
时间:2016-04-03 08:31:13
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关于风筝的句子英语怎么说 篇一

Flying a kite is a popular outdoor activity enjoyed by people of all ages. The feeling of watching a colorful kite soaring high in the sky is truly magical.

Wind conditions play a crucial role in determining the success of flying a kite. The perfect amount of wind can help the kite stay up in the air for a long time, while too much wind can make it difficult to control.

Choosing the right location is also important when flying a kite. Open fields or beaches with few obstacles are ideal for kite flying, as they provide ample space for the kite to maneuver freely.

The design of a kite can vary greatly, from traditional diamond-shaped kites to more intricate designs with multiple layers and tails. Some kites are even designed to perform tricks and stunts in the air.

Kite festivals are popular events held in many countries around the world. These festivals attract kite enthusiasts from far and wide, showcasing a dazzling array of kites in various shapes, sizes, and colors.

Flying a kite is not only a fun pastime, but also a great way to relax and unwind. The simple act of watching a kite dance in the sky can be both calming and exhilarating.

In conclusion, flying a kite is a timeless activity that brings joy and excitement to people of all ages. So next time you have a free afternoon, why not grab a kite and head outdoors for some high-flying fun?

关于风筝的句子英语怎么说 篇二

Kite flying has a long and rich history that dates back thousands of years. In ancient China, kites were used for military purposes, as well as for sending messages and measuring distances.

The art of kite making has evolved over the centuries, with different cultures developing their own unique styles and designs. Today, kites come in all shapes and sizes, from simple paper kites to elaborate dragon kites and box kites.

Kite flying is not only a recreational activity, but also a competitive sport in many parts of the world. Kite fighting, where participants try to cut each other's strings, is a popular pastime in countries like India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.

Kite flying has also inspired artists and writers throughout history. The image of a kite soaring high in the sky has been used as a symbol of freedom, creativity, and the human spirit.

In recent years, kite flying has gained popularity as a form of therapy for people of all ages. The act of flying a kite can be a meditative and grounding experience, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.

Overall, kite flying is a versatile and enjoyable activity that can be enjoyed by people from all walks of life. Whether you are flying a simple kite in the park or participating in a competitive kite festival, there is something magical about watching a kite dance in the sky.

关于风筝的句子英语怎么说 篇三

1. The kites were afoul in the wind.

2. “蝙蝠”风筝起飞了,我一边奔跑,一边放线,风“呼呼”地从我耳边刮过,“蝙蝠”风筝越飞越高,我非常高兴!天空中的“蝙蝠大王”时而上升,时而下降,活灵活现!正在这时候,一只“蝴蝶”飞了过来,好象是和我的风筝竞翔。不好了,一个孙悟空和一是蜻蜓打了起来,他俩都不甘示弱,最后,双双掉在了地上。

3. 这时,各式各样的风筝是让人惊叹不已,有金黄色的“小鸟”、美丽的“凤凰”、可爱的“小白鸽”、威风的“蜈蚣”


4. Kites whooshed above the beach at intervals.

5. 操场上的人可真不少。我们三个一群,五个一伙地忙着把自己的风筝展示出来,你瞧,哪个“大金鱼”飞得可真高,都快飞到云里去了,它那两条尾巴一上一下,仿佛在空中翩翩起舞。你快看,西边的哪吒那着乾坤圈,踩着风火轮,威风凛凛地在空中翱翔。“哇!‘哪吒’越飞越高了,好象飞机都没它高呢!”,我们高兴得一边拍手一边嚷:“哪吒赛过飞机啦!哪吒真棒!”

6. 广场上放风筝的人可真多,风筝也各具特色,造型不同。有翩翩起舞的蝴蝶,还有金光闪闪的金龙,我拿的是展翅欲飞的雄鹰。

7. A boy is flying a kite in the piazza.

8. The kites fly upwind. How beautiful the scene is!

9. The girl let the kite fly to the sky by paying out the string.

10. 他开始放线,一只手牵着风筝,一只手牵着线。啊!飞上去啦!我心里真佩服他。可惜好景不长,那风筝突然转了几圈,飘落了下来。小男孩没灰心,再一次的拉紧了线,让风筝随风飘上天。开始,他不敢放线,风筝在他头上飘来飘去。风小些了,他才开始慢慢地放。风筝又飘上天了!不好,风筝左跌又撞地晃了几下,便掉到了地上。

11. 说话间,我们已经到了目的地。她们的老师非常热情,先给我们作了

12. 我们五年五班的山鹰正在“拍打着”雄健的翅膀准备翱翔天庭呢!只见它先是徐徐上升,又是在空中自由的摆动身子,最后他转了一个弯,又一次的展翅飞翔起来。多么勇敢的山鹰!就在我一次次的按下照相机的'快门时,徐庆康也在拽着我们的风筝在操场上飞跑。可是,山鹰好像突然没劲了,一个劲的向下跌。不一会,山鹰就重重地摔在地上。

13. 我们三个一群,五个一伙地忙着把自己的风筝展示出来,你瞧,哪个“大金鱼”飞得可真高,都快飞到云里去了,它那两条尾巴一上一下,仿佛在空中翩翩起舞。你快看,西边的哪吒那着乾坤圈,踩着风火轮,威风凛凛地在空中翱翔。“哇!‘哪吒’越飞越高了,好象飞机都没它高呢!”,我们高兴得一边拍手一边嚷:“哪吒赛过飞机啦!哪吒真棒!”

14. 哇!风筝飞上去了。它仿佛是一只展翅起飞的春燕在天空中翱翔,有像是一条活泼机灵的小金鱼在浩瀚的海洋里嬉戏。那两个小男孩也不赖,他们的风筝也飞地挺高的,像两只巨鹰从你的头顶上呼啸而过。

15. 空头支票 [C] a check drawn against uncollected funds in a bank account or fraudulently raised before cashing

16. 天空中的风筝越来越多了,有金色的“小鸟”、凶猛的“老鹰“、可爱的“白鸽”……把天空打扮得绚丽多彩。看,那一只只风筝在天空中展翅飞翔,犹如一张张笑脸是多么可爱!它带着我们的笑声,带着我们的希望飞向遥远的天空!


