形容马路的英文句子 篇一
The road stretched out ahead, a ribbon of asphalt cutting through the landscape. Cars raced by, leaving behind a trail of exhaust fumes and the sound of honking horns. Pedestrians hurried across the crosswalks, eager to reach the other side. The streetlights cast a soft glow over the scene, illuminating the bustling activity below. This was not just a road, but a lifeline connecting the city's various neighborhoods and districts. It was a constant presence, always buzzing with activity and life.
As I walked along the sidewalk, I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer size and complexity of the road. It was a marvel of engineering, with multiple lanes for cars, designated bike paths, and even a dedicated lane for buses. The road was a living, breathing organism, pulsing with the rhythm of the city. It was a place where people came together, united by the shared goal of getting to their destination. Whether they were driving, biking, or walking, everyone had a place on the road.
But the road was not without its dangers. Cars zoomed past at breakneck speeds, their engines roaring as they raced towards their next destination. Pedestrians darted across the street, narrowly avoiding collisions with oncoming traffic. The road was a chaotic place, where the rules of the road were constantly being tested and broken. It was a place where one wrong move could spell disaster.
Despite its dangers, the road was also a place of beauty. The sunsets cast a warm glow over the asphalt, turning the road into a shimmering river of light. The city skyline loomed in the distance, a testament to human ingenuity and ambition. The road was a symbol of progress, a physical manifestation of our desire to connect and explore.
As I reached my destination, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the road. It was more than just a means of transportation – it was a lifeline, connecting me to the world around me. The road was a reminder of the power of human connection, a testament to our ability to overcome obstacles and forge ahead. And as I walked away, I knew that the road would always be there, waiting for me to embark on my next journey.
形容马路的英文句子 篇二
The road was a maze of twists and turns, leading me deeper into the heart of the city. Tall buildings loomed overhead, casting long shadows over the cracked pavement below. The road was a harsh mistress, unforgiving in its demands and relentless in its pursuit of progress. Cars honked angrily as they jostled for position, their drivers eager to reach their destination at any cost. Pedestrians scurried along the sidewalks, their eyes fixed on their phones as they navigated the chaotic scene.
As I made my way down the road, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The road was a battleground, where every inch of space was fought over and claimed. It was a place where the rules of the road were constantly being tested, and where the weak were quickly left behind. The road was a harsh teacher, demanding respect and caution at every turn.
But despite its challenges, the road was also a place of beauty. The city lights twinkled in the distance, a beacon of hope in the darkness. The road was a pathway to new adventures, a gateway to the unknown. It was a place where dreams were born and destinies were forged. The road was a symbol of freedom, a reminder that the world was vast and full of possibilities.
As I finally reached my destination, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. The road had tested me, pushed me to my limits, but in the end, it had brought me to where I needed to be. It was a reminder that sometimes the journey was just as important as the destination. The road was a part of me now, a memory etched into my soul. And as I looked back at the road, I knew that it would always be there, waiting for me to return and embark on my next adventure.
形容马路的英文句子 篇三
1. 驾驶”脖车行,代价血淋淋。
2. 开车一心一意,做人仁心仁意。
3. 宁走千步远,不冒一步险。
4. 城市繁华,而在喧嚣的城市,人们又用另一种方式来度过美好的春。街道上的一个角落,几个小学生手拿小型鞭炮,用打火机点燃,闭上眼睛,听着由鞭炮、汽车、人发出的'声音交杂成的美妙音乐;晚上的广场,灯火辉煌,有做打气球,摆地摊生意的,有拿着荧光棒、玩具枪的小朋友,也有打羽毛球的人们……对于城里人,更能显示春的概念的词,就是“闹”字。这“闹”,突出繁华城市的人们对春的热情与新生活的美好追求。
5. 狭路相逢君先过,并驾齐驱君先行。
6. 超速行驶是抢占死亡线。
7. “若问古今兴废事,请君只看洛阳城”。数千年历史长卷在脑海中浮现,洛阳的景观近在咫尺触手可及。热风拂面,行走在唐人间,萧睿眼望着体味着这盛唐洛阳的繁华喧嚣,心头没来由地一喜,又是一叹:洛阳,是当时的世界名城,丝绸之路的东端,是中国历史上建都时间最长的城市。然而,这座名城又无数次成为兵家必争之地、两军对垒的战场,宏伟的宫殿,繁华的市区,几度化为丘墟,又几度繁盛。
8. 车可修复,人无来生。
9. Drive wholeheartedly, be an upright person kung benevolence.
10. 城市的马路犹似纵横交织的河道,红绿灯便是浮在水面的航标;那喇叭声声是浪潮喧哗,那张张笑脸恰似朵朵浪花。
11. 这里真是灯的海洋,灯的天地!一盏盏点燃起来的灯,远远望去,犹如天女撒下的朵朵金花,又似满天繁星,闪着亮光。
12. 人要安全靠右行,车要安全靠慢行。
13. Maintain the traffic safety, care for life long.
14. 心头常亮红绿灯,安全行驶伴人生。
15. 到处灯火辉煌,车水马龙,空气传来一阵阵的喧闹声。高楼拔地而起,整齐如一。熙熙攘攘的人群,神色匆匆。
16. 一到夜晚,万盏灯火大放光明,一幢幢高楼大厦顿时披上了宝石镶嵌的衣衫,一条条街道也都变成了皓光闪耀的银河。
17. 人在路中守交规,法在心中路畅通。
18. 远远近近的街灯已经亮了,起先像一个个暗红色的水果盘,渐渐变成了明晃晃的大银球。
19. 遵守交通法规,*安与你同在。
20. 船帆已经落下来,渔火在桅杆上闪烁着,如远天升起的一颗红色的星。
21. 小路依着山谷,穿过松树林,盘旋曲折,像一条浅色的带子,缠绕着翡翠般的山峦。
22. To learn traffic safety, safety and happiness thousands.
23. 公路打晒粮,肇事悔断肠。
24. 何愁路途多遥远,遵守法规保*安。
25. When you walk, don't walk while playing, and don't walk while reading a book.
26. 行路慎为本,开车礼当先。
27. Overtaking overspeed time at that time, a car crash regret a lifetime.
28. Careful driving smooth, discipline is very safe.
29. 安全来自警惕,事故出于麻痹。
30. 水淋淋的马路,像一条闪闪发光的绸带,在初夏的绿阴中轻轻地飘向前方。
31. 超载超速,危机四伏。
32. 这弯弯曲曲的大道,像一条没有尽头的长绳,缠绕山腰,越过山冈,爬进积着残雪的沼泽滩。消失在遥远的天边。
33. 你让我让,路路通畅。
34. 安全最佳效应,*安共同心声。
35. 乡间小路,弯弯曲曲,像顽皮的孩子在捉弄人,不时露出一点点踪影,不时又隐没了。
36. 客货混装,害人害己。
37. 这实在不能称之为街,老乡们偏偏叫它街。数十幢瓦房,百十步夹道,豆粒儿似的装在这山窝窝里,似乎还有点儿挤。在你记忆里,街里迷宫般的'繁华,画轴般的热闹,哪有这么一睁眼就看了个尽、一抬腿就走了个遍的街?
38. Traffic safety into the thousands, in and out of peace you I him.
39. 公路像条金色的腰带,从东方的山垭口弯弯曲曲地飘了过来,飘到洛曲河旁,伴着匆匆的河水跑了几步,忽然又躲进了西边的一片桦树林中,不见了。
40. 穿过城市繁华的谎言,喧闹在寂寞中点亮灯光一盏,张开手一条纠缠的长线,是不是应该命名为思念,还是应该并作生命让承诺做一次天长地久的考验。
41. 此时,已全然看不见远近山脉和房屋的轮廓,夜色早已把它掩盖在一片迷茫之中,取而代之的是那一团团、一簇簇悠悠闪烁的灯光,仿佛是天女为大地织成了一件五彩缤纷的衣裳,轻轻穿在家乡的大地上。置身在这美丽的夜色中,让人联想起天上的繁星,宛如在宇宙星河中遨游一般。
42. 手握方向盘,时刻想安全。
43. 街道两旁,槐树枝繁叶茂,仿佛撑开了一把把绿色的大伞,搭成一个连绵不断的遮阳棚,使行人走在林阴道上,舒适凉爽。
44. 这里高楼林立,街道上车水马龙。熙来攘往的人群,像潮水,霓虹刺眼,灯光恍惚。亦幻亦真。
45. 文明交通安全在,留住生命留住爱。
46. 开车喝了酒,喜事变忧愁。
47. 大街上汽车排起了长队,喇叭声此起彼伏。
48. 眼前的百花灯挂在树上呈放着光芒,为迎春灯会增添了春色。
49. 这是北方城市中常见的小巷。矮小的民房鳞次栉比,300多米胡同里拥挤了三四百户人家。
50. 一人安危系全家,全家幸福系一人。
51. 走遍东西南北中,安全二字记心中。
52. 繁华似锦的街道上总有一天会冷清,就像你爱我总有一天会淡忘。
53. 谨慎驾驶一帆风顺,遵纪守法十分安全。
54. 开车不喝酒,酒后不开车。
55. Even you and him, security with thousands of.
56. 心无交规,路有坎坷。
57. Throughout north and south, east and west, the security word written in the heart.
58. 可以并列行驶六辆车。上班高峰时期再也不拥挤了。
59. 遵守交通法规,关隘生命旅程。
60. Rather go thousand paces, don't risk a step.
61. 看,街上人流如潮,人人笑容满面。年轻人三个一伙,五个一群地走在大街上。他们戴着MP听着音乐,情不自禁地跟着音乐唱了起来。
62. 夜晚,城市的居民都进入了梦乡,只有一盏盏街灯睁亮着眼睛,站在马路边,和夜巡的战士一起,保卫着这英雄的城市。
63. 突然间,幢幢楼房亮起灯火,万家灯火和天上的星光速成一片,像升起一簇簇永不熄灭的礼花。
64. 下班的人潮,川流不息的路人,车水马龙的街道,风驰电掣的摩托车,谱成了一首紧张而刺激的“惊愕交响乐”。
65. 远处的码头灯火通明,向海远方伸展,像一条火龙在大海上翻滚,十分壮观。
66. Drive don't drink, don't drink and drive.
67. 站在岸边向大海望去,到处都是闪烁的灯光,如同天上那快活的星星。
68. Violations
is means, security education content, traffic safety is the goal.
69. Pedestrians along road, the car to keep right, good traffic order, one car.
70. 严是爱,松是害,出了事故坑后代。
71. 一座座立交桥宽阔平坦,四通八达。宽阔的马路在雨水的冲刷下十分干净,一辆辆川流不息的车辆,欢快地奔驰在上面。
72. 一到休假日,大街上就热闹起来。“叮零零”的自行车铃声清脆悦耳,那是大姐姐骑着自行车带妹妹回老家呢!“嘀嘀嘀”的汽车车笛声激昂跳跃,那是载全家去旅游呢!“突突突”的摩托声雄浑厚重,那是年轻的小伙子载农村姑娘去城市看美景呢!
73. 出了车祸速报警,救死扶伤见真情。
74. 今天是大年初一,我们吃完午饭,就去东南花都逛庙会。到了东南花都,一看真是热闹非凡人山人海。
75. Set up traffic civilization consciousness, consciously maintain traffic order.
76. 夜晚,站在高楼上远眺,南京路好像一望无际的、被珍珠琥珀装饰起来的灯海。
77. 一根根铁轨在前面安静地“躺”着,在柔和的灯光下,不时地闪着光亮,有种说不出来的韵律。
78. 回到家乡,我欣喜地发现砂石土路已经被宽阔的马路代替,鳞次栉比的汽车川流不息。
79. 瞧,街道上,各类车辆川流不息,把道路堵得水泄不通。有风驰电掣的小轿车,有急速飞奔的摩托车,有轻捷方便的电动车,还有悠然自得的自行车……我们犹如置身于车海之中。车辆还排起了队伍,组成了一幅长龙似的图案。
80. 损人是祸,让人是福。
81. 宽阔的马路两旁张灯结彩,挂着一排排五彩缤纷、千姿百态的宫灯:跑马灯、龙灯、米老鼠灯、孔雀开屏灯,我们看得眼花缭乱,也不知先看什么好了。
82. 纵横交错的交通设施,构成了城市的血脉和骨架,推动着羊城大踏步迈向现代化国际城市。
83. 交通法规人人遵守,文明社区家家幸福。
84. 手握方向盘,脚踩人命关。
85. 从前这条路总是不堪重负每日行车危如累卵遇见堵车只有望洋兴叹如今车水马龙一泻千里。
86. 安全与守法同在,事故与违法相随。
87. 清晨,这宽阔的街道上并没有繁华都市的车水马龙。道路两旁铺就了金黄的落叶,树叶用它们已然逝去的短暂年华装点着街景。
88. 每条大街小巷,都有那么多五颜六色的'身影在蠕动,像河水一样流淌,前不见头,后不见尾。
89. 防灾求得*安在,遵章换得*安来。
90. 随着时间的流逝,人流在不断的增多,从以往的人烟稀少,一下增到约一公里外,到处是停放的汽车,人山人海。站在楼上往下看,人群密密麻麻,像是无数蚂蚁在动,由于人多,一不小心就会你踩了我一脚,我碰了你一下,要想从这人流中出去,就得会钻。
91. 酗酒开车是驶向死亡与坟墓的选择。
92. 交通法规人人遵守,文明城市处处安全。
93. 维护交通秩序,争做文明公民。
94. 忽然,所有的灯都亮了,五光十色的灯光照在马路上,街道像镶嵌了一串美丽的珍珠,过路行人的身上仿佛都披上了漂亮的彩衣。
95. 守法才能*安,*安才能回家。
96. 三思而后行,思命思家思社会。
97. 新修的街道是宽阔的,阳光洒在这条街道上显得特别明亮。
98. Far near the traffic safety, is apart from the traffic accident.
99. 道路通行见形象,红绿灯前看修养。
100. 戏场人行道上,摆满了小摊。有的在烧烤;有的骑自行车卖玉米;有的骑三轮车卖碗托;有的卖凉粉面皮;有的卖玩具;有的卖饮料;有的卖水果;有卖日用品……应有尽有。
101. Take precautions against natural calamities, finding peace in compliance in peace.
102. 金鱼灯不仅制作精致、美观、大方,而且尾鳍、鳃都能动,更有趣的是,它还不断地吐着泡泡呢!
103. See the tutelage traffic image, the traffic lights.
104. 这是北方城市中常见的小巷。矮小的民房鳞次栉比,多米胡同里拥挤了三四百户人家。
105. 相会有缘,相让有礼。
106. 人不斜穿,不车越线,各行其道。
107. 随意在繁闹的大街上徜徉着,脚下一片轻盈。绚烂的阳光普洒在这遍眼都是的绿瓦红墙之间,那突兀横出的飞檐,那高高飘扬的商铺招牌旗帜,那粼粼而来的车马,那川流不息的行人,那一张张恬淡惬意的笑脸,无一不反衬出盛唐民众对于泱泱盛世的自得其乐。
108. 你对违章讲人情,事故对你不留情。
109. 违章是安全的大敌,车祸的朋友。