
时间:2016-07-04 05:42:29
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  为适应国外法规要求, 公司要求其零件供应商提供的汽车零部件中均不能含有石棉材料。

  本公司郑重承诺提供给 空调有限公司的物料均不含石棉材料,若客户检测出所提供的物料含有石棉材料,愿意按照客户相关处罚条例进行处罚!

  供应商全称: 公司领导签字(盖公章): 日期:


  1 、 文件编号/Document No.:

  2 、 产品制造商信息/Manufacturer Information:

  公司名称/Company Name 公司地址/Company Address 联系人/Contact person 电话号码/Telephone Number 传真号码/FAX Number 电子邮件地址/E-mail Address3 、 产品信息/Product Information

  产品名称/Product Name 产品型号/Type 产品编/批号(如适用) Serial/batch Number (If applicable)

  产品数量(如适用)Product Quantity (If applicable)

  产品其它信息/Other Information 无石棉声明/Declaration of Asbestos-free

  4、 我公司声明上述产品不含有石棉物质,符合下面第 5 条所述的相关规则的要求/This company declares the product(s) described above are asbestos-free and in conformity with the relevant regulation(s) of the following document(s) as listed under 5. 5

  签署人姓名/职务(Name/Job title): 签名/公司印章(Signature/Corporate Seal): 签署日期(Date of issue): Page 4 of 5

  附件 2

  1) 认可申请书;

  2) 申请认可产品的所有非金属原材料和部件供方清单;

  3) 申请认可产品检测试验的取样计划表

  4) 表明非金属材料和部件位置的产品装配示意图,或产品部件的成分一览表(如


  5) 材料和部件免除取样检测的支持性文件:

  a) 能够证明产品材料和部件化学成分的公认生产标准;

  b) 提交制造厂无石棉自我声明+本社接受的第三方实验室出具的原材料和部


  6) 本社型式/工厂认可证书(对于本社钢规持证清单中有认可要求的产品);

  7) 保持认可产品无石棉符合性的质量控制计划;

  8) 申请认可产品满足公约无石棉要求的制造厂自我声明; c) 提供原材料或部件的`本社产品无石棉认可证书; 申请认可需提交的资料清单


  无石棉声明 /Asbestos-free Declaration


  2、我公司声明为SWS Hull No. H 提供的以下产品不含有石棉,符合已建立的程序和下面第4条所述的相关规则及其它规定的要求/This company declares the product(s) described are asbestos-free and in conformity with the procedures and relevant regulation(s) of the following document(s) as listed under 4. 3、产品信息/Product Information (Including and not limited):

  4、 适用的规则和其它规定的要求/Applicable Regulation(s) or other stipulated Requirement(s):

  地点和日期 制造厂家代表(姓名,职位,头衔)

  /Place and date: /Manufacturer’s representative (Name, position, title):



  Declaration of the Absence of Asbestos in the Manufacture or Packaging of Materials,Components, Products or Systems included in and offered for the ABS Type Approval Program

  在ABS型式认证计划列出材料、零部件、产品或装置的包装与生产中无石棉声明 Company Name:


  ABS Client Number:


  The undersigned, recognizing that, in accordance with:


  1. ABS Rules, all materials, components, products and systems offered for inclusion in the ABS Type Approval Program, must be suitable for installation on ABS classified vessels, facilities and Mobile Offshore Drilling units (MODUs) and that the ABS Rules now prohibit the installation of materials containing asbestos* on ABS classed vessels (both new

  construction and existing vessels),


  2. International Maritime Organization (IMO) Resolution MSC.282 (86), adopting SOLAS Reg. II-1/3-5.22, the installation of materials containing asbestos* on all ships (both new construction and existing vessels) is prohibited after 1 January 2011,

  国际海事组织(IMO)决议MSC.282(86),采用“国际海上人命安全公约”Reg. II-1/3-5.22,在2011年1月1日起禁止在所有船只(包括新建与已建)上装置含有石棉的材料。

  3. the IMO MODU Code 2009, (which is intended to apply to mobile offshore drilling units the keels of which are laid or which are at a similar stage of construction on or after 1 January 2012), asbestos* is not to be used;


  warrants that the aforenoted company has not and will not present a material, component, product or system containing asbestos* for inclusion in the ABS Type Approval Program.


  Print Name:






  * “asbestos” comprises any of the following six mineral names and associated "Chemical Abstracts Service" (CAS) numbers:


  1. Actinolite (Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2): CAS 77536-66-4


  2. Amosite (Grunerite) ((Mg, Fe)7Si8O22(OH)2): CAS 12172-73-5


  3. Anthophyllite ((Mg,Fe)7Si8O22(OH)2): CAS 77536-67-5 直闪石

  4. Chrysotile (Mg3Si2O5(OH)4): CAS 12001-29-5


  5. Crocidolite (Na2Fe32+Fe23+Si8O22(OH)2): CAS 12001-28-4 青石棉

  6. Asbestos Tremolite (Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 ): CAS 77536-68-6 石棉透闪石





  According to the last requirement about asbestos-free of SOLAS

  convention amendment MSC.282(86), comply with IMO and

  classification society regulations, we make asbestos-free management regulation for vessel all materials, machine, electrical equipment and device, and some parts changed, maintained, or newly added. Contents

  are as below:

  — 对于新造船/重大改建船舶要求不含石棉,并且必须要求船厂出具所有


  Require asbestos free for new building ship or major rebuild ship. Must ask shipyard to issue asbestos-free declaration for all materials. And this declaration muse be kept on board as vessel certificate.

  — 对于已经营运的船舶,船存备件要进行清点整理,在收集证据后,由



  if vessel already sail. Spare parts and stores on board must be make inventory and arranged, after collecting all evidences, company should make asbestos-free declaration. And as to the date of implementation of this regulation, spare parts and stores newly supplied which may contain asbestos products must have asbestos-free detecting report. The specific procedure is as below:

  1. 船舶在申请物料备件时,应对可能含有石棉的制品单独申请,船长作为船舶无石棉材料的责任人,必须对甲板部和机舱部申请的备件物料是否具有石棉材料进行监控。(可能含有石棉制品的备件物料请参见SOLAS 公约第II-1/3-5 条及MSC.1/Circ.1379的实施)。

  When applying spare parts or stores, if they may contain asbestos, vessel should make a separate requisition. Master is in charge of vessel asbestos-free, and must monitor the spare parts and stores whether contain asbestos or not applied by deck or engine department. (spare parts and stores may contain asbestos are listed in SOLAS convention II-1/3-5 and MSC.1/Circ.1379 )

  2. 管理公司在接收到船舶备件物料申请以后,应对可能含有石棉制品的备件物料单独对待,公司商务部商务主管为具体责任人,必须寻找可以提供无石棉检测报告,符合船级社规定的制造厂家供货。并且该检验报告必须随备件物料一起供船,以备审核。

  After receiving spare parts and stores application from vessel,

  company should specially treat spare parts and stores may contain asbestos. Business superintendent is in charge, and must look for proper manufactures to supply which can provide asbestos-free detection report and comply with classification society requirement. The report must be send on board together with spare parts and stores, kept on board for inspection.

  3. 船舶在接收物料时,对于可能含有石棉的制品必须要求供应商提供厂家的无石棉检验报告,同时必须要求供应商在公司的表格HMC-CMM-006-06无石棉声明中签字或盖章,两份记录一起保存在船,以备审核。

  When vessel receiving spare parts and stores, if they may contain asbestos, vessel should ask for asbestos-free detection report, and ask supplier to sign or stamp on HMC-CMM-006-06 No Asbestos Declaration. Two records are kept on board for inspection.

  4. 公司在每次船舶的年检之前,应根据船舶备件物料供应的实际情况,发表无石棉声明。一式两份,发送至船级社和船舶,以备审核。船舶收到此声明后船存备查。

  Before annual inspection every year, company should issue asbestos-free declaration according to actual condition of spare parts and stores supply. It is in duplicate and send to classification society and vessel, get ready for annual inspection. After receiving this declaration, vessel should kept it ready for inspection.

  5. 船舶现存的所有无石棉相关证明,请船长妥善保存备查。

  All evidence about asbestos free should be kept on board nicely and get them ready for inspection by master.

  以上无石棉管理规定即日起生效,请各轮以及公司相关部门参照执行。 Asbestos-free management regulation goes to effect from now on, all vessels and departments comply and execute please.


