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明喻暗喻英文句子 篇一

Metaphors and Similes: The Language of Poetry

Metaphors and similes are powerful tools in the world of poetry, allowing writers to convey complex emotions and ideas in a succinct and impactful way. A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable, while a simile is a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, using the words "like" or "as". Both metaphors and similes add depth and richness to a poem, giving readers a new way to interpret and understand the world around them.

One famous example of a metaphor in poetry comes from Emily Dickinson's poem "Hope is the thing with feathers". In this poem, Dickinson compares hope to a bird, using the metaphor to convey the idea that hope is something delicate and fleeting, yet also powerful and enduring. By comparing hope to a bird, Dickinson is able to capture the essence of this complex emotion in just a few words, creating a vivid image that resonates with readers long after they have finished reading the poem.

Similes, on the other hand, can be found in many famous poems, such as William Wordsworth's "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud". In this poem, Wordsworth compares himself to a cloud, using the simile to convey the idea of solitude and introspection. By likening himself to a cloud, Wordsworth is able to create a sense of distance and detachment, allowing readers to experience the same feelings of isolation and contemplation that he is describing.

In conclusion, metaphors and similes are essential tools in the language of poetry, allowing writers to create vivid and evocative images that resonate with readers on a deep and emotional level. By using metaphors and similes effectively, poets can bring their words to life, transforming simple ideas into powerful works of art that continue to inspire and move us for generations to come.

明喻暗喻英文句子 篇二

Unlocking the Secrets of Metaphors and Similes in Literature

Metaphors and similes are not just tools for poets; they are also essential elements of literature that help writers convey complex ideas and emotions in a concise and powerful way. By using metaphors and similes effectively, writers can add depth and richness to their works, allowing readers to experience the text on a deeper level and gain new insights into the human experience.

One of the most famous examples of a metaphor in literature comes from George Orwell's novel "Animal Farm". In this novel, Orwell uses the metaphor of the farm animals to represent different aspects of society, such as the pigs representing the ruling class and the other animals representing the working class. By using this metaphor, Orwell is able to explore complex political ideas in a way that is both accessible and engaging, allowing readers to see the world in a new light.

Similarly, similes can be found in many classic works of literature, such as F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby". In this novel, Fitzgerald uses the simile "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past" to convey the idea of the characters' struggle against the forces of fate and time. By comparing the characters to boats fighting against a current, Fitzgerald is able to create a sense of tension and inevitability, drawing readers into the story and making them feel the characters' sense of desperation and longing.

In conclusion, metaphors and similes are essential tools in literature, allowing writers to create vivid and memorable images that resonate with readers long after they have finished reading the text. By using metaphors and similes effectively, writers can unlock the secrets of the human experience, revealing truths about the world and ourselves that we may not have seen before.

明喻暗喻英文句子 篇三

明喻暗喻英文句子 精选57句

1. s to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested. 一些书浅尝即可,另外一 些书则要囫囵吞下,只有少数的书才值得咀嚼和消化。把 book比作food, 但 food 这个喻体并没有出现。取而代之的 是 taste, swallow, chew, and digest.,Examples of metaphor,noun pattern名词型: A is B Time is money. 时间就是金钱。 Beauty without virtue is a rose without fragrance. 没有德行的美丽好比没有芬芳的

2. Definition Of Simile,Simile is a kind of rhetorical method connecting two different things which have some common features by using the words “as” or “like”. In general, simile is a figure of speech that expresses a resemblance between things of different kinds (usually formed with “like” or “as”) 明

3. it contains three parts: the ontology(本体),metaphors(喻体) and the metaphor words(比喻词).It can be clearly seen in terms of parable word like “such as, if.”, “such as though, if” or “like”, “as if”, “as though” ,“asas” ,“as it were”,Examples,Army and people are as inseparable as fish and water. 军队和人民像鱼水

4. of different categories. 2) There must be similarities between the tenor and the vehicle.,借喻(Metonymy),借喻不同于一般的比喻,其特点不是想而是联想。它不直接说出要说的事物,而是用与该事物有着不可分离关系的另一事物来表现,即相当于汉语的借代。借喻中本体、喻体均不出现,直接用喻体代替本体,表达形象、生动,语言简练。通过联想读者不仅知道所写的是什么,而且能想起所说事物的特征,留下深刻的印象。,He chose the gun instead of the cap and gown.(分别借代Join

5. was a bit like; can be likened to ; as ; as if ; as though; as it were; as comparable to ; may be compared to ; similar to; akin to ; be analogous to ; etc.,As if/ as though 引导的启发型明喻,其特点是通过暗示性的联想引发人们洞察深层的内涵,所设的比喻或许不一定能直接理解,但是一经思索,必达豁然,因此这一比喻有言近意远的效果。,The woman made him fetch and carry just as if he

6. 心净,是意识的洗礼;心静,是思想的铸造;心境,是灵魂的成熟。

7. 一样不可分离.,Soldiers like the countrys steel wall, guarding the frontier of frontier 战士就像国家的钢铁长城一样,守卫祖国的边疆,在英语中,也有很多习语也属于明喻 As busy as a bee (极为忙碌) As cross as a bear(怒气冲冲) Like the bolt from the blue(晴天霹雳) To follow like sheep(盲从) To spring up like mushrooms(雨后春笋),生动形象的明喻,My love is like a red, red ros

8. 就像手机没电了就去找充电器,渴了会马上拧开可乐,天太黑了会想到你,并非太爱只是惯已经刻到骨子里。

9. 大雪纷飞纷多而杂乱。雪花大量飘落的样子。形容雪下得大。

10. 当你真正爱一个人的时候你就会发现语言多么的脆弱和无力。文字与感觉永远有隔阂。

11. 像老虎的眼睛。 The tiger is as brave as the lion. It is not a simile,because the things compared have too many points of resemblance. (2) 主体和喻体必须在某一点上(声色、形状、性质、 功能等)相似,即有所谓的相似点;(similarity) The diamond is as blue as the great,常用比喻词有:,(3) 用比喻词之类的引导方式引导。 I wondered lonely as a cloud. 常见的比喻词: like; unlike; it

12. as poor as a church mouse. 我一贫如洗。 My money and goods are as dear to me as life itself. 钱财对我来说如同生命一样宝贵。/ 我视财如命。,Metaphor 暗喻,. Definition Metaphor comes from Latin “metaphorn”, means “a transfer of a meaning”. Based on Websters New World Dictionary, metaphor is defined as “a figure of speech containin

13. , looking forward to a pleasant, homey evening. 我满心欢喜,盼望度过一个家庭般舒适的夜晚。 He gave Nancy a wintry smile. 他给莱西一个冷笑。,idiom pattern: We mended our fences. 我们重修旧好。,-of- phrase pattern: A policeman waved me out of the snake of traffic and flagged me to stop. 一位警察招手要我从长蛇般的车流中出来,并挥旗叫我停下。 The lecturer looked dow

14. was a great Newfoundland dog.,这个女人叫他做这做那,简直把他当作一条纽芬兰的大狗。,The ruby shall be redder than a red rose, And the sapphire shall be as blue as the great sea. (O. Wilde) 红宝石将比红玖瑰还要红, 蓝宝石像大海一样蓝。,Asas, more than句型与形容词同级比较、 比较级的比较在语法和结构上是一致的,但它们不是简单的比较,而是属于两类不同性质事物之间的比较,在形容同级和比较级的结构中,虽然也用as as 或more than把二者联系

15. 为或能力; 2,以作家名借代作品或观念; 3,以容器借代被盛的东西;以局部地名代整体名, 或以产地代产品名; 4,以资料或工具代替事物的名称;5,以商标代产品;6 以特征指人或物,练习:请说出下面句子将什么借喻成什么。 The buses in America are on strikenow.美国的公共汽车司机正在罢工(这里buses喻指司机drivers)。 (2)The pen is mightier thanthesword.文人胜于武士(以pen,sword喻指使用这物的人)。英语中一些鸟兽鱼虫的名字,除本义外,常可转借喻人,形象生动,意味隽永。例如: (1)She is a social butterfly.她是一个交际花(以虫喻人)。,

16. 速传遍美国。 Jenny and I was like peas and carrots. 我和珍妮形影不离。 They will never be able to save money to buy a new house they both spend money like water. 他们将永远积攒不起钱买新房子他们两人都花钱如水。,Some patterns of simile,as pattern: as + adj. + as + n. That man cant be trusted. Hes as slippery as an eel. 那个人不可信,他像鳝鱼一样滑。 Im

17. 中午回到宿舍,看见我杯子里有可乐,直接一口全喝了。喝完我脸都绿了。原来宿舍那哥们吃饺子买了一袋醋,没地方倒,用我杯子装了。

18. 爱情本来就是两个人的世界,没有多一个人的位子,更没有博爱座。

19. at hunts on a lonely hill. 我的心就像一名孤独的猎手,在寂寞的 山岗游猎。,(2) 喻体半隐式 He doesnt have an idea of his own. He just parrots what other people say. 他没有自己的观点,只会鹦鹉学舌。 A heavy silence blanketed the room. 整个房子沉浸在一片沉默中。 They stormed the speaker with questions. 他们猛烈质问演讲者。,。,(3) 喻体全隐式 Some books are to be tasted, other

20. 一个会急着骂你xxx的朋友,   比一个只会矫情说我爱你的朋友好得多,

21. g an implied comparison, in which one thing is applied to another.”,暗喻的结构特征,可以分为3个类型: (1) 喻体直述式:把本体和喻体说成是 一件事。 A book that is shut is but a block. 总是合着的书只不过是一块砖头而已。,College is a comma of a sentence of life. 大学就是人生长句的一个逗号。 在上面两句中,喻体 block and comma 一目了然, 十分明确地描写了本体的特 征。 My heart is a lonely hunter th

22. 玫瑰。 Some people think that marriage is a lottery. 有些人认为婚姻是缘分。 He is the eyes and ears of the manager. 他是经理的耳目。 Look at that guy all meat and no potatoes. 瞧那个家伙,浑身都是肉。 I was, inwardly, all white flag. 我内心里却妥协了。 Greece was the cradle of Western culture. 希腊是西方文化的发源地/摇篮。 The old mans face is a map of ti

23. 你是我池塘里一只丑小鸭,你是我老树上一只傻乌鸦,你是我喝醉了一句句大实话,欧...你偷偷笑个啥?万圣节快乐!

24. 地球上最伟大生物是人,人身上最伟大的东西是心灵。

25. me. 那老人脸就是岁月的写照。,verb pattern动词型: Snow clothes the ground. 雪覆盖了大地。 The case snowballed into one of the most famous trials in U.S. history. 这个案子像滚雪球似地最终成了美国历史上最著名的审判之一。 A stranger then is still dogging us. 一个陌生人仍在跟踪我们。 My desk is flooded with paper. 我的桌子上堆满了纸,就像洪水泛滥一样。 The years have silvered her hai

26. e Thats newly sprung in June; My love is like a melody Thats sweetly played in tune (Robert Burns) 啊,我爱人象红红的玫瑰,在六月里苞放;啊,我爱人象一支乐曲,乐声美妙、悠扬。,Shall I compare you to a summers day? 我能把你比作夏日吗? (William Shakespeare) My heart is like a singing bird 我的心就象正在唱歌的小鸟。,任何明喻必须具备以下条件:,(1)本体和喻体分属不同性质的事物并同时出现在句中; 猫的眼睛

27. 我们总是在开始时毫无所谓,在结束时痛彻心扉——九夜茴《匆匆那年》

28. 你要不顾一切让自己变得漂亮,即使是在那些糟糕的日子里。

29. 我也没什么可抱怨不就是你不爱我而已。

30. 宁娶婊子从良,不娶红杏出墙!

31. 喻(Simile)是常用as或like等词将具有某种共同特征的两种不同事物连接起来的一种修辞手法。明喻的表达方法是:A像B。说甲像乙,也就是说本体像喻体。 明喻的本体、喻体、比喻词都出现,能明显地看出是在打比方的比喻词:“像(如、若”、“(如、若似的”、“像(如、若)一般”、“好比(好像、犹如、仿佛)”等。 My heart is like a singing bird. (我的心像一只歌唱的小鸟。),Parts,The expression method is: a is like b. It is said that ontology is like metaphors. Usually,

32. ed the armed forces和high education)他选择了参军,而不是深造。 Have you ever read Shakes Peare(借代the works by Shakespeare)你读过莎士比亚的作品吗? The coat wonle be beyond his miserable pocke(借代money)他的钱少得可怜,买不起那件大衣。 The pen is stronger than the sword(gun)(分别借代those who use the pen和those who use the sword (gun)笔杆子比枪杆子厉害。,借喻不

33. 幸福是你知道身边所拥有的都是自己的,只要懂得珍惜就不会失去。只要你能把握到现在,没有过多的要求,其实你就会觉得很幸福。

34. 如果每说一次谎,心就会增加一处空白,我想,我的那颗早已没了颜色。

35. 荆棘坎坷是磨砺开拓者意志的摇篮;困难艰险,是开拓者前进路上的垫脚石。

36. 一事无成,一无是处,虎头蛇尾。

37. 如果你愿意一层一层剥开我的心,你会坐牢,我跟你讲。

38. ╬幸福,因为有你. 寂寞,因为想你.╬



40. 情能见血封喉 爱已经覆水难收。

41. 风尘之警指战争或骚乱的警报。

42. 寒蝉鸣泣之时 真的好苦 為何,濫情 /

43. n at the sea of faces beneath him. 演讲者俯视下面无数的面孔。 We have come a long way since then, in part as a fruit of his labors. 从那以后,我们取得了巨大进展,其中一部分是他努力的结果。 They tied pillows on top of their heads as protection against the shower of rocks. 他们把枕头绑在头上以防倾泻而下的岩石。,Note: The difference between simile and metaphor

44. 精神的沟通用不着语言,只有两颗充满着爱的心就行了。(法国)

45. r. 岁月已使她的鬓发如霜。 The population mushroomed in the postwar decades. 战后数十年里人口快速增长。 My heart was pumping. 我的心怦怦直跳。 He doesnt have any idea of his own. He just parrots what other people say. 他没有自己的观点,只会鹦鹉学舌。,adjective pattern形容词型: The mountainous waves swallowed up the ship. 山一般的巨浪吞没了那艘船。 I was all smiles

46. 花花去商店买花,华华给花花拿来画。花花怪华华把画当花不像话,华华说花花把花说成了画,把花说成画的花花决心今后学好普通话。

47. 两个人一起久了,女的会越来越爱男的,男的越来越随便。

48. 是同类的概念, (similarity),而是接近的概念, 两个概念关系密切,唇齿相依 。如,White House指美国总统府; the Pentagon即美国xxx,Rhetorical Devices借喻中也含有本体和喻体,两者之间是一种借代关系。如:如。 She was a girl who excited theemotions,but I was not the one to letmy heart rule my head,她十个让人动情的姑娘,而我则不是让感情支配理智的人。,借喻中的本体和喻体之间的关系可以通过下列几种方式进行表达:1,以典型的人体组织, 器官或部位代人的抽象行

49. 我送你一颗忘忧草,再为您逮只幸福鸟,含着忘忧草向你飞来时,请把你的心整理好,那是我对你最好的祝福

50. 以问候为礼,为你奉上绵绵关心;以真挚的心,给你传递深沉思念;以文字喻情,为你谱写点点牵挂;以快活为愿,祝你每天快乐,降温多添衣!

51. 我想爱的不是他,我爱的是有他的那段时间。——安妮宝贝《八月未央》

52. 在意的人哪里都好 就如我迷恋你的名字 喜欢你的姓氏 热爱你的星座 还有你一头凌乱的头发 书本上糟糕的字体

53. 世界上最遥远的距离不是生与死,而是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。

54. 昨天一个朋友说要跟我绝交,我没同意,毕竟我不知道那是什么体位。

55. is that simile points out the similarity between two compared things directly, while metaphor does not do like that and its meaning is implied, you have to read between the lines.,Similes and metaphors must also meet the following two requirements: 1) The tenor and the vehicle must represent things

56. 起来,但它只是一种简单的比较,而不是比喻。 He is as tall as his father. He us taller than his father.,like pattern: My mind goes round and round like the earth. 我的大脑像地球一样不停地转动。 He was like a cat on hot bricks before his driving test. 在驾驶考试之前,他紧张得像热锅上的蚂蚁。 Soccer is spreading like wildfire through all the States. 足球像野火一样迅

57. 开电脑的时候我会想像你在干嘛呢,看电视的时候会想让你一起看,做饭的时候想让你先品尝,出门的时候喜欢带着你一起。亲爱的,我心里只住着你!


