
时间:2017-01-02 04:39:25
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2017高考加油英文句子 篇一

As the 2017 National College Entrance Examination is approaching, students all over the country are busy preparing for this crucial test. The pressure is high, but with determination and hard work, success is within reach. Here are some motivational English sentences to help you stay focused and motivated during this challenging time:

1. "Believe you can and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt

Believing in yourself is the first step towards achieving your goals. Stay confident and trust in your abilities.

2. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Dream big and never underestimate the power of your dreams. Keep your goals in sight and work towards them with passion and dedication.

3. "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer

Find joy in the process of studying and preparing for the exam. Enjoy the journey and success will follow.

4. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs

Embrace the challenges of studying for the high school entrance examination and see it as an opportunity to grow and improve. Love the process and the results will come.

5. "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." - C.S. Lewis

No matter what the outcome of the exam, remember that it is just one step in your journey. Keep setting new goals and dreaming new dreams, and you will continue to grow and succeed.

Stay strong, stay positive, and keep pushing forward. Good luck in the 2017 National College Entrance Examination!

2017高考加油英文句子 篇二

The 2017 National College Entrance Examination is a milestone moment for many students in China. The pressure and expectations can be overwhelming, but with the right mindset and preparation, success is within reach. Here are some encouraging English sentences to inspire you as you prepare for this important exam:

1. "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer

Find joy in the process of studying and preparing for the exam. Remember that your happiness and passion for learning are the real keys to success.

2. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Dream big and believe in yourself. Visualize your success and work towards it with determination and perseverance.

3. "Believe you can and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt

Have confidence in your abilities and trust that you have what it takes to succeed. Positive thinking can go a long way in helping you achieve your goals.

4. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs

Approach your studies with enthusiasm and a love for learning. Embrace the challenges and see them as opportunities for growth and improvement.

5. "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." - C.S. Lewis

No matter what the outcome of the exam, remember that there are always new goals to set and dreams to pursue. Keep moving forward and never stop believing in yourself.

As you prepare for the 2017 National College Entrance Examination, remember to stay positive, stay focused, and believe in yourself. Good luck!

2017高考加油英文句子 篇三

1. 以分秒的计时冲刺高考,以人生的拼搏努力前行。

2. 保持平常心,营造好环境,扬起常笑脸,轻松迎高考。

3. 真才实学浑不怕,文思隽永倍潇洒。

4. 只要努力了,就一定会成功的,祝你高考大捷!

5. 成功一定有方法,失败一定有原因。

6. 相信你会考出满意的成绩,榜上有名!

7. 远大抱负始于高中,辉煌人生起于今日。

8. 不苦不累高三无味,不鲜不香后勤的罪!

9. 只要思想不滑坡,办法总比困难多。

10. 人贵知足,唯学不然。

11. 还有足够的机会改变。

12. 读书之乐乐陶陶,起并明月霜天高。

13. 祝你高考取得好成绩!

14. 你一定会成功的,好好考吧。祝高考一切顺利成功!美梦成真!

15. 有问有答风景这边独好,动口动脑风华此时正茂。

16. 人生的成功不过是在紧要处有一份坚持。

17. 走过高考,前面是一片新天地,2021高考加油!

18. 终有一天,相约巅峰欢呼起舞!祝考试顺利!

19. 放弃时间的人时间也在放弃他。

20. 拼搏改变命运,励志照亮人生。

21. 蚌下苦轼的时候是不作声的,献出来的终于是明珠。

22. 志在山顶的人,不会贪念山腰的风景。

23. 只要比别人更努力,相信自己一定会成功。

24. 扬帆起远航,不负青春梦。

25. 自己选择的路,跪着也要走下去。

26. 为青春,为梦想,奋斗!坚持!祝你高考顺利!

27. 冷静沉着,审慎思考,艰难困苦,玉汝于成。

28. 多一点细心,少一点后悔。多一份勤奋,少一份后悔。

29. 历经苦寒,方得梅香。

30. 知你高考得成功,祝福你的人生一路顺风!

31. 考完一门忘一门,让自己尽量放松,好好休息。希望你一举高中喔!

32. 信心是力量的源泉,坚持是成功的保证。

33. 祝福你在高考中一举夺魁,榜上有名,考入心中理想的大学!

34. 如果刀刃怕伤了自己而不与磨刀石接触,就永远不会锋利。

35. 生活的悲剧性,不在于一个人输了,而在于他差一点赢了。

36. 注意休息多放松,按时睡觉书莫碰;决战高考你,金榜题名创辉煌!

37. 我相信你一定成功!加油,等你好消息!

38. 高考在即,保持良好精神状态,相信你一定能超常发挥、马到成功!

39. 再搏百天,成功在望!相信自己,百炼成钢!

40. 付出汗水,收获成功。付出的所有代价,都是为了更好的明天。

41. 加油,所有高三学子!

42. 考前一个月就是冲刺。养兵千日,用兵一时。

43. 祝心想事成,前程似锦!

2017高考加油英文句子 篇四

1. 苦战百日,前程无量。

2. 面对梦想和未来,希望各位每一步都能够走得坚定勇敢!

3. 总得分手,总得追求。来日方长,我们总有相逢的时候。高考顺利!

4. 高考试卷的“前120分”若能稳拿,“后30分”定不落空。

5. 只愿心想事成万事顺,父母亲人笑开花!

6. 信心满满,创造辉煌!

7. 勤学,勤思,勤问,苦钻。

8. 错过的是一次考试,其实错过的是一生。

9. 人应像压路机一样,粉碎每一个前进路上的障碍!

10. 祝愿考生们不负自己,不负韶华。


