
时间:2014-04-03 08:42:29
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感恩母校的句子英文怎么说 篇一

As alumni, we are forever grateful for the education and opportunities that our alma mater has provided us. The lessons we learned, the friendships we made, and the experiences we gained have shaped us into the individuals we are today. We owe a debt of gratitude to our university for instilling in us a love for learning, a sense of community, and a drive for success.

Our alma mater holds a special place in our hearts, as it is where we spent some of the most formative years of our lives. The memories we created on campus will stay with us forever, and we will always cherish the time we spent there. We are thankful for the professors who challenged us, the classmates who inspired us, and the staff who supported us along the way.

As we look back on our time at our alma mater, we realize how lucky we were to be a part of such a vibrant and inclusive community. Our university provided us with the resources we needed to succeed, and for that, we are eternally grateful. We will always hold our alma mater in high regard and will continue to support it in any way we can.

In conclusion, we want to express our deepest gratitude to our alma mater for the education, memories, and opportunities it has given us. We are proud to be alumni of such a prestigious institution and will always look back on our time there with fondness. Thank you, mother school, for everything you have done for us.

感恩母校的句子英文怎么说 篇二

Reflecting on our time at our alma mater fills us with a profound sense of gratitude. The education we received, the friendships we formed, and the experiences we had all played a crucial role in shaping us into the people we are today. Our university has given us so much, and for that, we are truly thankful.

Our alma mater provided us with a nurturing environment where we could learn, grow, and thrive. The support we received from our professors, classmates, and staff was invaluable, and we will always be grateful for the guidance and mentorship they provided. The lessons we learned inside and outside the classroom have helped us navigate the challenges of the real world with confidence and resilience.

As we continue on our life journeys, we carry with us the lessons and values instilled in us by our alma mater. We are forever indebted to our university for the opportunities it has given us and the impact it has had on our lives. We will always hold a special place in our hearts for our alma mater and will continue to give back in any way we can.

In conclusion, we want to express our heartfelt appreciation to our alma mater for the education, support, and memories it has given us. We are proud to be alumni of such a distinguished institution and will always be grateful for the role it has played in shaping our lives. Thank you, mother school, for everything you have done for us.

感恩母校的句子英文怎么说 篇三

感恩母校的句子英文怎么说 精选47句

1. 精彩完美的人生,是怀着感激的人生。

2. 端午将至,粽香千里。

3. 怀着感恩的心情去生活,让自己快乐,更让别人感到快乐!教师是烛光,燃烧自己释放光芒;有人说,教师是翅膀,能让学子在太空翱翔;有人说,教师是奠基,构筑的人才大厦高万丈。

4. 收集有关感恩父母,老师,祖国等图片。

5. 有一种爱“此时无声胜有声”,有一种爱“一切尽在不言中”,有一种爱“看着不深其实很深”。

6. 考点离我们家有十多公里,寒冷的天空无情的下着小雪,你载着我仅用了半小时就来到到考场,看你头上汗水直流,鼻子冻得通红,我哽咽了,心里酸酸的疼,一句话也说不出口,你急忙帮我找到座位,又和老师小声说着什么,其实女儿心里明白,你是要老师特殊照顾生病的我,看着忙忙碌碌的你穿梭在考场前后,我眼睛湿润了。

7. 为今天喝彩的同时,我们永远铭记您当初的教诲和箴言!我要拜你为师!跟你学点生意经,见哪行有钱就做哪行;跟你学点恋爱招,看中谁了就追谁;再跟你学点九阴真经,谁不说我帅我美就扁谁!老师在学校时您管得那么严,所以我对您只能投之以逃。

8. 她说,她会永远支持我。

9. 早就想感谢你,但是一直不好意思说出口,给您发条短信,感谢你的帮助,爱护。

10. ,loveandmiracles.希望你的生活里充满了欢乐、关爱和奇迹。

11. 爸爸不再是那个把我们高高扛上肩的年轻小伙,妈妈也不再是那位干家务麻利十


12. 父亲拿着手机,这儿摸摸,那儿按按,像小孩似的,稀罕的不行。

13. 那收获的果实,是众人拾柴火焰高的结果。

14. 每逢佳节倍思亲,一位失去爹娘的孩子,一位身为法官的儿子,在春节来临的时候,在亲人曾经战斗过的土地上,擦干眼泪,跨越脆弱,放下痛苦,重拾坚强,焚香于父母的坟前,把自己站成坚硬的纪念碑,任北风呼啸,烧纸飘扬,他用默默祝福祈祷永恒。

15. 女儿的成才正是父母望子成龙,望女成凤的期盼,感恩父母,女儿争气成才是对您们恩情的回报。

16. 亲爱的母校,我要甘心您对我辛勤的哺育,有了您,我才可以茁壮成长.

17. 母校啊,你是我的另一个母亲,我深沉的爱着您,如同群星守护着明月.

18. 感恩节到了,亲爱的谢谢你陪伴在我身边的每一天。

19. 你的笑容多美,好似一汪秋水,泛起点点涟漪,我的心如潮水,有我痴心无罪,只是怪你实在太美,我爱得多沉醉,却无怨无悔。

20. 谢谢您,我的母校.步入校门的第一天起,您便担当了我第二个母亲,履行者母亲的职责.

21. 一父养十子,十子养一父。

22. 感谢那些苛刻你的人,是他们让你进步;感谢那些鄙夷你的人,是他们让你成功;感恩那些伤害你的人,是他们让你宽容……当感恩驻入心口,将有阳光温暖心头,像母亲慈祥的手,汇成了不绝的爱的河流。

23. 感恩节到了,感谢你,我的爱人,我会爱你直到永远!感谢你温暖的手掌,为我指引人生的方向;感激你温和的模样,为我树立博爱的形象;感悟你温柔的力量,为我打造理想的翅膀。

24. 吭哧、吭哧地掏了一夜,第二天掏声依旧。

25. 感恩您,我的校园.有了您,我的青春不再孤单.

26. ”怀着感恩的心,诗人艾青在他的诗中写到:“为什么我的眼中饱含泪水,因为我对这片土地爱得深沉。

27. 敬爱的老师,您的教诲如春风,似润雨,永铭我心。

28. 有一种爱不求回报,有一种爱大公无私,有一种爱奉献到老,有一种爱无怨无悔,这是伟大的母爱。

29. 今天是教师节,祝所有的老师心情愉快身体健康合家幸福!不计辛勤一砚寒,桃熟流丹,李熟技残,种花容易树人难。

30. 感恩迷茫,让我看到心里向往的曙光。

31. 见过大海发怒,却没见过您生气。

32. 你是我见过最美丽的树叶,让我的森林为你凋谢。

33. 这么多年了,感谢领导对我的悉心栽培,没有伯乐,我永远都不会是千里马,您们昨日的呵护成就了今天的自我,感谢您。

34. 您的眼光中虽有严厉,但更多的是温暖,是爱护。

35. 忘不了您浩荡东风般的叮咛,鼓起我前进的勇气。

36. 如果你问父母,要不要回去探望他们?回答一定是,工作忙就别回来了。

37. 父亲第一次正视我。

38. 细抚父母额头岁月褶,浓浓爱意牵您我。

39. 你给我的最珍贵的礼品——真诚的友情,在我生活的银河中,犹如一颗明亮的星星。

40. 她们的心始终一样,都有一颗极为纯真的赤子之心。

41. 就是在我们母亲的膝上,我们获得了我们的最高尚、最真诚和最远大的理想,但是里面很少有任何金钱。

42. 感恩节送上我的祝福。

43. 教师是石级,承受着学生一步步踏实地向上攀登。

44. 感谢朋友,成长中带给我许多泪水和欢笑,求学中给我许多自信和磨炼,生活中给我许多帮助,和提供给我施予帮助的机会。

45. 今天是感恩节,所以我好想说我上辈子是做了什么孽呀。

46. 在那些约好的时光里,我一直觉得有你真好。

47. 我的校园,是您让我感受到青春的活力,一直以来,谢谢您给予我最深沉的.


