
时间:2014-04-03 03:41:14
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小丑英文句子 篇一

Clowns have been a staple in entertainment for centuries, bringing laughter and joy to audiences around the world. Their colorful costumes, exaggerated makeup, and silly antics make them instantly recognizable and beloved by both children and adults. From the circus to birthday parties, clowns never fail to bring a smile to people's faces.

One famous clown is Bozo the Clown, who first appeared in the 1940s and quickly became a household name. With his red nose, oversized shoes, and wacky personality, Bozo entertained generations of children with his slapstick comedy and magic tricks. He even had his own TV show, further solidifying his place in pop culture history.

In recent years, clowns have become a popular theme for Halloween costumes and horror movies. The image of a creepy clown lurking in the shadows has sparked fear in many people, leading to a resurgence in the "killer clown" trope. However, it's important to remember that most clowns are just entertainers who want to bring happiness to others.

Despite the mixed reactions to clowns, one thing is for sure: they have a lasting impact on our culture and continue to be a source of entertainment and joy for people of all ages. So whether you love them or fear them, clowns will always hold a special place in the world of entertainment.

小丑英文句子 篇二

Clowns are more than just funny performers in colorful costumes – they also play an important role in society as entertainers and even therapists. The art of clowning dates back to ancient times, with clowns appearing in various forms in different cultures around the world. In many traditional societies, clowns were seen as sacred figures who could bring healing and laughter to their communities.

In the modern world, clowns continue to bring joy and laughter to people of all ages. Hospitals and nursing homes often employ clowns to visit patients and lift their spirits during difficult times. Known as "clown therapy," this practice has been shown to have a positive impact on patients' mental and emotional well-being.

Clowns also play a vital role in the world of entertainment, whether it's in the circus, on TV, or at birthday parties. Their ability to make people laugh and forget their troubles for a while is a gift that few other performers possess. Clowns use physical comedy, magic tricks, and witty banter to engage their audiences and create memorable experiences for all who watch them.

So the next time you see a clown, whether in a circus tent or at a child's birthday party, take a moment to appreciate the joy and laughter they bring to the world. Clowns are more than just funny characters – they are an important part of our cultural heritage and a reminder of the power of laughter to heal and unite us all.

小丑英文句子 篇三

1. 亲爱的小丑,你的独角戏,只有你一个人吗?

2. 小丑把泪水流到心里时,你们看不到,因为你们在笑。

3. 人生就是一幕戏,每个人都可以是主角或小丑。

4. 小丑一年四季不变的笑容,逗笑了所有人,却逗不笑自己的心。

5. 直到你眼角有泪光闪烁,我才知道浓墨重彩下你的哀伤。

6. 别人在扮小丑,你看就好!

7. 她说她喜欢小丑,因为小丑流泪的时候也在微笑。

8. 小丑永远都能带给大家欢乐,可谁又懂面具后的他泣不成声。

9. 多少人活得像小丑一样,恨不得躲起来,藏不住的孤独。

10. 是不是有一天小丑哭了,你也以为他在笑着?

11. 小丑难过的的时候,也在笑,那他笑的时候,难过吗?

12. 你是刺眼的骄傲,我只是一个卑微的小丑。

13. 我不想做别人眼里的英雄,我只想做你心中的小丑。

14. “Let’s put a smile on that face!”

15. 小丑也想有爱,可是他的爱在哪?无处可寻。

16. 爱情小丑,真爱谁没当过小丑?

17. 小丑面具笑得比谁都更开心,藏不住那一双哭红的眼睛。

18. 原来,小丑竟是我自己。

19. 小丑的舞蹈。只给懂得寂寞的人看。

20. 蓝蓝的海,蓝蓝的天与哪蓝蓝的彩妆,还有着淡淡的忧伤。

21. 感觉我就像一个小丑,演尽了悲欢离合。

22. 小丑在微笑,谁使小丑开怀大笑?

23. 你扮小丑扮得太久了,演得太入戏,都忘记自己了。

24. 一身傲骨,却像小丑,演尽悲欢离合,却不能说,不可说。

25. 人生是一句笑话,我们都是小丑,扮演了那个傻瓜。

26. 我没心事可讲,我的心酸都不可告人。

27. 小丑的假面永远都是笑脸即使流泪,也没有人会注意。

28. 独自走在路上,把闹钟放在耳边,让我知道时间还没抛弃我。

29. 我是小丑、我的世界是黑暗的、到处充满嘲笑声。

30. 舞台谢幕,我却还是笑的如此开心,可谁能看到浓浓装下的泪水。

31. 我不想做一个小丑,其实小丑是最悲伤的那一个。

32. 我是一个小丑,试图解救别人,却忘记需要被超度的还有自己。

33. 伤心时,我只能一个人依偎在墙角,一个人难过,无人陪我。

34. 感觉自己像个小丑。被别人嘲笑着。

35. 清晨起床,我理好衣装,画上浓妆,抹上口红,静静等待寂寞到来。

36. 不能自我思考的人,就是别人眼中的小丑。

37. 你不会看见我爱你的狼狈。你只会看到我的笑脸。因为我是小丑。

38. 小丑最大的悲哀,通常是意识不到自己是个小丑。

39. 我就像个小丑一样,永远不会是最重要的那个!

40. 我就像是一个小丑翻几个跟头、就等你拍一拍手。

41. 我难过的时候只能大笑,所以你听不见我的哭声。

42. 这就是你要的我,被线绑着,一步一步的照着你说的做。

43. 我承认我自卑,我真的很怕黑,孤独的样子像个小丑。

44. “Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos, I’m an agent of chaos , and you know the thing about chaos? It’s fair.”

45. 我是一个卑微的小丑、徘徊在十字街头。

46. 我觉得他帮不了我,因为我就是那个小丑。

47. 小丑费尽心思让别人大笑,却忘了让自己微笑。

48. 长得丑的人,光长相别人就不能原谅,更别提犯不犯错了。

49. 我愿为你做一个跳梁小丑,而你眼中的我从来都是跳梁小丑。

50. 我只是个悲伤的小丑,不曾有过自己的快乐。

51. 向生活低头的同时,做一个属于自己的小丑。

52. 从头到尾,最后才自己一直是小丑。

53. 小丑面具笑的比谁都很开心,藏不住那双哭红的眼睛。

54. 人们总是看到小丑在笑,可有有几人曾知小丑也会哭。

55. 小丑,一如当初你眼中的我。

56. 觉得自己像个小丑,对牛弹琴还妄想它能听懂我。

57. 收起你的眼泪,别再为他心碎,爱情世界总有不完美。

58. “I’m like a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught one…I’d just do things.”

59. 你的微笑不过是你的伪装,谁偷走了小丑的面具。

60. 人生如小丑,从未开心,从未伤心,而快乐着。

61. “I believe… whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you…stranger.”

62. 如果小丑哭了,你会不会觉得它是在搞笑。

63. “You know, madness is a lot like gravity… sometimes all you

need is a little push.”

64. 像个小丑一样逗你们开心,只是因为你们是我最关心的人。

65. 痛过之后就不会觉得痛了,有的只会是一颗冷漠的心。

66. 我是个熟稔的小丑,活在你轻忽的瞳孔里。

67. “You… you just couldn’t let me go could you? This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You are truly incorruptable aren’t you. You won’t kill me because of some misplaced sense of self-rightousness. And I won’t kill you because…you’re just too much fun. I get the feeling that you and I are destined to do this forever.”

68. 不是我想成为坏人,是当好人活不下去。

小丑英文句子 篇四

1. 小丑的悲哀,只有面具可懂。

2. 在生活中小丑其实并不快乐,面具只是掩饰悲伤的工具。

3. 如果小丑哭了,你会不会觉得他在搞笑!

4. 你可以不懂小丑的悲伤,但不能把小丑悲伤的权利也剥夺吧?

5. 小丑替别人抹去忧伤,却忘了替自己拭去眼泪。


