
时间:2018-09-06 07:32:25
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关于Family的英文句子 篇一

Family is not an important thing, it's everything. In the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to overlook the significance of family. But when everything else fades away, it's our family who stands by us, supports us, and loves us unconditionally. They are the ones who truly matter in the end.

Family is where life begins and love never ends. From the moment we are born, our family is there to nurture, protect, and guide us through life's journey. They are our rock, our foundation, and our constant source of strength. No matter what challenges we face, our family is always there to lift us up and remind us that we are never alone.

Family is not just about blood relations, it's about the bond we share with those who mean the most to us. Whether it's our parents, siblings, grandparents, or close friends, family is about the people who make us feel loved, accepted, and valued for who we are. They are the ones who make our lives richer, brighter, and more meaningful.

Family is a place where we find comfort, joy, and belonging. It's where we can be ourselves without fear of judgment or rejection. It's where we can laugh, cry, and create lasting memories that will stay with us forever. Family is our safe haven in a world full of uncertainties, our anchor in a sea of change.

In the end, family is what truly matters in life. They are the ones who make us who we are, shape our values and beliefs, and fill our hearts with love and happiness. No matter where life takes us, our family will always be there, holding us close and reminding us of the power of unconditional love.

So let's cherish our family, hold them close, and never take them for granted. For in the end, it's our family who will always be there for us, no matter what.

关于Family的英文句子 篇二

Family is like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one. Despite our differences, our family ties bind us together in a bond that is unbreakable and everlasting. We may have disagreements, conflicts, and misunderstandings, but at the end of the day, our family is always there to support us, forgive us, and love us unconditionally.

Family is not just a word, it's a feeling of warmth, comfort, and security. It's the feeling of being surrounded by people who care about us, understand us, and accept us for who we are. Family is where we find solace in times of trouble, strength in times of weakness, and hope in times of despair. They are our pillars of support, guiding us through life's ups and downs with unwavering love and devotion.

Family is a gift that we should never take for granted. They are the ones who celebrate our successes, comfort us in our failures, and stand by us through thick and thin. Family is our greatest treasure, our most valuable asset, and our source of endless joy and happiness. They are the ones who make life worth living, memories worth cherishing, and moments worth savoring.

In the end, family is our greatest blessing. They are the ones who shape us into the people we are meant to be, inspire us to reach for our dreams, and fill our hearts with love and laughter. No matter where life takes us, our family will always be there, cheering us on, lifting us up, and reminding us of the power of family ties.

So let's hold our family close, cherish every moment we have with them, and never forget the incredible bond that unites us. For in the end, family is what truly matters in life, and we are truly blessed to have them by our side.

关于famliy的英文句子 篇三

关于famliy的英文句子 精选59句

1. 无论有几个兄弟姐妹,每一个都是独生子女,这就是父母与孩子。

2. 想被爱,想去爱,贪婪,这就是女人。

3. 家,永远在我的记忆里,在我的意识里,在醒来梦去的眸子里,清晰如昨。

4. 亲情篇:A placid parent makes a placid home.平和的父母组建出和平的家。

5. Home is the place where, when you have to go there, it has to take you in。 无论何时何地家永远是向游子敞开大门的地方。

6. 不要求互相帮助,不要求互相鼓励,这才是家人。

7. 我宁愿用一小杯真善美来组织一个美满的家庭,不愿用几大船家具组织一个索然无味的家庭。

8. There is a skeleton in every house。 家家都有一本难念的经。

9. 就算生活艰辛,只要夫妻间充满爱,家就会永存。

10. 没有什么比家更温暖,没有什么比亲情更珍贵。

11. 每一个人,②作为社会的一个成员,③有权享受 [④其人格和尊严的自由发展所必需的] 社会经济文化权利,⑤这些权利是通过国家努力和国际合作来实现的,⑥并且与所在国家的组织资源现状相一致。

12. 如果活着,是上帝赋予我最大的使命,那么活者有你,将会是上帝赋予我使命的恩赐。

13. 幸福就是人生,人生就是幸福。

14. A hobby brings you renewed energy and excitement. This will carry over to the rest of your activities.爱好带给你全新的能量和激情,让你在接下来的活动中精力充沛。

15. 温和的语言,是善良人家庭中决不可缺少的。

16. 老吾老,以及人之老,幼吾幼,以及人之幼。

17. 家,只是一个字,却是在经历了纷纷扰扰的世间情,世间事,世间人纠缠喧嚣之后,一个最温暖的去处。

18. 幸福是杂音听起来象音乐,因为快乐而哭泣。

19. 幸福是知他懂他信他爱你宠你疼你,毫无疑问。

20. I`ll visit there with my family for a couple of days.我和我的家人准备去那儿玩几天.

21. 家是人们最牵挂的地方,家是爱心的归宿;家是魂牵梦绕的爱巢。

22. 家是温暖的港湾,它带给人们的感受是“温暖,家是永远的岸,它带给人们的感受是。”梦魂萦绕和永远的牵挂。

23. 家庭的温馨每个人都想拥有的,因为每个人都拥有美好的家庭、幸福的家庭、快乐的家庭!

24. 有些失去是注定的,有些缘分是永远不会有结果的,爱一个人就一定要好好去爱她。

25. 一起受伤,互相鼓励,一起哭泣,一同欢笑,不停奔跑,这就是家人。

26. 快乐的家庭生活给我带来了无穷的温馨。

27. My greatest treasure is my family.我最大的宝藏就是我的家庭。

28. 治理一个家庭比统治一个王国更难。

29. 家是个让人汲取温暖享受呵护的窝,家也是块需要责任感恩的田!

30. 家庭是宁静的港湾,春风和煦,波澜不惊。愿你新建的家庭幸福美满,愿你俩在人生的航程中永远并肩前进。

31. 家,就是经历世间艰难之后,让心灵停靠的港湾。

32. 我把我的一切都给了你,你笑了,就是幸福。

33. All happy families are like one another; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way。 所有幸福的家庭都十分相似;而每个不幸的家庭各有各的不幸。

34. 只要你愿意,当你失落失意的时候,最需要一个肩膀的时候,告诉我,我会立即出现。

35. 家庭应该是爱欢乐和笑的殿堂。

36. 不孝的人是世界最可恶的人。

37. 家很温暖很温馨,它可以缓解人们在冬天的寒意,给人带来心灵的慰籍。

38. 亲情是六月里的一阵凉风,把舒适和清凉吹进你的心灵;亲情是严冬中的一件毛衣,把

39. Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home。 金窝、银窝,都不如自家的草窝。

40. 百善孝为先。

41. 幸福家庭是培育孩子成人的温床,家庭生活的乐趣是抵抗坏风气毒害的最好良剂。

42. 幸福是赤脚踏青,夏日清风,是秋日私语,是隆冬的火炉。

43. 幸福的家庭都是一样的,不幸的家庭各有各的不幸。

44. 幸福是无拘无束没有任何负担的心理。

45. 家是心灵的港湾,人生的驿站;是感情的归宿,灵魂的延续。

46. I went for a holiday with my famil

y. 我和家人去度假了。

47. 要相信幸福原来那么简单,简单到像清水一样。

48. My duty to my family lies before my own interests. 我的家庭责任比我的个人利益更重要。

49. 深深的爱情,浓浓的亲情是家庭的粘合剂,他能使一个家庭有着强大的生命力、凝聚力和影响力。

50. 舒适,是一个家庭的自我标榜。

51. My family is large. 我的家是个大家庭。

52. 家庭的温馨每个人都想拥有的,因为每个人都拥有美好的家庭幸福的家庭快乐的家庭!

53. 就算没有钱也很有趣,有钱就更有趣了,这才是家人。

54. 关于亲情的诗句: 慈母手中线, 游子身上衣。 临行密密缝, 意恐迟迟归。 谁言寸

55. 你能深深感受到家庭的温馨吗?我就能深深感受到了家庭的温馨,在我家里,每个人都是快快乐乐的,非常的可爱。

56. 家是风雨中的一间小屋,家是大雪天里的一杯热酒,家是一次次失败后的鼓励。

57. We never know the love of the parents until we become parents ourselves。 不养儿不知父母恩。

58. 不是因为外公,不是因为外婆,也不是因为双胞胎,因为喜欢,所以在一起生活。

59. 就算受了伤,只要有美食和家人陪伴,这样就足够了。


