
时间:2011-01-05 03:43:30
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关于宝石的英文句子 篇一

Gemstones are not only beautiful, but they also have a long history of being valued for their rarity and significance. From diamonds to rubies, each gemstone holds its own unique allure and symbolism. Gemstones have been used for centuries in jewelry, talismans, and even for their supposed healing properties. The beauty of gemstones lies not only in their physical appearance, but also in the stories and legends that surround them.

Diamonds, with their dazzling brilliance, are often seen as a symbol of love and commitment. They are the hardest natural substance on Earth and have been prized for their durability and sparkle for centuries. Rubies, on the other hand, are known for their deep red color and are often associated with passion and vitality. Emeralds are prized for their vibrant green hue and are said to bring balance and harmony to the wearer.

Gemstones are not only valued for their beauty, but also for their supposed metaphysical properties. Many believe that certain gemstones have the power to heal, protect, and bring good luck. For example, amethyst is said to calm the mind and promote peace, while citrine is believed to attract wealth and success. Whether or not you believe in the mystical properties of gemstones, there is no denying their beauty and the joy they bring to those who wear them.

In conclusion, gemstones have been treasured for centuries for their beauty, symbolism, and supposed mystical properties. From diamonds to rubies, each gemstone has its own unique allure and significance. Whether you wear them for their beauty or for their supposed healing powers, there is no denying the timeless appeal of these precious stones.

Gemstones are truly nature's treasures, each one a unique masterpiece created over millions of years. Whether you prefer the fiery red of a ruby, the deep blue of a sapphire, or the brilliant sparkle of a diamond, there is a gemstone out there for everyone. So next time you admire a piece of jewelry or a precious stone, take a moment to appreciate the beauty and history behind it. Gemstones are not just adornments, but symbols of love, luck, and beauty that have captivated humanity for centuries.

关于宝石的英文句子 篇三

1. 百年金典,一饰情缘

2. 为别人的审美而设计珠宝,不如按照自己的心意,设计自己想要看到的珠宝。

3. 凡事皆有极困难之时,打得通的,便是好汉。

4. 有人说,钻石是天上星星的碎片,而爱神的箭就是用这些碎片镶嵌而成的。

5. 群镶美钻营造迷幻光影,犹如夜空中点点繁星绮丽梦幻,辉映都市女性无限闪耀的梦想。

6. 在繁复纷扰的当代,没有什么比一件简单的珠宝更能打动深陷爱情中的女人心。

7. 用心,自然经典,

8. 她每天都坐在这间酒吧,总是戴着她所有的首饰等待着她的爱人归来,我们都叫她“珠宝夫人”

9. 是黄金,那就别去发电厂;是钻石的原石,没事别跑去金属精炼厂,好好找个珠宝切割工一起规划人生吧。

10. 人生须知负责任的苦处,才能知道尽责任的乐趣。

11. 我能想到最浪漫的事:有一天你会从我左手食指上抢下我的戒指,戴到妳自己的无名指上。

12. 精于型·爱于心

13. 没有口水与汗水,就没有成功的泪水。

14. 爱过就无悔,虽然痛彻心扉过,但想起你柔情,在飘雪日子里,也会看到春天,想你。

15. 幻想者头脑里只有空中楼阁,实干家胸中才有摩天大厦。

16. 那闪闪发光的可能不是钻石,而是你的眼睛。

17. 高贵华丽的金色不仅仅是一种颜色,也是一种价值,取向和品位,散发着含蓄的光芒。

18. 多么希望多年后,为我戴上结婚戒指的人,依然是我年少时爱上的你。

19. 同行镏金岁月 相伴金华人生——老凤祥

20. 只有情感,而且只有大的情感,才能使灵魂达到伟大的成就。

21. 好的选择,陪您一生,一生回味

22. 这条钻石项链,是灵魂的晶体,凝聚着璀璨,晶莹,透亮。

23. 如星光折射到海洋,透露着冷冽的锋芒。海蓝般的眼睛,紧紧的锁定你,牵引你的心一起律动。

24. 这么璀璨,这么晶莹,这么透亮,钻石啊!你的美丽,你的灿烂,你的魅力,还有你的熠熠生辉,令人无法抗拒。

25. 行动是成功的阶梯,行动越多,登得越高。

26. 这个戒指是为戴在你手上而存在的,请好好珍惜。

27. 钻戒是代表永恒的爱情,而我也会一直爱你。

28. 我发现一颗闪着奇光的钻石,而那颗钻石就是你。

29. 做一件事,就要当一件事。若还苟且粗疏,定不成一件事。

30. 人生的成功,不在聪明和机会,乃在专心和有恒。

31. 我不想用戒指套住你后半生。

32. 人生如同故事。重要的并不在有多长,而是在有多好。

33. 人们开始习惯将结婚60周年称为钻石婚,坚强、庄重,美满幸福。

34. 钻戒有价,爱情无价,但钻戒代表了我对你永恒的爱。

35. 人类被赋予了一种工作,那就是精神的成长。

36. 精雕细琢,大爱无声

37. 人生是短暂的,每个人都有一个一生,不会再多。

38. 世界在变,我的内心像铂金从未改变

39. 人可以控制行为,却不能约束感情,因为感情是变化无常的。

40. 这条项链,钻石的炫彩与铂金的自然有如相濡以沫的恋人。

41. 珍贵的珠宝可以估量,朋友的忠告无法估价。

42. 而唯一没有心理准备的,就是,里面竟然真的会是珠宝。

43. 爱她就给他最好的——迪比尔斯钻石

44. 钻石带给女人的不仅是梦想与美丽更闪耀出知性睿智的动人光芒,当设计师的非凡创意遇上钻石的玄熠多彩,成就了一段相辅相成的姻缘。

45. 耀眼,它的特征;华贵,您的选择

46. 应该热心地致力于照道德行事,而不要空谈道德。

47. 人生如音乐,要用听觉、感情和本能谱成,不能只凭规律。

48. 这些宝石之中蕴藏着生命:它们的色彩能够说出语言难以表达的意思。

49. 得天独厚 因为有你——金至尊珠宝

50. 我幻想着我们就这样一步步走下去,有一天你会单腿跪在我面前为我带上戒指。

51. 带来无尽爱意的闪烁在繁复纷扰的当代,没有什么比一件简单的珠宝更能打动深陷爱情中的女人心。

52. 人生是伟大的宝藏,我晓得从这个宝藏里选取最珍贵的珠宝。

53. 戒指:也有可能是用来提醒你戒了指喜欢我的事实!

54. 我爱你:爱到天荒地老!爱到海枯石烂!爱到黄河泛滥!

55. 除了能明辨是非的灵魂之外,世界上最呆贵的就是钻石珠宝。


