
时间:2012-01-05 09:28:50
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控制情绪的英语句子 篇一

Emotions are a natural part of being human, but it's important to learn how to control them in order to maintain healthy relationships and overall well-being. Here are some English sentences that can help you manage your emotions effectively:

1. "Take a deep breath and count to ten before responding to a stressful situation."

2. "Remind yourself that it's okay to feel angry, but it's not okay to lash out at others."

3. "Focus on the things that you can control, rather than the things that are out of your hands."

4. "Practice positive self-talk to boost your confidence and reduce negative emotions."

5. "Engage in physical activity to release pent-up emotions and relieve stress."

6. "Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist when you're feeling overwhelmed by your emotions."

7. "Set boundaries with people who consistently trigger negative emotions in you."

8. "Practice mindfulness and meditation to stay present and calm in the face of challenging emotions."

9. "Challenge irrational thoughts and beliefs that may be fueling your negative emotions."

10. "Remember that it's okay to ask for help when you're struggling to control your emotions."

By incorporating these English sentences into your daily routine, you can develop the skills needed to manage your emotions in a healthy way and lead a more fulfilling life.

控制情绪的英语句子 篇二

Emotions can often feel overwhelming, but learning how to control them is essential for maintaining your mental and emotional well-being. Here are some English sentences that can help you regulate your emotions effectively:

1. "Practice gratitude to shift your focus from negative emotions to positive ones."

2. "Express your feelings through journaling or creative outlets to process and release pent-up emotions."

3. "Take breaks when you're feeling overwhelmed to prevent emotional burnout."

4. "Set realistic goals for yourself to avoid feeling frustrated or disappointed."

5. "Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation to balance out negative emotions."

6. "Practice empathy and see things from other people's perspectives to reduce conflict and anger."

7. "Learn to forgive yourself and others for past mistakes to let go of lingering negative emotions."

8. "Establish a routine that includes self-care practices to nurture your emotional well-being."

9. "Practice assertiveness to communicate your needs and boundaries effectively."

10. "Remember that it's okay to feel a range of emotions, but it's important to manage them in a healthy way."

By incorporating these English sentences into your daily life, you can develop the skills needed to control your emotions and navigate life's ups and downs with greater ease and resilience.

控制情绪的英语句子 篇三

控制情绪的英语句子 精选74句

1. If you think that you don't make a mistake but people still blaming on you, fight for that.

2. 如果你认为自己没错,却有人在指责你,怼回去!

3. 情绪是变幻莫测的。

4. 你有乐观的情绪,就说明你已经很接近成功了。

5. 情绪好像是我们心里的“保安系统”。

6. Listen carefully then reply perfectly. If you don't understand

anything then ask it again then make a reply.

7. 情绪是一种看不到、摸不着的东西。

8. Mark your failure & make that your stamp.

9. 忍一时,风平浪静;退一步,海阔天空。

10. 情绪是一幅五颜六色的水彩画。

11. Always try to smile. Even at your bad situation.

12. 情绪像多变的天气,在我们思想的天空变幻。

13. Keep your emotion in you

14. They choose a white day for their engagement.

15. 人的情绪是善变的。

16. 三思后行,现在或过去的每一步都要脚踏实地。

17. 情绪就是多一点色彩,多一点笑容。

18. 努力做到自我满足。知足常乐。

19. 人生是波折的,情绪是变化的。

20. He is the kind of person who calls white black.

21. 别再说谎了,我是认真的,别再说谎了,一个字都不行。

22. I can't even talk about it, except to you, because anybody else would think I was yellow.

23. 牢记失败,以之为鉴。

24. 朋友伤心,我就伤心;朋友开心,我才开心。

25. 情绪就像一块自编的地毯,全看你自己喜欢用哪种颜色。

26. 情绪就像春天天气一样,乍暖乍寒,让人难以摸透。

27. 情绪,就像天气一样善变,你要学会控制。

28. 情绪有时像一片小小的叶子,每一个叶子都有自己的长处和短处。

29. 情绪像天气一样变幻莫测。

30. They came out of the bank carrying the money and the police caught them red-handed.

31. 情绪是片美丽的彩霞,生动有趣,很有色彩。

32. 七彩的彩虹是心情。

33. Henry was beaten black and blue, you can't see a white spot about him.

34. 人生的一大乐事就是让别人快乐。

35. 情绪如五味瓶,每一瓶都是不同的味。

36. 怒——拿别人的怒气来对自己惩罚。

37. Think about the job you really want. If it’s neither the company nor the colleagues that you hate, then it’s probably the job. So what kind of job do you really want? What will make you excited? Do you want to change careers? Have you looked at job vacancies in other departments? Think about it carefully. Look before you leap.

38. 情绪像音符,像虹彩,像阳光,无时无刻不拨动我们的心弦。

39. Stop Facebooking/ twitting

40. 情绪是一个永远挖不到底的,我们只要认真地去对待情绪,尽情去体验,就能进入“矿藏”的深处。

41. 人生的喜怒哀乐是指引你前进的明灯。

42. Don't let others talk over you

43. 别再看Facebook/推特了

44. Never judge others

45. 总要面带微笑,即使自己境况不好。

46. 伤心——再坚强的人也有脆弱的时候;生气——再美的东西都是丑的;高兴——世界上万物都是美的;恐惧——身边的万物都有可能是自己的“敌人”。

47. 情绪是反映你心灵的窗户,愉快的心情能使你的生命变得美丽。

48. 如果某件事你懂一点儿,那就把它变成你所擅长的。擅长的事都不要免费去做!擅长的事能帮你赚钱维持生计。

49. 情绪是一朵未开的花,只有你能让它绽放。

50. 情绪一本书,让人回味。

51. 人生最开心的事是打倒了别人,人生最悲伤的事是别人打倒自己。

52. 永远不要评判别人

53. We will soon be out of the red.

54. 人生最重要的情绪是喜。

55. 情绪是五彩的。

56. 别再往Facebook/推特上发东西了。

57. Think before you move. Count every single step you make & made.

58. Try to be a own satisfied person. Stay happy with what you have.

59. 人们的言行往往会染上浓浓的情绪色彩。

60. 不要被别人说服

61. 仔细倾听,认真答复。如果有什么不明白的,多问一遍再回答。

62. Stop Lying. I'm serious. Stop lying. Not a single word.

63. I'm glad that he is not so black as he is painted.

64. If you know something good then be the perfect one in that. If you are good at anything, never do it for free!! That will help you to earn and to maintain your life.

65. 人们的健康好坏就在于是否能够制怒。

66. 怒——就是使自己的气愤发泄出来。

67. 情绪就像那多变的天气,让人捉摸不定。

68. Manage your stress. Sometimes, it’s the stress or fatigue that makes us feel miserable. Learn how to achieve work-life balance. If your office environment or your colleagues stress you out, learn to make a “shield” so they won’t affect you. Do take up a hobby and give it your best efforts.

69. 情绪不外露

70. He insisted on putting the agreement down in black and white.

71. Stop posting everything in Facebook/Twitter

72. 你感到烦恼、悲伤时,就走到美丽的地方去。

73. 你的大脑控制着你的情绪,同样,你的情绪决定着你的未来。

74. 如果说生气是一张弓,那悲哀正是组织那张弓的弦。


