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生活大爆炸句子 篇一





生活大爆炸句子 篇二





生活大爆炸句子 篇三

生活大爆炸句子 精选102句

1. 冬天的时候,这个地方离电暖器最近,很暖和,

2. be behind on one's bill:手头紧

3. 别老记着? 这能忘得掉吗?

4. I’m trying to raise the temperature in here before my nipples rip through my shirt.

5. Hey gravel monkeys! If you need to shake rocks, try jiggling your heads around!

6. 而且坐这里看电视的角度,可以直接看,又不会影响谈话,

7. Those women were prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research.

8. That&39;s no reason to cry.

9. 别,别,我自找的。谁让我不小心成为你生命中美好又重要的一部分呢?

10. 在这边可以看到全海景,任何运输工具都无法做到这点,而这边,你只能面对350英里上的好市多超市,捷飞络汽车服务店,带凸地泳池的煤渣砖房子。

11. It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation,

12. You’re the one person that can say Sheldon Cooper is your boyfriend. but that ringshollow if you can’t lord him over others in the flesh.

13. 我这脑子 啥东西忘得掉啊!

14. 我从来没有见过他们。这样他们才完美。不用尴尬地在楼道打招呼,不会有高跟鞋踩在木质地板的咔咔声。这一家就像是一窝小猫,从这个窗帘跳到那个窗帘。

15. 很多人寻觅伴侣以分享生活,少数人单身一人已足够快乐。愿天下有情人享受相爱,一如少数人享受孤单

16. Because I&39;m stupid!

17. 你们知道人们情人节送的这种心型符号,其实它的原型并不是人的心脏,而是女性弯腰时显露的臀部形状吗?

18. 是xxx啊?你说她们是在为干细胞研究募资。

19. Perhaps we can assign a color to ruhymes with orange .Itxxxs probably lonely.没准我们可以找个颜色来代表孤独,橙色和什么都不押韵,没准橙色也觉得挺孤独的。

20. 从我妈给我断奶后 我就没忘掉过一件事

21. 时间一天天过去,好像什么都没变,但当你某天回首,却发现一切怎么都不同了。

22. 夏天的时候,这里又刚好可以吹过堂风,是来自这扇窗户和那扇的。

23. On this side, you&39;ll see panoramic ocean vistas inaccessible to any other form of transportation, while on your side, you&39;ll be treated to 350 miles of Costcos, Jiffy Lubes and cinderblock homes with above-ground pools.

24. They do men’s and women’s hair in the same room at the same time. It’s like Sodom and Gomorrah with mousse.

25. 抱歉,咖啡绝对不行。当我搬到加州时,我向我妈保证我不会xxx的。

26. I understand your envy. This is a can&39;t-miss symposium. There are going to be discussions on bio-organic cellular computer devices, the advancements in multi-threaded task completion, plus a roundtable on the Non-Equilibrium Green&39;s Function approach to the photoionization process in atoms.

27. 也不会很热到直流汗。

28. 从前的我灵魂从未完整从前的我不会爱现在的我已会爱灵魂从此变得完整我爱你将我的心变得柔软

29. the summer, it&39;s directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening windows there, and there.

30. Very often when women think they are angry, they are really just hungry.妹纸以为自己很生气的时候,其实她们只是饿了。

31. Excuse me, but was this not your goal? Financial independence through entrepreneurial brilliance and innovation -- my brilliance and innovation, of course, but still.

32. The need to find another human being to share onexxxs life with has always puzzled because Ixxxm so interesting all by myself.

33. Amy,I excel at many things,but getting over you wasnxxxt one of them.艾米,我擅长做很多事,但忘记你你并非其中一件。

34. I thought she was a highly evolved creature of pure intellect, like me. But recent events indicate that she may be a slave to her baser urges.

35. I weep for humanity.为人类感到悲哀

36. I haven&39;t forgotten a single thing since the day my mother stopped breastfeeding me.

37. The need to find another human being has always puzzled me.人穷尽一生追求另一个人类共度一生的事我一直无法理解。Maybe because Ixxxm so interesting all by myself.或许我自己太有意思,无需他人陪伴。With that being said, may you find as much happiness with each other as I find on my own.所以,我祝你们在对方身上得到的快乐与给我自己的一样多。

38. 我哭我自己蠢啊

39. 你哭什么

40. This mind does not forget.

41. 德国哲学家弗里德里希.尼采曾说过:“道德是一群下等人编造用来约束极少数天才的。”顺便说一句,他死于xxx。

42. 五成的婚姻都是以离婚告终,但十成的圣代自助吧都是以幸福收场。

43. 如果胡来才是正确的方法的话,那我闭嘴。

44. 你太善良了,这个世界会把你啃得尸骨无存。

45. I have spent my whole life trying to bring order to the universe by carefully planning every moment of every day. But for all my efforts --like the dinner schedule, the pajamarotation, my bowel movement spreadsheet -- it’s clear now, I’m wasting my time.

46. 只有我奶奶才这么叫我!

47. No, it&39;s not going to be fine. Change is never fine. They say it is, but it&39;s not.

48. 都怪你是你害我分心从遇见你的第一天起你就一直在让我分心

49. 我可以继续,我想我已经说明白了。

50. and yet not so close as to cause perspiration;

51. Sorry, coffee&39;s out of the question. When I moved to California, I promised my mother that I wouldn&39;t start doing drugs.

52. 朋友就像厕纸,洗手台下面多备着几卷准没错。

53. - 那天是周二 下着毛毛雨 - 好了...

54. No one calls me Moonpie but Mee-Maw.

55. 好吧,我早料到软糖可能使不动你,那我提高价码吧。这有几张库珀礼券。可以让我为你做各种事。比如这张,可提供一次免费的语法检查。我可以


56. 佩妮,任何东西加上了蓝牙都会好很多。

57. I could go on, but I think I&39;ve made my point.

58. 其实一个人也没什么好难过的,因为你们在对方身上得到的快乐,和我给自己的一样多。

59. 什么,这难道不正是你的目标吗?通过企业的独特性和创新性来达到经济独立的目的 -- 是我的独特性和创新性,但仍是你的目标。

60. Why are you crying?

61. be meant for each other:天生的一对

62. They say at the end of your life, you regret the stuff you didnxxxt do more than the stuff that you did.别人都说,人到了暮年,比起自己干过的事,会更后悔没有干过一些事情。

63. 嘿,你们这些石猴子!想筛石头直接用自己脑袋摇着筛吧!

64. If the correct way to do it is the wrong way, then I yield.

65. 听听啊,砰砰砰。那是沃洛维茨踩他那个高跟皮鞋,没错的。

66. The true hero doesnxxxt seek fights for right and justice simply because itxxxs his nature.真正的英雄从不邀功求荣,为正义和公平而战只因他本性如此

67. 一切都在改变,多到让人无法接受。

68. 我以为她是个高度进化的纯高智商物种,就像我。而最近的事件表明她也许不过是个屈服于低级欲望的生物。

69. Listen to that! Stomp, stomp, stomp. It&39;s Wolowitz and his stacked heels that fool no one.

70. 不可能会好了。改变总是不是好的。人们说改变是好事,事实才不是。

71. Well, you canxxxt force things.有些事情是强求不来的。

72. Little warning before you jump into this marriage business: you are not just marrying him, you are marrying his family.在你跳进婚姻这个大坑前,姐先嘱咐你两句:你嫁的不光是他这个人,还有他的家庭。——《生活大爆炸》

73. Fifty percent of marriages end in porce, but one hundred percent of make-your-own-sundae bars end in happiness.

74. I never met them. That&39;s what made them perfect. There were no awkward hellos in the hall, there was no clickety-clacking of high-heeled shoes on hardwood floors. They may as well have been a family of cats, just jumping around from drape to drape. Without that annoying ammonia-urine smell.

75. 众所周知,外交的本质就是妥协。以该本质为指导思想,我提出如下建议:罗斯曼的办公室归我,你一边哭去吧。

76. In a world where you canxxxt fight back, superheroes provide meaingful wish-fulfilment.在一个人自身无力反抗时,超级英雄能满足他们心中的愿望

77. Forget? You want me to forget?

78. -Sheldon: In the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm,

79. Penny, everything is better with Bluetooth.

80. 你毁了我容忍SB的能力。

81. 我用了一生时间精心安排我每天该做什么就是想要给这个世界带来秩序。而我所有的努力-我的晚餐安排,我的睡衣轮换制,我的排便情况试算表--现在我算明白了,我一直在浪费时间。

82. All right, I thought the candy might not be enough, so let me up the ante. These are Cooper Coupons. These are for various things I can do for you. Umm, oh this one is for one free grammar check. You could use it for emails, letters, tattoos, what have you. Oh, this is a fun one. This is an afternoon with me at the California Science Center where I point out the mistakes.

83. 别人都说,人到了暮年,比起自己干过的事,会更后悔没有干过一些事情。

84. It was a drizzly Tuesday. - Okay...

85. The need to find another human being to share onexxxs life with,has always puzzled me.人穷尽一生追寻另一个人类共度一生的事我一直无法理解。

86. Hold on, you honestly expect me to believe that social protocol dictates we break our backs helping Wolowitz move, and in return, he only need buy us a pizza?

87. 她都九十三岁了。也失望不了几年了。

88. 他们说喜剧就是,悲剧加上时间。

89. 等等,你真以为我会相信社交礼仪规定,我们不惜弄伤腰骨帮沃洛维茨搬家,而他只要给我们买份披萨吗?

90. As you know, the essence of diplomacy is compromise. With that in mind I propose the following: I will take Rothman’s office and you will find a way to be okay with that.

91. 那也没理由哭啊

92. 这世界上只有你一个可以说谢尔顿.库珀是你男友,但这话毕竟有些空洞如果你不能让他亲自去证明。

93. 不会太远,不至于造成脖子过分扭曲。

94. She’s She won’t be disappointed for long.

95. youxxxre soft. This worldxxxs going to chew you up and spit you.

96. 我很理解你会嫉妒。这是决不能错过的研讨会。在那儿会讨论生物细胞计算机软件,多线程任务处理的优势,还有用非平衡格林函数解决原子内光化电离过程的圆桌会议呢。

97. 人穷尽一生追寻另一个人类,共度一生的事,我一直无法理解。或许我自己太有意思,无需他人陪伴,所以,我祝你们在对方身上得到的快乐,与我给自己的一样多。

98. I eat alone. I sleep alone. I cry .

99. 人只有悲伤的时候才该哭

100. 我在努力提升这屋的温度,太凉了,我激凸得都要扎破衬衫了。

101. nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion.

102. 那里无论男人还是女人都坐在同一个房间里一块剪。那简直就像是带有摩丝的罪恶之城。


