
时间:2016-06-01 04:35:30
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描写春天的稻田句子 篇一





描写春天的稻田句子 篇二





描写春天的稻田句子 篇三

1. 秋天,大地被秋姐姐打扮的可漂亮了!黄黄的坚强的小草就像一张张金黄的地毯。银杏叶像一把把扇子,向蟋蟀告别。火红火红的枫叶像一枚枚邮票,邮走了夏天的炎热。秋天,爱臭美的菊花把自已打扮得五彩缤纷,可漂亮了,有火红的、金黄的、嫩绿的……苹果兄弟你挤我碰,争着给人们去摘呢!雪梨兄妹们抹上玫瑰花香水弄得自已香喷喷的,从老远就闻到香味。而稻田里卷起金黄的波浪,漂亮极了!木瓜姐妹正在和人们玩捉迷藏呢!

2. 秋雨带来了丰收的喜悦,雨淅淅沥沥地下着,地上的花果,稻田贪婪的吸收着秋雨的露水,秋雨用它的露水毫无保留地滋润了大地万物。稻田上,田野里,农民伯伯们欢乐的笑容感染了我,更让我感谢了秋雨,他们春天满怀希望地将一粒粒蔬菜籽撒入田野,整个夏天都在耕田,施肥,浇灌,到了秋天,他终于能品尝到丰收的喜悦,正如辛弃疾在诗中写道:稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片。而这一切,都是秋雨的功劳,她将自己的露水无私的奉献给了大地。

3. 除了蛙鼓,还有一两声清脆的蝉鸣点缀其间,还有偶尔星星点点不知名的虫嘶,还有若有若无的轻风拂叶的沙沙声,更增添了这鸣奏曲的生动性与活泼性。

4. 出学校,对面那条泥泞的小路就是去我爷爷家的小路。走到家门口时,能清楚的看到,在左边是一个废旧的洗衣台,右边还放着爷爷手编的竹背篓,门前还是那几颗老树。夏天,老树长着茂盛的枝叶,为我遮阴避凉。冬天,老树掉光了叶子,却还是坚强的挺立在那儿,让我佩服、感叹它的顽强。老树的下面是一片稻田,这时的稻穗还没长出来,但这茂盛的稻田像一幅美景图,深深地映入我的心底,久久都不曾忘记。

5. 秋天的雨潇潇瑟瑟,总会带给人一种凄凉的感觉。“梧桐叶上潇潇雨”,一句诗,七个字,却将一幅秋雨图描绘了出来。读了这句诗,一种凄凉的感觉油然而生。秋雨潇潇,洗去夏天的炎热。秋雨并不一定代表着凄凉,还有着丰收。你看,秋雨中,果实成熟了,瓜果飘香;稻田里,金色的海浪翻着,白菜、黄瓜……都成熟了。秋雨,亦使我想到了婉约派的李清照、“白衣卿相”柳永……

6. The fields of spring are green like the nature of spring; standing here, like a green ocean; the spring breeze coming on the face, fresh fresh air, and warm and soft sunlight --------------------------------------------------They are the most indispensable and most reflected natural landscapes in the field.

7. 多明媚的秋天哪,这里,再也不是焦土和灰烬,这是千万座山风都披着红毯的旺盛的国土。那满身嵌着弹皮的红松,仍然活着,傲立在高高的山岩上,山谷中汽笛欢腾,白望在稻田里缓缓飞翔。

8. 春天,田野里一片繁忙的景象!在炎热的太阳下,一群群勤劳的农民伯伯猫着腰,弓着背,熟练地插下那一株株幼小的嫩绿的秧苗,洒下一粒粒希望的生命种子。再看那边,一头头肥壮的牛正欢快地拉着犁、唱着歌,好象在欢迎春天的到来!

9. 一根根横跨蓝天的高压线,伸向远方,去连接着一座座电灌站,像琴弦般日夜弹奏着丰收的乐章。

10. Qiuyu brought the joy of harvest. The rain was under the ground, the flowers and fruits on the ground, and the rice field greedily absorbed the dew of the autumn rain. Qiu Yu used its dew to moisturize the earth without the paddy field, in the field, the smiling smile of the peasant uncle infected me, and it also made me thank Qiu Yu. They sprinkled a grain of vegetable seeds into the field with hope in the autumn, he finally could taste the joy of harvest, just as Xin Qiji wrote in the poem: The rice flower fragrance said Fengnian, listening to the sound of all this is the credit of Qiu Yu, and she dedicated her dew to the earth.

11. Before enjoying the summer, autumn grandmother took me into the golden field of rice fields. My grandmother rushed to the left and right in the field in the the rice was overwhelmed, or the rice was sprinkled. Grandma looked at it helplessly to shake her head. Qiu Yi's company's company was a joyful season.

12. I love all the year, but I love summer it is not as purple and red in spring, it is not as beautiful as flowers; it is not as autumn as autumn, and it is fruitful; it is not as fruitful as Yushu Qiongzhi, pink makeup and it has its own special beauty -it is full of vitality and green paddy fields.

13. I like summer, because in summer, you can wear shorts or my favorite -ice cream! I like the autumn of autumn wind, because it is a harvest year! I also like to watch golden rice fields!

14. 夏天的乡村也非常的美丽,蓝蓝的天空,白白的云,倒映着绿油油的稻田,云一时一个样,一会儿变个白狗狗,一会儿变个小白兔,一会儿又变成了一个白白的软软的大棉花糖好像在逗田野里的高粱孩子玩呢,大树爷爷也被逗得乐呵呵的,可开心了。早晨漫步在乡间的小路上,一股股清新的空气迎面而来,眼前是一片碧绿的田野,小鸟也从沉睡中醒来,在路旁的大树上唱着欢快的歌曲。田野里的麦苗上挂着一颗颗晶莹的露珠,在阳光下散发着水晶般的光彩

15. 第4句:秋天,沉甸甸的稻谷,向你微笑,鞠躬。

16. In the fields of that spring, a large green and strong grass stretched out a lazy waist. They put a green clothes for the earth, and they were full of all kinds of land in the field without wild flowers are white, yellow, purple, blue ... colorful, purple flower is really special, clusters of clusters, that purple is not ordinary purple, its purple is bright, purple is pure, purple is dreamy!It's a bit like a Clivia, a bit like Phalaenopsis, Silvete butterfly, and in the flowers, the butterfly danced, and the little bee who was busy with the honey almost sprayed Coke.

17. 我喜欢秋天,因为秋天秋高气爽,不像春天潮湿、雨水多;因为秋天秋风习习,不像夏天烈日灼人;因为秋天硕果累累,在稻田里农夫们收割着麦子,脸上洋溢着丰收的喜悦,不像冬天冰天雪地、寒风刺骨还有可怕的雪灾。

18. 稻田里,金灿灿的油菜花大片大片地开了,好像给大地铺上了一层金色的地毯。春风吹,吹绿了小草,吹醒了青蛙,青蛙从洞里跑出来,跳到稻田里捉害虫。

19. 童年的时候,捉鱼和钓鱼是我和小伙伴们最大的乐趣。先说捉鱼——春天和夏天,正是鱼儿繁殖和生长的时候,我们一般不捉鱼的。可是一到秋天,我就和小伙伴们就开始四处找鱼、捉鱼了。稻田、小溪、堰塘里,到处都有我们找鱼、捉鱼的身影。农忙时,我们帮着大人们割水稻、拾稻穗、踩谷桩,更多的时间是在稻田里捉鱼虾。那时,水池、稻田几乎都不下鱼苗,所以只有鲫鱼自己繁殖生长。有的稻田鱼多一些,有的稻田几乎没有什么鱼。

20. Spring, a busy scene in the field!In the hot sun, a group of hard -working peasant uncle cats, bowed his back, bowed his back, and inserted the young and green seedlings of the young green seedlings, sprinkled a grain o

f life at there, the fat -headed cow was pulling the plow and singing the song, as if welcoming the coming of spring!

21. I look at it. In front of my eyes is a beautiful spring crops. The farmers Po is working hard, because farmers' Bobo hopes that their current hard work can be changed into Jin Chancan rice in the fall, rich and rich, richGrain.

22. 我爱一年四季,但是,我更爱夏天。它虽然还没有春天那么万紫千红,百花争艳;也没有秋天那么秋风习习,硕果累累;更不像冬天那样玉树琼枝,粉妆玉砌。但它有着自己特殊的美――生气勃勃,稻田绿茵。

23. Of course, summer can't be behind. Brother Xia runs, sweats, and has also come to our countryside. As soon as he came, the countryside suddenly became a green rice fields are green, like a green ocean; the green wood is the paradise of birds, everything is vibrant. Children are playing with water, playing, how happy! In summer, a green world, one belongsChildren's space!

24. 春天的田野,就像春天的本色一样是绿的;站在这儿,像置身一片绿色的海洋;迎面扑来的春风,清新的新鲜空气,和温暖柔和的阳光-------都是田野里最不可缺少和最体现出一番春天气息的自然景观。

25. 春姑娘来到了春天的田野,天里的坚强的小草悄悄地从土里探出了小脑袋,柳树发芽了,柔软的枝条在微风中摇摆。果园里,粉红的桃花,雪白的梨花,犹如许多美丽的蝴蝶在飞舞。天地里,农民伯伯正在忙着耕地,播种,他们用自己勤劳的双手,把春的希望播种。勤劳的小蜜蜂更是忙的不亦乐乎,在花丛中载歌载舞。田野里那金黄色的油菜花,像金子铺满大地,绿油油的麦苗,一片接着一片,微风吹过,泛起层层浪波。

26. 春天。枯黄的原野变绿了。新绿的叶子在枯枝上长出来。阳光温柔地对着每个人微笑,鸟儿在歌唱飞翔。花开放着,红的花,白的花,紫的花。星闪耀着,红的星,绿的星,白的星。蔚蓝的天,自由的风,梦一般美丽的爱情。

27. You can see a lot of rice fields in the seemed to bend his waist with a smile, and it was like a literati and elegant, all bowing towards the earth! A light wind blew through, a seedlings raised their heads, shaking in the breeze, it was beautiful.

28. 外婆家的后面有一片竹林,竹林中的竹子又多有茂盛。竹子密得像永远穿不透的天空,一直没有尽头;数也数不清的高耸入云的山;竹叶落到了地上就变成了翠绿色的地毯。小鸡和母鸡有时会到竹林里来觅食,或者是来这里玩耍。

29. 玉米乐开了怀。桂树枫树常青树,带着苍郁和深沉的格调和各具特色的气质,展示着风采。金子般的黄,玛瑙般的红,翡翠般的绿,宛如画家精心绘制的画卷。

30. Nostalgic for the green lake, the boat was light, and the fish turned over; I remembered that the ginseng forests, hundreds of birds, flowers and grass, and wanted to return to the rice field, breeze, and fresh dream of going far can no longer be nostalgic, cherish the environment, and a better life tomorrow.

31. 一洼洼的不是稻田而是油烟。一片片的不再是树林而是污染,一丛丛的不再是坚强的小草而是渣山。一条条的不是小路而是垃圾练成串,爱护环境,刻不容缓,下一代的梦想,这一代的明天,不要因为今天留下遗憾。

32. The rapeseed flowers in the field of spring are about two feet high. The golden rapeseed flower is like a decorative pattern depicted on the new the sun's shining, a large piece of rapeseed flowers are glittering, which is particularly this time, if you walk into the field, a burst of fragrance will float with the wind, and the entire field is immersed in the sea of incense.xxxBuw and hum ...xxx The little bee flew, picked off the fragrant powder, and made sweet honey.

33. 我的记忆中,有数不胜数的美不胜收的景物。且不提那“出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”的荷花,也不提那古朴典雅美轮美奂的小桥流水,更不提那苍翠欲滴万古长青的苍松翠柏。单就这独特的田园风光,深深地吸引了我。那果实累累瓜果飘香的乡村田园引人入胜,那清澈见底波光粼粼的田家池塘妙不可言,还有那极富诗情画意淳朴自然山青水秀的农家小院更是别有一番风味!

34. 田野里更是一派丰收的景象:一望无际的稻田像铺了一地的金子。一个个稻穗骨折大肚皮,涨得要破裂似的,一阵风吹来,便掀起一阵阵金色的波浪。棉花小列了嘴,高粱笑弯了腰,苹果树上长满了张红了脸的红苹果,黄澄澄的梨压弯了枝头,橘子顶着绿叶,像挂在树上的小灯笼一般。不远处有几位农民在收割庄稼,脸上露出了甜甜的笑容。

35. Where is the beautiful autumn? Here, it is no longer scorched soil and ashes. This is the strong land of tens of millions of mountain winds in the red red pine full of bouncing skin was still alive, standing on the tall mountain rocks, the whistle in the valley was jubilant, and Baiwang flew slowly in the rice field.

36. 春风驾着五彩祥云姗姗而来,浑身散发着缕缕沁人的清香。她化作娇嫩的草芽,从坚实的大地中钻了出来:她化作北归的大雁,从遥远的天际飞了回来;她化作姑娘身上薄如蝉翼的丝巾从熙攘的人群中款款走来——和煦的春风是春的使者。

37. 脚下的土地也有了春意。一丝丝、一丛丛的的坚强的小草从地里钻了出来,多可爱的坚强的小草啊!细细嫩嫩的,嫩得似乎轻轻一碰就会变成碎末儿,黄绿黄绿的颜色有些淡,刚刚长出来的坚强的小草毛茸茸的,抚摸上去十分舒服,感觉像在摸小鸡的容绒毛,又像在摸一床舒适的鸭绒被,还好像在小女孩长长的滑顺的长发。

38. 哇!春天的田野好美呀!有绿油油的一眼望不到边的麦田、刚刚破土的嫩绿的坚强的小草、牡丹花棵上长出了红红的小芽儿、柳枝上露出了一个个小脑袋、黄色的不知名的小花,还有,池塘里的冰融化了,连土地也变得像面包一样很松软。

39. 梯田最美的时候却是冬天,因为灌满水的梯田时时闪现出银白色的光芒,从而凸显出梯田的婀娜曲折的轮廓,在阳光和云雾的滋养下,银屏玉翠,云蒸霞蔚,如一幅浩瀚苍茫、气象万千的水墨画,让人在陶醉中生起一种身在仙境的幻觉。

40. 夏季过去了,紧接着秋季来了。乡村的秋季,秋色宜人。秋姑娘来到稻田,稻谷笑弯了腰,高粱涨红了脸。

41. 第5句:水田里,金黄的稻谷.一望无垠,沉甸甸的稻穗压弯了

42. In the summer rice field, there is a piece of rice fields behind the the summer, I smelled the fragrance of rice from a the day, Cheng Li and I played next to the rice the evening, the frog sounds in the rice fields were very lively.

43. 第6句:春天,细雨细丝,身苗贪婪地吸吮着甘露,它们舒展着嫩绿的叶子,在雨雾中欢笑着。放眼望去.到处是翠色欲滴,轻轻流入云际。

44. 无边无际的*原*坦、广阔,像一个硕大无比的墨绿色的大翡翠圆盘,苍茫浩渺,气魄摄人。

45. 秋天的风,有一枝五彩的画笔。它把稻田染上了金黄,稻谷翻起了金色的波浪。它把枫林染上了红色,你瞧!枫林里火红一片。它给菊花染得颜色就更多了,紫色、淡黄、粉红、雪白……它们尽情地展示着自己的美丽。

46. I like autumn, because autumn is high and refreshing, unlike spring humid and more rain; because of autumn autumn wind, unlike the scorching sun in the summer; because of the fruitful fruit, farmers in Daotian harvest wheat, and their faces are filled with a bumper , unlike the snowy and snowy winds in winter, the cold wind and the terrible snow disaster.

47. 低处的稻田里,稻谷熟了,金黄金黄的好像是谁在地里铺上一层厚厚的金子。秋波摇晃着稻谷,使沉甸甸的稻穗有节奏地波动着,好像金山在滑坡。风声稻浪,如似一曲动人的乐章。

48. The wind in autumn has a colorful dyed the rice fields with golden yellow, and the rice rolled up golden dyed the maple forest red, and you see! The cane is has more colors for chrysanthemums, purple, pale yellow, pink, white ... they show their beauty as much as possible.

49. In the rain, spring rain is busy, moisturizing the new appearance of all green grass was lying on the one, and the children were flowers are exposed with buds, and passers -by stopped crops of rice fields are desperate, and farmers are happy and rainwater comes, I wish happiness often!

50. 夏天稻田,小河的后面一点点有一块稻田。夏天,远远就闻到一股水稻的清香。白天,我和程李在稻田旁边玩。晚上,稻田里的蛙声此起彼伏,非常热闹。

51. 年轻的人们在广阔的田野里会大有作为的

52. 第14句:秋天是丰收的季节,无边的稻田里,放眼望去,目之所及满是令心醉的金色,在阳光的照射下,越发光耀夺目,好象满地的金子。嗬!怪不得割稻的农民乐得连嘴都合不拢,看着这样丰硕的成果,谁不心里乐开花呢!秋天到了,天空一碧如洗,好象用清水洗过的蓝宝石一样.秋天的天空,像大海一样湛蓝。

53. 足蒸暑土气,背灼炎天光,力尽不知热,但惜夏日长。

54. 秋高气爽,不再有夏天的炎热。几只大雁掠过天空,好像把瓜果成熟的消息带给了农民伯伯。走进田野,稻田是一片金色的海洋。高粱红着脸儿笑了,一曲酒歌在心灵酿造。各种庄稼成熟了,农民伯伯也非常开心。看!那边有一位农民伯伯正用镰刀收割着稻子,虽然很辛苦,但在他脸上却挂着灿烂的笑容,他的汗水落到稻子上,原本黄色的稻子变得金灿灿的,仿佛这些稻子就是由农民伯伯的汗水抚育成的。秋天,是一个丰收的季节,也是农民伯伯欢喜的季节。

55. The rain in autumn always gives people a desolate feeling.xxxSalva leaves on the leaves of Xiaoxiaoxxx, a poem, seven words, but depicting a picture of autumn reading this poem, a desolate feeling Yu Xiaoxiao, washed the hot Yu does not necessarily represent desolation, and there is a bumper see, in the autumn rain, the fruit is mature, and the melon fruit is fragrant; in the rice fields, the golden waves are rolled, cabbage, cucumber, etc. are Yu also reminded me of Li Qingzhao and xxxBai Yi Qing Xiangxxx Liu Yong ...

56. 第22句:摊满场面的带着油性的金黄谷子,像舒坦地躺着千千万万的孩子,顽皮可爱的挤弄着小眼睛.

57. 看,她飞过了山脉大川,留下了丝丝绿意,掠过了大地,留下了阵阵清爽,飘过了翠绿的田野,留下了点点翠光。

58. 秋收过后,稻田躺在阳光光辉照耀下,处处点缀着圆圆的稻草堆,黄色的黑色的牛群,散在各处悠闲地啃着青草,有的地方长着绿色的庄稼,像铺着碧绿的地毡,小溪流蜿蜒在稻田里,给阳光照着,像一条明亮的玻璃带子。

59. 穿越这片绿绿的田野,跟随微风的脚步,嗅着不那么浓郁而清淡的卖香;阳光和风都配合得很默契,稻子和小麦虽然没成熟,但当它们绿绿的外壳紧贴它们柔弱的身躯在阳光下、在风中飘动,就像是春天的田野中的绿仙子,在与大自然中的一切嬉戏!

60. We came to the field. The rice fields were like a golden ocean, the sorghum flushed, and the corn exposed the golden and full red maple leaves are like a stamp, floating, and the autumn is cool. The leaves of the ginkgo tree are like a small fan, a fan, fan, and the heat of the the leaves of the sycamore trees fly in the air, like a beautiful butterfly.

61. 拖拉机在收获过的土地上来回不停地开动着,在身后翻起了层层泥浪。

62. October is the season of harvest. The beautiful northern country is picturesque: you see the endless rice fields, the rice waves are rolling, a golden, like golden prefer is the season of cultivation, summer is the season of breeding, winter is the collection season. Only autumn is the harvest season. It is the golden autumn season. When the autumn wind blows across the field, the rice is yellow, the golden rice is then did people feel the sweetness of labor and the joy of bumper harvest. The farmers in the ground were printed with a black face with a black face. I do n’t know how much sweat. Now the harvest is looking at it.

63. The autumn rain is underground, which is yellow paddy field was played, a maple tree was red, and the golden yellow was played, and the autumn colors symbolizing the maturity and harvest were played.

64. 春天,稻田里一片繁忙的景象!在炎热的太阳下,一群群勤劳的农民伯伯猫着腰,弓着背,熟练地插下那一株株幼小的秧苗,洒下一粒粒希望的生命种子。再看那边,一头头肥壮的牛正欢快地拉着犁唱着歌,好象在欢迎春天的到来!

65. I stroll on the fields of spring, looking at those beautiful trees that defend the crops and the embankment, and those beautiful flowers that are hugged by hovering on their heads and whispering with them!At this moment, I couldn't help but think of a proverb: xxxIt is spring on the occasion of the year, and the morning is in the morning.xxx

66. 第23句:看见那一碗碗金黄色的油亮的圆圆的米粒儿,没等吃就闻到一股股饭香.每吃一口就觉得满嘴里甜甜的.一吸气更觉得甜丝丝的。

67. 一个个黄澄澄的梨像一盏盏小灯笼一样,挂在树梢。一把把稻子像一个个奥运火炬。风一吹,稻穗左右摇摆,掀起金黄色的“波浪”。

68. 玉米在风中舞蹈,叶子就是它的裙子;麦子在风中摆动,好像在向朋友们招手;青菜穿上了绿色的外衣,在甩着头。

69. 我开始动工,我把银杏树涂成黄色,银杏树的叶子像小扇子。扇那扇那,扇走了夏天的炎热。我把枫树涂成红色,把稻田涂成金黄色。把苹果涂成红色,把

70. Summer is rice field is golden, and it looks like a golden carpet in the rice particles were full, and the stems were bent down, and suddenly a breeze blew through, as if the ears of the rice nodded with to say, this year's early rice is definitely another harvest year.

71. 记忆里的夏天,迷映在飘影下的风,吹拂着翠绿的稻田,绿浪漪涟。三年前的记忆。时间,像个被人们遗弃的孩子,在灼热沉闷的空气里抬不起头来,在干涸的稻田里,脆弱的生灵和惨淡的青春伴随着忧伤的季节一起成长。柏油路上,飞驰着小车,不时有风吹过。白色的风筝,翠绿的田野,静静的小河,忧伤的月夜,都是藏在所童年里的一个人的欢乐时光。

72. Huang Chengcheng's rice ears are hanging with heavy ears, cotton peaches like small trees, blooming with , not rice fields, but the sea of gold; not cotton fields, but the world of silver.

73. 第13句:成熟的晚稻,颗粒饱满,黄橙橙沉甸甸地随风摇曳,飘散出醉人的若香,翻腾着滚滚的金波。

74. 留恋当初绿色湖畔,荡轻舟,鱼儿翻;回味当初清幽树林,百鸟鸣,花草兴,好想回到那片稻田,清风吹,稻香鲜。远去的梦,可以不再留恋,珍爱环境,美好生活明天。

75. 第20句:秋天里,稻子熟了,奉献给精心照顾她们的农民朋友金光灿烂笑容!

76. 柳树舒展开了黄绿嫩叶的枝条,在微微的春风中轻柔地拂动,就像一群群身着绿装的仙女在翩翩起舞。夹在柳树中间的桃树也开出了鲜艳的花朵,绿的柳,红的花,真是美极了!

77. 旁边,几行边垄高粱羞红了脸。高粱根部的叶子已被农人掀掉,只剩下腰部的几对叶片捧着红红的高粱穗儿在静迎朝阳。农人用来吓唬麻雀的假人儿威武地挺立着,而麻雀却站在了假人儿的秃头上东张西望。这使我忽然想起了老叔的一句口头禅:好地不怕家雀儿弹。

78. ﹑一年四季,高山水稻都有它的特点:夏天,一片青葱秧苗;秋天,一片金黄稻浪。

79. 秋天一来,落叶纷纷,秋高气爽,果实累累,真迷人啊!春夏秋冬看稻田,最美丽最诱人的是秋天的稻田。

80. 漫步于乡间小路,观赏成片的菜花梨花桃花,体验乡村的淳朴自然,一杯清茶和着清凉的心境,这三月的乡下是一幅别致的画卷。

81. 你看那金色的美丽的小花朵,伸展着四片小小的花瓣,长长的菜苔四周整齐地排列着一只只小巧的色彩绚丽的蝴蝶,围着嫩苔,绕着顶端淡淡绿色珠子似的花蕊飞舞着。无数的蜜蜂在其间穿来穿去,嘤嘤地叫。满目花朵,满野的蝴蝶,汇成了一片彩色的海洋。你站在金色的海岸边,油菜田散发出来的清香扑鼻而来,沁人心肺,使人陶醉。在金色的海洋中,你定会听到田野在歌唱,好象在唱着幸福的歌。在这金色的海洋中,你一定会感到心情舒畅,特别欣慰。

82. 你向远处望去,能看见 一道道稻田。它似乎笑弯了腰,又像一个个文人雅士,都在向大地鞠躬呢!一阵轻风吹过,一棵棵禾苗抬起了 头,在清风中摇摇摆摆着,煞是好看。

83. In autumn, the earth is pretty dressed by Sister Qiu! Huanghuang's strong grass is like a golden leaves are like a fan to say goodbye to 蟋蟀.The fiery -red maple leaves are like a stamp, and the summer heat is autumn, the lovely chrysanthemums dressed up colorful, beautiful, and fiery, golden, tender and green ... Apple brothers, you squeezed me and compete for people to pick them!It made himself fragrant, and smelled the fragrance from a long the golden waves rolled up in the rice fields are beautiful! Papaya sisters are playing and hiding with people!

84. The field of spring is endless. What is the golden film?Closely, it turned out to be a flower of rapeseed. Which rapeseed flowers are golden, like a piece of into the flowers, it seemed like walking into the ocean of saw my father closed his eyes and sat on the field. I also learned the appearance of my dad, closed my eyes, and breathed fresh air.

85. 稻田葱绿暖风醺,

86. 我举目望去,眼前是一块一望无垠的春天的庄稼地,农民泊泊们正在辛勤地劳动着,因为农民泊泊们都希望自己现在的辛勤劳动到了秋天能换变为金灿灿的稻谷,丰硕的粮食。

87. 秋姑娘来了,她给我们带来了一个金色的季节,收获的季节。那些叫了整整一个夏天的知了全被秋姑娘赶走了。一位位辛勤的农民正在金黄色的稻田里不辞辛苦的劳动。苹果园里的苹果树上结慢了又大又圆的果实,把一棵棵果树压弯了腰。

88. 瑟瑟金风吹来,望无际的稻田像大海泛起了波涛,沉甸甸的谷穗像怕羞的姑娘腼腆地低着头。

89. Nostalgic for the green lake at the beginning, the boat was light, the fish turned over; the original green woods, hundreds of birds, flowers and grass, and wanted to return to the rice field, breeze, and the rice fragrance was dream of going far can no longer be nostalgic, cherish the environment, and a better life tomorrow.

90. In autumn, the seedlings in the paddy field are mature, and the fields are golden; the leaves on the tree constantly change the color, and gradually become dark red, pink, light red, golden, light yellow, light yellow, orange ... … The colorful and colorful. The scenery of autumn is as beautiful as a fairy tale. Autumn is coming, the weather is cool every day, as if telling people that summer has passed and autumn. The arrival of the autumn wind, in order to adapt to the changes in the environment, the color of the leaves is constantly changing, gradually becoming yellow and red, and then the leaves begin to fall. The field of fields is golden, and the joyful scene of a good harvest gives a feeling of xxxspring and autumnxxx. In the autumn, chrysanthemums are in full bloom, and all kinds of chrysanthemums are unwilling to show weakness. Live in, pleasing to the eye. Enjoy the sun and rain of the summer, in the autumn, the rice is cooked and dedicated to the glorious smile of the farmers' friends who carefully take care of them! In the early autumn, the Great Wild Wilderness rolled everywhere, flowing with a refreshing rice bean flavor Essence The rice harvester was busy in a golden rice field.

91. 第8句:当秋风吹拂着你的双颊,稻田里,那一株株饱满的稻穗充满着成熟的喜悦,弯着腰,躬着背,低着头,它好像是成功者谦虚的楷模,当秋天来临时,硕果累累,秋高气爽,一股成熟的气息扑面而来,这一切都是那神奇的画布——大自然,精心用粗细不一的线条,五彩缤纷的颜料,勾画出一幅又一幅美得动人,色彩斑斓的图画,让人心旷神怡。我爱秋天,爱秋的宁静,爱秋的朴素,爱秋的高洁。

92. From a distance, the narrow spring rapeseed field is like a natural belt; sporadic rapeseed fields, golden pieces of golden, are intertwined into the beautiful pattern of decorative fields with wheat green;Rapeland looks like a thick layer of yellow velvet on the green the small river next to the rape field, the river is turquoise, the vegetable shadow is reflected, and the yellow rate is prestige blows, the rape is dancing, stretching its beautiful gesture.

93. 稻田是那么美丽!一方格一方格的,就像棋盘一样,而且都涂上了柔和的美丽的颜色:黄的绿的……远处山上,一条洁白的“缎带”―兵营的围墙铺在崎岖的高山上。

94. Summer, the green trees in the field are piece of paddy, the paddy, looks like countless girls who stand field of summer gives people a cool feeling.


