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赞美父母的英文句子 篇一

Parents are the unsung heroes in our lives, always putting their children's needs before their own.

Their unconditional love and unwavering support are the pillars that hold our lives together, even in the face of adversity.

Their sacrifices and selflessness are a testament to their endless dedication to our well-being and happiness.

Every success we achieve is a reflection of their guidance, encouragement, and belief in our potential.

Their wisdom and experience are invaluable, providing us with the tools we need to navigate the complexities of life.

No matter how busy they may be, they always find time to listen, comfort, and inspire us with their words of wisdom.

Their presence in our lives is a constant source of strength, reminding us that we are never alone in our struggles.

We are truly blessed to have parents who love us unconditionally and who always have our best interests at heart.

Their love is a gift that we can never repay, but we can honor it by living our lives with integrity, kindness, and gratitude.

In their eyes, we will always be their precious children, worthy of their boundless love and unwavering support.

赞美父母的英文句子 篇二

Parents are the ultimate role models, teaching us valuable lessons through their actions and words.

Their patience, resilience, and perseverance in the face of challenges inspire us to face our own obstacles with courage and determination.

Their unconditional love is a constant source of comfort and strength, reminding us that we are never alone in our struggles.

They are the silent warriors who work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure our well-being and happiness.

Their sacrifices and selflessness are a testament to their unwavering dedication to our success and happiness.

No matter how busy they may be, they always find time to offer a listening ear, a comforting hug, or a word of encouragement.

Their guidance and support are invaluable, shaping us into the individuals we are today and guiding us towards a bright future.

Their love is a beacon of light that guides us through the darkest of times, reminding us of the power of family and the importance of unconditional love.

We are forever grateful for their unwavering love and support, and we will always strive to make them proud in everything we do.

In their eyes, we are their greatest achievement, their pride and joy, and we will always be grateful for the love and guidance they have given us throughout our lives.

赞美父母的英文句子 篇三

1. 她的母亲安排她周末去相亲。

2. 她使我想起了我的母亲。

3. 民间有谚语:儿生日,娘苦日。当你在为自己生日庆贺时,你是否想到过用死亡般的痛苦,让你降生的母亲呢?是否曾真诚地给孕育你生命的母亲一声祝福呢?感恩是每一个子女都必须学会的一件事情,虽然父母没有具体要求,难道我们都没有一丝感动吗。

4. 母爱是伟大的、无私的、仁厚的。把我们的祖国比作母亲,那是对母亲的最高赞誉。祖国给了我们幸福的生活,母亲给了我们毕生的心血。

5. 纵使是丹青高手,也难以勾勒出父亲您那坚挺的脊梁:即使是文学泰斗,也难以刻画尽父亲您那不屈的精神;即使是海纳百川,也难以包罗尽父亲您对儿女的关爱!

6. The father and mother who earned the love and respect of their children are very happy.

7. It is the general rule that all superior men inherit the elements of superiority from their mother.

8. 父亲,您虽然没有细腻的爱,却有着粗犷的胸怀,感谢您教会我们坚强的面对未来,遇到挫折和困难也不会轻易倒下来。

9. 母爱乃世界上最伟大的势力。

10. Parents' love, is the base of the DE.

11. Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.

12. 父爱是一缕阳光,让你的心灵即使在寒冷的冬天也能感到温暖如春;父爱是一泓清泉,让你的情感即使蒙上岁月的风尘依然纯洁明净。父爱像一本厚重的书,耐人寻味;父爱像一杯甘醇的酒,回味无穷。

13. 父爱永远都是沉默的。父爱虽然没有母爱那样的细腻,却比母爱更加厚重。当你以一颗真挚的心,仔细体会和感悟那份沉默时,你的生命就定将得到更多的.温暖、更多的幸福。那沉默之中所蕴含的是热切的鼓励,狠狠的鞭策和殷殷的期望。

14. Father and son or not, his family discord.

15. 我母亲是一位退休工人。

16. 童年无私母爱,教我读懂做人真谛。问寒问暖牵挂,时刻感到无比。慈母手中线,游子身上衣,亲爱的母亲啊,儿女一辈子孝敬你!

17. 我的父亲和母亲是我的双亲。

18. 孝子之养也,乐其心,不违其志。

19. The children -- they are falling into the hands of the elves, the smile can make people forget the troubles.

20. The mother's breath is aye sweet.

21. 母亲的心灵是子女的课堂。

22. 我们是无父的孤儿。我们的母亲好像寡妇。

23. 玛丽依偎著母亲,断断续续地打瞌睡。

24. 父


25. 父亲,您是巍峨的高山,感谢您在我们肆无忌惮的时候,教给我们稳重踏实。

26. Happy are the families where the government of parents is the reign of affection, and of the children the submission to love.

27. Mother where are you, where is the most happy place.

28. 父亲,您的背影充满坚韧,您的双手布满褶皱,您的鬓角不知何时出现了白发,您的眼角出现了皱纹,感谢你默默的承受所有的压力,为我们带来欢乐的一片天。

29. 拥有感恩的心,你会感谢善良的人们给予你的每一份善意,无论相识不相识。

30. 母爱是世间最伟大的力量。

31. The family is shaping excellent personality life textbook, is to stimulate the spirit of power source, is the emotional rain nourishes the soul.

32. 父爱没有延长的柔水,没有体贴的温馨的话语,不是随时可以带在身边的一丝祝福,也不是日日夜夜陪你度过的温度,父爱是一滴泪,概括了全部的语言。

33. 感谢是美德中最微小的,忘恩负义是恶习中最不好的。

34. 拥有感恩的心,你会感激地球,是它给了我们安身立命之所,我们在宇宙中有一个生存的环境,富饶土地上的各种物产,给我们的生存提供了充足的物质保障。

35. Mother father is higher than the mountains, deep than the sea.

36. If you are a winter grass, affection is the sun, warm your cold body.

37. 父亲,您的呵护可以遮雨挡风,您的关怀铭记心中,感谢在您的教诲下,伴儿女前行。

38. 父爱如山,它没有修饰,没有言语,却始终耸立在你的生命之源,伴随着你走过每一条坎坷而孤独的路程……

39. Youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall. A mother’s secret hope outlives them all.——Oliver Wendell Holmes(1809—1894)?

40. In the mouth of the children, the mother is the name of god.

41. 孝顺还生孝顺子,忤逆还生忤逆儿。

42. A good mother is worth a hundred schoolmaster.

43. A mother's love is the greatest power in the world.

44. Father, bearing should be a broad friend.

45. 亲善产生幸福,文明带来和谐。

46. 父亲给了我一片蓝天,给了我一方沃土,父亲是我生命里永远的太阳,祝父亲节快乐,身体健康,万事如意!

47. 爷娘惜儿女,好比长江水。

48. 母亲的原型是一个特别好的例子。

49. Mother and son of love is the world's most sacred emotion.

50. 父亲,您是伟岸的青山,圣洁如冰雪;温暖如骄阳;宽广如江海!感谢您让我们在父亲的爱中成长。

51. 父爱与母爱,往往母爱会使你感到更为熟悉,但是父爱不是不存在的它是默默的出现在你身边的,它不是表现在外,而是那种内藏的,深沉的亲情。

52. 她照顾着她母亲。

53. Filial piety is born filial piety shunza, are also singled out son.

54. Between heaven and earth there is a thing called snow, drop from the clouds, the ground; the friend is a man who is you, know in the accident, stop at the permanent.

55. 太多太多的感谢,说也说不完,你们永远都上我的导引者,感谢父母感谢父母的话祝福语-吉祥如意永远在我的身边对我总是关心、爱护。

56. 微风拂过,我仿佛看到父亲微笑着站在面前,缓缓地抚摩着我的秀发,他虽然不说话,但我却读懂了他那慈爱的眼神。在父亲的目光里我读懂了一种博大的亲情,那是一种江海般宽大胸怀,一种升华的父爱。

57. 父母就教育我如何做事,如何做人。他们告诉我,做事要小心谨慎、对人要诚恳、不可以说谎、要学会宽容、学会尊老爱幼,要懂得知恩图报、懂得无功不受禄……

58. A mother is one through whom God whispers love to his little children. And, yes, sometimes that voice can rise above a whisper, but only because you’re not listening.

59. A mother is a person who if she is not there when you get home from school you wouldn’t know how to get your dinner, and you wouldn’t feel like eating it anyway.

60. 拥有感恩的心,你会更加热爱这个世界,更加热爱生活。拥有感恩的心,你会懂得,惟有懂得报恩的人生,才是有价值有意义的人生。

61. I do not know from the old mother, just know mother parenting grace.

62. 母亲的心是儿女的天堂。

63. 如果说我是上帝产物,那么在我心灵深处,父母就是我的上帝。你们用毕生的心血照料我,而我呢,有时得任性让母亲偷偷的多在角落哭泣,让父亲早已年迈的双手不住的颤抖。儿女不孝,今后我一定不会再这样做了,我爱你们。

64. 我的母亲让我做点事情。

65. 父母的美德是一笔巨大的财富。

66. A mother’s love is like a circle. It has no begining and no ending.

67. 父亲,感谢您的严厉,成就今天的我,为了我,日日操劳,汗水与勤劳尽情地挥洒着生命的热忱。


