
时间:2016-01-07 02:16:15
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The Importance of Time Management in Achieving Success

Time management is a crucial skill that plays a significant role in achieving success in both personal and professional life. With proper time management, individuals can prioritize tasks, set achievable goals, and avoid procrastination. By effectively managing their time, people can increase productivity, reduce stress, and improve work-life balance. Time management also allows individuals to make the most of their available time, leading to better decision-making and overall success. In today's fast-paced world, mastering time management is essential for reaching one's full potential and achieving long-term goals.


The Benefits of Regular Exercise for Mental Health

Regular exercise has been proven to have numerous benefits for mental health. Physical activity can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression by releasing endorphins, the body's natural mood elevators. Exercise also promotes better sleep, which is essential for maintaining emotional well-being. Additionally, regular physical activity can improve self-esteem, cognitive function, and overall mental clarity. By incorporating exercise into their daily routine, individuals can experience a significant improvement in their mental health and overall quality of life. Prioritizing regular exercise is a key factor in achieving optimal mental well-being and overall happiness.

完整的句子的英语 篇三

1. Wives and daughters was composed by Mrs. Gaskell while Sons and Lovers was composed by D. H. Lawrence. 《妻子与女儿》是盖斯卡尔夫人写的,而《儿子与情人》则是劳伦斯写的。

2. 谓语动词。每个句子只有一个谓语动词,如果在拆分句子的时候,短句中出现了第二个谓语动词,那要注意,其中一定包含了分句。

3. Sure, you can write blog posts … but a whole ebook? 你写写博客自然不在话下,不过,写完一整本电子书?

4. xxx Clivia is a xxxgentlemanxxx itself. 则是君子兰一个“君子”的写照。

5. )主语的位置在陈述句基本结构的最前面。如:Wehelpeachother.我们互相帮助。

6. “This is to mark that I lived in terror under oppression,” read one message. “这是我生活在压迫恐怖下的印记”有一句这么写到。

7. From that time on, he would now and then ask me to complete a quatrain by adding a couplet of my own to one given by him. 从那时起,他时不时地叫我去完成一首四行诗,把我自己写的对句添加在他给我的对句后面。

8. Midnight was written by Mao Dun. 《子夜》是茅盾写的。

9. I wrote it on a plane from Omaha to Memphis while my brain was toast, and it shows. 这是我在从孟菲斯飞往奥马哈的航班上写的,当时我还头晕脑胀呢,就写出了这么一句。

10. Your colleagues may use commonly accepted abbreviations in email, but when communicating with external customers, everyone should follow standard writing protocol. 本公司内部同事见的电子邮件可以有些简写或缩写,但是对于非本公司的客人的电子邮件一定要遵守标准书写格式。

11. When overridden in a derived class, attempts to retrieve the security token that matches at least one of the key identifier clauses contained within the specified key identifier. 在衍生类别中覆写时,尝试撷取与指定之金钥识别码内含的其中一个金钥识别码子句相符的安全性权杖。

12. 你让我完美;你完成了我completeadj.(用以强调)完全的;完成的;达到结尾的;完整的vt.完成,使完满;完成或结束;填写(表格)[例句]Jeffbezosinsistsoncompletesentences.杰夫·贝佐斯坚持使用完整的句子。

13. Merelybecauseyoubelieveathingisright,itisn'tautomaticallyso

14. The man resumed his writing. 那汉子继续写他的。

15. This is the second time the East Emperor Kangxi, when the customs officials who patrol the poem written. 这是康熙皇帝第二次东巡山海关时写下的诗句。

16. 他也许不来了。

17. This old idiom xxxeverything goes, no one goodxxx is a true portrayal of the Shaman; 这句古老的习语“样样都行,无一精通”就是萨满的真实写照;

18. 感转People青are米always军本like重“Are路you山a想morning三下person商or格a风night根府person?型”and任I’标mjust做完like“现Mate,名I’再m存barely斗even取a严子person”

19. Use complete words and sentences. An essay or story is not a chatroom. 遣词造句要完整。写文章隐讳闲扯。

20. By the way, if you write a script to implement a change, write its complement—the xxxundoxxx script—at the same time. 顺便说一句,如果要编写实现修改的脚本,那么也要同时编写相反的脚本 — “撤消” 脚本。


