
时间:2011-08-03 06:12:29
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书中举例子的句子精选32句 篇一


1. "The phrase 'raining cats and dogs' is an example of an idiom."

2. "In 'To Kill a Mockingbird,' Atticus Finch is an example of a moral character."

3. "The concept of supply and demand can be illustrated with the example of a lemonade stand."

4. "The use of simile in 'She is as brave as a lion' is an example of figurative language."

5. "The story of Romeo and Juliet is often used as an example of tragic love."

6. "The experiment with the pendulum is a classic example in the field of physics."

7. "The concept of natural selection can be explained using the example of giraffes and their long necks."

8. "The use of symbolism in 'The Great Gatsby' is an example of the author's literary techniques."

9. "The discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming is a famous example of a scientific breakthrough."

10. "The concept of cognitive dissonance can be illustrated with the example of a smoker who knows the dangers of smoking but continues to do it."


书中举例子的句子精选32句 篇二


1. "When faced with a difficult decision, you can weigh the pros and cons, like choosing between studying abroad or staying at home."

2. "If you want to improve your cooking skills, you can watch cooking shows as an example of different techniques and recipes."

3. "The story of Steve Jobs is often used as an example of perseverance and innovation in the business world."

4. "When learning a new language, it can be helpful to listen to native speakers as an example of proper pronunciation and intonation."

5. "The success story of Elon Musk can be seen as an example of setting ambitious goals and working hard to achieve them."

6. "If you want to become a better writer, you can read books by accomplished authors as examples of effective storytelling and writing techniques."

7. "The concept of time management can be illustrated with the example of creating a schedule and prioritizing tasks."

8. "When trying to understand a complex concept, it can be helpful to break it down into smaller parts, like solving a puzzle."

9. "The story of Rosa Parks is often used as an example of courage and standing up for what is right."

10. "If you want to improve your public speaking skills, you can watch TED Talks as examples of engaging and impactful speeches."


书中举例子的句子精选32句 篇三

书中举例子的句子 精选32句

1. 我不会象他们那样把分手说的如此婉转,我只会道一声珍重!

2. 相对,心心相印时,所有的人都会看到--我爱你

3. 不拘谁来回答这个问题,谁就应该把这个问题解释得通俗透彻,消除所有人心头的疑惑。

4. 年年圆满如意,月月事事顺心,日日喜悦无忧,时时高兴欢喜,刻刻充满朝气!在新的一年里仍旧用武力对付月亮宫的哥哥!

5. 爱你就是看不见你的时候苦苦地思念;爱你就是看见你的时候却傻傻地看你;爱你就是爱你眼中温柔的目光,爱你嘴边的笑脸。

6. 给自己一巴掌,告诉自己别再傻了,他不属于你。

7. 有酒就去喝,有情就去爱,一生那么短,再拘谨几下就真的过去了。

8. 别把我对你的死心塌地,当做是你对我爱搭不理的资本,好吗?

9. 我们不需


10. 你要是再不还我钱,我就去你家楼下唱《忐忑》。

11. 未来孩子他妈,我们这辈子还有许多事情等着我们去做..就别玩捉迷藏的游戏了 快点蹦出来吧.!!

12. 我最担心未来的女儿遗传我的逗笔气质 [原创]

13. 你要好好照顾自己 实在不行的话我来照顾你

14. 爱里全是难过互相放过得过且过

15. 知道多少不重要,关键是做到多少!今天的全力以赴是为了明天的自由,今天自由了,明天将没有了自由,正所谓“辛苦一阵子,幸福一辈子”!

16. 向你表达我的爱,这是我对你爱的表白,你是否能答应呢。

17. 你可知,你已是我生命途中最美的点缀

18. 造 就 了 我 们 的 悲 伤 .

19. 北国风来寒,南暖四季春。江南风光媚,醉对钓鱼愁。

20. 我拼命的笑,只为了掩饰那一丝丝的痛

21. 就像温暖楼房里的狗我有归宿却没有自由。

22. 听到别人在背后议论你的不好我耳朵挺疼的,然后最能说出呵呵二字。

23. 真正你爱的人,其实总惹你生气,你却发觉不了他到底做错了什么。

24. 最痛苦的不是歇斯底里,声嘶力竭,而是哑口无声。

25. 一本书不管从哪页看起,5分钟后还不能吸引你,请毫不犹豫地扔掉它。

26. “恩不久之后我们就要散啦”“是的不久之后就再也见不到他啦”

27. 忙碌的时候感觉特别好,觉得没辜负早上化的妆,没辜负中午吃的两碗饭,也没辜负晚上牺牲的睡眠,所以,人一定要前进。

28. 高考高考,心态要好,保持冷静,基础打好,莫要烦躁,开开心心,早睡早起,精神十足,考上大学,实现梦想,相信自己,一定最好。

29. 广告就是告诉别人,他的钱还可以恁地花。

30. 遇过太多人 很吸引却偏偏不相衬.

31. 恋爱是艰苦的,不能期待它像美梦一样出来。-拜伦(英国文学家)

32. 对于你,我只能听说。。。凉兮


