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离别祝福的英文句子 精选98句

1. 匆匆那年,离别无期。

2. 不管未来有多遥远,成长的路上有你有我。

3. 离别是暂时的,共度人生是永远的,离别滋生相思情,使我们的爱情更炽热。

4. 舍与不舍,都变成照亮前行的路上的灯光。

5. Is parting for a more beautiful miss? How far is the distance, how long is the missing.

6. The tears of parting add new spray to the long river of memory, and the blessings of parting open the prelude to reunion again.

7. 在这十字路口,让我们再一次握手:道一声:珍重,朋友。

8. 自己走过的路,是自己最贵重的财富!

9. Three spring, summer, autumn and winter, a warm and harmonious song, we sing together, is a lifetime。

10. For we are about to set foot on the road, for we will face in the future, let's bless each other。

11. Parting, is a bit difficult to give up in the heart, worried about the mood full of heart.

12. Although the time and space will separate us, may we remember our most sincere friendship and blessing。

13. 我希望你们不时会想到我,就像我经常会想着你们一样。

14. 我们不得不分离,轻声地说声再见;心里存着感谢,感谢你曾给我一份深厚的友谊。

15. Gathering is in a hurry, also in a hurry, flowers bloom always infinite, only friendship hidden in the heart。

16. 昨日的离别,终有相聚,祝福如昔,朋友晚安,愿一切美丽!

17. 那个花季,我送你离去,小路静静地向前伸展,偶尔也有太阳雨飘起。

18. 人生路漫漫,相遇又分离。唯愿彼此的心儿能紧紧相随,永不分离。

19. 无论我们相隔多远,我心与你心始终相牵!

20. Its a long way to go. You may cry, but you must go on.

21. 美丽短暂,渺渺茫茫,离别时候,藏着多少凄凉。

22. 家是避风的港湾,朋友是鼓风的海岸。

23. 想想曾经同桌的我们,高考过后就各奔前程了,心中真是不舍。同学,前途多珍重!

24. 几年的同窗,我与你结下了深厚的友谊,愿你我心灵间的交流,直到永远。

25. 无论天涯海角,只愿你能记得我,让我的思念有个落脚的港湾!

26. 你走来的时候,我的期待在远方;你离去的时候,你就是我梦绕魂牵的期待。

27. 一声汽笛,跌落在旷野,无限惆怅的孤独,在别离时刻,一齐从心头滋生。

28. When parting open the curtain, when memories sleep in the chest, to say goodbye really sad, only the dream is still sweet.

29. 愿我们之间友谊长存,祝你在未来的日子里梦想和生活同行。

30. In a hurry, there is no time to leave.

31. There is a kind of parting, is wiping tears dare not look back.

32. Misty rain in accordance with the preceding, frost plexus wheatgrass s。 w。 With whom to share sweet to mining? Last year under the flower, like butterflies fly today。

33. 离别,就是一个走,一个留,走的比不上留下的痛苦。

34. I will smile well, let you know that I can still live well without you.

35. 离别的泪水如透明的珍珠,愿我们彼此将她好好珍藏。

36. No matter the ends of the earth, only wish you can remember me, let my thoughts have a port of arrival!

37. At this crossroads, lets shake hands once again: one word: treasure, friend.

38. Happy and sad, the ending is the difference, the sequel is the reunion, forever is a friend!

39. The birds and fish love each other。 But, they live in two worlds。 Then, the bird flies to another sea area sadly, the fish swam to the deepest seabed。

40. May our friendship last forever, and I hope you will enjoy your life in the future.

41. 情依依,别依依,千言万语化作无语;你忘不了我,我忘不了你,相逢会有期。

42. 三个春夏秋冬,一支温馨和睦的歌,我们共同吟唱至今,真是一生难得。

43. 我要离开你了,因为你欺骗了我,请不要来找我,也不要打电话,就当我在这令人伤心的世界上蒸发了吧!

44. 青山不改,绿水长流,他日江湖再见,自当把酒言欢。

45. 人生路上何须惆怅,天涯海角总有知音。把握机会珍惜缘分,祝愿我们友谊长存。

46. You go, send you a bunch of flowers, that flower is my smile, the green leaves are my evergreen love.

47. 生活给予每个人发展自己的天地,朋友,不用寻找,那个天地就在你自己心里!

48. 相聚总是短暂,分别却是久长,愿我们的心儿能紧紧相随,永不分离。

49. Think we used to sit at the same table, after the university entrance exam to go their own way, in the heart is。 Students, the future take care!

50. No matter how far in the future, you and I will grow up.

51. The world vicissitudes of life, is not painful moments respectively? In order to cause, we let the parting tears falling。

52. 我也并不是总舍不得你走,只是总想看见你的笑容,听你的笑声。

53. Let's hold hands tightly and let our feelings feel gently in our hands and share an unforgettable warmth.

54. I wish you a red flag to fly everywhere.

55. 我诚挚的友谊,伴随你远行,这友谊将抹去一切痛苦的脚印!

56. 人生路漫漫,你我相遇又分离。相聚总是短暂,分别却是久长,唯愿彼此的心儿能紧紧相随,永不分离。

57. 别离的泪水,为记忆的长河增添新的浪花;别离的祝福,为再一次相聚拉开了序幕。

58. Growth is just a meeting made up of countless departures.

59. May my parting advice be an umbrella that can cover the scorching sun and wind and rain for you.

60. 一句珍重话离别,两行热泪牵郎心。

61. Respectively, we lingered not tears, relatively, speechless。 Look at the sunset through wenfeng spire, sprinkle it reflects in the western qing river。

62. Its not the alarm clock that will wake you up every day, but your dream.

63. 流水匆匆,岁月匆匆,唯有友情永存心中。朋友,再见!朋友,珍重!

64. Dont ask after a long time, infinite things, no words.

65. 我舍不得你走,但是你要走我也没法挽留,只能说声:“祝你一路顺风”!

66. 留下相逢的倩影,带走萌芽的相思草,惟有绿色的邮路,载下别离的思念。

67. 折磨人的不是离别,而是感动的回忆。

68. Separation is temporary, life is eternal, leave breeding lovesick affection, make our love more hot。

69. 离别时,希望你能记住我。不要问,善变的世界,明天是否依然如故。

70. 野花迎短褐,河柳拂长鞭。置酒聊相送,青门一醉眠。

71. 离得越远,思念越近,这便是永恒回首的惟一理由。

72. 愿每天叫你起床的不是闹钟,而是你的梦想。

73. I loathe to give up you go, but I can't see you go to retain, can only say: xxxI wish you a pleasant journey!xxx

74. 人生就是这样相聚又分别,愿越来越好。

75. You are in my thoughts every minute of the day, I, at night, I dreamed of you all the time。

76. 偶已心有所属,纵是孤栖独宿,亦不随波逐流,有负公子美意,再见还是朋友。

77. Green mountain will not change, green water will flow for a long time. Ill see you in the Jianghu in the future, and Ill drink and have fun.

78. 即将分别,要说的话太多太多,千言万语化作一句。

79. 闺蜜离别情谊深,二人相拥不舍彼此。

80. Here today, I really don't know whether to be happy, or sad。

81. 告别是最难受的时刻,祝你旅途愉快,盼望不久的将来你能再回来。

82. Parting, please drink a cup of water of your native place, you go all over the world, and don't forget to put your hometown in your chest.

83. 让我们用此刻,将过去的脚步和未来联系起来吧!

84. 亲爱的朋友请不要难过,离别以后要彼此珍重。绽放最绚烂的笑容,给明天更美的梦。

85. We firmly with both hands shake, let the feeling in your hands gently scrape, sharing a unforgettable warmth。

86. 白天,每分每秒我都在想念你,夜晚,每时每刻我都在梦见你。

87. 愿以后的漫漫长路中,你能耐心听父母的每一句话。

88. Don't be disappointed on the journey of life。 There are friends in the world。 Seize your chance and value your opportunities。 May our friendship be everlasting。

89. Everyone is an isolated island, but everyone still wants to rely on it.

90. 为了年轻,为了欢乐,让我们彼此祝福,彼此珍惜。

91. Although time flies, you my friendship forever!

92. 相逢又告别,归帆又离岸,既是往日欢乐的终结,又是未来幸福的开端。

93. Time does not water down the wine of friendship; distance dose not separate our hands of longing, bless you, forever!

94. The girl friend leaves the friendship deep, two people hug each other not to give up.

95. 依旧灿烂,**依旧燃烧,因为梦想,所以我们存在,你在你的领域不惜。

96. 愿你前程似锦,拥有美好明天!

97. The sun is silent and the swallow is sad、Heartbroken and sent to the king, he haggard all his life.

98. Parting, is a walk, a stay, go can not compare to the pain left.

离别祝福的英文句子 精选73句

1. 喜怒与哀乐,结局是分别,续集是重逢,永远是朋友!

2. What torments people is not parting, but moving memories.

3. 我只想在这有限的日子里,让你体会到我对你最深的爱,也给我自己留下一段美好也罢伤心也罢的回忆!

4. 离别的滋味如此凄凉,说一声再见要那么坚强。

5. 人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。

6. 成长,不过是由无数离别构成的相遇。

7. To meet and say goodbye, sail and sail away is the end of past happiness and the beginning of happiness in the future.

8. 让我们彼此祝福,愿未来美好,直到永远。

9. People may have sorrow or joy, be near or far apart, the moon may be dim or bright, wax or wane, This has been going on since the beginning of time.

10. Silently I took full moon of the given sections, to weave a lovesickness dream, sent to the distance of your remote。

11. 愿你在今后的人生道路上一帆风顺,事业有成。

12. 地球是圆的,今天的离別是为了他日的重聚。

13. Let's spread our legs and sweat and step on the thunder、Outside the school, there are flowers in the future.

14. 相会再别离,别离再相聚;秋风吹旷野,一期只一会。我会珍惜你我的友情,更期待相会的时刻。

15. 无家透心凉,有友透心亮。

16. 让我像一个纯洁的孩子,站立原地,月光下,目送你明亮的背景在远方消逝。

17. 你走了,送你一束鲜花,那花是我的微笑,那绿叶是我常青的思恋。

18. After graduation, there are too many discontents in my heart.

19. 当离别拉开窗帘,当回忆睡在胸前,要说再见真的很伤感,只有梦依旧香甜。

20. Home is a harbor from the wind, and friends are a windy coast.

21. 今天在这里我真的不知道要高兴,还是要悲伤。

22. 路还很远,你可能会哭,但是一定要走下去。

23. Separation, it is a bit difficult, but not disappointed; Is a little regret, but not pessimistic。 Because we have met in comfort。

24. 离别之泪纯似珍珠,愿我们彼此将她珍藏。

25. 过了一年,似乎是很久远以前的事,我们会很想念我你,希望你一样想念我们。

26. Life long, encounter and separation。 Can let each other heart closely, never to be parted。

27. No matter how far we apart, my heart always lead with you!

28. 愿你红旗招展,去哪都飘。

29. Meeting is a kind of predestination. Its a strange fate to meet after parting.

30. Love, do not rely on, thousands of words into silence; you can not forget me, I can not forget you, meet for a period.

31. Hope you have a bright future!

32. 朋友总是心连心,知心朋友值千金。灯光之下思贤友,小小讯儿传佳音。望友见讯如见人,时刻勿忘朋友心。

33. Farewell is one of the most uncomfortable moment, wish you a pleasant journey, hope you can come back again in the near future。

34. May happiness return to you and happiness return to you!

35. As time goes by, sincere friendship between you and me often remains in my heart.

36. In the season of miss, please don't forget me, like I always not forget you。

37. Friends always at heart, the bosom friend is precious。 The lamplight, good friends, small order and good news。 Hope friends see - such as people, always not forget friends heart。

38. 别离,是点滴难舍在心间,牵挂的情绪洒满心田。

39. 逝去的是那段美好的时光,留下的却是你我那份最珍贵的友谊。

40. Let me stand like a pure child, in the moonlight, watching your bright background disappear in the distance.

41. Lost is the time of the day, leaving the most precious friendship is you and me。

42. A true friend will accept your past, support your present and inspire your future.

43. Parting is temporary, sharing life is eternal, parting breeds love, make our love more fervent.

44. After a year, seems to be very long ago, we will miss you, I hope you miss us。

45. Parting is not away from, but the beginning of the expedition。 I look forward to in the journey of the expedition side by side with you!

46. 在怀念的季节里,请不要忘了我,就如同我时时没有忘了你一样。

47. 思念永恒,这是离别的一种甜蜜。

48. No home, no heart,

no friend.

49. 别离,是有点难舍,但不怅然;是有点遗憾,但不悲观。因为我们有相逢的希望在安慰。

50. I want to leave you, because you lied to me, please don't come to me, don't make a phone call, just when I was in this sad evaporation in the world!

51. 让我们迈开双腿,去洒行汗水,去踏一路雷声!校门外,有的是鲜花簇拥的前程!

52. No matter you go to the corner of the sea, and no matter how long the parting will take, I will wait and wait.

53. Yesterdays departure, there will be reunion, blessing as before, good night friends, wish all beautiful!

54. Leave meet up。and, take acacia grass germination, but the green post road, loads the miss of separation。

55. Recall the time we meet together, my mood fan fan now。 Your vigorous body always with moonlight come into my dreams, let me worry about。

56. 有一种离别,是擦着眼泪不敢回首。

57. 分别已久,相见亦难,让这小小的纸片带去我真诚的心,捎去我永恒的爱。

58. May the parting meet again and happiness last forever.

59. 烟雨依前时候,霜丛如旧芳菲。与谁同醉采香归?去年花下客,今似蝶分飞。

60. The most afraid is to leave, the most afraid is to leave the station.

61. Come and go, hurry up, leave thousands of things, and look forward to a reunion.

62. 回想我们在一起相聚的日子,我的心绪迷迷朦朦。你那充满朝气的身躯总是伴着月光入我梦来,让我牵挂不停。

63. 时间冲不淡友情的酒,距离拉不开思念的手,祝福你,永远永远!

64. 来也匆匆,去也匆匆,离绪千种,期待着一次重逢。

65. The mountains and oceans separated us, but I can only meet you in memories, meet you in dreams.

66. 我会好好的笑,让你知道,没有你我依旧能过的很好。

67. 夕阳无语燕归愁,离人泪眼心上秋。断肠送君从此去,一生憔悴独倚楼。

68. A precious farewell, two lines of tears leading Lang heart.

69. 今日笑着和你分手,但愿不日笑着把你迎接。

70. Dear friends, please don't be sad, and cherish each other after leaving、Bloom the most gorgeous smile, give tomorrow a more beautiful dream.

71. 我们用双手紧紧地握别,让感觉在手中轻轻撩过,共享一份难忘的温馨。

72. 分别时,我们没有流连的泪眼,相对,无语。看夕阳透过文峰塔尖,把它的余晖洒在西清河畔。

73. 时光不老,我们不散!

离别祝福的英文句子 精选29句

1. 相逢是一种缘分,离别后不断相逢,便是奇缘。

2. 真正的朋友会接受你的过去,力挺你的现在,鼓舞你的将来。

3. True friendship needs no promises, and eternal love needs no agreement.

4. Floating snow, long love, looked through the autumn water, looked at the end of the world peoples way back.

5. 无论命运把我们带到何方,友谊的纽带总会把我们紧紧相连。

6. Come in a hurry, go in a hurry, leave a thousand kinds of thread, looking forward to a reunion.

7. I just want to in the limited days, let you experience the deepest love for you, I also give myself a happy or sad memories!

8. Meet and farewell, GuiFan offshore again, it is in the past the end of the joy, the beginning of happiness in the future。

9. 愿我的临别赠言是一把伞,能为你遮挡征途上的烈日与风雨。

10. 想想以前同桌的我们,高考过后就各奔前程了,心中真是不舍。同学,前途多珍重!

11. The wild flowers meet the short brown, and the willows whisk the whip. Buy wine and chat with each other. Qingmen is drunk and sleeps.

12. 来的提携与照顾,我终生难忘,祝领导在新的工作岗位上再创辉煌!一生幸福!

13. 最怕的就是离别,最怕的就是离别时的车站。

14. 愿在这岁月静好的时光里,保持自己有一双明亮的眼睛。

15. No matter the ends of the earth, only wish you can remember me, let my missing have a harbor!

16. 我们在爱情中度过的时光长出了翅膀,当我们离别时,它们成了我们的精神支柱。

17. I hope you will think of me from time to time as I shall be thinking of you often。

18. 我默默地摘下圆月中的那金桂新枝,编织一个相思的美梦,遥寄给远方求学的你。

19. Think of our previous deskmate, after the college entrance examination, we went our separate ways、Classmate, future is precious!

20. Water in a hurry, years in a hurry, only friendship forever in the heart。 Farewell, my friend! Take care, my friend!

21. 高山重洋将我们分离,没奈何我只能在回忆中与你重逢,在梦境中与你相遇。

22. 愿快乐回归你身边,愿幸福回归你身边!

23. 虽然时空会将我们分开,我们却依然记忆彼此最真诚的友情和祝福。

24. 聚也匆匆,散也匆匆,花开花落总无穷,唯有友情藏心中。

25. The tears of separation, add new spray for the long river of memory; The blessing of separation, the beginnings of the meet again。

26. 相逢又告别,归帆又离岸,是往日欢乐的终结,未来幸福的开端。

27. 朋友你今天就要远走,干了这杯酒;忘掉那天涯孤旅的愁,一醉到天尽头。

28. 有你的地方就有快乐,相信你们的旅途也一样令人羡慕,祝愿你们,旅途愉快。

29. This is how life gets together and apart. I hope it gets better and better.

离别祝福的英文句子 精选31句

1. I wish I had a pair of bright eyes in this quiet time.

2. 离别并不是远离,而是远征的开始!我期待着在远征的路途上与你并肩!

3. 一声汽笛,跌落在旷野;无限的惆怅与孤独,在别离的那一刻,一齐涌上心头。

4. Life long, you and I encounter and separation。 Together is always short, respectively is long, only can let each other heart closely, never to be parted。

5. We had to part and say goodbye softly, thanking you for giving me a deep friendship.

6. Give up and do not give up, have become the light of the road ahead.

7. 飘飘雪花,悠悠情思,望穿了秋水,望断了天涯人的归路。

8. 临别请你喝一杯故土的水,你走遍天下,也别忘了把家乡装在胸中。

9. I hope you can listen to every word of your parents patiently in the long road ahead.

10. That flower season, I send you to leave, the path quietly stretches forward, occasionally also has the sun rain to float.

11. 人世沧桑,岂能没有分别的痛苦时刻?为了事业,我们让离别的泪尽情飘洒。

12. No matter how much I dont give up, I can only turn around and leave.

13. The time we spent in love have wings, when we leave, they have become the spiritual pillar of us。

14. Time is not old, we do not separate!

15. We have to separate, light tone say goodbye; Hearts with gratitude, thank you gave me a profound friendship。

16. When you come, my expectation is far away; when you leave, you are my dream.

17. In this intersection, let us shake hands again: say: take good care, friend。

18. 别后悠悠君莫问,无限事,不言中。

19. 为我们就要踏上的路,为我们就要面对的将来,让我们彼此祝福。

20. Let's bless each other with happy future, forever。

21. 你别时的叮咛,在我心头波动着深远的音响,散发着幽兰般素淡的清香。

22. 离别,是为了更美的想念吗?距离有多远,思念就有多长。

23. 愿离别能再逢,幸福能长久。

24. The road I have walked is my most valuable wealth!

25. The taste of parting is so sad, saying goodbye must be so strong.

26. Get together again meet again separation, separation; The autumn wind blow the wilderness, a period only for a moment。 I will cherish you my friendship, more looking forward to meet moment。

27. 再多的不舍,却也只能转身离开。

28. 纵然时光飞逝,你我的友情天长地久!

29. The beauty is short and boundless. How much desolation is hidden when we leave.

30. 鸟儿和鱼儿相爱了。可是,它们活在两个世界。于是,鸟儿伤心地飞向另一片海域,鱼儿游向海底最深处。

31. My dear friends, please don't be sad, leave to treasure each other in the future。 Bloom the most brilliant smile, give a more beautiful dream tomorrow。


