
时间:2017-01-01 01:12:17
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抗击疫情广告文案范文英语通用11篇 篇一

标题:Together We Can Overcome



In these challenging times, it is important for us to come together as a community and stand united against the ongoing pandemic. With each passing day, our resilience and determination grow stronger, and we are confident that together, we can overcome this crisis. Join us in the fight against the virus and let us show the world that unity and solidarity can conquer anything.


1. Stay Informed, Stay Safe:

- Stay updated with the latest information and guidelines from reliable sources such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and local health authorities.

- Follow the recommended safety measures, including wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and maintaining good hygiene practices.

- By staying informed and taking necessary precautions, we can protect ourselves and others from the virus.

2. Support Local Businesses:

- Many small businesses have been severely affected by the pandemic. By supporting them, we can help them survive these challenging times.

- Choose to buy from local businesses, order takeout from your favorite restaurants, or purchase gift cards to use in the future.

- Together, we can ensure the survival of our local economy and help these businesses get back on their feet.

3. Volunteer and Donate:

- There are numerous organizations working tirelessly to provide aid and support to those affected by the pandemic.

- Consider volunteering your time or making a donation to these organizations. Your support can make a significant difference in someone's life.

- Let us come together and show kindness and compassion towards those in need.

4. Spread Positivity:

- During these difficult times, it is essential to spread positivity and hope.

- Share uplifting stories, words of encouragement, or acts of kindness on social media platforms.

- By spreading positivity, we can inspire and motivate others to stay strong and continue fighting against the virus.


We are facing an unprecedented challenge, but by standing together, we can overcome it. Let us remember that every action we take matters and can contribute to the fight against the pandemic. Together, we can create a future where health and happiness prevail. Join us in this fight and let us emerge victorious, stronger than ever.

抗击疫情广告文案范文英语通用11篇 篇二

标题:Protect Yourself and Others



The ongoing pandemic has reminded us of the importance of collective responsibility and individual actions. By taking simple yet effective measures, we can protect ourselves and those around us from the virus. Let us unite in our efforts to fight against the pandemic and create a safer and healthier world for everyone.


1. Wear a Mask:

- Wearing a mask is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of the virus.

- Make sure to wear a mask properly, covering your nose and mouth, especially in public places or when in close contact with others.

- By wearing a mask, you not only protect yourself but also show respect and consideration for the well-being of others.

2. Practice Social Distancing:

- Maintain a safe distance of at least 1 meter (3 feet) from others, especially in crowded places.

- Avoid physical contact such as handshakes or hugs and opt for alternative greetings like waving or nodding.

- By practicing social distancing, we can reduce the risk of transmission and protect ourselves and others from the virus.

3. Wash Your Hands:

- Regularly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating or touching your face.

- In the absence of soap and water, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content.

- Proper hand hygiene is crucial in preventing the spread of the virus.

4. Stay Home if Unwell:

- If you experience any symptoms such as fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, stay home and seek medical advice.

- By staying home when unwell, you prevent the spread of the virus to others.

- Remember, together we can break the chain of transmission and protect our loved ones.


The power to protect ourselves and others lies in our hands. By following these simple yet crucial measures, we can make a significant impact in the fight against the pandemic. Let us remember that our actions have the potential to save lives and bring us closer to a world free from the fear of the virus. Join us in this mission to protect ourselves and build a healthier future for all.

抗击疫情广告文案范文英语通用11篇 篇三

抗击疫情广告文案范文英语 第一篇

1.?科学防治 精准施策 切实提高疫情防控的科学性有效性 。


















19.?做好群众工作 稳定情绪 增强信心 坚决打赢疫情防控这场硬仗 。

20.?抗击疫情 人人有责 。

抗击疫情广告文案范文英语 第二篇


The novel coronavirus came after the bell rang in 2020.


Just a few days after the Spring Festival, the virus was found in Wuhan, Hubei Province. The virus is imperceptible, has a 10-14 day incubation period, and is susceptible to droplets. That is to say, a person who is infected with the virus may infect other people with one sentence, one spit or one sneeze, so when the virus was found in Wuhan, the situation of infection in Wuhan was very serious.


In order to win the war without gunpowder. Many volunteers (doctors, nurses, drivers, etc.) arrived in Wuhan from all over the country and came to the front line of fighting against the disease source. Doctors and nurses wear protective clothing and take care of patients from morning to night. The driver is running around day and night, delivering materials for hospitals. In the rear, all factories that produce masks and protective clothing give up their holidays and produce these emergency supplies day and night. After their unremitting efforts, they have found the source of the virus and believe that it will soon inhibit the spread of the virus. The great Chinese people will surely win.


Academician Zhong Nanshan earnestly warned everyone: xxxin order not to add a burden to the medical staff in the front line, we should stay at home quietly, do not run around, and everyone should do a good job of self-protection.xxx As the song says: a group of people, a road, keep going, together, not easy, together is even more remarkable.


Come on, Wuhan! We will never give up!

抗击疫情广告文案范文英语 第三篇




















抗击疫情广告文案范文英语 第四篇


Novel coronavirus's casual visitor showed us fierce tusks during the Spring Festival, when a war without fire and killing was spreading in China. In just a few weeks, the number of confirmed cases has reached thousands. The wide range of the epidemic makes our border town far away from the first and second tier cities in crisis.


Upon receiving the news, the isolation and protection work started rapidly. What I can observe most intuitively is the investigation work in the community. It seems that people wearing masks outside the glass window are just young people who have just joined the WTO, but everyone's eyes are burning with enthusiasm and hope. On the cold door of each unit, there are new precautions for virus protection, which convey a keen concern and protection between white and black words.


The wind in February has passed the mountain. There are only supermarkets, pharmacies and hospitals serving the people at the foot of the mountain. More and more people wear masks consciously. Maybe they are worried a

bout the old people who miss the advice. The daily circular broadcast never stops. Fresh fruits and vegetables are sold on the shelves with normal prices and the most perfect attitude. The angels in white are the white xxxaxxx soldiers who silently guard the people's health in Changbai County. There are fewer pedestrians in the street, and the traffic lights are still flashing forever; every family is closed, but China Mobile's reminders and greetings never stop; the children at home sleep, and the neon lights are always brilliant in the street.


The orderly situation under the epidemic situation is the contribution of every citizen. Although they can't rush to the front line as soldiers to turn the tide, they can consciously defend themselves as heroes. No one had expected the war, but no one could stay out of it. Every white man has set an example and made his own contribution as much as possible. These days, he prays silently at home, hoping that every Chinese can be happy and healthy. Come on, China!

抗击疫情广告文案范文英语 第五篇








-Do not believe rumors do not spread rumors, positive attitude prevention and control.不信谣不传谣,积极心态防控好。


-戴口罩 讲卫生 打喷嚏 捂口鼻 喷嚏后 慎揉眼




















-3Early detection, early reporting, early isolation and early treatment are good for both oneself and others.早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗,对己对人都很好。












抗击疫情广告文案范文英语 第六篇


Recently, novel coronavirus pneumonia has spread throughout the country, and has become an issue of concern. The novel coronavirus came from a seafood market in Wuhan, and then spread from Wuhan to all regions. Because people didn't care at first, it caused such serious consequences.


In order to prevent the spread of the virus, Wuhan was closed, and then many cities in Hubei were closed. No access without special reasons. The novel coronavirus was broadcast daily by the people wearing masks. In order to prevent the spread of the virus, people without masks are not allowed to buy vegetables or take buses.


Experts call on everyone not to go out, try to stay at home, during the spring festival do not participate in dinner, do not party. Don't go where there are many people. Wash your hands and open windows frequently at home.


The novel coronavirus pneumonia was urgently prevented in my residential district, and three entrance and exit were closed, leaving only one door in and out. Express delivery and take away delivery are not allowed to enter the community, they should go to the door to get them. People entering the community need to register and take their temperature before they can enter. Every car must also be registered. Foreign vehicles and personnel are not allowed to enter.


I haven't been out for many days. I write my homework at home and watch TV every day. It's very boring. Dad said that we stay at home now, protect ourselves from infection, that is to contribute to the fight against pneumonia!


I hope everyone can stay at home well, don't go out and protect themselves. I hope scientists and doctors can find a way to treat pneumonia. We will work together to defeat the virus and win!

抗击疫情广告文案范文英语 第七篇


On January 25, 2020, after the news of Wuhan Fengcheng came out, the state released a kind of virus, its name is xxxcoronavirusxxx. It looks like a sea urchin and also like a crown. The incubation period of this virus is 15 days. In these 15 days, it will not have obvious symptoms like some viruses, but it will also infect. The power of this virus is to infect! Because the incubation period will pass Dyeing is the same as one to ten, ten to 100, one to one, one to one, and one to one. I got to know the virus on mobile phones and TV computers.


The coronavirus has brought a lot of troubles to the family. First, we can't hang out, second, we can't buy things, third, we can't go out to play, fourth, we can't work properly, and we can't have classes. It also makes the whole community, the whole Luoyang, the whole streets of China cold and clear; no one, no car has a taste of New Year! Moreover, we need to take masks when we go out, and we need to disinfect when we go home, which has brought the impact of transportation and economic wealth to our great China!


I want to say to it: xxxyou are so powerful, but we are not vegetarian in China. We will not give in to this setback. Professor Zhong Nanshan, a scientist, will develop antibodies related to viruses to defeat them!xxx


We will insist on not going out, not meeting, washing hands and drinking water frequently, follow the national arrangement, fight against the epidemic together, study hard, and I will be useful to the country in the future.

抗击疫情广告文案范文英语 第八篇





















抗击疫情广告文案范文英语 第九篇





















抗击疫情广告文案范文英语 第十篇

Dear medical workers

I am Li Hua from a senior school in Hangzhou. On behalf of my school, I sincerely want to express my appreciations to you all for your devotion in the battle against the novel coronavirus.

During this epidemic, all of you regardless of the shortage of equipment and the potential risk of infection, desperately rescue those infected. It is also you who make us build up our confidence to defeat the novel few words can’t fully convey our thankfulness for your GREat contribution. I’m definitely convinced that with our efforts China will win the battle and make a quick recovery.

Yours friend,

Li Hua

抗击疫情广告文案范文英语 第十一篇


This Spring Festival is spent in an extraordinary way. In epidemic prevention and control, no one is an xxxoutsiderxxx and no matter is a xxxforeign matterxxx. The CPC Central Committee set up a leading working group to respond to the epidemic, launched a xxxfirst level responsexxx, and financial subsidies at all levels were issued. 100 million yuan (as of 0:00 on January 26), a batch of xxxretrogradexxx medical teams and people Do you say that you have no clothes, and you are the same as your son. This feeling of xxxdressing togetherxxx contains the original intention and mission of billion Chinese people working together in the same direction; this common war xxxepidemicxxx practices the xxxrigid demandxxx of the peoples heart, and you and I work together.

If you are worried about enlightenment, it will be difficult for you to prosper. In the joint fight against xxxepidemicxxx, we xxxdress togetherxxx and share feelings, work together and walk together. I swear that I will practice it, never forget my original heart, keep in mind my mission, be responsible for local affairs, and fight ahead. We will have firm confidence and work together in the same boat. We will work together to prevent epidemic. One day, we will take off our masks and go where we want to go and sing about my dear motherland.


