
时间:2015-08-05 05:10:43
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知名品牌英文广告词 篇一

Title: Nike - Just Do It

In the world of athletic apparel and footwear, there is one brand that stands above the rest – Nike. With its iconic swoosh logo and powerful slogan, "Just Do It," Nike has become synonymous with athleticism, determination, and success.

Nike's advertising campaigns are known for their ability to inspire and motivate individuals to push their limits and achieve greatness. The phrase "Just Do It" encapsulates the brand's philosophy, encouraging individuals to take action, overcome obstacles, and pursue their dreams.

Through their advertisements, Nike showcases the stories of real-life athletes who have overcome adversity and achieved extraordinary feats. These stories serve as a source of inspiration for both athletes and non-athletes alike, reminding us that we all have the ability to overcome challenges and achieve our goals.

Nike's advertisements also focus on the emotional aspect of sports and physical activity. They highlight the joy, passion, and sense of accomplishment that comes from pushing ourselves to our limits. By tapping into these emotions, Nike connects with its audience on a deeper level, creating a strong bond between the brand and its consumers.

Furthermore, Nike's advertising campaigns often feature diverse and inclusive castings, celebrating athletes from all walks of life. By showcasing individuals from different backgrounds and identities, Nike sends a powerful message of unity and acceptance. They emphasize that anyone can be an athlete, regardless of their gender, race, or background.

Nike's advertisements are not only visually stunning but also backed by a strong message. They promote values such as perseverance, dedication, and resilience. The brand's commitment to social and environmental responsibility is also reflected in their advertising campaigns, which often include themes of sustainability and community involvement.

In conclusion, Nike's "Just Do It" slogan has become an iconic phrase that represents the brand's commitment to inspiring individuals to overcome challenges and achieve greatness. Through their powerful and emotionally charged advertisements, Nike has solidified its position as a leader in the athletic apparel industry. Whether you are an athlete or not, Nike's message resonates with everyone, encouraging us all to push our boundaries and never give up.

知名品牌英文广告词 篇二

Title: Coca-Cola - Taste the Feeling

When it comes to refreshing beverages, there is one brand that has captured the hearts and taste buds of millions – Coca-Cola. With its timeless logo and unforgettable jingle, Coca-Cola has become a symbol of happiness, togetherness, and enjoyment.

Coca-Cola's advertising campaigns are known for their ability to evoke strong emotions and create a sense of nostalgia. The brand understands the power of storytelling and uses it to connect with its audience on a deeper level. Through their advertisements, Coca-Cola transports us to moments of joy, celebration, and friendship.

One of Coca-Cola's most memorable slogans is "Taste the Feeling." This simple phrase encapsulates the brand's mission to provide a refreshing and uplifting experience to its consumers. It emphasizes the sensory pleasure of sipping a cold Coca-Cola and the joy that comes from sharing that experience with others.

Coca-Cola's advertisements often feature people from different cultures and backgrounds coming together and enjoying a Coca-Cola. They celebrate the diversity of the human experience and highlight the universal nature of happiness and connection. By depicting these moments of togetherness, Coca-Cola creates a sense of unity among its consumers.

Furthermore, Coca-Cola's advertising campaigns promote values such as optimism, happiness, and positivity. They portray Coca-Cola as a catalyst for creating moments of joy and spreading happiness. Whether it's a family gathering, a summer barbecue, or a festive celebration, Coca-Cola is portrayed as an essential part of these special moments.

Coca-Cola's advertisements also often feature catchy jingles and memorable tunes. These earworms become ingrained in our minds, associating the brand with feelings of joy and nostalgia. The brand understands the power of music in creating emotional connections and uses it effectively in its advertising campaigns.

In conclusion, Coca-Cola's "Taste the Feeling" slogan has become a symbol of happiness, togetherness, and enjoyment. Through their emotionally charged advertisements, Coca-Cola creates a sense of nostalgia and connects with its audience on a deeper level. The brand's commitment to spreading happiness and creating moments of joy has solidified its position as a leader in the beverage industry. So, next time you reach for a refreshing drink, remember to "Taste the Feeling" with Coca-Cola.

知名品牌英文广告词 篇三


  1.Good to the last drop.


  2.Obey your thirst.


  3.The new digital era.


  4.We lead Others copy.


  5.Impossible made possible.


  6.Take time to indulge.


  7.The relentless pursuit of perfection.


  8.Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.


  9.Come to where the flavor is Marlboro Country.


  10.To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.


  11.Just do it.


  12.Ask for more.


  13.The taste is great.


  14.Feel the new space.


  15.Intelligence everywhere.


  16.The choice of a new generation.


