
时间:2015-02-09 03:16:21
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英文简历:用短单词代替长单词 篇一

Title: Short Words for Long Words in English Resume


In today's fast-paced world, brevity is key. This is especially true when it comes to writing an English resume. By using short words to replace long words, you can make your resume concise, clear, and easy to read. In this article, we will explore the importance of using short words in your resume and provide some examples of how to do so effectively.

Why Use Short Words:

1. Clarity: Using short words helps convey your message more clearly and directly. Long words can sometimes be ambiguous or confusing, leading to a misunderstanding of your skills and qualifications.

2. Conciseness: Hiring managers often have limited time to review resumes. By using short words, you can convey the same information in a shorter amount of space, making it easier for recruiters to quickly grasp your key qualifications.

3. Easy to Read: Short words are generally easier to read and understand. They help create a resume that flows smoothly, allowing recruiters to easily skim through your document and identify relevant information.

Examples of Short Words:

1. Instead of "utilize," use "use."

2. Instead of "facilitate," use "help" or "aid."

3. Instead of "implement," use "carry out."

4. Instead of "demonstrate," use "show" or "prove."

5. Instead of "acquire," use "get" or "obtain."

Tips for Using Short Words:

1. Be specific: While using short words is important, it is also crucial to be specific and provide enough detail to showcase your skills and experience.

2. Use action verbs: Action verbs are powerful and can effectively convey your achievements. Examples of action verbs include "achieved," "managed," "created," and "developed."

3. Avoid jargon: Using industry-specific jargon may confuse recruiters who are not familiar with the terminology. Stick to simple and commonly understood words to ensure clarity.


Using short words to replace long words in your English resume is essential for clarity, conciseness, and readability. By following the tips mentioned above and incorporating short words effectively, you can create a resume that stands out to recruiters and increases your chances of landing an interview.

英文简历:用短单词代替长单词 篇二

Title: Short Words for Long Words in English Resume - A Guide to Simplify Your CV


In the competitive job market, a well-crafted English resume is crucial to catch the attention of hiring managers. By using short words to replace long words, you can simplify your CV and make it more impactful. In this article, we will explore why using short words is important and provide practical examples to help you simplify your resume effectively.

Benefits of Using Short Words:

1. Clarity: Long words can sometimes be confusing or difficult to understand. By using short words, you can convey your skills and qualifications more clearly, ensuring that hiring managers fully grasp your capabilities.

2. Brevity: Hiring managers often have limited time to review each resume. Using short words allows you to present information concisely, making it easier for recruiters to quickly assess your suitability for the role.

3. Readability: Short words are generally easier to read and comprehend. By simplifying your resume, you create a document that flows smoothly and is more engaging to read.

Examples of Short Words:

1. Replace "utilize" with "use."

2. Substitute "facilitate" with "help" or "assist."

3. Exchange "implement" with "carry out" or "execute."

4. Replace "demonstrate" with "show" or "prove."

5. Substitute "acquire" with "get" or "obtain."

Tips for Effective Use of Short Words:

1. Be specific: While using short words is important, ensure that you provide enough detail to showcase your skills and accomplishments effectively.

2. Utilize action verbs: Action verbs add impact to your resume. Examples of action verbs include "achieved," "managed," "created," and "developed."

3. Avoid jargon: Using industry-specific jargon may confuse recruiters who are not familiar with the terminology. Stick to simple and universally understood words to ensure clarity.


In today's competitive job market, using short words to replace long words is essential to simplify and enhance the impact of your English resume. By following the tips provided and incorporating short words effectively, you can create a resume that effectively showcases your qualifications and increases your chances of securing an interview.

英文简历:用短单词代替长单词 篇三



  例(12):We will endeavor to utilize this kind of computer on approximately March 15,so we place this order of 100 sets.
  如果此句中的endeavor用try来代替,approximately(大约)用about来代替,utilize 用use来代替。即使不删减任何一个单词,只是用这些简单常见的词来代替原句中的多音节词,就会减掉17字母。或许有人认为这17个字母对于通篇来说不算什么,并不会占用很大空间。可是,大家要知道,这只是一句话可以节省的,如果每句话都能减掉17个字母一片商务信函就至少要缩减掉一行。而且由于这些替换词较之被替换掉的单词而言,更加常见,是大家都比较熟悉的,对于读信人来说,更加易于理解。


