
时间:2013-01-03 04:33:31
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Name: yjbys

Sex don't: male

People race: the han nationality

Date of birth: the 1983-02-14

The telephone number:

Work experience: 7 years

Learn the calendar: bachelor

Special industry: music dance music

Graduate school: * * normal university college of art

Live address:

E-mail address:


Target position: hope to apply for the post

Targeted industries: hope to apply for industry range

Salary expectation: expect salary welfare demand, general fill negotiable more reliable

Expect area: hope the region, city work scope

To the time: how long can the new post in the scene

Work experience:

20 xx-yet fresh graduates employment nets

Xx company xx post

Profile: the company in the paper. Responsibilities outlined.

200 x-200 x xx company xx position

Profile: the company in the paper. Responsibilities outlined.

Education and training:

1997.9-2000.7 XX skill training center XX training

About * * * of professional skill training, get the * * * qualification certificate.

20 XX-20 XX XX university XX majors

The system has studied * * * theoretical knowledge, have * * * professional ability.

Introduces himself:

A brief description, explain their professional ability, professional ability, as well as the social ability and so on.

Write paragraphs can.

Reference A: enthusiasm easygoing, live wave, cheerful, and aggressive spirit and the team spirit, A strong practical ability. Good communication skills, adaptability, quick response, active and flexible, love innovation! Improve oneself, to adapt to the needs of work. So I hope to find a and their own knowledge structure of the related work, such as secretary, clerk, assistant can have more space to prove himself, to develop their own!

Reference B: has the certain social communication ability, I pay attention to the combination of theory with practice, has quite a practice with operation ability, can independence for xx, xx work. Skilled operating computer software for office. The very strong dedication to work and the sense of responsibility that I can face any difficulties and challenges.


