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婚纱相册英文句子 篇一

Wedding Day Bliss: Capturing Love in a Bridal Album

On your wedding day, you want to capture every moment of love, joy, and happiness. And what better way to do that than with a beautiful bridal album filled with stunning photographs? From getting ready with your bridesmaids to saying "I do" at the altar, a wedding day is full of special moments that you'll want to cherish forever.

A bridal album is not just a collection of photographs; it's a visual representation of your love story. Each picture tells a unique story, from the nervous excitement before the ceremony to the pure joy of walking down the aisle as a newlywed couple. Every smile, every tear, every embrace is a precious memory that you'll want to hold on to for years to come.

With a bridal album, you can relive your wedding day over and over again. Flip through the pages and be transported back to that magical day when you and your partner vowed to spend the rest of your lives together. The laughter, the tears, the love – it's all there in those photographs, waiting for you to revisit whenever you want.

A bridal album is also a beautiful keepsake that you can pass down to future generations. Imagine your children and grandchildren flipping through the pages, seeing the love and happiness that surrounded your wedding day. It's a legacy of love that will live on long after you're gone, a tangible reminder of the bond you shared with your partner.

So, on your wedding day, make sure to capture every moment in a bridal album. Trust your photographer to capture the love, the joy, and the happiness that fills the air on this special day. And when you look back at those photographs years from now, you'll be grateful for the memories that were preserved in your beautiful bridal album.

婚纱相册英文句子 篇二

The Beauty of Love: Creating a Timeless Bridal Album

A bridal album is more than just a collection of photographs; it's a testament to the beauty of love. Each picture in the album captures a moment in time, frozen forever in a frame of love and happiness. From the first look to the last dance, a bridal album tells the story of your wedding day in a way that words never could.

The beauty of a bridal album lies in its ability to evoke emotions and memories with just a single glance. As you flip through the pages, you'll be transported back to that magical day when you said "I do" and became husband and wife. The love, the laughter, the tears – it's all there, preserved in those photographs for you to cherish forever.

A bridal album is also a work of art, carefully curated and designed to showcase the beauty of your love story. Each page is like a canvas, waiting to be filled with the colors and emotions of your special day. From the intricate details of your dress to the tender moments between you and your partner, a bridal album is a visual masterpiece that you'll be proud to display for years to come.

But perhaps the most beautiful thing about a bridal album is its ability to capture the essence of your relationship. In those photographs, you'll see the love and devotion that you and your partner share, the laughter and joy that fills your hearts when you're together. It's a reminder of the bond that you have, a testament to the strength and beauty of your relationship.

So, when it comes to creating a bridal album, don't just think of it as a collection of photographs. Think of it as a celebration of your love, a tribute to the beauty that exists between you and your partner. Trust your photographer to capture the essence of your relationship, and let the beauty of love shine through in every page of your timeless bridal album.

婚纱相册英文句子 篇三

婚纱相册英文句子 精选103句

1. 随你走在天际,看繁花满地。

2. XXXX & XXX, forever & always. (《Finding Nemo》用于两人合照)

3. 谁,吻我之眸,遮我半世流离。

4. 认识了好多年,单恋了这么久,我有千条爱你的理由,在你面前却说不出口。鼓足勇气表心迹,莫让悔意留心头。你我相爱情人节,绵绵单思今日休。

5. 一件婚纱,充满了对未来生活的向往。一张婚纱照,除了想留住自己的美丽,还想证明自己选对了。在自己身旁的人,是值得信任和依靠的。

6. 当我牵你衣袖,与你执手,我的生命便尽赋与你,相依相伴,或生,或死。

7. 这一刹,良辰美景,岁月静好。属于,你和我!

8. 婚纱照就是女人心底一个最柔情的梦。

9. 这是属于自己的小幸福。

10. 你是岸,我是船,你是太阳,我为你转,幸福有你才能算,给我世界都不换,因为你是我的。

11. 执子之手,共你一世风霜。吻子之眸,赠你一世深情。


2. 独爱世间三物。昼之日,夜之月,汝之永恒。

13. 伊,覆我之唇,祛我前世流离。

14. If love was a story book, we’d meet on the very first page.

15. 你若撒野,我今生把酒奉陪!

16. Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you

17. 婚纱照是一段记忆也是每个女孩子的梦。

18. 一件婚纱,充满了对未来生活的向往。一张婚纱照,除了想留住自己的美丽,还想证明自己选对了。在自己身旁的.人,是值得信任和依靠的。

19. 幸好,那个陪我看风花雪月的人,一直是你!

20. 婚纱其实就是女人心底一个最温暖、最柔情的梦,在女人的心里最深处静静地蛰伏着,随时等待着一阵风起,直到吹得心旌摇曳,吹得婚纱裙袂飘飘。

21. Your smile lights up my world.

22. 我定定地、定定地望着这件婚纱,困惑至极。这就是我印象中完美的那一件吗?分明,它的颜色不够纯正,它的细纱不够轻盈,它的珠绣不够精致。还有,经过磨练后的双眼分明辨出,它的质地几近低劣,它的款样,亦不是华丽中的.简单,竟是纯粹的简单啊。在看过的所有婚纱中,它实在很不怎么起眼的。

23. 这张婚纱照充满了对未来生活的向往。

24. 橱窗前,婚纱膨胀着莹洁而纯净的光,这些附着在新娘身上的物什,仿佛生来就沾染了贵族气息,隐隐含着不可一世的傲慢与神圣.

25. 你是非常可爱的的人,真应该遇到最好的人,我真高兴我是。

26. 幸福是相濡以沫的一辈子

27. 我定定地、定定地望着这件婚纱,困惑至极。这就是我印象中完美的那一件吗?分明,它的颜色不够纯正,它的细纱不够轻盈,它的珠绣不够精致。还有,经过磨练后的双眼分明辨出,它的质地几近低劣,它的款样,亦不是华丽中的简单,竟是纯粹的简单啊。在看过的所有婚纱中,它实在很不怎么起眼的。

28. 爱情不是轰轰烈烈的誓言而是经得起平淡的流年。

29. 你就是我的盖世英雄,我看见你的七彩祥云。

30. 我想说,有你真好,有个人,可以拥抱,悲伤有,快乐有,你从没有离开过。

31. 有很多准新郞准新娘在闪光灯下留下了身披婚纱最幸福最美丽的时刻。也有很多当初结婚不时兴照婚纱照而后来又补的,虽然他们的脸宠不再年轻,身材不再窈窕,可他们的脸上的笑容,依然让婚纱熠熠生辉。谁说婚纱只属于年轻人?只要有梦想,有爱,有幸福,它属于每一个年龄阶段的女人。

32. 玲珑骰子安红豆,入骨相思君不知。

33. 我终于有一个温馨的家,随时随地都能看见你的家。

34. 眼睛脑子里都是你,空气里也水泥的气息,闭上眼是你的笑容,睁开眼却看到了你,希望自己忘记忘记自己,让生活里全都是你!

35. 我,牵尔玉手,收你此生所有。我,抚尔秀颈,挡你此生风雨。

36. To me, you are perfect.

37. 这张婚纱照有我对爱情的期盼对幸福的憧憬。

38. 无数次想像自己为了最爱的人穿上婚纱的曼妙与美丽:一定有着被幸福晕红了如苹果般的脸宠,一定有着被爱陶醉了如星子般的眼眸……

39. 看着你的笑,我明白世间有千万个更好的,我唯独爱你一个。

40. 一想到余生将和你一起度过,我就很期待余生。

41. 谢谢你陪我走到这一步,看到你还是满眼的幸福。

42. 婚纱是一段记忆,也是每个女孩子的梦。童话中的公主就是穿着美丽的蓬蓬裙,永远都是最美丽的一面。每个女孩子都有一个梦想,梦想自己永远都是世界的焦点,有一个永远爱护自己的男人。

43. 情不知所起,一往而情深。

44. For you, a thousand times over.

45. You had me at “hello”.

46. 除非黄土白骨,我守你百岁无忧。

47. So as long as I live I'll love you

48. 褪尽风华,我依然在彼岸守护你。

49. When I look at you,

50. 伊,揽我之怀,除我前世轻浮。

51. 谢谢你陪我看日出、看日暮,从此牵手、一直白头!

52. 我们会被婚纱感染沉浸于幸福快乐之中。

53. Love means never having to say you're sorry.

54. 我会用一辈子毫不保留的守护你爱护你。

55. 谁,可葬吾怆,笑天地虚妄,吾心狂。

56. 我终于等到可以一翻身就偷亲你了。

57. 曾看到多数童话的最后都是公主为王子穿上一套精美的婚纱步入皇宫完美收场。当那个时刻我们就以为女主人公从此以后会有幸福的生活。我们会被那袭婚纱感染、沉浸入幸福快乐中!

58. 我想每个女人都是喜欢婚纱的,每个女人的梦里都有一件美仑美奂的婚纱,不论她丑陋俊美,也不论她有没有已过了穿婚纱的时节。

59. 最动人的誓言不是“我爱你”而是“在一起”。

60. 多么想就这样牵着你的手一直走到永远,伴你生生世世!

61. When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody,

62. Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss... But every once in a while, you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.

63. Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

64. 谁,抚我之面,慰我半世哀伤。

65. 世间最好就是遇见了你。

66. 这是我拍过最美的照片,在里面看到了幸福的样子。

67. I broke my rules for you.

68. 地球仍然转动我会一直爱你。

69. Live Long and Prosper.

70. For all the things my hands have held the best by far is you.

71. 婚纱只为爱的人披上。

72. 我为你入了魔,就罚你倾这一世来渡我。

73. 你给了我一个能让我依靠的肩膀,给了我一段能让我安心的爱情。

74. 谁,可助我臂,纵横万载无双。

75. 在平凡的日子遇到特殊的你,风风雨雨一同走过,美好生活我们共同建筑。

76. I love you not for who you are,

77. 时光静好,与君语。细水流年,与君同。繁华落尽,与君老。

78. 若你白发苍苍,容颜迟暮,我依旧如此,牵你双手,倾世温柔。

79. 你是我打算硬着头皮一直走下去的'那个人。

80. 遇见你是命运的安排,而爱上你是我情不自禁。

81. 死生契阔,与子成说。执子之手,与子偕老。

82. 谁,携我之心,融我半世冰霜。

83. 谁,弃我而去,留我一世独殇。

84. 无数次想像自己为了最爱的人穿上婚纱的曼妙与美丽。

85. 予,挽子青丝,挽子一世情思。予,执子之手,共赴一世情长。

86. The best is yet to come.

87. 给你倾城的温柔,恋我半世的流离。

88. 这回我也要弄个一人高的婚纱照,不在将就。

89. 谁,执我之手,敛我半世癫狂。

90. 谁,唤我之心,掩我一生凌轹。

91. I have loved you for a thousand years

92. 那一件薄薄的婚纱,承载着我们许多的梦想和希望。

93. 你穿婚纱的样子真美,一直美进了我的心里。

94. 谁,可明我意,使我此生无憾。

95. You have bewitched me, body and soul,

96. 从此以后,一屋两人三餐四季。

97. 执子之手,陪你痴狂千生。深吻子眸,伴你万世轮回。

98. 弱水三千情独钟,繁花碧落生死共。

99. 谁,可倾我心,寸土恰似虚弥。

100. You smile, I melt.

101. 裱起婚纱照那道墙及一切美丽的年华。

102. 从今往后,风是你,雨是你,风雨琳琅都是你。

103. 谁,扶我之肩,驱我一世沉寂。


