
时间:2014-09-02 05:40:30
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happiness句子 篇一

Happiness is a Choice

Happiness is a choice that we make every day. It is not dependent on external circumstances, but rather on how we perceive and react to the world around us. Many people believe that they will be happy once they achieve a certain goal or acquire a specific possession. However, true happiness comes from within and is a result of our mindset and attitude towards life.

One of the key factors in experiencing happiness is gratitude. By focusing on what we have rather than what we lack, we can cultivate a sense of contentment and joy. Gratitude allows us to appreciate the small things in life that often go unnoticed but can bring us immense happiness, such as a beautiful sunrise or a kind gesture from a stranger.

Another important aspect of happiness is living in the present moment. Often, we get caught up in worrying about the future or dwelling on the past, which can rob us of the joy that can be found in the present. By practicing mindfulness and being fully present in each moment, we can experience a deep sense of peace and contentment.

Furthermore, connecting with others and building meaningful relationships is crucial for experiencing happiness. Human beings are social creatures, and we thrive when we have strong social connections. By nurturing our relationships with friends, family, and loved ones, we can experience a sense of belonging and fulfillment that contributes to our overall happiness.

In conclusion, happiness is a choice that we make every day through our mindset, attitude, and actions. By practicing gratitude, living in the present moment, and building meaningful relationships, we can cultivate a deep sense of happiness that is not dependent on external circumstances. Ultimately, true happiness comes from within and is a result of how we choose to perceive and engage with the world around us.

happiness句子 篇二

The Pursuit of Happiness

The pursuit of happiness is a universal quest that transcends age, culture, and background. From ancient philosophers to modern-day psychologists, the concept of happiness has been studied and debated for centuries. But what exactly is happiness, and how can we achieve it in our own lives?

Happiness is often described as a state of well-being characterized by positive emotions, contentment, and fulfillment. It is not a destination to be reached but rather a journey to be embraced. While external factors such as wealth, success, and material possessions can contribute to our happiness, they are not the sole determinants of our well-being.

Research has shown that genetics plays a role in our predisposition to happiness, with some individuals naturally more inclined towards positivity than others. However, our environment and life circumstances also play a significant role in shaping our happiness levels. Factors such as social support, financial security, and physical health can all impact our overall sense of well-being.

So how can we cultivate happiness in our own lives? One key factor is finding a sense of purpose and meaning. Engaging in activities that align with our values and passions can bring a deep sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. Whether it's pursuing a creative hobby, volunteering for a cause we believe in, or spending time with loved ones, finding meaning in our lives can contribute to our overall happiness.

Another important aspect of happiness is practicing self-care and prioritizing our well-being. This can include activities such as exercise, meditation, and spending time in nature, all of which have been shown to boost our mood and improve our mental health. Taking care of our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs is essential for cultivating a sense of happiness and well-being.

In conclusion, the pursuit of happiness is a lifelong journey that requires self-reflection, self-awareness, and intentional action. By focusing on cultivating gratitude, finding meaning and purpose, and prioritizing our well-being, we can increase our overall sense of happiness and fulfillment. Ultimately, happiness is not a destination to be reached but rather a way of being that we can choose to embrace in our daily lives.

happiness句子 篇三

happiness句子 精选54句

1. 这个家庭生存给我感受到了家庭原来是那么的温馨。您又能感受到吗?

2. 剩下什么来弥补此刻空缺的心,大片惨淡的空白不断泛滥着暗夜里躲也躲不掉的寂寞。

3. 幸福的家庭都是一


4. 在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。

5. 爱就是心疼,可以喜欢许多人,但真正心疼的只有一个。

6. 不要怕爱会带来伤害,要相信,他伤的只是爱情,不是你。

7. 我的眼泪触了你的眉,你的笑容抵不了我的.泪。

8. 心简单,世界就简单,幸福才会生长;心自由,生活就自由,到哪都有快乐。

9. 爱情使是非概念混淆不清;强烈的爱情和骄傲的野心都是没有疆界的。

10. 如果全世界都否定你,那么我陪你否定全世界。

11. 既不回头,何必不忘,既已无缘,何须誓言。

12. 幸福就是和爱人一起漫步,幸福就是吃到妈妈的拿手菜,幸福就是孩子在你的脚跟打转。

13. 迎着阳光开放的花朵才美丽,伴着革命理想的爱情才甜蜜。

14. 爱情不在了就要学会宽容,毕竟也相遇一场。

15. 有时候,离去不是一个简单的转身,而是,一辈子的幸福。

16. 幸福是,机场仍旧开放,电视里仍旧有人唱歌。

17. 幸福是珍惜现在,但不是挥霍现在,否则,这将是人生的一种无奈与落寞。

18. 不是快乐就能分享,痛苦就能分担,其实,幸福是自己的,别看他人!

19. 一旦爱情得到了满足,他人魅力也就荡然无存了。

20. 不吃饭的女人这世上也许还有好几个,不吃醋的女人却连一个也没有。

21. 幸福不是天生的,而是要靠自己才能拥有;孤独不是没人爱你,而是你谁也不爱。

22. 只要你每天给我一个幸福的拥抱,这是给我一天的安全感。

23. 生命里有很多定数,在未曾预料的时候就已摆好了局。

24. 总是情不自禁的忧伤,于是慢慢学会了掩藏,渐渐学会了伪装。

25. 你甜蜜的爱,就是珍宝,我不屑把处境跟帝王对调。

26. 只要是强求的,不管什么都没用。只要是心甘情愿的,不管如何都能接受。

27. 如果你知道去哪,全世界都會為你讓路。

28. 爱上一个人也许只需要一秒钟,但忘记一个人却需要一辈子。

29. 人生最宝贵的不是你拥有的物质,而是陪伴在你身边的人。

30. 自己是蓝色的,音乐是悠扬的,心情是透明的,灵魂是飞舞的。

31. 人生的大部分时间里,承诺同义词是束缚,奈何我们向往束缚。

32. 幸福,也是一种滋味,一种甘甜的滋味。

33. 有些时候这个世界真的需要一些谎言来支撑下来。相信谎言,我们才变得幸福。

34. 第一次遇见你,第二次喜欢你,第三次爱上你,第四次梦见你,第五次想你!

35. 能随时随地居心灵去品味生活的味道,才有幸福可言。

36. 只有桃花才会开在春风里,骆驼才会懂得恋慕甘泉,而一样的鸟儿,才可以一起飞。

37. 如果我们追求的是幸福也就罢了,难就难在我们追求的是比别人幸福。

38. 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

39. 我用时间见证爱,你用时间证明爱,天长地久,不离不弃。

40. 小时候,幸福——是件很简单的事;长大后,简单——是件很幸福的事。

41. 看你躺在我怀里开心的样子就是我想要的幸福。

42. 在黑暗的隧道穿越时间过长,光亦更接近一种幻觉。

43. 幸福是什么?幸福是一个谜,你让一千个人来回答,就会有一千种答案。

44. 如果血液可以刹车,那么他的心脏里到处都是轮胎摩擦的痕迹。

45. 我的心,这只野鸟,在你的眼睛里找到了天空。

46. 所谓幸福,其实就是有一个人、一件事,让你无法自拔。

47. 爱情把我拽向这边,而理智却要把我拉向那边。

48. 幸福的生活不是说我爱你,然后就开始相爱;也不是说我们不合适了,然后就分开。

49. 幸福本是一种感觉,它不取决于人们的生活状态,而取决于人的心态。

50. 有时我沉默,不是不快乐,只是想把心净空。

51. 曾经,一个过去式,既是过去,何必念忆,应该忘记,过去,就是过去。

52. 幸福来自一颗踏实安静的心。

53. 朋友就像人民币,有真币也有假币,可惜我不是验钞机!

54. 如果幸福不在路上,那就一定在路的尽头。


