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英文社会句子 篇一

In today's society, social media plays a significant role in shaping our interactions and relationships. With platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, we are able to connect with people from all over the world, share our thoughts and experiences, and stay updated on current events. However, the impact of social media on our mental health cannot be ignored. Studies have shown that excessive use of social media can lead to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression.

One of the main reasons for this is the constant comparison to others that social media encourages. When we see our friends posting glamorous photos and exciting updates, it's easy to feel like we are missing out or not living up to expectations. This can lead to a decrease in self-esteem and an increase in negative self-talk. Additionally, the curated nature of social media can create a false sense of reality, making us believe that everyone else is living a perfect life while we are struggling.

Furthermore, social media has also been linked to cyberbullying, as people hide behind their screens to attack and harass others. This can have serious consequences on the mental health of the victims, leading to feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness. It is important for social media platforms to take a stand against cyberbullying and create a safe environment for all users.

Despite the negative aspects of social media, it also has the potential to create positive change in society. Activists and organizations use social media to raise awareness about important issues, mobilize support, and connect with like-minded individuals. Social media has the power to amplify voices that may have been marginalized in the past and bring about social change.

In conclusion, while social media has its drawbacks, it is ultimately up to us to use it in a way that benefits our mental health and well-being. By being mindful of our usage, setting boundaries, and seeking support when needed, we can harness the positive aspects of social media while minimizing the negative impact on our mental health.

英文社会句子 篇二

The concept of privilege is a complex and controversial topic in today's society. Privilege refers to the unearned advantages that individuals may have based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or other factors. These privileges can manifest in various ways, such as access to better education, job opportunities, healthcare, and safety.

One of the biggest challenges in addressing privilege is the lack of awareness among those who benefit from it. Many people are unaware of the systemic inequalities that exist in society and how they may be complicit in perpetuating these inequalities. This lack of awareness can lead to defensiveness and resistance when privilege is brought up in conversations, making it difficult to have meaningful discussions and create positive change.

Furthermore, privilege can also lead to feelings of guilt and shame among those who have it. Recognizing one's privilege can be a painful and uncomfortable process, as it may require acknowledging the ways in which one has benefited at the expense of others. However, it is important to understand that guilt is not a productive response to privilege. Instead, it is important to use one's privilege to advocate for those who are marginalized and work towards creating a more equitable society for all.

In order to address privilege effectively, it is crucial for individuals to educate themselves on the various forms of privilege that exist and how they intersect with systems of oppression. This includes listening to and learning from the experiences of marginalized communities, amplifying their voices, and taking action to dismantle systems of inequality. It is also important for individuals to engage in self-reflection and examine how their own actions and beliefs may contribute to privilege and oppression.

In conclusion, privilege is a complex and challenging issue that requires ongoing education, self-reflection, and action. By acknowledging and addressing privilege, we can work towards creating a more just and equitable society for all individuals, regardless of their background or identity.

英文社会句子 篇三

1. Achievement is the ladder for the modest to advance and the slide for the proud to retreat.

2. 强中更有强中手,一山还比一山高。

3. 宁可孤独,也不违心。

4. You cant extend the length of life, but you can expand the width of life.

5. 一人作恶,万人遭殃。

6. 没有锯不倒的树,没有敲不响的钟。

7. 任何不能打倒你的,将会使你更加坚强。

8. The highest mind, the most peaceful heart, the lowest heart!

9. 失败与挫折只是暂时的,成功已不会太遥远!

10. As long as we do our best, everyone can be their own hero.

11. 时间终究会让人麻木,让人清醒,让人放下过往或者假装遗忘。

12. 在茫茫沙漠,唯有前时进的脚步才是希望的象征。

13. Honesty is like the indispensable calcium in people. Cant those without calcium be counted as people?

14. 忌妒别人,不会给自己增加任何的好处。

15. 你的坚持,最后也都会得到回报。

16. 利益驱使的并非深交,心神相映的方是至友。

17. 把期望降低,把依赖变少,你会过得很好。

18. 死,可以明志;生,却可践志。

19. No ruggedness is not called climbing, no pain and trouble is not life.

20. In the vast desert, only the pace of advance is the symbol of hope.

21. 黑夜总会过去,雨天总会放晴。

22. 不求尽如人意,但求无愧我心!

23. 不干,固然遇不着失败,也绝对遇不着成功。

24. 眼过千遍,不如手过一遍。

25. 因那滴答做响的时间脚步,一旦走过,再不回头。

26. 因害怕失败而不敢放手一搏,永远不会成功。

27. 学好三年,学坏三天。

28. 认识自己难,认识自己的不足更难。

29. 成功由磨难炼成,人生由经历铸就。

30. 唯有繁华落尽,生命的脉络才清晰可辨。

31. 人生如天气,可预料,但往往出乎意料。

32. I dont want to ignore what I can do and regret it later.

33. 人要心实,火要心虚。

34. 改变自己会痛苦,但不改变自己会吃苦。

35. 今夜月明人尽望,不知愁思落谁家。

英文社会句子 篇四

1. 单枪匹马你别怕,一腔孤勇又如何,这一路你可以哭,但不能怂。

2. People are contradictory, eager to be understood and afraid to be seen through.

3. 要纠正别人之前,先反省自己有没有犯错。

4. According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。

5. 把自己当傻瓜,不懂就问,你会学的更多。

6. 执着了,就会有美好的未来。

7. 记住,可以哭,可以恨,但是不可以不坚强。

8. 要相信梦里能到达的地方,总有一天脚步也能到达。

9. 你既然认准一条道路何必去打听要走多久!

10. 能控制自己脾气的人,必定是一个了不起的人。

11. 只要决心成功,失败就永远不会把你击垮。

12. 你可以一无所有,但决不能一无是处!

13. 人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。

14. 越是成熟的稻穗,越懂得弯腰。

15. 凡是不能提交结果,都必须做出合理解释。

16. 虎瘦雄心在,人穷志不短。

17. 只要有信心,人永远不会挫败。

18. Youth, is to bear all the injuries, and then strong, and then grow up, and finally forget.

19. 人活一世,总有自己的规矩,也有自己的苍老。

20. 活到老,学到老,还有很多精不了。

21. 刀子不磨要生锈,人不学习要落后。

22. 学着改变自己,因为自己还不完善,还有很多缺点需要去改,还有很多坏习惯去改。

23. 时间,就象海棉里的水,只要愿挤,总还是有的。

24. 你想过的那种生活,得自己去挣。

25. Time will eventually make people numb, sober, let people put down the past or pretend to forget.

26. 一字两头平,戥秤不亏人。

27. When things have happened, dont complain, dont be depressed, smile, everything will be over.

28. 絶望的時侯抬頭看着希望的光芒其實一直存在。

29. 当事情已经发生,不要抱怨,不要沮丧,笑一笑吧,一切都会过去的。

30. 软弱的人被生活折磨,强悍的人折磨生活。

31. 嫉妒是对别人最大的赞美,对自己最无能的体现。

32. Dont enjoy the glory alone. Enjoy the glory alone, and you will eat the bitter fruit one day.

33. 嘴上没毛。办事不劳。

34. 人生如行路,一路艰辛,一路风景。

35. 利人乎即为,不利人乎即止。

36. 弱者用泪水安慰自己,强者用汗水磨练自己。

37. 心酸纵有千百种,沉默不语最难过。

38. 勤奋长才干,实践出真知。

39. 聪明的女人知道什么时候该坚强,什么时候该软弱。

40. 诚信总会给你带来成功,但可能是下一站。

41. 相信彩虹总跟着薄雾,会带来幸福。

42. 心态的态字,拆解开来,就是心大一点。

43. 只可劝人家圆,不可劝人家离。

44. 花盆里长不出苍松,鸟笼里飞不出雄鹰。

45. 幸福就是蝴蝶,追逐的时候,总抓不住,但当你静静坐下,它就停歇在你身上。

46. 不较真,“真”就不出来,还是较吧。

47. 同窗情谊,日渐淳厚,携手共进,历久弥新。

48. 绝口不提不是因为忘记,而是因为铭记。

49. 平凡是福,不思进取是罪,堕落等于罪上加罪。

50. 别低估任何人,你没那么多观众,别那么累。

51. To believe that the dream can reach the place, one day the pace can also arrive.

52. 难过时,吃一粒糖,告诉自己生活是甜的!

53. 不怕虎狼当面坐,只怕人前两面刀。

54. 志在峰巅的攀登者,不会陶醉在沿途的某个脚印之中。

55. 花门楼前见秋草,岂能贫贱相看老。

56. 成功的关键在于相信自己有成功的能力。

57. 我决定以后狠低调。不会再给那些惦记我的人机会!

58. 做贼偷葱起,贪污揩油起。

59. 勤谨勤谨,衣食有准;懒惰懒惰,必定挨饿。

英文社会句子 篇五

1. 失败,铺垫出来成功之路!

2. 宁可明枪交战,不可暗箭伤人。

3. Ones life lies in breaking the old self and shaping a new self.

4. 精神成就事业,态度决定一切!

5. 决心即力量,信心即成功。

6. 所有的愤怒,基本上都源自于没钱。

7. 小三再美、小四再媚,政府承认的始终是原配。Small 3 again beautiful, small 4 again mei, what the government admits is original from beginning to end.

8. 读书的方法,最宝贵的是循序渐进以至精深。

9. When a great man really stands in front of you, you will think he is shorter than you.

10. 没有崎岖坎坷不叫攀登,没有痛苦烦恼不叫人生。

11. 岁寒知松柏,患难知真情。

12. 没有过不去的坎,只要你还活着。

13. 对于攀登者来说,失掉往昔的足迹并不可惜,迷失了继续前时的方向却很危险。

14. 只有让员工身心彻底释放,走向市场才有无限能量!

15. Learn to return to zero, let the bad not affect the future, let the good not confuse the present.

16. 想要看清事实,就需要一些疼痛。

17. 生命可以随心所欲,但不能随波逐流。

18. 火把倒下,火焰依然向上。

19. A successful entrepreneur, three factors, vision and strength.

20. With the dream, we can have the power, and with the power, we can realize the dream.

21. I know you have pursuit and ideal, so please try hard and force yourself.

22. 全员实动,本周破零,加大拜访,业绩攀新。

23. 没有天生的好命,那就多付出些汗水。

24. I just want to be worthy of what I want, my shoulders can hold up what I want.

25. 家有黄金万石粮,不如送子上学堂。

26. 勇气是控制恐惧心理,而不是心里毫无恐惧。

27. 给别人比他们自已期许的 The trick to learn a lot is not to learn a lot at once.

28. 闯红灯的一般有两种后果,要么比别人快一分钟,要么比别人快一辈子。Running a red light usually has two consequences, one minute faster than others, or a lifetime faster than others.

29. 人活脸,树活皮,墙坬活的一铣泥。

30. Three regrets in life: not choosing, not insisting on choosing, constantly choosing.

31. 入山不怕伤人虎,只怕人情两面刀。

32. 生命必须要有裂缝,阳光才能照射进来。

33. 缺点也是点,点到为止。

34. 一次失误是偶然,多次失误是必然。

35. 成功的法则极为简单,但简单并不代表容易。

36. 少一点预设的期待,那份对人的关怀会更自在。

37. 一个人的智慧不仅在头脑里,也在手指上。

38. 天下事难做,天下事易做,天下大事必须细做。

39. 天空不总是晴朗,阳光不总是闪耀,所以偶尔情绪崩溃下,也无伤大雅。

40. 你的潜力或许在不顾一切的那一刻,喷薄而出。

41. 人生如一杯茶,不能苦一辈子,但总是要苦一阵子。

42. 女人不花,何来的貌美如花。

43. 许多时候,人活的更是一种心态。

44. 任何安慰都没有自己看透来得奏效。

45. 觉得自己做得到和做不到,只在一念之间。

46. 不吃酒,脸不红;不做贼,心不惊。

47. 卑鄙的朋友,远比正直的敌人更可怕的多。

48. Learn to change yourself, because you are not perfect, there are many shortcomings to change, there are many bad habits to change.

49. 笑而不语是一种成长,痛而不言是一种历练。

50. 寒门出贵子,贫富没有根。

51. 一好遮不了百丑,百好遮不了一丑。

52. 生活的滋味,甘苦互依,咸涩共存。

53. 别人拥有的,你不必羡慕,只要努力,你也会拥有。

54. 无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。

55. 岁月若水,走过才知深浅。

56. 君子成人之美,不成人之恶。

57. 你全力做到的最好,可能还不如别人随便搞搞。

58. 你讲道理的样子,很傻叉。

59. 既然选择远方,就注定风雨兼程。

60. A man should be responsible for what he does.

61. 人靠心好,树靠根牢。

62. I like the person is very good, I try hard reason is worthy of him.

63. Dont give up when you are in trouble. Remember, persistence is victory.

64. 不学会勾心斗角,只有被淘汰的份。

65. 青春,是承受一切的伤,然后坚强,然后成长,最终遗忘。

66. I decided to keep a low profile. Will not give those who care about me a chance!

67. 有话说在当面,有事摆在眼前。

68. 想要看清事实,必须要经历一些疼痛。

69. 珍惜现在所拥有的,或许下一秒就不再属于你的。

70. 你排斥现在的不愉快,光阴也不会过得慢点。

71. 不可能的事别等别问别回忆别期待!

72. 觉得自己做的到和做不到,其实只在一念之间。

73. 世上最累人的事,莫过于虚伪的过日子。

74. Love is like the ultimate code, everyone tries to interpret it.

75. 业无高卑志当坚,男儿有求安得闲?

76. 人总是珍惜未得到的,而遗忘了所拥有的。

77. 相信自己终究会走向成功,闪现光芒!

78. Time, like the water in the sponge, as long as you want to squeeze, there is always.

79. 一日不读一日空,一日勤学一日精。

80. 智者听指责,愚人爱夸赞。

81. 人生重要的不是所占的位置,而是所朝的方向。

82. 在你有把握做得更好之前,不要破坏任何东西。

83. 如果你不满意你的现状,要么开始改变,要么就闭嘴。

84. 自信是好事,但别太自信和膨胀。不要太疯狂。

85. As long as you work hard and never give up, there are infinite possibilities.

86. 世上所有美好的感情加在一起,也抵不上一桩高尚的行动。

87. 宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。

88. 知者不惑,仁者不忧,勇者不惧。

89. 有了梦想,才有动力,有了动力,才能实现梦想。

90. 走不出去,眼前就是你的世界。

91. All wise men seek themselves, and all fools seek others.

92. 有钱大家赚,做人不要太贪心。

93. 遇到困难时不要放弃,要记住,坚持到底就是胜利。

94. 人生就是一本书,谱写出了成功和失败,幸福和快乐。

95. Change yourself will be painful, but do not change yourself will suffer.

96. 能让自己登高的,不是借用他人的肩膀。

97. 汗水诠释着青春,拼搏书写着辉煌。

98. 美好的生命应该充满期待、惊喜和感激。

99. 每项振作求质量,产品质量有保障。

100. 你能痛苦,说明你对生活还抱有希望!

101. 虚心的人学十当一,自满的人学一当十。

102. 不怕鬼吓人,就怕人吓人。

103. 你不要因为一片云,而指着天空说没太阳。

104. Life is like a cup of tea. It cant be bitter for a lifetime, but it always has to be bitter for a while.

105. 愚者用肉体监视心灵,智者用心灵监视肉体。

106. 雪中送炭真君子,锦上添花是小人。

107. 世界上有一种生意,永远是亏本,那就是发脾气。

108. 我不在意你曾堕落,我只在意你是否会崛起。

109. 改变是如此困难,但唯有改变,才可能成功。

110. 不经冬寒,不知春暖。

111. 快乐要懂得分享,才能加倍的快乐。

112. 有理想在的地方,地狱就是天堂。

113. 千万不要觉得,你放不下的人,同样也放不下你。

114. 生活中若没有朋友,就像生活中没有阳光一样。

115. 宁向直中取,不在曲中求。

116. I told myself that even if the growing environment is dark, we have the right to blossom.

117. What matters in life is not the position, but the direction.

英文社会句子 篇六

1. There is a kind of business in the world that always loses money, that is to lose temper.

2. A flower seed, only pay sweat, in order to irrigate the worlds most beautiful flowers.

3. 顾客不是买产品,他更买你的服务精神和服务态度。

4. 做好时间管理,做自己的主人。

5. 狂妄的人有救,自卑的人没有救。

6. 要有最朴素的生活,与最遥远的梦想。

7. 起风的日子学会依风起舞,落雨的时候学会为自己撑起一把伞。

8. 当你决定不再在乎的时候,生活就好起来了!

9. 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。


Believe that the rainbow always follow the mist, will bring happiness.

11. 每一天,不约而至,就是一种心情。

12. 你就是一道风景,没必要在别人风景里面仰视。

13. 生活也许欺骗了你,但你绝对不能欺骗生活。

14. 书是田园笔是牛,功夫下到自有收。

15. 生活,就应当发奋使之完美起来。

16. 积极进取,机遇总喜欢光顾有准备的头脑。

17. 勤学好问,天天长进。

18. 我跟自己说,就算成长的环境再阴暗,也有开花的权利。

19. 你不能延伸生命的长度,但你可以拓展生命的宽度。

20. 最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。

21. 自己要先看得起自己,别人才会看得起你。

22. 生命的多少用时间计算,生命的价值用贡献计算。

23. Because of the tick tock do ring time steps, once passed, never look back.

24. 别往死里好,后头会往死里伤心。

25. Looking up in despair, the light of hope has always been there.

26. If you tell a lie, you should make up ten lies to make up for it.

27. 如果为了安全而不和大海在一起,船就失去了存在的意义。

28. 努力付出,岁月不会辜负你。

29. 只要我们尽力做了,谁都可以成为自己的英雄。

30. 有志不在年高,无志空活百岁。

31. 珍惜所有的相遇,也尊重所有的失去。

32. 狼知道如何用最小的代价,换取最大的回报。

33. 人都是矛盾的,渴望被理解,又害怕被看穿。

34. 承认自己的伟大,就是认同自己的愚疑。

35. 宁愿一个人呆着,也不要跟不合拍的人呆一块。

36. 一人修路,万人安步。

37. 很多时候、一个拥抱大于一个承诺。

38. 生活就像奇彩炫,请在它融化前,及时享受。

39. 诚信就像人身上不可缺的钙,没钙的还能算作人吗?

40. 诚无悔,恕无怨,和无仇,忍无辱。

41. 千万不要放纵自己,给自己找借口。

42. 家勤则兴,人勤则俭,永不贫贱。

43. 你从未顾忌我的感受,又怎会知道我多难受。

44. 仰天大笑出门去,吾辈岂是蓬蒿人。

45. 刻薄不赚钱,忠厚不折本。

46. 如果你曾歌颂黎明,那么也请你拥抱黑夜。

47. 一个鸡蛋吃不饱,一身臭名背到老。

48. 希望,只有和勤奋作伴,才能如虎添翼。

49. 没有爱不会死,不过有了爱会活过来。

50. 成就是谦虚者前进的阶梯,也是骄傲者后退的滑梯。

51. Others have, you dont have to envy, as long as you work hard, you will also have.

52. 好书使人开卷有所求,闭卷有所获。

53. 歹马害群,臭柑豁筐。

54. If youre not satisfied with your status quo, either start changing or shut up.

55. 骄傲是胜利的敌人,努力是成功的朋友。

56. 不要浪费你的生命,在你一定会后悔的地方上。

57. 你必须很努力,才能遇上好运气。

58. 我就想配得上我所想,我的肩膀能撑起我想要。

59. 思路决定思路,行动决定结果。

60. 我知道你有追求,有理想,所以请努力,请逼自己一把。

61. 人生有两种境界,痛而不言,笑而不语。

62. Learning takes time, persistence and accumulation.

63. 不亦仰望别人,自己亦是风景。

64. 害怕攀登高峰的人,永远在山下徘徊。

65. 不好好读书,真的会后悔一辈子。

66. The climber who aspires to the top of the mountain will not be intoxicated by some footprints along the way.

67. 人不怕走在黑夜里,怕的是心中没有光。

68. 我不愿意忽略自己力所能及的事,之后再后悔。

69. 无须在意别人的评说只要把自己的事情做好。

70. 宁可无钱,不可无耻。

71. 耳听不如眼见,眼见不如实干。

72. 草若无心不发芽,人若无心不发达。

73. 学习要扎扎实实,办事要老老实实。

74. Summer sorrow, laziness overflow. Sacrifice to the face like water, years have not passed.

75. 爱情就像是终极密码,每个人都千方百计解读它。

76. 每个人的活法都不一样,只要你开心,一切都值得。

77. 命运自认幽默,想法太多由不得我。

78. The wolf knows how to get the biggest return with the least cost.

79. 问候不一定要慎重其事,但一定要真诚感人。

80. 阴谋陷害别人的人,自己会首先遭到不幸。

81. Customers dont buy products, they buy your service spirit and attitude.

82. Head down and head up is a lifetime, bow to gamble, not as good as head up!

83. 不听好人言,吃亏在眼前。

84. 没有人会让你输,除非你不想赢。

85. 成功的方法多种多样,别不接受你看不惯的方法。

86. 太在意别人的看法,最后只有两种结局:要么自己被累死,要么让别人整死。If you care too much about what others think, there are only two outcomes: either you are tired to death, or you let others die.

87. 做学问要花工夫,持之以恒,日积月累。

88. 生活就像我的歌声,时而不靠谱,时而不着调。

89. 人的一生就在于打破陈旧的自己,塑造全新的自我。

90. 知过不难改过难,言善不难行善难。

91. Jealousy is the greatest praise to others and the most impotent expression of oneself.

92. 遇到批评与指责时,不要先为自己辩护。

93. 要知山中路,先问打柴人。

94. 我用望远镜也看不到对手,根本不在乎跟谁竞争。

95. 成功并非想要,是一定要,一定要,就一定能!

96. 大富靠命,小富靠拼,钱,再拼就有了。

97. 不怕学不成,只怕心不诚。

98. 昨天的辉煌已过去,今天的辉煌要争取,明天的辉煌需努力。

99. 不能认识自己不足的人永远都不可能成功。

100. 每个人都在努力,并不是只有你满腹委屈。

101. Only when employees are fully released can they go to the market with unlimited energy!

102. 我会用我的行动,来证明我三年后的结果。

103. 为了照亮夜空,星星才站在天空的高处。

104. If you dont do it, you wont encounter failure or success.

105. 说一句谎话,要编造十句谎话来弥补,何苦呢。

106. 到处留心皆学问,各行都能出状元。

107. 上梁不正下梁歪,中梁不正倒下来。


