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手写英感伤句子 篇一


“Time heals everything, except the wounds that time can't heal.” 时间可以治愈一切,除了那些时间无法愈合的伤痕。这句话让我感受到了时间的无情和人生的脆弱,有些伤痛无法被时间抚平,只能在心灵深处留下永恒的痕迹。

“Some people care too much, I think it's called love.” 有些人太在意,我想这就是爱吧。这句话让我明白了爱情的价值,关心和牵挂是爱的表达,而不是简单的情感。在这个物欲横流的社会里,真正的爱是如此珍贵。

“Sometimes the person you'd take a bullet for ends up being the one behind the gun.” 有时候你愿意为之挺身而出的人,最终却成为了持枪的那个人。这句话让我深刻认识到了人性的复杂和无常,有时候最亲近的人却可能成为伤害我们的人。

“Be careful who you trust, the devil was once an angel.” 谨慎选择你信任的人,撒旦曾经也是一个天使。这句话警示我们在人际关系中要保持警惕,因为有些人的外表可能掩盖着邪恶的本质。

“Don't trust too much, don't love too much, don't hope too much. Because that 'too much' can hurt you so much.” 不要过于信任,不要过于爱恋,不要过于期待。因为那些过度的情感会给你带来巨大的伤害。这句话教会了我在感情中要适度,要懂得保护自己。


手写英感伤句子 篇二


“Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it.” 爱就像风一样,看不见但可以感受到。这句话让我明白了爱情的神奇和力量,爱是一种无形的力量,可以温暖人心,让人感到幸福。

“Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.” 有时候心灵能看到眼睛看不见的东西。这句话告诉我,内心的感悟比外表更重要,要用心去感受生活中的美好,不要被表面的现实所迷惑。

“The worst feeling is not being lonely, it's being forgotten by someone you can't forget.” 最糟糕的感觉不是孤独,而是被你无法忘怀的人遗忘。这句话让我体会到了心碎的滋味,有些人无论如何都无法从记忆中抹去,他们的离去让人痛不欲生。

“Don't let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present.” 不要让过去的悲伤和未来的恐惧毁掉你现在的幸福。这句话教会了我要珍惜当下,不要被过去和未来的阴影所困扰,要活在当下,享受生活带给我们的快乐。

“Sometimes you just need to distance yourself from people. If they care, they'll notice. If they don't, you know where you stand.” 有时候你需要远离某些人。如果他们在乎你,他们会注意到。如果他们不在乎,你就知道你在他们心中的位置了。这句话教会了我要懂得保护自己,不要让负面的人和事影响自己的心情。


手写英感伤句子 篇三

1. I don’t deny that I am a nostalgic person。我不否认,我是个怀旧的人。

2. 失落的感觉是那样的强烈,最后的最后我已一无所有。

3. If love is the representative of the happiness,that what is happiness。如果说爱情是幸福的代表,那幸福又是什么。

4. I give my future fill in color, afterwards just know, you are that color.

5. 我只要你一个,别的再好我也不要。

6. The sound of the rain is murmuring, like living by a stream. I prefer to rain every day, thinking that you are not coming because of the rain.

7. You said,love is too deep but don’t let their destruction。你说过,爱的太深却不要让自己沉沦。

8. 我无法接受一个每天让我聊天记录增加十几页的人突然说要离开。

9. 我喜欢你,很久了,等你,也很久了,现在,我要离开,比很久很久还要久。

10. You never know how much cared,until you lose each other。你永远不知道有多在乎,直到你失去彼此。

11. 人生如梦,梦如人生。

12. 我给我的未来填上了色彩,后来才明白,你就是那色彩。

13. Even if I bowed my head also cannot find reason lets you took me by the hand.

14. The words I love you, lost in the unease.

15. Sometimes goodbye is the only way.

16. 人活得累,是想要的东西太多,自己却不曾真正努力。

17. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can’t have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

18. Never say you are happy when you are sad;never say you are fine when you are not ok.当你难过的时候不要说你很开心;当你不好的时候不要说你很好。

19. 因为那奋不顾身的爱,我失去了什么你不会知道。

20. For in all adversity of fortune the worst sort of misery is to have been happy。在所有不幸中,最不幸的事是曾经幸福过。

21. 所谓思念,只是一个人的一厢情愿。

22. Thank you ever alms to me, even I have forgotten warm.感谢你曾经施舍给我的,连我自己都已经忘却的温暖。

23. I thought I was me, but I have not.我以为我还是那个我,可我已经不是了。

24. 跟着你的脚步,走遍天涯海角。

25. 眼泪是记得而不哭了是懂得。

26. the first thing that I’d like to do 我要作的第一件事就是。

27. 你不是我,你不用懂得我的寂寞,就当作是经过。

28. Yesterday,today you let not again find you。昨天把你放开,今天不一定再把你找到。

29. Love is not painful。Circumstances make it painful。And if you’re really in love,that pain will also seem beautiful。爱本身不会让你痛苦,只是外界环境让你们痛苦,但是如果你真的用心爱了,那种痛也是美丽的。

30. Gray memories when I come to watch other peoples tragedy。灰色的回忆,我当别人的悲剧来观看。

31. 那句我爱你,遗失在流年里。

32. 无声的夜还在蔓延,思念的风夹杂着落寞和孤独把心灌满。

33. If the worst thing in the world is to die,then what kind of difficulty we can not overcome?如果人生最坏的只是死亡,生活中怎会有面对不了的困难。

34. The most easily broken thing in the world is the man's wine glass, politician's promise, girls' dream, steel wire-like love, the virtuousof modern society and the holy heart.

35. I fundus of sadness,except for you who can see。我眼底的悲伤,除了你谁都看得见。

36. Happiness is a way station between too much and too little.幸福是太多和太少之间的一站。

37. Memories, beautiful very hurt, memories, memories of the past but can not go back. ----- 回忆,很美、却很伤;回忆、只是回不到过去的记忆。

38. Never stop smiling, not even when youre sad,someone might fall in love with your smile. 永远都不要停止微笑,即使是在你难过的时候,说不定有人会因为你的笑容而爱上你。

39. Just because someone doesn’t love you as you wish,it doesn’t mean you’re not loved with all hisher being.只因为某人不如你所愿爱你,并不意味着你不被别人所爱。

40. 青春就像一场大雨,挥挥洒洒又猝不及防,只可惜我在这场雨里得了重感冒。

41. 强烈的欲望是取得任何成就的第一步。

42. Love soaked in paper,deduce sadness。爱情浸过纸,演绎忧伤。

43. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

44. The story without tortuous how can teach people to grow.

45. 听弦断,断那三千痴缠。坠花湮,湮没一朝风涟。花若怜,落在谁的指尖。

46. 解释永远是多余的,因为懂你的人不需要它。

47. If this is not love,what is there to look forward to。如果这都不算爱,还有什么好期待。

48. 物是人非,言犹在耳,君心已变。

49. In fact, I would like to say that I just like to say with a smile.其实我很介意,只是喜欢笑着说没关系。

50. 选择共度一生的未必是最爱的,最爱的未必能共度一生。

51. Take chances,give everything,and leave with no regrets。抓住机会,全心付出,不留遗憾的离开。

52. Every day there are in the world,every day someone in depravity sorrow。这个世界每天都有人在堕落,每天都有人在忧伤。

53. To forget sb is pretty don't see him/her,don't be a contemptible wretch

54. Thank you for being my friend and being around 感谢你作我的朋友并且在我身旁

55. 或许我因该自食这苦果,你的'迁就一直我领悟不够

56. I even dead,also you together.我就算死,也要拉着你一起死

57. 安静的存在着,安静到让别人感觉不到我的存在。

58. I am a slow walker , but I never walk backwards.

59. 孤单不是没人关心你,而是你在乎的那个人不关心你。

60. I swear I'd love you right.不是假装沉默,只是无力诉说.

61. Read too many fairy tales, think love will be perfect to arrive.

62. 或许离开,就再也不可能回来;或许回来,你已不再让我依赖;或许依赖,是对我自己最大的伤害;或许伤害,会最终让我释怀;或许释怀,就注定了我的离开…

63. 本来你给我的满是觉得,而那觉得中却包罗着x。

64. nothing in the world. 世界什么都没留下。

65. However lets the human who I worry,I choose forgot。然而让我牵挂的人,我选择去忘记。

66. It is not weary,as soon as under us stands forever。不疲倦,我们下一站永远。

67. Maybe God wants you to meet many wrong people before you meet the right one,so when this happens ,you’ll be thankful.也许上帝让你在遇见那个合适的人之前遇见很多错误的人,所以,当这一切发生的时候,你应该心存感激。

68. Maybe God wants you to meet many wrong people before you meet the right one,so when this happens ,you’ll be thankful.也许上帝让你在遇见那个合适的人之前遇见很多错误的.人,所以,当这一切发生的时候,你应该心存感激。

69. 爱那么短,可是遗忘那么长。

70. I use memories under an end to end the iron between us the story。我用回忆烫下一个句号来结束我们之间的故事。

71. Thank you to accompany me through that period,neither long nor short but hard heart。谢谢你陪我走过那一段,不长不短却刻苦铭心。

72. 也许是前世的姻 也许是来生的缘 错在今生相见 徒增一段无果的恩怨。

73. Love is not a maybe thing. You know when you love someone.爱不是什么可能大概也许,一旦爱上了,自己是十分清楚的。

74. I would like a switch you to use my years long stay.我愿用我一切换你岁月长留。

75. Vulnerable to the attack,who are incurable。每一个百毒不侵的人,曾经都无药可救过。

76. Sometimes think that you and I,too,are nothing more than red orbital.

77. morgen, die zukunft, die sich zuerst?明天未来,哪一个会先到?

78. A person thinks unforgettable memories,maybe someone else already forgotten.

手写英感伤句子 篇四

1. 很多时候,我们视为刻骨铭心的记忆,而别人却早已忘记,与其纠结于心,不如看淡。

2. My heart,the bird of the wilderness,has found its sky in your eyes.我的心是旷野的鸟,在你的眼睛里找到了天空。

3. 对不起是一种真诚,没关系是一种风度。

4. 给不了你想要的幸福,朋友或情人俄不在乎。

5. 你可能也不爱我,只是刚好遇见我。

6. if i could only be with you in my dreams ,baby, well,i would want to sleep forever.如果只有在梦里才能和你在一起,那么,宝贝,我宁愿长睡不起。

7. 曾经,我把你的身影,放进窗口,定格为风景;曾经,我把流年剪成时光,婉约青春。

8. 擦去脸上的泪水,却带不走心中痛楚的感觉。

9. 有一天,你会感谢离开的那个人,是他的离开,让你找回自己。

10. 我不需要一张照片把你记起,因为在我心里你从未曾离去。

11. Life is a beautiful struggle.生命是一场美丽的挣扎。

12. Mi manca alla deriva,i miei sentimenti non hanno。我的想念漂浮不定,我的感情一直不在。

13. Sometimes, only a tear, we completely clear sight.

14. Whatever happened in the past is gone,the best is always yet to come。无论过去发生什么,最好的永远尚未到来。

15. Until I met you before they know what stupid people have stupid fu。直到遇见你,才知道什么叫做傻人有傻福。

16. Never expect the perfect man,it’s not because that u cannot find,but just becoz there is no perfect man。不要期待完美的男人,不是因为你期待不到,而是根本没有完美的男人。

17. You don’t deserve my tears。你不配我为你掉眼泪。

18. Love,then heard anyhow Valentine scattered forget it.

19. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

20. 伤感的句子:每首歌都有一个故事,我想用我的方式,来诠释每个故事

21. Silence,a man the greatest frustration。沉默,一个男人最大的无奈。

22. I've got a whole summer memories.

23. 看过太多太多的童话,以为爱情会完美到达。

24. Some wounds will never heal。有些伤,是永远不会愈合了。

25. Alpha Never one like you,let me think about beating the pain.

26. No two people are not suitable,only one does not want to go together in the heart。没有不合适的两个人,只有一颗不想在一起的心。

27. 假如你知道我有多想念你那该多好。

28. Won the world to lose you.

29. In my heart was in my eyes I ever let you choose.入我心还是入我眼我从来都是让你选。

30. 少说一句,怕成遗憾;多说一句,怕是惊扰。我喜欢你,四个字,刚好。

31. 我讨厌的事实是,你说你想我,但你却什么都不做。

32. You once said to be with me forever,but now it is my one。你曾经说要和我到永远,可是现在却是我一个人。

33. The thorough revenge is to forgive and forget。最彻底的报复,是原谅和遗忘。

34. 心根本依然从未放开,未愿抛开幸而有爱。

35. 桔梗花有双层花语:永恒的爱,无望的爱。

36. 有些人我们叫着亲爱的却并不真心喜欢,有些人我们骂着傻瓜却是真的爱着。

37. 我闭上眼睛,看不见自己,却看见了你。

38. Out on the glass, flipping memory for the same.吐气在玻璃上,烙下永世不变的记忆。

39. Life is a journey, not the destination, but the scenery along the should be and the mood at the view.人生就是一场旅行,不在乎目的地,在乎的应该是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情。

40. put my broken heart together again把我破碎的心再拼凑起来

41. You may be out of my sight, but never out of my mind.你也许已走出我的视线,但从未走出我的思念。

42. Miss a persontwo people of the picture.

43. 一个人想念两个人画面。

44. 成熟的较大好处就是,以前得不到的,现在不想要了。

45. I’m just folk。I have mood swings。我只是个平凡人,我也有我的小情绪。

46. 曾经只是一场骗局,他让我们都伤的很深。

47. If this is not the end if I still love you。如果这不是结局如果我还爱你。

48. Our love is the process of fairy tale,but no ending。我们的爱情有着童话的过程,却没有结局。

49. Vulnerable to the attack,who are incurable.

50. Standing in a corner of the world,watching the sunrise and sunset。站在世界某一个角落,看着日出日落。

51. Once this dial the disorderly my heartbeat, now how could I forget you.

52. The deepest pain, how long it takes time, to heal recovery

53. To those who have given up on love:I say, “Trust life a little bit.”对那些不愿再爱的人,我只想说:“再多信任生活一点点。”

54. 你总觉得你放不下一个人那未必是爱那只是执着与回忆

55. 有人追求幸福,所以努力;有人拥有幸福,所以放弃。

56. Always some wisp sadly belongs to you。总有一缕悲伤属于你。

57. 曾今拨乱我心跳的人,如今我怎么可能忘记你。

58. Don't let the rain in my world only knock on the windowsill. I know that you don't like this quiet.

59. 失恋的人的伤心大多不是因为恋人的离开,而是因为自己对自己处境的同情和怜悯。

60. Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand、It's about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.

61. Because that desperate love, what I lost you never know.

62. 快乐时,听的是音乐。难过时,开始懂了歌词。

63. 站在奈何桥前等你,陪你一起喝下那碗孟婆汤。

64. 我笑着解开回忆的毒,笑的眼睛已模糊。

65. 一个男人的条件再好,他没有时间陪你,也是多余的。

66. Lost things will not have the original precious.失而复得的东西不会有最初的珍贵。

67. 我落日般的忧伤就像惆怅的飞鸟,惆怅的飞鸟飞成我落日般的忧伤

68. 忘记一个人挺简单:不要见,不要贱。

69. I'm not even upset, hurt, or angry anymore。 I'm just tired。 I'm tired of putting in more effort than i receive。我并不失落,我也没有受伤,没有生气,我只是有点累了,我厌倦了付出太多,回报太少。

70. Give not you want happiness, friend or lover and care.

71. Feelings of time always forward,never weak retention eyes.

72. 烟花雨巷,谁的风筝断了线,谁的真心受了伤。

73. 我们在一起吧。

74. No man is indispensable. 没有一个人是不可缺少的。

75. Habit with you, with you in, so happy. Also fear of losing you.

76. 若不是我变了模样,便是你淡忘了时光。

77. I use memories under an end to end the iron between us the story.

78. When the whole world is about to rain, let’s make it clear in our heart together.当全世界约好一起下雨,让我们约好一起在心里放晴。

79. 时光流逝,不可复得。

80. Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person。好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃世界。

81. Never stop smiling, not even when you’re sad, some man fall in love with your smile.永远都不要停止微笑,即使在你难过的时候,说不定有人会因为你的'微笑而爱上你。

82. 乍然陌路,冷眼交拜新人楚楚,红衣红烛,是眼前或天尽处?只那夜大雨如注,扬长而去身后不顾,看这一场赌,最后谁输。

83. In the sentimental days,I take time,messy floating。在那些感伤的日子里,我拿流年,乱了浮生。

84. 世界很粗糙,岁月也不温柔,我们曾是两个淋透了雨的人,都没有伞,慌慌张张躲进了同一个屋檐。

85. He's just the one who accompanies you on that rainy day. When the rain stops, it's time for him to go.

86. More smaller than their glory years of the time with the silly. 再多各自牛逼的岁月也比不上一起xxx的时光。

87. Strength shows,not only in the ability to persist,but the ability to start over。坚持需要勇气,重新来过更是如此。

88. 每个人的起跑线都是一样的,关键是用的交通工具不一样。

89. no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

90. I prefer having your accompanying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness.我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。

91. Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again. 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。

92. 听了那么多的十年我真的不知道以后的十年怎么走

93. Please be happy。请务必快乐。

94. One day someone will walk into your life,then you realize love was always worth waiting for。有一天那个人走进了你的生命,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的。

95. Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen every day.不离不弃,每天都有奇迹。

96. Despair doubled expect change twice.

97. In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.到头来,你活了多少岁不算什么,重要的是,你是如何度过这些岁月的。

98. You will never understand love if you are always sane。永远那么理智,就永远不会懂得爱情了。

99. Long absence,my old love,who is going to help me teasing your new love。久违了我的旧爱,谁来帮我戏弄你的新欢。

100. 藏心上 亘古的月光 ,怀中殇 不再回眸的苍凉, 翘首觐向, 你伫立此方, 谨记生而为龙的模样 ,谨记我的姓名是炎黄。

101. Eyes are raining for you, but heart is umbrella for you.

102. No one indebted for others,while many people don’t know how to cherish others。没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。

103. Your heart is too crowded but is no more room for me

104. I just miss once,but forget that we have not had their own。我只是怀念曾经,却忘记了我们都已不是曾经的自己。

105. 不能陪你到最后,是要有多遗憾。

106. 对她说,我过的很好,你也要过的好。

107. 习惯有你,有你在,很开心。同时也害怕会失去你。

108. 不想再探寻字句,来描绘一份越描越黑的苍茫。

109. 我们都是知道个人那是微弱的,但是我们也是知道整体就是力量。

110. 别说你不爱我了,因为你从来都没爱过我。

111. 眼睛在为你下雨,心却在为你打伞。

112. Never forget what someone says to you when they\'re angry, because that\'s when the cover-up truth comes out.不要忘掉别人生气时候说的话,因为往往那才是真相!

113. Smile though your heart is aching。Smile even though it’s breaking。尽管心痛甚至心碎也要微笑。

114. I love you. I knew it from the moment I saw you.我爱你,我看见你的第一刻就明白了。

115. My young frivolous, is you give pain

116. When you love someone you have to learn to let them go。一但你爱上一个人,你同时需要学会如何放手。

117. One should love animals. They are so tasty.每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃.

118. Sorry,don’t talk with me,we are not friends.对不起,别和我说话,我们不是朋友。

119. 或许是你太难忘,所以只能永远一个人走,直到生命的尽头。

120. It’s not about what you say,its about what you do。关键不是你说什么,而是你做什么。说得再好,没有行动又怎样。

121. Because you are the demons of my life,I volunteered to degenerate。因为你是我一生的魔障,我自愿堕落。

122. Loneliness is different from being alone、Being alone means you just have no one beside you but loneliness means that you cannot talk with others and share them with your feelings、And the true loneliness is that you even forget how it feels when you love someone.

123. 爱她,就不要给她乱想的机会。因为你永远不会知道,为你乱想的人是多么的爱你。

124. man is a born child, his power is the power of growth。人是一个初生的孩子,他的力量,就是生长的力量。

125. Keep me in your memory,leave out all the rest。把我放进你的记忆里,不要管其他的。

126. if you get tired one day,you will see my smile as long as you turn around。如果有一天,你累了,你疲倦了,只要你一回头,我的笑容就在你面前。

127. Maybe because I this reaps the bitter fruit, your humored always I know enough...

128. 想诉说自己的心情,可谁有会倾听。

129. We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us。如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。

130. 我不再奔向你了,这次我要走自己的路了。

131. it's not about what you say, its about what you do。关键不是你说什么,而是你做什么。说得再好,没有行动又怎样

132. I want to be his favorite hello and his hardest goodbye.我要成为他最心动的相遇,最不舍的离别。

133. I absolutely don’t say I love you,this is between us the tacit understanding。我绝对不说我爱你,这是我们之间的默契。

手写英感伤句子 篇五

1. What persistent,pursue,lusted after of,is all’t take it with。所执着的,所追求的,所贪恋的,都是生不带来,死不带去的。

2. 抱最大的希望,为最大的努力,做最坏的打算。

3. 生活有时候就是一潭死水,x就是你手中的石子。

4. Hold hand. and marriage.

5. 饭在锅里,我在床上。

6. The most beautiful is not the rainy day,but with you avoid the rain eaves.

7. 无情不似多情苦,一寸还成千万缕。

8. And you think that love is only,For the lucky and the strong。你说,爱是唯一,我们那么幸运,我们矢志不渝。

9. I remember the tears will not cry is to know

10. If you say less, you will be afraid of regret; if you say more, you will be afraid of disturbance. I like you, four words, just right.

11. 世界上没有忘忧草,即便有,有些事,也不可能忘掉。

12. 有时爱,他来得太快,有时爱也会叫人受伤害。

13. 你说我不爱你,可是我爱你了又能怎样。

14. 原来山盟海誓说遍,似这般都付与过眼云烟。

15. At first, let everyone has a story, journey to the later, it is silent.

16. Loving me for who I am 爱上像我这样的一个人。

17. In the world the most exhausting matter is that spending every day falsely.世上最累人的事,莫过于虚伪的过日子。

18. It’s better to be alone than to be with someone you’re not happy to be with.宁愿一个人呆着,也不要跟不合拍的人呆一块。

19. A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who meets a lot to you ,only to find out in theendthat it was never meant to be and you just have to let go 生命中令人悲伤的一件事是你遇到了一个对你很重要的一个人,但却最终发现你们有缘无分,因此你不得不放手

20. life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain。生活不是等待暴风雨过境,而是学会在雨中跳出最美的舞姿。

21. 有一天我不再主动找你聊天,你会不会突然发现原来还有我的存在。

22. Habit with you,with you in,so happy。Also fear of losing you。习惯有你,有你在,很开心。同时也害怕会失去你。

23. 为什么伤口那么痛,还要拿来挡锐利的伤悲。

24. 你的世界里有我,但不只有我;我的世界里没有你,却只想有你。

25. 我们之间有太多跨不过去的界线。

26. The colour of a sad, sad haunted, sadness and me company.

27. I want to repeat the gentle strengthened themselves again and forced persons

28. I love very much,a minute only love you sixty seconds。我的心爱得不多,一分钟只爱了你六十秒。

29. You are not me, you don't know my loneliness, itas after.

30. i would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry,when my heart is broken ,is it needed to fix?宁愿笑着流泪,也不愿哭着说后悔 心碎了,还需再补吗?

31. 世上最残忍的事是你明明知道我喜欢你,却当作不知道。

32. 泛着忧伤的色彩,悲伤萦绕,忧伤和我作伴。

33. 这一刻我完全没了防备、眼泪不止的流下来。

34. ,.有了你,我迷失了自我;失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。

35. Miss forever looking at you even if you never found me

36. 因为我爱你,所以你伤我多少次我依旧微笑面对。

37. Take away love,and our earth is a tomb。没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。

38. If you do not want to embrace, then learn to be strong.如果没有想要的拥抱,那就先学会坚强。

39. If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered. 如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不遇见。

40. There is no rehearsal in the life , once missing , it will be lost forever.

41. 我们不快乐的原因之一,是不知道如何安静地待在房间里,心平气和地与自己相处。

42. Perhaps the acid,suddenly burst into tears.

43. 对相爱的人来说,对方的心才是最好的房子。

44. i love you not because of who you are, but because of who i am when i am with you.我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。

45. Are you turn a walk, do not see my sad. Am I too wayward, regardless of your feelings.

46. You always feel that you can't put down a person. It's not necessarily love. It's just persistence and memory

47. It is because of heart bottom touch that empty, so he just so painful.就是因为触碰到心底的那一点空,所以才会那么痛。

48. 我只是个疯子,请不要介意我的语无伦次。

49. 总会想,让自己挽留住青春的脚步,却总在时间的尾巴上徘徊不定。

50. One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime、When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherishthe people you love.

51. I like your life across the meteor,fleeting。我就像你生命中划过的流星,转瞬即逝。

52. They say losing it after treasure,lost treasure actually hurt more than anything else after。人们都说失去后才知道珍惜,其实珍惜后的失去比什么都痛。

53. Each afraid to love woman, must have deep love. Looks like the poison not invade, actually had the poison assault body.

54. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

55. 是谁赐我们遇见 却不一并赠我们永远.

56. 做梦吧,好像未曾醒来。

57. You dont need someone to love in secret. We just stand by the river and feel sad when seeing the shadow in the water and thought that we r falling love with someone.暗恋是不需要对象的,我们不过站在河边,看着自己的倒影自怜,却以为自己正在爱着别人。

58. Did meet,the total is better than never to meet。曾经相遇,总胜过从未碰头。

59. We are not wrong,is young ruined promises.

60. You may only be a person in this world,but for someone,youre the world. 你可能只是实际上的一个人,但对于某人来说,你就是全世界。

61. I was the love, only int

erprets the supporting role of tragedy of that person

62. 我要有能做我自己的自由,和敢做我自己的胆量。

63. I needn't a photo to remember you .Because you never leave in my hear .

64. There are rainy days in a person's life, but it will always be sunny after the rain. A good friend is an umbrella, which will accompany you in rainy days.

65. We 've lasted a long time,but lost to the enduring as the universe.

66. 当悲伤成为一种习惯的时候,忽然觉得,心痛是那么的陌生。

67. Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties. 爱情就像沙漏,心满了,脑子就空了。

68. Who gives us meet but not concurrently give us forever.

69. No one must leave no one.没有谁一定离不开谁。

70. What did the rain wash away? What did the sun bring after the rain. No, none.

71. Without you by my side,I will be better off than you。没有你在我身边,我会比你过得更好。

手写英感伤句子 篇六

1. 大概每个人都会遇到一个不能在一起的人,爱而不得,回忆重重。

2. Tied memories of our time,our memories of the time tearing。回忆绑住了我们的时间,时间扯断了我们的回忆。

3. take away love, and our earth is a tomb.没有了爱,地球便成了坟

4. 好想永远这样的看着你 即使你从来没有发现过我

5. No man cool call back yesterday.

6. I subvert the whole world just to straighten your reflection.

7. 想你的人,自然会来找你,你所要做的,继续做最好的自己,不要让他失望就好。

8. Moving forward can’t go through the distance,going backward can’t walk out the memory。前进走不完距离,后退走不出回忆。

9. love you, don't need a reason; don't like you, anything can be a reason.喜欢你,不需要理由;不喜欢你,什么都可以成为理由。

10. life finds its wealth by the claims of the world, and its worth by the claims of love。生命从世界得到资产,爱情使它得到价值。

11. 孤单的夜,虚幻的醉,我们曾经的爱情很美。

12. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is a mystery, cherish the present, from the start!

13. why to ask so much when you are in love if you ask too much, maybe you no longer love. the mature never ask the past, the wise never ask the present and the open-minded never ask the future.爱,有何必多问?问得太多,只怕就不爱了。成熟的人不问过去;聪明的人不问现在;豁达的人不问未来。

14. No one takes you as the world丶没人把你当成全世界

15. We are secretly disease children, lit the entity with lonely petard desolate beauty.

16. Never leave your key of happiness in someone else pocket.永远不要把自己通往幸福的钥匙放到别人的口袋

17. 当我看见的你微笑,一切都不用苦恼。

18. Return to mou that past once,but it’s only a game。回眸那过往的曾经,原来只是一场游戏。

19. 逝去的年华,流水般度过,逝去的永远不再回来。

20. Time to settle all the pain,I also settle the memories。时间摆平了所有的伤痛,我也摆平了回忆。

21. In fact, I always behind you, and sent you a back.其实,我一直都在你身后,就差你一个回头。

22. Strong desire is the starting point of all achievemen.

23. ,ifulookback,,butit’salwaysbeautiful.不是把对方留在自己身边才叫爱,能放手让所爱的人离开,也是爱的一种。

24. If I know what love is, it is because of you.因为你,我懂得了爱。

25. 苍茫大地一剑尽挽破,何处繁华笙歌落。斜倚云端千壶掩寂寞,纵使他人空笑我。

26. 你完整了我的人生,但我却只是你人生中的一章节。

27. 一个不干示弱的人,总习惯雷厉风行做事,注重事物结果,却忘却了欣赏沿途风景。

28. 既不回头,何必不忘。 既然无缘,何须誓言。 今日种种,似水无痕。 明夕何夕,君已陌路。

29. heard that it is very easy to be happy, as could be diluted with time going on.

30. 是否幸福轻得太沉重,过度使用不痒不痛。

31. If you can,I’d rather you did not know,at least not like this heart is lost。如果可以,我宁愿当初不认识你,起码不会像现在这样心都丢了。

32. 我爱你并不是我需要你。

33. One day we must say goodbye.

34. 情意浓 爱意浓 怎知红丝错千重 路同归不同 欢亦忧 乐亦忧 踏雪寻梅方始休 回首天尽头

35. 即使我低头也无法找到理由让你牵起我的手。

36. 我怀念的是无话不说,我怀念的是曾经美好的时光。

37. Perhaps the wind。Let acid,suddenly burst into tears。也许是山中酸风入眼,让人突然地泪流满面。

38. 那些背叛同伴的人,常常不知不觉地把自己也一起灭亡了。

39. I can't give you a sun, but at least I can give you a ray of starlight.

40. 他只是下雨天陪你走那段雨路的人,雨停了,他也该走了。

41. Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like lovepure without any defect. However the truth is most people are having the glass-like love-same transparent but easily broken. 许多人向往水晶般的爱情晶莹剔透没有一点瑕疵。更多人拥有的却是玻璃般的爱情同样透明但容易破碎。

42. There are many people around happy,but I am not one of them。周围幸福的人有很多,但是我却不是其中一个。

43. 我的年少轻狂,是你给予的伤痛

44. I collected about you all,but I do not know how much longer how long.

45. Alone a person cannot feel happiness。独自一个人无法感受幸福。

46. I'm afraid I can not catch you, just leave me alone.我怕我抓不住你,留下我一个人孤独。

47. 我们只是孩子,痛了会哭的孩子。

48. Money is not everything. There‘s Mastercard & Visa.钞票不是万能的,有时还需要信用卡.

49. LOVe is a dashed line,we in different paraph爱情是一条虚线,我们在不同的段落

50. Initially did not know,the last not to recognize。最初不相识,最后不相认。

51. I'm just a prisoner of love.

52. You love me like who.

53. Disappointment is injured,than be more painful thing。失望是比受伤,更让人痛苦的事情。

54. Last time I married a swaying shadow.

55. 生有两个方向很重要:一个是出门,一个是回家。

56. For you, I have only to remember the identity of strangers.

57. Touch the air once again miss you breath。用手触摸空气,再一次怀念你的气息。

58. Forever is a long time,but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side。永远好远,但若有你相伴,我愿和你共度此生。

59. Love sought is good,but given unsought is better。爱是美好的,但不经意间降临的爱更为美好。

60. I give you in my heart left a position, the position that passers-by.

61. Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives.成功是一个相关名词,他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚(联系).

62. 我有感情洁癖且容不得沙粒,我若不是唯一那么请保持距离。

63. 我们总是为别人的故事欢笑着,却为自己的故事哭泣着。

64. 任何不幸,失败与损失,都有可能成为我们有利的因素。

65. Never stop smiling, not even when you’re sad,someone might fall in love with your smile.永远都不要停止微笑,即使是在你难过的时候,说不定有人会因为你的笑容而爱上你。

66. 窗外的冷雨一滴滴划破世界溅在玻璃上,就像我的心一样支离破碎,撕心裂肺。

67. 下雨,冲走了什么;雨过天晴的太阳,带来了什么。没有,都没有。

68. Explanation is unnecessary, because people know you do not need it

69. We are Hardships for the worst,but can not.

70. When I cry,someone to hug me,and I will cry more。当我哭泣时,有人拥抱我,我会哭得更厉害。

71. 我真的爱上了你,或许在你眼里只是说说而已,但我的心,却是满满的都是你。

72. life is ten percent what you make it and percent how you take it。生活有百分之十在于你如何塑造它,有百分之九十在于你如何对待它。

73. Love is not about running into each other in crowds、Love is an impossible meeting、For example, I am a bird flying in sky, u r a leopard in forest、We just fall in love accidentally.

74. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。

75. in life we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream and an unforgettable love.人的一生,都有一些说不出的秘密,挽不回的遗憾,触不到的梦想,忘不了的爱。

76. 别跟我虚伪, 我懒得敷衍。

77. Most come to an end,there is no autumn sorrow。走到最尽头,没有秋风的哀愁。

78. in your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no pain, no ownership nor love。 Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years。一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。唯美英文短句子。

79. Don't realize too much which will let you down.不要知道得太多,会难过。

80. 拖延其实就是最彻底的拒绝。

81. The youth,the scenery along the way again also is just a paper elegance。青春,沿途再美的风景也只不过是一纸风华。


