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小臂英文经典纹身句子 篇一

When it comes to getting a tattoo on your forearm, choosing the right English phrase can make a powerful statement. From inspirational quotes to meaningful lyrics, the possibilities are endless. Here are some classic English tattoo phrases for your forearm that are sure to leave a lasting impression.

1. "Carpe Diem" - This Latin phrase, which translates to "seize the day," is a popular choice for forearm tattoos. It serves as a reminder to live in the present moment and make the most of every opportunity.

2. "Stay strong" - A simple yet powerful phrase, "stay strong" is a great reminder to persevere through life's challenges. This phrase can serve as a source of motivation and encouragement during tough times.

3. "Just breathe" - Inhale, exhale. Sometimes, all we need to do is take a deep breath and remind ourselves to just breathe. This phrase is a gentle reminder to stay calm and centered in moments of stress.

4. "Dream big" - Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions louder than your words. This phrase is a reminder to always reach for the stars and never settle for anything less than your dreams.

5. "Love yourself" - Self-love is the greatest love of all. This phrase serves as a reminder to prioritize self-care and self-acceptance. It's a powerful message to always treat yourself with kindness and compassion.

6. "Find your strength" - We all have inner strength within us. This phrase is a reminder to dig deep and find the courage and resilience needed to overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

7. "Believe in yourself" - Confidence is key. This phrase is a reminder to trust in your abilities and believe in your potential. It's a powerful message to never doubt yourself and always strive for greatness.

8. "Live, laugh, love" - Three simple words that encompass the essence of life. This phrase is a reminder to live life to the fullest, find joy in the little things, and always choose love above all else.

9. "I am enough" - You are more than enough just as you are. This phrase is a reminder to embrace your worth and value, and to never let anyone make you feel otherwise.

10. "Be the change" - If you want to see change in the world, be the change. This phrase is a call to action to create positive change and make a difference in the world around you.

These are just a few examples of classic English tattoo phrases that are perfect for your forearm. Whether you choose a phrase that resonates with you personally or one that inspires you, a forearm tattoo is a powerful way to express yourself and carry a meaningful message with you wherever you go.

小臂英文经典纹身句子 篇二

The forearm is a popular location for tattoos, as it provides a large canvas for meaningful phrases and quotes. Whether you're looking for inspiration, motivation, or simply a reminder of what's important to you, there are countless English phrases that can make a powerful statement on your forearm. Here are some more classic English tattoo phrases for your consideration.

1. "Live without regrets" - Life is short, so live it to the fullest and without regrets. This phrase is a reminder to make the most of every moment and embrace new experiences without holding back.

2. "Strength in struggle" - The strongest steel is forged in the hottest fire. This phrase serves as a reminder that our struggles and challenges only make us stronger in the end.

3. "Fearless" - To live fearlessly is to live freely. This phrase is a reminder to face your fears head-on and never let them hold you back from achieving your dreams.

4. "Choose happiness" - Happiness is a choice. This phrase is a reminder to prioritize your own happiness and make choices that bring you joy and fulfillment.

5. "Forever grateful" - Gratitude is the key to a happy life. This phrase is a reminder to always be thankful for the blessings in your life, big and small.

6. "Not all who wander are lost" - Sometimes the journey is more important than the destination. This phrase is a reminder to embrace the unknown and trust in the path that lies ahead.

7. "Warrior spirit" - Channel your inner warrior and conquer whatever comes your way. This phrase is a reminder to tap into your strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

8. "Dream, believe, achieve" - Dream big, believe in yourself, and achieve greatness. This phrase is a reminder to set goals and work hard to make your dreams a reality.

9. "Let it be" - Sometimes, the best thing to do is let things be and go with the flow. This phrase is a reminder to accept things as they are and find peace in the present moment.

10. "Inhale courage, exhale fear" - Breathe in courage and exhale fear. This phrase is a reminder to stay brave in the face of uncertainty and trust in your own strength.

These classic English tattoo phrases are perfect for your forearm and can serve as a constant source of inspiration and motivation in your daily life. Whether you choose a phrase that speaks to you personally or one that resonates with your values, a forearm tattoo is a powerful way to express yourself and carry a meaningful message with you wherever you go.

小臂英文经典纹身句子 篇三

1. 不必把太多人,请进生命里。

2. Crazy eyes, look at you.

3. 清风湿润,茶烟轻扬。

4. 再也听不见那温馨的叮咛,再也看不见那亲切的身影,任凭伤心的泪眼盈盈,任凭思念的心绪飘零,惊闻噩信,痛心难平。敬请节哀!

5. You had me at “helloxxx。(在你说”你说“的时候我就属于你了)

6. 你在梦里,辗转成歌。

7. 哥抽的不是烟,是寂寞。

8. This is my favorit

e one. It was inspired by Indian Henna tattoo. 这是我的最爱,当时是受了印度海纳纹身的启发。

9. No shortcuts to any place worth going (值得去的地方都没有捷径)

10. 我对你的爱就像拖拉机上山,轰轰烈烈。

11. 是你把所有许诺都忘却了,可为何还在说谎?

12. If you're too tired, it's no sin to leave early.

13. Not into my heart, disdain to perfunctory.

14. You treat me with the world, and I return to you in prosperous times.

15. 朋友,早安,愿你把好运交。

16. 时过境迁,突然发现我们再也回不去了!

17. Action speak louder than words.

18. The spring of love is tender.

19. 放手后的微笑,只是用来掩饰疼痛的伤疤。

20. 你是我的唯一,这辈子誓爱你。

21. I'm not kind. Don't push your luck.

22. Knowlegde can change your fate and English can accomplish your future.

23. You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.

24. 如果我真的好,你为什么不要?

25. The wind is moist and the tea smoke is light.

26. While there is life there is hope(一息尚存,希望不灭)

27. But I'm looking for a tattoo artist who wants to trade. 但是我想找一个愿意跟我交易的纹身技师。

28. 相濡以沫,彼此牵手一生。

29. 一人花开,一人花落,这些年从头到尾,无人问询。

30. 有时,从头来过也不错。

31. 回忆太轻,思念太重。

32. 阳光正好,岁月催人老,肆意的呼吸,自由的奔跑。

33. Never say die.

34. Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well(凡是值得做的事,就值得做好。)

35. Keep on going never give up.

36. 我难过,我知道你最爱谁。

37. Hand in hand with each other for life.

38. 君子忌苟合,择交如求师。

39. 日不见兮,思之如狂。

40. The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

41. 只想和你在一起。

42. Love you soon, life!

43. I love you and want to say it to you a million times.

44. Never forget to say “thank you”.

45. 只有一条路不能选择,那就是放弃的路;只有一条路不能拒绝,那就是成长的路。

46. Fall into your dream.

47. 人杰地灵,物宝天华。

48. 爱你不久,就一生!

49. 您满头的白发,是我叛逆的刻画;您不再年轻的容颜,是我成长的洗礼。

50. 人不是鱼,怎会了解鱼的忧愁。

51. A glamorous life is quite different to a life of luxury (人生的精彩,与奢华无关)

52. 好久不见,何止想念!


