
时间:2014-07-06 07:29:41
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关于苹果的英文句子 篇一

From the first bite of a crisp apple to the last, its juicy sweetness never fails to delight the senses.

Apples come in a variety of colors, shapes, and flavors, making them a versatile fruit for cooking, baking, or eating fresh.

The saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" highlights the health benefits of this fruit, which is packed with fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants.

Whether enjoyed as a snack on its own or as a key ingredient in a delicious pie, apple's refreshing taste never disappoints.

With so many different types of apples to choose from, each with its unique characteristics, there is always a new variety to try and enjoy.

Apples are not just tasty and nutritious, they also symbolize wisdom, love, and temptation in various cultures and traditions.

The crunch of a fresh apple, the burst of flavor with each bite, is a simple pleasure that never fails to bring joy and satisfaction.

Whether you prefer a tart Granny Smith or a sweet Honeycrisp, there is an apple out there for everyone to savor and enjoy.

So next time you reach for a piece of fruit, consider the humble apple and all its delicious and wholesome goodness.

In conclusion, apples are a timeless fruit that continues to delight and satisfy our taste buds with their crisp texture and sweet flavor.

关于苹果的英文句子 篇二

Apples have a rich history dating back centuries, with mentions in ancient texts and folklore as a symbol of knowledge, immortality, and love.

The apple tree is a symbol of life, fertility, and abundance, with its fruit often associated with harvest festivals and celebrations.

In mythology, the apple appears as a forbidden fruit, a gift of love, or a symbol of temptation, highlighting its complex and multifaceted meanings.

Apples are a versatile ingredient in culinary arts, used in dishes ranging from savory salads to sweet desserts, showcasing their adaptability and appeal.

The apple industry is a major player in the global economy, with a wide range of varieties grown and consumed worldwide, contributing to the fruit's popularity and ubiquity.

Apples are not only delicious but also nutritious, with a high content of fiber, vitamins, and minerals that promote good health and well-being.

The apple's journey from seed to fruit is a fascinating process, involving pollination, growth, and cultivation, all of which contribute to its unique taste and quality.

Whether enjoyed fresh, juiced, dried, or cooked, apples offer a wide range of culinary possibilities that cater to different tastes and preferences.

In conclusion, apples are more than just a fruit; they are a symbol of culture, tradition, and nourishment that continue to captivate and inspire us.

关于苹果的英文句子 篇三

关于苹果的英文句子 精选57句

1. 橘子放在眼前时,总在想着苹果,等到想急迫的找个橘子来忘记苹果时,却一无所有了。

2. Polly took a bite of the apple, chewed and swallowed.

3. 苹果树从来不假贵族,而是十分的贫民化,一般都长得并不高大,绝不拒人千里之外,而是伸手可摘,显得温柔可亲。起码不像是荔枝那样的高贵,一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来。没错,苹果是大众化的水果之一,在世界水果产量最高的,第一是香蕉,第二就是苹果。

4. 你咬了一口蜜桃发现太过甜美,终于怀念起苹果来。

5. 秋天,果子成熟了。苹果树上结满了苹果。有的谦虚的低着头,有的神气的挺着胸,有的顽皮的躲在叶子后面,好像在和同伴捉迷藏呢!

6. 谣言,来自内心的不确定;苹果,首先从心里腐烂。

7. 年少的爱恋都是没有结果的,就像未成熟的苹果,酸,而涩。

8. 秋天,这是个收获的季节。苹果树上挂满了红彤彤的大苹果,仿佛孩子们的小脸蛋似的。我背着筐子,也爬到梯子上,帮助爷爷、奶奶摘苹果。望着满园的苹果,我的心里乐开了花。

9. I want an apple.

10. 有的苹果又红又大,好像小孩笑红的脸;有的苹果两边各有一个被小虫子咬的`小洞,好像小孩儿脸上的两 个小酒窝;还有的苹果掉在草地里,好像淘气的苹果离开果树妈妈,在给小草说悄悄话呢!我摸摸这个,碰碰那个,真是越看越喜欢。

11. 任何傻瓜都能数出一个苹果有多少粒种子,然而只有神才晓得一粒种子里面有多少个苹果。

12. 一进果园大门,首先映入我眼帘的是一片苹果树。只见红艳艳的苹果挂满了枝头。

13. 你是一棵苹果树,你憧憬橘子,但是你还是诚实的结出苹果。

14. 克制,纯净,健康。你是上帝的.苹果,请你照顾好自己。

15. 圆圆大大的苹果宛如一个个红色的小灯笼,又像节日里串串喜庆的气球。它们把树枝压得弯弯的,甚至坐在地上一抬手就能摘下一个。

16. 苹果可以在五分钟内吃掉,但五分钟却长不出苹果。

17. 每个人都会有缺陷,就像被上帝咬过的苹果,有的人缺陷比较大,正是因为上帝特别喜欢他的芬芳。

18. Sometimes, love is like an apple in a tree. When you walk under the tree accidentally, it may fall down and hit you on the head!

19. banana

20. 爱一个人,就是永远在冰箱里,给她留个苹果,并且,等她回来。

21. Penny's only son was the apple of her eye.

22. 昏暗的苹果枝静止着,上面的无数花朵的花蕾看上去是那么柔和,呈现出模糊的轮廓。

23. 爱情是一个苹果,但这个苹果往往在时间的抚摸下会不知不觉的腐坏掉。

24. It hangs high, is a month white qipao, nails the apple green bead piece, the neckline has several water mark, layer upon layer, is the light shadow of the year.

25. grape

26. 苹果散落一地,但个个都在自己的树下。

27. 四月下旬,争先恐后开放的苹果花把一眼望不到边的苹果园变成了花的海洋,花的世界。远远的,就能闻到阵阵花香。

28. Give up is a kind of intelligence, defect is a boon: when you have six apples, should take the five out for others to eat, on the surface you lost five apples, actually got five personal friendship and goodwill.

29. A complete honest man is never in the face of choice, the road will always be clear to show no 2 in front of you, this has nothing to do with your vision, like an apple tree, you are you looking forward to orange, but you still produce apple honestly.

30. 在一个弯曲的小山上,有棵苹果树。村里的孩子最喜欢到那里玩,尤其是村长的儿子二豆,三年级的六耳和七岁的.花晶,因为这棵苹果树是他们三人从小的伙伴,无聊,便去苹果树那儿玩。

31. 你我都有一个苹果,我抢走了你的,在两个苹果上都咬了一口,然后给了你一个,你骂我自私扔掉了那个苹果,却不知道我给你的苹果比我的还要甜。

32. 猕猴桃跟苹果待在一起会很熟,像软柿子一样,可是苹果还是一副硬心肠,就跟你一样。

33. 一进校门,就可以看见我们学校的苹果园,一棵棵枝繁叶茂的苹果树,它就像一位位忠诚的卫士,日日夜夜地守护着我们的学校.瞧,它们长得多壮呀:枝干粗得要两个同学手拉着手才能围的住.偶尔一阵风,树叶便xxx沙沙xxx作响,奏起一支和谐的校园交响曲。

34. 清爽的青苹果,爽口,咬下去好像带着一点点刺一样,麻麻的,带着稍微刺激的酸酸的味道,就好象我们无知的单纯的意识,活力而自信。

35. watermelon

36. 苹果树开花了,成百上千的苹果树像过节似的。穿着花瓣织成的粉红锦衣,把果林打扮得分外妖烧。

37. No matter how much you like nokia, you will always use apple. No matter how much you like film, you always use digital; Many people miss the classic and lasting appeal of the old car, enjoy it, praise it, and drive home with a new car.

38. I planted those apple trees.

39. pear

40. Life is not easy, don't worry about it. Your happiness is the real world. The little disciple asked me, master, what have you learned? I told him that many years from now, I would not be allowed to go to the grave empty-handed, at least with a few apples.

41. Everyone has flaws, like the apple that god has bitten, and some people are more flawed because god

loves his fragrance.

42. 秋天正是苹果成熟的季节,一踏进绿色海洋般的果林,就闻到一般浓烈的苹果香气。

43. Want to be an angel in someone else's heart? Want to be valued? You might as well practice setting up obstacles, and don't always play the role of exhalation and swing, and you're not an apple on someone's desk.

44. 不吃的苹果被人抢了,还是难过。

45. 我喜欢苹果,因为它的颜色、形状、味道都很吸引人。苹果有红色、绿色、黄色的。但皮里面是黄色的,里面还有黑色的籽。苹果的颜色不像桔子那么灿烂,也不像葡萄那么浓郁,苹果的颜色很朴素。

46. peach

47. 春天,一棵棵果树含苞欲放,微风一吹,送来阵阵花香,引来成群的蜜蜂在树林中跳舞。

48. 又红又大的苹果远远望去像挂了满树的小灯笼。这时农民伯伯开始摘苹果,每家的果园都堆的像一个美丽的小山丘,过路的人只要看见都想流口水。我们的苹果大部分卖出去要运往全国各地,还有一部分存到冷库来年再买。

49. The apples were scattered, but they were all under their own trees.

50. 苹果是禁果。以前亚当和夏娃吃过后,就被逐出了伊甸园。所以它是“明辨是非的知识果实”。

51. 秋去冬来,苹果树挥手告别了秋姑娘,又迎来了冬爷爷。凛冽的寒风吹来,把打着寒颤的同学们逼进了教室里。可苹果树还是仍旧挺立在那儿一动不动,为同学们挡住寒风,让同学们在教室里安心学习。

52. Someone threw an apple core

53. 爱情就像一支箭,婚姻就像被射中的苹果,可惜的是,射中之后,箭头就会生锈,苹果就会烂掉。

54. 羡慕别人嘴边的葡萄,却忘了自己手上的苹果。

55. 树上掉下的苹果它落的地离树能有多远?

56. 拿起苹果,情不自禁地深呼吸一次,一股淡淡的清香扑鼻而来,须臾间,感到心旷神怡,全身的骨头都酥了。想咬一口,却不忍心伤害它。一翻犹豫后终于下了口。 “咔哧”一口咬下去,甜甜的滋味恰到好处:浓一点,嫌太甜;淡一点,嫌无味。溢满口中,回味无穷。再咬一口,汁液宛如甜津津的蜂蜜,溶入了我的血液之中。

57. 春天,你爱苹果花,秋天,你爱啃苹果,所以我和你的回忆,总是飘散着苹果的香气。


