采购专员Sourcing) 英文简历表格(优秀3篇)

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采购专员(Sourcing) 英文简历表格 篇一

Name: John Smith

Address: 123 Main Street, City, State, ZIP Code

Phone: (123) 456-7890

Email: johnsmith@email.com


Results-driven procurement professional with 5+ years of experience in sourcing and supply chain management. Seeking a challenging role as a Sourcing Specialist to optimize procurement processes and drive cost savings for a reputable organization.


Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Supply Chain Management

XYZ University, City, State

Graduated: May 20XX


- Strong knowledge of procurement strategies, vendor management, and contract negotiation

- Proficient in using procurement software and systems (e.g., SAP, Oracle)

- Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills to identify cost-saving opportunities

- Strong communication and interpersonal skills to build relationships with suppliers and stakeholders

- Ability to work effectively in a fast-paced environment and manage multiple projects simultaneously


Sourcing Specialist

ABC Company, City, State

August 20XX - Present

- Develop and implement sourcing strategies to identify and evaluate potential suppliers for various categories

- Conduct market research and supplier evaluation to ensure quality and cost-effectiveness

- Negotiate contracts, terms, and conditions with suppliers to optimize pricing and service levels

- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure timely delivery of goods and services

- Monitor supplier performance and implement corrective actions when necessary

- Achieved 15% cost savings through successful negotiation and implementation of new supplier contracts

Procurement Assistant

DEF Corporation, City, State

June 20XX - July 20XX

- Assisted in sourcing and procurement activities, including supplier identification, request for proposal (RFP) preparation, and bid evaluation

- Coordinated with suppliers to ensure on-time delivery of goods and services

- Maintained accurate records of procurement activities and updated the procurement database

- Assisted in the development and implementation of procurement policies and procedures


- Certified Professional in Supply Management (CPSM)

- Certified Purchasing Manager (CPM)


- Fluent in English and Spanish


Available upon request

采购专员(Sourcing) 英文简历表格 篇二

Name: Emily Johnson

Address: 456 Oak Street, City, State, ZIP Code

Phone: (123) 789-0123

Email: emilyjohnson@email.com


Highly motivated and detail-oriented Sourcing Specialist with 7+ years of experience in procurement and supply chain management. Seeking a challenging role to leverage my expertise in strategic sourcing, contract negotiation, and supplier management for the benefit of a dynamic organization.


Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Supply Chain Management

XYZ University, City, State

Graduated: May 20XX


- Proven track record in developing and implementing strategic sourcing initiatives

- Proficient in procurement software and systems, such as SAP and Ariba

- Strong negotiation skills to drive cost savings and optimize supplier relationships

- Excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities to identify process improvements

- Effective communication and collaboration skills to work with cross-functional teams

- Ability to manage multiple priorities and meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment


Sourcing Manager

GHI Company, City, State

September 20XX - Present

- Lead a team of sourcing professionals to develop and execute category strategies

- Identify and evaluate potential suppliers, negotiate contracts, and manage supplier relationships

- Conduct market analysis and benchmarking to drive cost savings and improve supplier performance

- Collaborate with stakeholders to understand business requirements and align sourcing strategies accordingly

- Implemented a supplier scorecard system, resulting in improved supplier performance and cost savings of 20%

Senior Buyer

JKL Corporation, City, State

July 20XX - August 20XX

- Managed end-to-end procurement activities for assigned categories, including supplier selection, negotiation, and contract management

- Conducted regular supplier performance reviews and implemented performance improvement plans as needed

- Developed and executed sourcing strategies to mitigate supply chain risks and ensure continuity of supply

- Collaborated with internal stakeholders to understand their requirements and provide procurement support

- Achieved a cost savings of 15% through effective negotiation and implementation of new supplier contracts


- Certified Professional in Supply Management (CPSM)

- Certified Professional Purchasing Manager (CPPM)


- Proficient in English and French


Available upon request

采购专员Sourcing) 英文简历表格 篇三

采购专员(Sourcing) 英文简历表格

个人基本简历 简历编号: 308610xxxxx 更新日期: 2009-03-16
姓  名: MM小姐国籍:中国 目前所在地:广州民族:汉族 户口所在地:广州身材: 164 cm  kg 婚姻状况:已婚年龄: 28 岁 培训认证: 诚信徽章:  求职意向及工作经历 人才类型:普通求职  应聘职位:英语翻译:翻译、文秘/文员:秘书、行政专员/助理:助理 工作年限: 5 职称:无职称 求职类型:全职可到职日期:随时 月薪要求: 1500--2000 希望工作地区:广州 广东省 个人工作经历: 公司名称: 信达雅翻译服务中心起止年月:2008-06 ~ 2008-10 公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:商业服务 担任职务:翻译 工作描述:翻译信函,证件,法律,合同等文件。 离职原因: 公司名称: 广州TYRUS外贸公司起止年月:2008-03 ~ 2008-06 公司性质: 外商独资所属行业:商业服务 担任职务:采购专员(Sourcing) 工作描述:为外商搜集供货商,询价议价报价,翻译公司资料。 离职原因: 公司名称: 广州市荔湾区沙面翻译服务部起止年月:2006-06 ~ 2007-10 公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:信息咨询,事务所,人才交流 担任职务:英文文员 工作描述:办理移民业务,翻译各类材料。 离职原因: 公司名称: 广州市香港米娜童装有限公司起止年月:2006-02 ~ 2006-04 公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:纺织,服装 担任职务:秘书 工作描述:处理公司日常事务,接待来宾,翻译公司资料. 离职原因: 公司名称: 广州市荔湾区沙面翻译服务部起止年月:2003-07 ~ 2006-02 公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:信息咨询,事务所,人才交流 担任职务:英文文员 工作描述:办理移民业务,翻译各类材料。 离职原因:  教育背景 毕业院校:广东外语外贸大学公开学院 最高学历: 本科 毕业日期: 2003-07-01 所学专业一:英语所学专业二:法语 受教育培训经历: 起始年月终止年月学校(机构)专 业获得证书证书编号 1999-09 2001-07 广东外语外贸大学成人教育学院英语大专毕业证书 11846520020xxxxxxx 2001-09 2003-07 广东外语外贸大学公开学院英语本科毕业证书,大学英语四级 65440101025917xxxx 2006-09 2007-01 广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院口译/听说强化班高级翻译学院翻译水平证书,广东外语外贸大学专业英语四级 KYZ060215,8112941026 2008-12 广州卡耐基成功素质培训学校当众讲话  语言能力 外语:英语 优秀 其它外语能力:法语:初级 国语水平:优秀粤语水平:精通  工作能力及其他专长 1.电脑(Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet)及办公设备操作熟练,善于运用网络资源。
7.普通话,粤语流利,法语能力达初级水平。  详细个人自传 为人诚实可靠;性格温和,乐观。做事有条理有计划;工作认真负责,积极进取,敏捷细心。有较强的`独立感,思考,收集和分析能力。善于发现问题,解决问题,勇于克服困难。在工作上,有着竭尽全力,追求完美的敬业精神。有理想,有抱负,有颗永无止境的恒心,不断地自我增值。良好的团体合作精神,乐于助人。兴趣广泛,无不良嗜好,喜爱文艺,特长是网球。期望日后能从事与专业有关的职业。  个人联系方式 通讯地址:广州市白云区黄边北路 (邮编: 510440) 联系电话: 136vvvvvvvvv 家庭电话: 手  机: QQ号码: 电子邮件: xxxxxxxxxxx@163.com 个人主页:
采购专员Sourcing) 英文简历表格(优秀3篇)

