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形容舞蹈的英语句子 篇一

Dancing is a form of expression that transcends words. It is a language that speaks to the soul, conveying emotions and stories through movement. The graceful gestures and fluid motions of a dancer can captivate an audience and evoke a range of emotions, from joy and passion to sorrow and longing.

Each dance tells a unique story, whether it is a traditional folk dance, a classical ballet, or a contemporary piece. The precision and coordination required in dance are a testament to the dedication and discipline of the dancers. Every step, every leap, every twirl is executed with purpose and meaning, creating a mesmerizing performance that leaves a lasting impression.

The music that accompanies the dance adds another layer of depth and emotion to the performance. The rhythm and melody guide the movements of the dancers, enhancing the storytelling aspect of the dance. The synergy between music and movement creates a harmonious blend that is both captivating and enchanting.

In the world of dance, there are no boundaries or limitations. Dancers from different cultures and backgrounds come together to share their art and passion, creating a rich tapestry of diversity and creativity. Through dance, we can celebrate our differences and find common ground in our shared love of movement and expression.

Dance is a universal language that speaks to the heart and soul. It is a form of art that transcends language and culture, connecting us on a deeper level. Whether you are a dancer or a spectator, the beauty and power of dance can inspire and uplift, reminding us of the joy and wonder that can be found in the art of movement.

形容舞蹈的英语句子 篇二

The beauty of dance lies in its ability to transcend the limitations of the physical body and express the deepest emotions of the human spirit. Through movement, dancers can convey a wide range of emotions – from love and happiness to pain and sorrow – in a way that words alone cannot.

Dance is a form of storytelling that goes beyond words, using the body as a canvas to paint a vivid picture of the human experience. The choreography, costumes, and music all work together to create a world of beauty and emotion that captivates the audience and transports them to another realm.

The physicality of dance is both demanding and rewarding. Dancers train for hours on end, pushing their bodies to the limit to achieve the perfect balance of strength, flexibility, and grace. The dedication and discipline required in dance are a testament to the passion and commitment of the dancers, who pour their hearts and souls into every performance.

The connection between the dancers on stage is palpable, as they move in perfect harmony with one another, creating a seamless and mesmerizing performance. The unspoken communication between dancers transcends words, allowing them to connect on a deeper level and share their emotions with the audience in a way that is both powerful and moving.

In the world of dance, there is a sense of freedom and liberation that comes from expressing oneself through movement. Dance allows us to break free from the constraints of everyday life and tap into our truest selves, revealing our innermost thoughts and feelings in a way that is both cathartic and transformative.

In the end, dance is not just about the steps or the technique – it is about the human experience and the emotions that we all share. It is a celebration of life and love, a reminder of the beauty and joy that can be found in the art of movement. Dance is a gift that speaks to the soul, reminding us of the power of expression and the beauty of the human spirit.

形容舞蹈的英语句子 篇三

形容舞蹈的英语句子 精选85句

1. 没有人在乎你跳得好不好。只要跳起来就行!伟大的舞者并不因为技术而伟大,是因为激情而伟大! 马莎格雷厄姆

2. 舞衫回袖春风,歌扇当窗似秋月。——南北朝·徐陵

3. 我继续跳着,永恒的创造之舞,创作者与创作融成完整的喜悦。——迈克尔杰克逊

4. 舞者如被编舞者弹奏的钢琴。——George balanchinc

5. 当你翩翩起舞的时候,要注意与你伴舞的是谁。——约翰·克拉克

6. 你感觉到生命的转瞬即逝的刹那。 莫斯肯宁汉

7. 那欢畅淋漓的舞姿,那优美娴熟的动作,那千般娇姿,那万般变化,似孔雀开屏,似莲花绽放,似飞龙穿梭。

8. 舞动人生,韵味留香。

9. 舞蹈是脚步的诗歌。——德莱顿

10. sing的用法

11. 美人舞如莲花旋,世人有眼应未见。——唐·岑参

12. 快乐自信,美丽挺进。

13. 观其舞,知其德。——《札记》

14. The humble hop , the plant that gives beer its distinctive flavour , is the main problem .

15. 跳舞真正的收获,不在于你掌握了多少技巧,而在于你收获了多少自信!你可以不把跳舞太当回事,但一定要把自信当回事。

16. 蹈音乐和之子。——约·戴维斯

17. 说之故言之;言之不足故长言之;长言之不足故嗟叹之;嗟叹之不足,不知手之舞之足之蹈之也。——礼记

18. sing

19. 女子的头埋在长长的水袖下,乐声起,水袖猛然甩开,那妖艳般的脸庞展现在众人眼前。

20. 舞蹈没有留下的手稿,没有挂在墙上的画作,没有出版的诗集,什么都没有

21. Love means never having to say you are sorry.

22. I love you Molly. I always have.---Ditto.

23. 如果舞蹈正确,它不应该有任何多余的动作。——Fred Astaire

24. 跳舞,即使将来没有跳出很大成就,也舞出了一个最动人的青春岁月。

25. 你感觉到生命的转瞬即逝的刹那。——莫斯肯宁汉

26. 观其舞,知其德。《札记》

27. 当你翩翩起舞的时候,要注意与你伴舞的是谁。约翰克拉克

28. 论其诗不如听其声,听其声不如察其形。——汉·傅毅

29. 跳舞真正的收获,不在于你掌握了多少技巧,而在于你收获了多少!你可以不把跳舞太当回事,但一定要把自信当回事。——佚名

30. 踏步青春,舞出自我。

31. 舞衫回袖春风,歌扇当窗似秋月。南北朝徐陵

32. 我继续跳着,永恒的创造之舞,创作者与创作融成完整的喜悦。 迈克尔杰克逊

33. 眼睛愈流泪而愈加清


34. 舞蹈是脚步的诗歌。()德莱顿

35. 不舞不俏,不舞不笑。

36. 庄严正式的舞蹈是一种精密计划的几何学。Ruth Katz

37. I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night.

38. 宛若风飞雪,悦如飞燕游龙。清洪升

39. 舞蹈是语言之母。——R、G、Collingwood

40. 跳舞真正的收获,不在于你掌握了多少技巧,而在于你收获了多少自信!你可以不把跳舞太当回事,但一定要把自信当回事。佚名

41. 健康自信,舞动青春。

42. 浅色罗裙缭姿镶银丝边际,水芙色纱带曼佻腰际,嚼着笑意,飘然转旋,明珰乱坠,绮袖并起。

43. 舞蹈先于所有其他艺术形式,因为她采用的不是什么器具,而是每个人永远拥有的,最有力、最敏感的身体本身。

44. 轻步曼舞像燕子伏巢、疾飞高翔像鹊鸟夜惊。

45. 宛若风飞雪,悦如飞燕游龙。——清·洪升

46. 越是走近舞蹈人,越是对他们肃然起敬。原因之一就是:知道了他们的'成功需要有多么坚强的意志和毅力,需要付出多少艰辛。每一批成功者都有几个曾经的伙伴,不为人知,或许是因为严重的训练损伤、或许是因为其他的原因。一路走来,有太多的不易。

47. 说之故言之;言之不足故长言之;长言之不足故嗟叹之;嗟叹之不足,不知手之舞之足之蹈之也。礼记

48. 舞蹈是语言之母。R.G. Collingwood

49. I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is. But I feel happy every day for this.

50. 庄严正式的舞蹈是一种精密计划的几何学。——Ruth Katz

51. 艺无止境,舞动人生。

52. 舞出奇迹,舞出健康。

53. 舞出健康,升华灵魂。

54. 舞蹈跳的就是文化,跳的'就是一个人的文化底蕴。王永刚

55. Hip-hop pop to Folk Dance Teaching of the Enlightenment;街舞的流行给民族民间舞蹈教学带来的启示。

56. Maybe I was a bird in another life.---If you're a bird, I am a bird.

57. 在我成长时期,感情和欲望都令我羞涩。而通过舞蹈,我终于可以应付自如,而不再觉得羞涩。舞蹈家Twyla Tharp

58. 我持续跳着、跳着 跳着,跳到只剩下舞蹈。迈克尔杰克逊

59. Love as drinking,if it light will be tasteless,but liquor burning throat.

60. 魅随舞动,步步优雅。

61. A hare hopped straight into the doorway. 一只野兔跳进了门廊里。

62. 舞动快乐,蹈出健康。

63. You complete me......---Shut up! You had me at hello, you had me at hello.

64. 舞者如被编舞者弹奏的钢琴。George balanchinc

65. Sometimes it is not the person you miss,but the time,the memory you stay with him.

66. dance的用法

67. 我持续跳着、跳着……跳着,跳到只剩下……舞蹈。——迈克尔杰克逊

68. Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience and if it hurts,it's probably worth it.

69. 霓裳一曲千峰上,舞破中原始下来。唐杜牧

70. 霓裳一曲千峰上,舞破中原始下来。——唐·杜牧

71. 舞蹈跳的就是文化,跳的`就是一个人的文化底蕴。——王永刚

72. 有时候,当你登上舞台,一下子时间感就发生了巨大变化,好像自己已经不存在于现实当中了。

73. 指尖划出令人痴迷的弧度。

74. 在我成长时期,感情和欲望都令我羞涩。而通过舞蹈,我终于可以应付自如,而不再觉得羞涩。——舞蹈家Twyla Tharp

75. 美人舞如莲花旋,世人有眼应未见。唐岑参

76. 论其诗不如听其声,听其声不如察其形。汉傅毅

77. 蹈音乐和爱情之子。约戴维斯

78. 舞蹈是有节拍的步调,就像诗歌是有韵律的文体一样。 培根

79. Obviously the rise is oxygen,but would rather lonely to suffocation.

80. 起舞弄清影似在人间

81. 如果舞蹈正确,它不应该有任何多余的动作。Fred Astaire

82. dance

83. 舞蹈是有节拍的步调,就像诗歌是有韵律的文体一样。——培根

84. Dance Hard, because life is not a rehearsal.舞蹈时努力以赴,因为生命不是一场排演。

85. 没有人在乎你跳得好不好。只要跳起来就行!伟大的舞者并不因为技术而伟大,是因为激情而伟大!——马莎·格雷厄姆


