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m开头的句子 篇一






m开头的句子 篇二






m开头的句子 篇三

m开头的句子 精选61句

1. So far you have seen the -e and -M switches in action: import a module, and run a statement. 到目前为止您已经了解了 -e 和 -M 开关所起的作用:导入模块和运行语句。

2. Each chapter begins with an epigraph, a quote to enlighten and amuse. 各章开头引用了一句名言,以启迪思考,娱悦身心。

3. The reliability of robots is measured in their M. T. B. 第六段第一句为中心句,主要论述了机器人的稳定性的测量。

4. m And the third one is called m, l it's also m sub l. 第三个量子数叫做,也叫做m小标。

5. 如果活着,是上帝赋予我最大的使命,那么活者有你,将会是上帝赋予我使命的恩赐……

6. At the end of this sentence, rain will begin. 这个句子的尽头,雨会开始飘下。

7. Each type of molecule has a unique M. W. thus we can categorize them by M. W. 每一种分子都有其特定的分子量,因而可以根据分子量的不同将分子分类。

8. May the force be with you. 愿原力与你同在。

9. Conditional if statements start with if and end with the letters reversed (fi). 条件型 if 语句以 if 开头,以反写的字母 (fi) 结尾。

10. Application delegate header file, included in the .m file. h:应用程序代理头文件,包含在 .m 文件中。

11. M: Are you doing anything right now, Diana? M:黛安娜,你现在手头有什么事吗?

12. Note: the leading period is supposed to be there! 注意: 假定开头部分的句号已经在那里!

13. M: It's good that they can move south. 这次老师用 it 加上从句说 一句话, 比方 It's good that they can move south. 接着老师提出一个词组, 学生 就把词组代换到原来的句子里.

14. Architecture design for rectangular building, set axis, the classroom to post office m, deep bay m. 建筑设计为矩形教学楼,以柱子定轴线,教室开间进深,办公室。

15. M: By the way, does my room have a private bath? M:顺便问一句,我的房间里有单独的浴室吗?

16. To do him justice, he is a good-natured m an. 说句公道话,他是一个温厚的人。

17. He wrote to friends M through Z. 他开始给从M到Z的朋友们写信。

18. >, since this statement must be the first statement in the resulting document. >为开头,这是因为该语句必须是结果文档的第一个语句。

19. M: Bob should have a passport, shouldn't he? 下面老师换了一个句子, 练习用 should not 也就是 shouldn't 作反问句, 说明鲍勃去中国应该有护照和旅游签证等等. 请你跟刚才一样作练习.

20. The methods defined in Listing 1 all start with should and they all create a human-readable sentence. 清单 1 中定义的方法都是以应该开头,它们都创建一个人类可读的句子。

21. Why does he begin with this? 他为何要以这句开头?

22. The crowd drowned her first few words in cheers. 她开头的几句话被淹没在群众的欢呼声中。

23. The teacher says as the following and asks the students try to change them into indirect speech using xxxThe teacher says…xxx 老师口述以上几个句子后让学生上黑板把这些句子以“老师说…”开头改写成间接引语。

24. By the way, I would be very grateful if you could cover the cost for me `m running short of cash. 顺便说一句.如果你能先帮我垫一下钱的话.我会很感激的.因为最近手头紧.

25. An M-file consists of a sequence of normal MATLAB statements, which possibly include references to other M-files. M 文件包含一系列的MATLAB 语句,其中可能包括调用M 文件的语句。

26. More and more women are taking more sophisticated jobs.

27. This is the opening sentence of the Confucian Analects, a record of the dialogues of Confucius and his disciples. 这是孔子和他的弟子们的语录《论语》的开头一句话。

28. A tray holds finished Leica Summilux-M 21mm f/ lenses. 装在托盘里的徕卡Summilux-M 21mm f/镜头

29. what present do you want for your birthday? 楼上的句子有点头重脚轻

30. An hour later, a man, marching amid trees and mists, was rapidly departing from M. sur M. in the direction of Paris. 一个钟头过后,有个人在树林和迷雾中大踏步离开了滨海蒙特勒伊向着巴黎走去。

31. You'll find this sentence at the beginning of this chapter. 你会在这一章的开头找到这个句子。

32. Most objects visible in small telescopes with either be in the xxxMessier Catalogxxx or the xxxNew General Catalogxxx, and will have catalog numbers starting in xxxMxxx or xxxNGCxxx respectively. 大部分小望远镜可见的天体会出现在“梅西耶星表”或者“新通用星表”中,编号以“M”或者“NGC”开头。

33. M: Yea, I m meeting with my bosses. 噢,你要跟你的几个老板开会。

34. For those who are still skeptical, consider this: the beginning of a new sentence is already indicated by a period, a full space and a capital letter. 如果大家还怀疑这个结论的话,考虑如下的情况:一个新句子的开头,已经由一个句号,一个空格以及一个大写字母明示。

35. M: The unions managed to recruit new members. 练习的作法是老师念一个句子, 比方: xxx工会设法吸收了新会员.xxx The unions managed to recruit new members.

36. You can find the sentence at the beginning of this chapter . 在这一章的开头你能发现那个句子。

37. Merged into one sentence: Everything is hard in the beginning! 汇成一句话:万事开头难!

38. Let me start by saying, I'm a square peg. 让我以这句话开头吧,我是一根方木钉。

39. make a phone call 打电话

40. Untie sentence Zhang Jingjing puzzled the minds of reporters. 张晶晶的一句话解开了记者心头的疑惑。

41. Sub-domain are separated by periods. 子域名之间用句点“。”隔开。

42. Keys are used for opening locks. 整句话的意思是:钥匙是用来开锁头。

43. The English language begins with the phrase ‘Up Yours Caesar! 英语以这句话开头,去你的凯撒!

44. He started finishing Madeleine’s sentences. As if her mind were too slow. 他开始接过玛德琳的话头把句子说完,就好像她的脑子太慢,好像他等不及她理清思路。

45. M: Is this table on the corner okay? M:这个角落的桌子可以吗?

46. xxx And the opening line is a tickler: xxxIt was as bleak and sad a day as one could well imagine. 而且开头的一句很令人琢磨不透:“这是一个人可以想象到的阴冷的凄惨的日子。”

47. Sometimes my wife and I mix Chinese and English words in the same sentence. 有时候Sometimes m我妻子和我会在同一句话里参杂着中文和


48. xxx a phrase often associated with him. 这样的句式开头的,虽然这个句式常常被认为跟他有关。

49. Learn to build a sentence one step at a time. 看看何从简单开始,造成一句复杂句子。

50. What does this useful command line do? tasklist /m xxxmscor*xxx tasklist /m xxxmscor*xxx 这句命令是干嘛的?

51. It's there in the first sentence. 玄妙之处就在开头一句话。

52. We'll talk about the Battle of the Somme, s-o-m-m-e. And the Battle of the Somme, in the first day of the Battle of the Somme, the first of July, 1916, there were 20,000 British soldiers killed. 我们会谈到索姆河战役,s-o-m-m-e,在索姆河战役,开战的头一天,xx年xx月一号,20000英军士兵阵亡

53. In English, question words go in the beginning of the sentence. 在英文里,疑问词是在句子的头上。

54. I modify the Sentences ahead several times just like weighing the feelings of mine. 开头的句子被我改了又改,像是斟酌自己的情感。

55. The next if statement will remove the trailing xxxany word character sectionxxx to produce (s)(\w)+(m)(\w)+(l). 接下来的 if 语句将删除后置的 “任何字符部分” 以生成 (s)(\w)+(m)(\w)+(l)。

56. M: It's difficult to own a house. 听了上面几个句子, 我想你已经注意到 it 的用法. 比方 xxx拥有一幢房子很困难xxx It's difficult to own a house. 在这个句子里 it 指的就是 to own a house.

57. The case statement begins with the word case and ends with the reverse (esac). case 语句以 case 开头,并且以反写的 (esac) 结尾。

58. The study on copper graphite 10 electric contact material is described by traditional P/M process. 采用传统粉末冶金工艺研制电器开关主触头用铜石墨10电触头材料。

59. it is an unbelievable story ever happend in his life. 以问句形式开头 如why do you catch a cold?

60. make a move; 做出迁居

61. Yesterday behind,based on today,we are pursuing tomorrow.(昨天已经过去,我们立足今天追求明天。


