
时间:2012-09-02 06:14:28
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表达友情的句子英文 篇一

Friendship is a treasure that shines brighter than gold. Friends are the family we choose for ourselves, and their love and support can light up even the darkest days. In times of joy, they celebrate with us, and in times of sorrow, they stand by our side, offering comfort and strength. True friends are like stars in the sky, always there to guide us and bring light into our lives.

A friend is someone who knows all your flaws and imperfections, yet still sees the beauty in you. They are the ones who laugh with you, cry with you, and share in your triumphs and failures. A true friend is a rare and precious gift, to be cherished and treasured always.

Friendship is built on a foundation of trust, honesty, and mutual respect. It is a bond that withstands the test of time and distance, growing stronger with each passing day. Friends support each other through thick and thin, offering a shoulder to lean on and a listening ear when needed. They lift us up when we are feeling down, and remind us of our worth when we doubt ourselves.

In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, "The only way to have a friend is to be one." True friendship is a two-way street, requiring effort and commitment from both parties. It involves being there for each other through the good times and the bad, and never giving up on each other, no matter what challenges may come our way.

In conclusion, friendship is a precious gift that should never be taken for granted. It is a bond that enriches our lives and brings us joy, love, and support when we need it most. Let us cherish and nurture our friendships, for they are the true treasures that make life worth living.

表达友情的句子英文 篇二

True friendship is a gift that keeps on giving, like a never-ending well of love and support. Friends are the family we choose for ourselves, and their presence in our lives brings us happiness, laughter, and companionship. They are the ones who lift us up when we are feeling down, and remind us of our worth when we doubt ourselves.

Friendship is a bond that transcends time and distance, growing stronger with each passing day. True friends are always there for each other, offering a listening ear, a helping hand, and a shoulder to lean on. They share in our joys and sorrows, celebrating our successes and comforting us in our failures.

In the words of Helen Keller, "I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light." True friendship is a beacon of light in the darkness, guiding us through life's ups and downs with love and support. Friends are the ones who stand by us through thick and thin, never giving up on us, no matter what challenges may come our way.

Friendship is a journey of growth and discovery, where we learn more about ourselves and the world around us through the eyes of our friends. They challenge us to be better, to strive for greatness, and to never give up on our dreams. True friends inspire us to be the best version of ourselves, and to always stay true to who we are.

In conclusion, friendship is a precious and invaluable gift that should be cherished and nurtured always. It is a bond that enriches our lives and brings us joy, love, and support when we need it most. Let us be grateful for the friends we have, and never take their love and friendship for granted. Friendship truly is a treasure that shines brighter than gold.

表达友情的句子英文 篇三

1. 我实在是个坏人,但作为你的朋友的我,却确实是在努力着学做好人。

2. 相知无远近,万里尚为邻。

3. 看到那棵长青树了没,那就象征着我们之间的友谊,愿我们的友谊长存,直到地老天荒。

4. 对话就是在敌手之间,而决不会是在朋友之间进行。

5. 最好的朋友,平时互相调侃,是嘴最狠的那个;在你需要的时候,却是心最软的那个。

6. 若知四海皆兄弟,何处相逢非故人。

7. 友谊既不需要奴隶,也不允许有统治者,友谊喜欢平等。

8. 你若聪明,莫把那人当作朋友,假如他和你的敌人交情深厚。

9. 友谊的本质在于原谅他人的小错。

10. 我这一生遇见过很多风景,但你们的出现胜过任何山水风光。

11. 周围都有好朋友的人,比四面楚歌的人不知幸福多少。

12. 友谊之光像磷火,当四周漆黑之际最为显露。

13. 连一个高尚朋友都没有的人,是不值得活着的。

14. 结交两种人:能借给你钱的人和按时还给你钱的人,前者值得珍惜,后者值得尊重。

15. 好朋友简简单单,好情谊清清爽爽,好缘份久久长长。

16. 不见就想,刚见就吵,分了又念,这就是闺蜜。

17. 在逛街时一直手牵着手,说好不会放开彼此的手,因为是闺蜜。When shopping, I always hold hands and say that I won't let go of each other's hands, because I am my best frien...

18. 桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情。

19. 朋友的朋友也是我们的朋友。

20. 要有闺蜜在一起那才叫嗨到爆棚!我要我们的友谊长存,直到地老天荒。

21. 友情的最高体现就是在别人看来你们都是xxx。

22. 你怀念那场张扬青春里的你自己,被你记起只不过是因为我恰好在那里。

23. 兄弟不是勾心斗角,而是打一架起来拍拍灰说一句中午没吃饭没打过你。

24. 梧桐树,是一棵思念之树,爱情从梧桐树那一端开始,抒怀着人间爱情的浪漫情愁。

25. 朋友一直都是我们的另一半。

26. 朋友间保持一定的距离,而使友谊永存。

27. 因为你手里有我的丑照,所以你要和我做一辈子朋友。

28. 帮助朋友,以保持友谊;宽恕敌人,为争取感化。

29. 毕业的我们联络少了,可是你们就像我喜欢的每一首歌,一听前奏我就认得。

30. 很开心你能来,不遗憾你走开。

31. 朋友之间感情真诚,敌人就会无隙可乘。

32. 有时候,我们做错事,是因为该用脑子的时候却动用了感情。

33. 友谊是一个神圣而又古老的名字。

34. 闺蜜就是那种,今天吵,明天笑,近了烦,远了想。

35. 你现在是我的闺蜜,以后是我的伴娘,将来是我孩子的干妈。

36. 友情是大海,多一滴它未必宽广,少一滴它同样浩瀚。

37. 朋友是烈日里的一缕清风,会为你拭去脸上的汗水。

38. 只要有闺蜜在一起那才叫嗨到爆棚!我要我们的友谊长存,直到地老天荒。

39. 人之相识,贵在相知;人之相知,贵在知心。

40. 冤家宜解不宜结,各自回头看后头。

41. 朋友一千个还太少,敌人一个也嫌多。

42. 自从拥有了友谊,我不再孤单、寂寞。我们总是肩并肩,手牵手,漫步于黄昏的街头,奔跑于浪漫的雨中。我们总是在同一张桌子上,专注地学习。时而沉默不语,各忙各的;时而互相探讨,“争吵”激烈。我们总会在公园的长椅上,或向对方倾诉心中的烦恼与忧愁,得到体贴的宽慰;或将快乐的事告诉对方...

43. 新结同心香未落;长守山盟情永鲜。

44. 投我以木瓜,报之以琼琚。匪报也,永以为好也。

45. 友正直者日益,友邪柔者日损。

46. 用狡计去害友人的人,自己将陷于危险埋伏之中。

47. 谁要求没有缺点的朋友,谁就没有朋友!

48. 朋友乃时常亲爱;弟兄为患难而生。

49. 交情深重金相似;诗韵铿锵玉不如。

50. 勉强保持友谊是最难堪的。

51. 如果你对别人的苦难无动于衷,那么你就不配称为人。

52. 总有一些人,不管多久没联络,感觉都不会变。

53. 你是我最重要的兄弟,不是亲人,胜似亲人的兄弟。

54. 友谊是一棵可以庇荫的树。

55. 你生气了我哄你,我生气了你哄我。

56. 愿多年以后你我仍旧在一起,共饮一杯老酒一醉方休。

57. 真正的好友,能经得起时间的锤炼,岁月的打磨,再次见面时也可一如既往。

58. 友谊使欢乐倍增,悲痛锐减。

59. 我在


60. 君子拙于不知己,而信于知己。

61. 海内存知己,天涯若比临。

62. 在幸运时不与人同享的,在灾难中不会是忠实的友人。

63. 爱情也许会随着季节的变迁而褪去,但友谊会为你全年守侯。

64. 你永远不会知道,像我这样的人,活在世上是多么寂寞。

65. 真挚的友谊,不会因时间的阻隔而冲淡。昔日的承诺,也不会因漫长的岁月而改变。

66. 己所不欲,勿施与人。

67. 除了一个真心的朋友之外,没有一样药剂是可以通心的。

68. 有很多良友,胜于有很多财富。

69. 有些友情好象牙齿一样,失去了就永远没有了。

70. 我们是彼此嫉妒却共同进步的伙伴。


