它的好处任凭你去万般形容也说不出,只能深深地去感受……

38. 比起隔着屏幕互道晚安,我更想为你盖好被子。

39. 以为会回到以前看来是我自作多情了对不起。

40. 吃的苦中苦,方为人上人!

41. For another reason, I think it will be much more convenient for you to look after you parents as they are getting old.

42. 你是我半生里消磨不尽的颓唐,蹉跎岁月亦难忘却的痴心妄想。

43. 多少人为了另一半,由胖变瘦,由爱变恨,由单纯变堕落。

44. I missed you but I missing you。 我已错过你但我仍在想念你。

45. I am a person who often laughs, but I am not always happy.

46. I Like You  我喜欢你

47. 笛子吹起,小鼓敲起,歌声唱起,卡拉玛开始舞蹈了。她用她的长眉,妙目,手指,腰肢;用她髻上的花朵,腰间的褶裙;用她细碎的舞步,繁响的铃声,轻云般慢移,旋风般疾转,舞蹈出诗句里的离合悲欢。

48. The world is like a mirror: Frown at itand it frowns at you; smile, and it smiles too。世界犹如一面镜子:朝它皱眉它就朝你皱眉,朝它微笑它也朝你微笑。

49. Now, I think it is really successful experience, and I totally understand what labor means.

50. Keep on going never give up.勇往直前, 决不放弃!

51. 一阵雷雨过后,我信步来到荷塘。这时荷塘四周还没赏荷的人。我缓步走近池边,一阵淡淡的幽香袭人而来,沁人心脾。俯视池中,只见荷花娇艳,翠叶鲜嫩,宛如朵朵美玉洒落在微波荡漾的湖面上,比朱自清笔下的荷塘更有一番令人心旷神怡的景象。

52. A Big Hug

53. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that a part-time job can produce a far-reaching impact on students and they should be encouraged to take part-time job, which will benefit students and their families, even the society as a whole.

54. “清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰”,这是荷花的真实写照。然而,这么美好的花,却不需要人们专门施肥、松土,没有一个花房或花坛能适合它生长。它的头上只有广阔的天空和淡淡的白云;它只是宁静、充实而顽强地生长着。它并不想取悦人类,但却给人们带来愉悦、欢欣和享受。

55. 人生下来就是为了爱;爱是人生的原则和唯一的目的。

56. 她是一位活泼可爱的小女孩,白净的瓜子脸,弯弯的眉毛下一双水灵灵的眼睛。她爱唱歌,更爱跳舞,还参加了校舞蹈队呢!她穿着那件红地白花的连衣裙,跳舞时,动作优美极了!

57. 你改变不了环境,但你可以改变自己;你改变不了事实,但你可以改变态度;你改变不了过去,但你可以改变现在!

58. 纷纷红紫已成空,布谷声中夏令新;夹路桑麻行不尽,始知身是太平人。

59. For the sake of how many people hate, from the other half to become fat.

60. Being nice to someone you Dislike doesn’t mean you’re a Fake. It means you’re Mature enough to Tolerate your dislike towards them. 能够善待不太喜欢的人, 并不代表你虚伪, 而意味着你内心成熟到可以容纳这些不喜欢。

61. 只因在人群中多看了你一眼,这一生都沦陷在你的眼里。

62. 牵着你的手,一直走到最后,这一刻,怎么回头。

63. don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。

64. Now You've Got It  现在你做到了

65. 天渐渐亮了,校园里响起了琅琅的读书声,勤快的值日生开始忙碌着打扫清洁区。整个校园又燃起了勃勃的生机。这自然界与人的和谐,凝聚了这校园的美丽。

66. 你能不能稍微告诉我一声,你想我了,小点声。

67. 从现在起,我便默默一生,独揽着,世间的芳华。

68. 老公每天晚上悄悄放我书包里的苹果,让我第二天在办公室有水果吃。

69. As long as we are together, the destination does not matter.

70. At the same time, along with the benefits of such machines, employees must study knowledge involved in such machines so that they are able to control them.

71. 许多名人、诗人都爱赞美绿油油的春天、黄通通的秋天、还有那白茫茫的冬天,但却极少见到赞美夏天的文章。可见,夏天是个不讨人喜爱的季节。是啊,以前的我,也讨厌夏天。只要夏天一到,那些蚊子、蟑螂和蝉鸣便会出来骚扰你,那火红的太阳照的人睁不开眼,连出去玩的兴趣也没有,只有躺在家里吹着空调,是我在夏天最喜欢做的事情了。但是那一年,我改变了对夏天的看法。

72. Start slow - praise your wife's clothing when possible. 慢慢开始 --- 在可能的时候,赞美你妻子的衣服。

73. 或许我真的很没用,没有能力留住每一个我不想失去的人。

74. The stupid speak of the past, the wise of the present, and fools of the future.

75. You have a good taste.

76. 夏天真美好,“呱,呱呱呱!”是谁再喊。哦,原来是一只小青蛙再蹦蹦跳跳,好像很喜欢这美好时光。雨沥沥地下着,为夏季也织上了价值名贵的丝绵。

77. 阳光透过淡薄的云层,照耀着白茫茫的大地,反射出银色的光芒,耀得人眼睛发花。

78. 我和你在一起的时候压力好大啊!谁让你这么优秀啦!讨厌死你了!

79. understand yourself in order to better understanding others.知己方能解人。

80. 书籍好比一架梯子,它能引导我们登上知识的殿堂。

81. 夏山如碧:夏天里的山一片碧绿如玉。

82. Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness. 要因他大能的作为赞美他,按着他极美的大德赞美他。

83. 素肌不污无邪,晓来玉破瑶池里。亭亭翠盖,盈盈素靥,时妆净洗。太液波翻,霓裳舞罢,销魂流水。甚仍然、旧日浓香淡粉,花不似,人憔悴。欲唤凌波仙子。泛扁舟、浩波千里。只愁回想,冰帘半掩,明?乱坠。月影凄迷,露华零落,小阑谁倚。共芳盟,犹有双栖雪鹭,夜寒惊起。

84. 音乐是人类的共同语言。——朗费罗

85. 有一次,雨中走过荷池,一塘的绿云绵延,独有一朵半开的红莲挺然其间。

86. I Have Confidence In Your Judgment

87. Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。

88. Gods determine what you‘re going to be. -- Julius Erving

89. This issue has caused wide public concern.

90. 害怕一个人的独白,害怕一个人的舞台,害怕孤独的未来。

91. 你就好像是上品的西湖龙井 那种淡淡的苦涩是你的成熟越品你越有味道你有时候是不是特孤独?世界上这么优秀的人就只有你一个!我和你在一起的时候压力好大啊 !谁让你这

92. The Red Star Television Factory, which produces TV sets of quality, was set up in the 1980’s.

93. 艺术的生命比个人的生命更为永久。——高尔基

94. how can i believe that there is still pure love in this world?让我如何相信,这世界上还有一尘不染的爱情。

95. You're Unique  你太不寻常了

96. 夏天是多姿多彩的,沉静的是湖蓝,纯洁的是乳白,高贵的是米黄,热烈的是大红,典雅的是银灰,庄重的是墨黑……缤纷的色彩把温煦的夏日画满了。清雅的雏菊、馥郁的郁金香、娇艳的山茶花、妖娆的牡丹……芬芳的香气把幽幽的庭院溢满了。脆亮的蛙鼓、知了的聒噪、蚊蚋的低吟、婉转的鸟叫……丰富的声响把轻飘的空气充满了,这就是夏的神韵。

97. 孤独着,伤口藏的很深。泪在我掌心精疲力尽的舞蹈。

98. 男人哭吧哭吧不是罪,疲惫的时候也需要人安慰,工作的时候不要太劳累,该休息时休息该睡时睡,身体健康是为自己不是为了谁。世界男性健康日,愿身体健康,事业有成!

99. 如果舞蹈正确,它不应该有任何多余的动作。

100. 闷热无风,柳条无精打采的垂着,纹丝不动,水泥路上被晒的泛出点点银光,仿佛一切都要融化了,这只是某些地方。江南的夏天不光都是如此,就像此刻在这古城内,天气好比三四月,不热不冷,恰到好处,视线所及处都是风景,看着那青山绿水心里顷刻间便会静了下来,融化进这片天地之中。

101. Nothing is impossible!

102. I missed a lot, I always one sad。我错过了很多,我总是一个人难过。

103. Storms make trees take deeper roots.风暴使树木深深扎根。

104. 我继续跳着,永恒的创造之舞,创作者与创作融成完整的喜悦。我持续跳着、跳着跳着,跳到只剩下舞蹈。迈克尔杰克逊。

105. 那是一个久旱不雨的夏天,炎热的太阳烤得田里的老泥鳅都翻白了,村边的小溪,溪水一下低了几寸,那些露在水面的石头,陡地变大了。

106. 走过了春的旎旖,迎来了夏的蓬勃,是这般的缤纷着绚丽,灿烂着热烈。这夏天很美丽啊,承接着春的生机,蕴含着秋的成熟,展现了抖擞激荡着夏的精神。

107. 城市愈大,就愈感到孤独。年纪越大,就愈感到孤单。

108. The three armies can take advantage of the game.

109. hang on to your dreams.追逐梦想。

110. I sincerely believe that.

111. Failure is the mother of success.

112. 荷花千姿百态,亭亭玉立。有的还是花苞呢,像一个个害羞的小姑娘;有的含苞欲放;还有的盛开怒放,像一个个刚出嫁的新娘子。全开的花最好看,粉红色的花瓣,黄色的花蕊,可爱极了!

113. You're a really strong person.

114. As a proverb says, /( As is well known to us,) storms make trees take deeper roots.

115. That's Incredible

116. You have to believe in yourself. That‘s the secret of success. -- Charles Chaplin

117. Our holy and our beautiful house, where our fathers praised thee, is burned up with fire: and all our pleasant things are laid waste. 我们圣洁华美的殿,就是我们列祖赞美你的所在,被火焚烧。 我们所羡慕的美地,尽都荒废。

118. xxxYou can not control the weather, but you can change the mood. You can not change the appearance, but you can control yourself. You can not predict the future, but you can cherish today.xxx

119. love the neighbor. but don‘t get caught.要用心去爱你的邻居,不过不要让她的老公知道。

120. 街舞跳街舞使人注意力集中,舞蹈动作优美而随意同时,跳街舞可以通过消耗全身脂艾杨格瑜伽非常注重人体的正确的摆放生理结构,骨胳肌肉的功能等,强调体位动作的,我们就不能不佩服这个利用的精妙因为,郭蕾老师为这节课设计的教学目标主要就是揣摩关键词句人物的.语言动作神态描写在塑造人物形象中的表达效果这也正是。

121. I wish the motherland prosperous, beautiful harmony. 共祝祖国繁昌盛、美丽和谐。

122. Like father,like son.有其父必有其子。

123. 舞蹈是脚步的诗歌。——德莱顿

124. Television is harmful to developing minds.

125. Never give up,Never lose the opportunity to succeed.

126. China is becoming more and more prosperous because of the reform and “opening up” policy.

127. xxxNot so much the pain of others, you, as that their cultivation is not enough.xxx

128. I wish our country a prosperous Long live the motherland 我希望我们的祖国繁荣昌盛祖国万岁

129. You Figured It Out  你搞懂了

130. Truth is the daughter of time.时间见真理。

131. Real dream is the other shore of reality.

132. 赞美朋友

133. 舞蹈很苦,只有坚持过后才是美丽的开始!

134. The word 'impossible' is not in my dictionary.

135. Any one thing, as long as be most willing to, always simple。任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,总是能够变得简单。

136. 春天,那太阳暖洋洋的,它伸出漫暖的大手,摩挲得人浑身舒坦。

赞美同学的英文句子 篇四

1. 每天我的动力就是见到你,并和你说说话。

2. I need him like I need the air to breathe。间隔使两颗心靠得更近。

3. You look great today.

4. 早晨,温暖的阳光透过窗户,小鸟在树枝上欢快的唱着歌,小河哗啦啦流水。

5. 树缝里也漏着一两点路灯光,没精打彩的,是渴睡人的眼。

6. 宋朝诗人周敦颐曾在《爱莲说》中赞美荷花,使众人为之倾倒。我也喜欢荷花,她那柔美的身姿吸引了我,让我如痴如醉,它那朴实高洁的不凡品质,让我迷恋。我要向荷花那样:“出污泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”。

7. 你舞姿轻灵,身轻似燕,身体软如云絮,双臂柔若无骨,步步生莲花般地舞姿,如花间飞舞的蝴蝶,如潺潺的流水,如深山中的明月,如小巷中的晨曦,如荷叶尖的圆露,使我如饮佳酿,醉得无法自抑。

8. 我很孤独。孤独得像一颗星球。一个人出门,一个人回家,一个人买东西,一个人做饭,一个人醒来,一个人睡着。生活可以多么健康,但不知怎么,我就是一个人。 寂静捣毁着我的生活,就像野兽捣毁一个村庄。

9. Important people, less and less people left more and more important. 重要的人越来越少,留下来的人越来越重要。

10. Awesome

11. 每读完一本书,我就完成了一次生命的感悟。

12. 不要为别人怎么看你而烦恼。别人的看法并不重要,重要的是你怎么看待你自己。

13. 冬天的早晨,满天雾气腾腾,十步不见人影,大杨树上乌鸦不叫了,太阳盖着厚厚的棉被还在睡觉哩!

14. 一个孩子翻着跟头,像车轮在转,真好看!

15. To do the thing you fear, the fear will disappear naturally.

16. 火轮高吐:太阳在空中,发散炽热的温度。

17. 我招了吧,欲擒故纵是假的,想被你爱是真的。

18. 艺术的大道上荆棘丛生,这也是件好事,常人都望而却步,只有意志坚强的人例外。——雨果

19. There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits.

20. You say you're lonely, just like a long time ago, Mars was shining on 13 states.

21. Today,give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.

22. If you find a path with no obstacles,it probably doesn't lead anywhere.

23. Many people insist that.

24. I don't think you know that you are the light of my world and I'm the luckiest person to know you. 我想你不知道你照亮了我的世界,但是认识了你,我成为了那个最幸运的人。

25. 在艺术作品中,最富有意义的部分即是技巧以外的个性。——林语堂

26. 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。

27. 看一场不痛不痒的电影,谈一场没有目的恋爱。

28. One thing I know,that is I know nothing.(Socrates Greek) 我所知道的一件事就是我一无所知。(苏格拉底 古希腊)

29. Never forget to say“thanks”.永远不要忘了说“谢谢”!

30. 舞蹈者的世界是一个美化了、觉醒了的特殊生活世界。

31. Valar morghulis

32. You are the one I have been looking for. 你就是我一直在追寻的幸福。

33. As far as I’m concerned, I am in favor of the opinion that…

34. 我爱你,为了你的幸福,我愿意放弃一切包括你。

35. We're so proud of you.

36. Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right.

37. Exceptional Performance  非同一般的表现

38. 好喜欢你的头发,还喜欢你的嘴唇,真的好性感喔

39. Early to bed and early to rise does good to your health.

40. 孤独是生命里必有的黑暗,它无法穿越,也不可战胜。

41. 绿树成荫:树木枝叶茂密,遮蔽了阳光。

42. Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre 要用角声赞美他,鼓瑟弹琴赞美他。

43. 爱上舞蹈其实很简单,尤其是女生,当你学着融入舞蹈时,你内心便得到了激情,你的格调也会渐渐提升。在舞蹈与音乐的跳动中,你一定会拥有与众不同的灵动气质,也一定对生活有不一样的人生感悟!

44. consider things from every angle.思考问题要全面。

45. 没人喜欢孤独,只不过是受够了失望。

46. 亲爱的老公,你是的大宝贝,你是我的爱,谢谢你。

47. 花朵们收起最后一丝羞涩,像是一位新婚燕尔的美少妇,借了荷花的绿,尽情地舒展着巨大的花瓣,身姿丰满,富贵而艳丽,让人心生迷恋与占有,可她们仿佛无视你的存在,随意摆弄身姿,真可谓可远观不可亵玩也。残缺低垂的花朵,风儿吹弄花瓣,使人感到阵阵心痛,曾经的艳丽在她身上还依稀可见,虽依然挺拔,但显憔悴,颇感怜惜。

48. 夏日的晴空是灿烂的,天是那样的蓝,日光是那样的强烈,天上地下处于一片耀眼的光明之中。一年中,数夏天的太阳最勤劳,一大早就起身了,清晨六点钟就已晨光熹微,晚上六七点钟,眼看月亮就要把它排挤掉了,可勤劳的太阳还逗留着,迟迟不“下班”。

49. 成熟稳重、风流倜傥、风度翩翩、英姿飒爽、八面凌风、聪明能干、有头脑、有深度、有远见、有味道

50. We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.

51. 翠笛,白衣,林枫静静的吹着笛,轻风带起衣袂飘飞,而他身前的凌凝更如临凡仙子,两人搭配成一副绝美的画卷,从未想过两人站在一起竟能如此的和谐,如此的完美。

52. 其实我也知道,你心里是爱我的,很爱很爱的那种。多是由于我太在意了,所以才敏感,才惧怕。

53. 也许我总令您操心,也许我总惹您生气,也许我总烦您快乐,也许我总不能长大。今天男性健康日子,我想对您大声地说,老爸其实我早已长大,一定记住少抽点烟,坚决不喝酒少喝酒,定时外出多多运动,您的健康是全家人的幸福,祝您节日快乐!

54. 你那红嘟嘟地脸蛋闪着光亮,像九月里熟透地苹果一样。

55. Love never dies. 爱情永不死。

56. You won't be afraid of what you're used to, like being alone.

57. 早晨,打开窗户,外面的空气真好,阳光暖暖的照在脸上,好久没有这样的感受了!

58. 夏天是多姿多彩的,沉静的是湖蓝,纯洁的是乳白,高贵的是米黄,热烈的是大红,典雅的是银灰,庄重的是墨黑……缤纷的色彩把温煦的夏日画满了。清雅的雏菊、馥郁的郁金香、娇艳的山茶花、妖娆的牡丹……芬芳的香气把幽幽的庭院溢满了。脆亮的蛙鼓、知了的聒噪、蚊蚋的低吟、婉转的鸟叫……丰富的声响把轻飘的空气充满了,这就是夏的神韵。让冬苏醒,让春灿烂,让夏多姿,让秋辉煌,让生活多彩。有了天地间的滋润,才有了旺盛的生命力。因为有了彼此的关爱,才有了春华秋实。

59. One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for. - 有一天那个人走进了你的生命,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的。

60. I can because i think i can.我行,因为我相信我行!

61. If you have any questions or requests, please let me know.

62. Do one thing at a time, and do well。一次只做一件事,做到最好!

63. Nothing Can Stop You Now

64. Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.

65. 我天性不宜交际。在多数场合,我不是觉得对方乏味,就是害怕对方觉得我乏味。可是我既不愿忍受对方的乏味,也不愿费劲使自己显得有趣,那都太累了。我独处时最轻松,因为我不觉得自己乏味,即使乏味,也自己承受,不累及他人,无需感到不安。(周国平)

66. 这里没有末路,你从不曾孤独。(韩寒)

67. you may only be a person in this world,but for someone,you’re the world.你可能只是实际上的一个人,但对于某人来说,你就是全世界。

68. 地球很大,但让处在世界两端的两个人相遇,又觉得它好小。这是什么?这就是缘分,感谢上苍让我认识了你!

69. 书籍具有不朽的能力。它就是人类活动的最长久的果实。

70. It sucks when you know that you need to let go but you can’t because you’re still waiting for the impossible to happen.你明明知道你需要放手却放不下,因为你还是在等待不可能的发生,这种感觉真的很难受。

71. 习惯了什么你就不会害怕什么,比如孤单。

赞美同学的英文句子 篇五

1. Life is like live TV show. There is no rehearsal.人生没有彩排,只有现场直播。

2. 瞧,红的、白的、粉的,各有各的姿态。看,那一朵藏在荷叶身后,若隐若现,像是和风儿捉迷藏;那一朵开出了一两瓣,似乎伸出小手掌在向我招手;那一朵只开出了外围的一圈,似一个雕刻精细的玲珑玉杯;还有那一个鼓鼓的花苞,犹如一支巨大的神笔插在荷叶丛中,透出一股英气;还有那一朵……真是千姿百态,美不胜收!

3. guarantee the stability and prosperity of our society.

4. 生命的机能是动而舞便是节奏的动,或更准确点,有节奏的移易地点的动,所以它直接是生命机能的表演。

5. 真正懂得的人,从不问为什么!

6. For my part, I agree with the latter opinion for the following reasons:

7. 音乐是唯一可以纵情而不会损害道德的宗教观念的享受。——爱迪生

8. 早晨,含苞欲放的蓓蕾上,晶莹明亮的露珠闪烁着,显得生气勃勃。

9. 荷花是高洁的象征,它出污泥却没有被染上一点污秽,清洁无瑕,许多中国人喜欢荷花的“出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”,所以把这句话为自己洁身自好的座右铭,它是友谊的象征和使者。

10. 孤独这两个字拆开来看,有孩童,有瓜果,有小犬,有蝴蝶,足以撑起一个盛夏傍晚间的巷子口,人情味十足。稚儿擎瓜柳棚下,细犬逐蝶窄巷中,人间繁华多笑语,惟我空余两鬓风。——孩童水果猫狗飞蝶当然热闹,可都和你无关,这就叫孤独。(林语堂)

11. Kindness is the sunshine of social life. 仁慈是社会生活中的阳光。

12. Happiness is a journey, not a destination。幸福是一场旅程,不是终点。

13. Great Discovery  伟大的发现

14. You're Precious  你是宝贵的

15. God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助。

16. 一生把你放在心里头,尽管未必能够长相思守,一生把你放在梦里头,就算已经分手,感谢你多年给我的爱。

17. 清晨是经历了一夜沉睡后苏醒的婴儿,处处都显现着朝气和蓬勃,那花儿,那草儿,是那么的翠绿,让我倍感舒服,我喜欢美丽的清晨,它给我一个美好的开始。

18. 优美轻松的音乐响起,伴着动感的节拍,他们跳动轻快的脚步,挥洒舒放的手臂,扭动柔活的腰身,绽放灿烂的笑容,散发着青春的朝气,展示着运动中的美丽,体验着舞蹈的乐趣。

19. 他的坐着,其实是奔波,他的热闹,其实是孤独。

20. 除了艺术之外,没有更妥善的逃世之方;而要与世界联系,没有一种方法比艺术更好。——歌德

21. Lang Lang said he chose 'My Motherland' for a White House dinner because of its beauty. 朗朗说他在白宫的国宴选择我的祖国是因为它曲调优美。

22. there is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.

23. 老公,你真的很棒。今生能嫁给你是我的幸福!

24. 承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的.飞盘旋然后不见Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover.

25. 成熟的魅力来自于穿着,本来就很帅气的你,现在穿上这件衣服就更能体现你的魅力了

26. 天已经亮了,小窗上流进来清泉一般的晨光,枝头上,小鸟儿在唧唧喳喳地叫个不停。

27. 捧上一杯热茶,帮他卸下一日的劳累;每日多个问候,让在外拼搏的他充满无穷的力量;倾听他的诉说,为他解除心里的烦恼。世界男性健康日,祝愿男性生活幸福,健康快乐。

28. 有些事发生了就不可能忘记,即使忘记,也只是暂时的记不起。

29. We can’t imagine what the world is going to be without purified water.

30. I personally feel that teacher is the most important profession in the world.

31. You're Incredible

32. live well,love lots,and laugh often.善待生活,热爱一切,经常开怀大笑。

33. give oneself a chance to.

34. Personally, I am standing on the side of.

35. 清晨,万籁俱寂,天蒙蒙亮,黑夜正欲隐去,破晓的晨光慢慢唤醒沉睡的生灵。

36. It is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to face the dangers of starvation and exposure.

37. Nothing for nothing.

38. 夏天,象征着百花齐放,意味着天气炎热。夏天,是美好的,是可爱的`,我爱美丽的夏天。

39. 舞者人生重要的不是所站的位置,而是所朝的方向。

40. 满头大汗:夏天热,头上出了很多汗。

41. 清晨,含苞欲放的蓓蕾上,晶莹明亮的露珠闪烁着,显得生气勃勃。

42. Maybe I'm really useless, unable to keep everyone I don't want to lose.

43. 现在的你,还会去走那条你说的很美的小路么?

44. 形容清明节的诗句古诗

45. 黄梅时节家家雨,青草池塘处处蛙--------宋·赵师秀《约客》

46. I wonder if you could tell me more about the trip.

47. A successful relationship requires fall in love many times, always with the the same person. 一段成功的恋情,就是一次次的堕入爱河,与同一个人

48. Those urban planners who are blind to this point will pay a heavy price, which they cannot afford it.

49. 我不知道怎样才能让你真逼真切的感遭到,我是有多么的在意你,我不知道怎样才能让你对我放心,怎样才能让你明白。

50. I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, but I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry. ------ 我知道再回首时,那些眼泪想来可笑;却不知再回眸时,那些欢声笑语也能叫我潸然泪下。

51. We have lots of confidence in our ability to solve any problem.

52. 乌黑的眼珠,像像算盘珠儿似的滴溜溜乱转。

53. Kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕,一石二鸟。

54. All things come to those who wait.

55. 最精采的是蛇舞,颈的轻摇,肩的微颤:一阵一阵的柔韧的蠕动,从右手的指尖,一直传到左手的指尖!

56. 荷花不仅没有牡丹那样华丽高贵,而且没有桂花那样十里飘香。既没有梅花那样顽强不屈,也没有水仙那样朴实秀丽。但是它出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖。这种精神很值得我们学习。

57. You're Improving

58. 天际出现了一抹紫红色的朝晖,像绽开的红玫瑰。

59. 形容古代女子的诗句

60. If all deep love is secret, so just say to that person.如果所有的深爱都是秘密,那么只说给那一个人听就好。

61. Take away love, and our earth is a tomb。My heart is with you。没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。我的爱与你同在。

62. You're A Winner

63. 暑假到来了,同学们都兴高采烈地回家了,这是因为紧张的学习已经结束了,而我也是兴高采烈地回家,但是在放假的时候也要抽出一点时间预习八年级的数学的科目,所以别人在玩的时候我学习,别人在学习的时候我也在学习,俗话说得好,“笨鸟先飞”。

64. Audacity,more audacity, always audacity.—— Georges Danton ?胆大,再胆大,永远胆大。—— 乔治·丹敦

65. 远山披着黛青色的连衣裙,像一位位亭亭玉立的少女凝视着这样的乡村早晨。山林中有几处飘荡着悠悠的白云,那不正像缠在少女身上的丝带吗?

66. open your eyes and see things as they really are.睁大眼睛,看清事实真相。

67. A boy will make you think he loves you, but he really doesn't. A girl will make you think she doesn't love you, when she really does. ------ 很多时候,男人会让你觉得他爱上了你,其实他真没有;而女人会让你觉得她不可能会爱上你,结果她却动了心。

68. 早晨的阳光是宁静淡雅的,没有那种喧闹气息,让人感到心平气和、心旷神怡,我就感受到过那种意境。

69. 对你,不管阴晴圆缺,也不变。

70. 秋天,野草被风吹得渐渐变黄,草地变成了金色的海洋。

71. 你说,爱是唯一,我们那么幸运,我们矢志不渝。

72. 渐渐地,残星闭上昏昏欲睡的眼睛,在晨空中退隐消失。

73. Everyone who doesn't turn off the phone late at night has an expectation that they dare not be strict or miss.

74. 你就是别人口中的别人家的老公,感谢老公的大红包。

75. 夏天是荷花盛开的季节,荷花的颜色分为白色、粉色还有红色的,好看极了!有风的时候,荷花摇摇摆摆像是在跳舞。下过雨以后,荷叶上一颗颗露珠,在阳光的照耀下显得晶莹透明,似乎让所有衰老的花草树木显出了生机。我非常喜欢夏日的荷花。

76. Time is money.时间就是金钱。

77. No words are necessary between two loving hearts。两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。

78. 慢态不能穷,繁姿曲向终。低回莲破浪,混乱雪萦风。坠珥时流?修裾欲溯空。唯愁捉不住,飞去逐惊鸿。

79. Enrich your life today,。yesterday is history。tomorrow is mystery。

80. Put the tree in the hole so that it is straight. 把树放入洞穴中,让它立直。

81. 人前炫耀,人后受罪!

82. 有时候失忆是最好的解脱,沉默是最好的诉说。

83. 生愿如是,无踪,无闻;死愿如是,无人恸哭,悄然离世,不立碑文。

84. From words to deeds is a great space.言行之间,大有距离。

85. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism.

86. All things in their being are good for something.天生我才必有用。

87. 晨风微微吹来,一颗颗晶莹透亮的露珠顺着叶子滑下来,欢快地跳跃着。绿油油的小草在柔和的晨光爱抚下苏醒了,在雨露的洗刷下显得更加绿了。

88. You're Important  你非常重要

89. 来到池塘边,荷花一株株挺立在那儿,它们姿态各异,有的含苞待放,有的张开了两三片花瓣,有的全部盛开了,有的似亭亭玉立的少女……有了荷花,当然少不了荷叶的映衬,荷叶像一把把大伞,为这些少女遮风挡雨,使得这些荷花更加粉嫩,更加秀美。

90. 有些好朋友,真的是不知不觉就疏远了,你连原因都不知道是什么。

91. 一个敏感的人,即使在最痛苦的时候也能找到美的因素。——阿尼克斯特

92. 我走上了一条比记忆还要长的路。陪伴着我的,是朝圣者般的孤独。我脸上带着微笑,心中却充满悲苦。(切·格瓦拉)

93. Great

94. 太空舞步轻盈游滑使人在视觉上产生觉得舞者有不受地心引力又或惯性的错觉。“太空漫步”对舞者的舞蹈基础以及自身对它的认识及理解甚高,不是任何人都可以学得会。因此“太空舞步”被视为一种登峰造极的舞步。

95. 习惯更新你的签名,担心你孤单的心情,害怕你遗弃我们的爱情。

96. Left of reach unfortunately, fall under our memories。留下触不到的可惜,陨落下了我们的回忆。

97. les jeunes sont de cette faon, la douleur dans le dossier avec le bien-être .青春 都是这样 、疼痛中夹带着幸福。

98. Terrific  太妙了

99. It must be noted that improvement in agriculture seems to not be able to catch up with the increase in populati

100. Good  好的

101. You're On Your Way

102. Between two stools one falls to the ground。脚踏两头要落空。

103. Friendship is one of the most precious emotions in our life.

赞美同学的英文句子 篇六

1. 君子之交淡如水。A hedge between keeps friendship green.

2. 亲爱的,你好厉害哦,爱死你了!

3. 在池塘里,一朵朵粉红色的荷花,像一位位穿着粉红衣裳的少女,头上戴着黄色的莲蓬,静静地站在那里。一阵风儿吹来,这些少女们就翩翩起舞。荷花的花瓣上有一层一层的小道儿,看起来更加生机盎然。荷花有的半开着,莲蓬只露出了半个,像小姑娘的头发长得只露出半张脸;有的全开了,露出金黄的花蕊,好像小朋友的脸蛋,笑呀笑呀!

4. 荷花看上去,给人一种雍容大气的感觉。从远处就能闻见荷花,淡淡的、甜甜的清香。荷花的颜色更好看,有粉中透白的、紫中带粉的和洁白如雪的。荷花有全绽开的,向人们一张张灿烂的笑脸。还有半开半合的,像羞涩的少女一样。含苞待放的荷花,正在努力的要开花。人们爱荷花,或许就正爱这一点吧!

5. 生活有时很无奈,有你便不迷茫,人生总是很漫长,有你便不寂寥,不羡慕短暂的刺激,向往平淡的细水长流,时光流失,最令我幸福的是你仍在我身旁!

6. 荷花的清香不但让人陶醉,还引来了美丽的蝴蝶和勤劳的小蜜蜂,蝴蝶在荷花间飞来飞去,好像要和荷花比美似的;小蜜蜂落在小莲蓬上忙着采蜜,还“嗡嗡”地叫着,好像在说:“这里的花粉真香啊!”

7. 感谢上苍,使我与你相遇。愿上苍保佑你的善良和真诚,愿我们常相聚,永不分离。

8. 舞蹈没有留下的手稿,没有挂在墙上的画作,没有出版的诗集,什么都没有。

9. 一个人害怕做的事,往往是他应该做的事。

10. People believe that computer skills will enhance their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.

11. It is certain that if there are fewer people driving, there will be less air pollution.

12. 舞蹈是有节拍的步调,就像诗歌是有韵律的文体一样。——培根

13. 遇见你,是我最美丽的意外。

14. 早晨,几只小鸟儿在我窗边清脆地鸣叫着,那叫声唤醒了我。我轻轻地推开了窗户,一股新鲜而又芳香的空气扑面而来。深深地吸了一口气。啊!这就是雨后的味道,这就是生命的味道。

15. Although rural emigrants contribute greatly to the economic growth of the cities, they may inevitably bring about many negative impacts.

16. I am so sorry that I won’t be able to attend tomorrow’s lecture on American history.

17. However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names。

18. 在电影中摘抄十句经典台词

19. 你越来越成熟了,我发现从此以后一秒也不能离开你了。

20. I love that you are the last person i want to talk to before i go to sleep at night.——你是我晚上睡觉前最想聊天的人,我爱这种感觉。

21. For people who want to live a healthy and meaningful life style, it is important to find time to learn certain new knowledge. Just as an old saying goes: it is never too late to learn.

22. Good habits are the crosscut to success.

23. 我继续跳着,永恒的创造之舞,创作者与创作融成完整的喜悦。我持续跳着、跳着……跳着,跳到只剩下……舞蹈。迈克尔杰克逊

24. 晨曦徐徐拉开了帷幕,又是一个绚丽多彩的早晨,带着清新降临人间。

25. Since when, you are in my heart occupied others, unshakable position.从什么时候开始,你在我心里占据了别人,不可动摇的位置。

26. 哦,早晨的空气真好,好久没有这样的感受了!

27. It may be true that , but it doesn't mean that.

28. 我的冷漠,是你读不懂的骄傲。

29. The shortest way to do many things is to only one thing at a time.--Richard Cech

30. 韵律有一种魔力,它甚至会使我们相信我们怀有最崇高的感情。——歌德

31. You're On Top Of It

32. 我孤身一人走在路上,路上的石子在雾中发亮,夜很安静,荒原面对着天空,星星互诉衷肠。(莱蒙托夫)

33. 明天下雨。我们下个星期去游乐园玩耍。

34. Our heroic motherland stands in the east of the world, shining like the rising sun. All brothers of all nationalities gathers together happily, praising China's rise and prosperity. 英雄的祖国屹立在东方, 像初升的太阳光芒万丈, 各族兄弟欢聚在一堂, 赞美中华的崛起和兴旺。

35. 夏天里,细雨蒙蒙,青稞苗“咕咚咕咚”地喝着雨水,草地上开满了五颜六色的野花。

36. 夏日的早晨,初生的太阳照在脸上,身边的草坪上,露珠在闪闪发光,清凉的微风在身边抚过,有时还带着一丝谈谈的花香,多美的早晨啊!

37. Believe in the will of the God. There is nothing in this world that happened by accident.

38. These events allow them to see, to see your style of great power. 祖国啊,祖国,

39. 你们生活在狭隘的人世上,任凭凭命运的摆布,而我在我的世界里,感到永生不灭和凄凉。(米哈伊·爱明内斯库)

40. 天边的晨星和山上的点点灯光,隐隐约约地倒映在湖水中。

41. 你亲我一下,我就留在你身边。

42. 因为有你,我变得充满活力;因为有你,我改变了生活方式;因为有你,我的生活更加精彩!不敢想象没有你世界会变成什么样。

43. I’m disappointed in the performance of our team at the sports meeting.

44. Despite many obvious advantages of bicycle, it is not without its problem.

45. This dress looks good on you.

46. Energy and persistence conquer all things. -- Benjamin Franklin

47. 舞蹈跳的就是文化,跳的就是一个人的文化底蕴。——王永刚

48. 舞蹈是人体造型上“动的艺术”。

49. want it more that anything.必须之物最重要。

50. Any government, which is blind to this point, may pay a heavy price.

51. Gentle to have, but not compromise, I want to be in quiet, not strong. 温柔要有,但不是妥协,我要在安静中,不慌不忙的坚强。

52. A man's best friends are his ten fingers.

53. A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate. -- Thomas Addison

54. 心无定数,自然迷茫,心无定所,自然孤独。

55. Only love name2012 influence, and can realize born inspiration. 只有爱情的熏陶,才能体会到与生俱来的灵感。

56. 肤色古铜,五官轮廓分明而艰深,如同希腊的雕塑,阴晦艰深的冰眼珠,显得狂野不拘,邪魅性感。他的立体的五官刀刻般俊美,整小我发出一种威震全国的王者之气,***而俊美的脸上此时噙着一抹豪恣放任不拘的微笑。

57. 老公,就是那个白天吵架不理你、闹得不可开交,而半夜为你拉好踢开的被角的“小气男人”。

58. Every man has his faults.金无足赤,人无完人。

59. Every man is a poet when he is in love. (Plato ancient Creek philosopher) 每个恋爱中的人都是诗人。(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)

60. 如果自己不够强大,再喜欢的舞蹈放在你面前你也驾驭不了,只能乖乖的看着!这就叫:心有舞,而功不足!

61. 轻步曼舞像燕子伏巢、疾飞高翔像鹊鸟夜惊。美丽的舞姿闲婉柔靡,机敏的迅飞体轻如风。她的妙态绝伦,她的素质玉洁冰清。修仪容操行以显其心志,独自驰思于杳远幽冥。志在高山表现峨峨之势,意在流水舞出荡荡之情。

62. I thought I would go back to the past. I'm sorry.

63. While there is life there is hope. ·

64. Today, our great motherland is the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the big day, 60-year-old mother of our country's birthday the big day. 今天正是我们伟大的祖国建国六十周年的大日子,我们祖国妈妈xx岁生日的大日子。

65. Albert Einstein: Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.

66. 我只是个平凡的女子,没有漂亮的外观,只有一颗向善的心,希望老公包容我的坏的时候,也能看到我的好!曾经,你老婆有过一段爱情,不能说失败,也许不适合吧,伤痕累累的结束,疗伤到走出那个氛围,而我,也懂得了好多。

67. Some things happen can not be forgotten, even if forgotten, but only temporarily can not remember.

68. 夕阳西下,大地在瞬间笼上了一片金黄,荷花池里水波荡漾。小荷默默地注视着远方的夕阳,它依然微笑着迎接夜晚的来临,就这样默默地。

69. You're really talented.

70. 当表情真正和节奏结合的时候,就好像江水入大海和林鸟夜归巢那样,会使人感到舒畅和安慰。

71. 我喜欢,我喜欢满目苍翠的夏天,因为夏天可纵情泳池游泳。夏天给孩子们带来欢乐,他们是夏季里最快乐的天使。我喜欢,我喜欢狂风暴雨的夏天,因为夏雨是那么豪爽干脆。夏天的荷花给我们露出笑脸,夏天的荷叶向我们展示魅力。

72. 清晨,晶莹透明的露水在荷叶上晃动,一阵风吹来,荷叶上的露珠像断了线的珍珠一样往下流。

73. Distance makes the hearts grow fonder。 距离使两颗心靠得更近。

74. she is well-endowed.

75. A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.


