
时间:2013-07-01 03:47:46
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进外企的英文简历注意事项 篇一

As the world becomes increasingly globalized, many professionals are seeking opportunities to work in international companies. One important step in this process is creating an effective English resume that will catch the attention of recruiters. In this article, we will discuss some key considerations when crafting a resume for foreign companies.

1. Language proficiency: English fluency is essential when applying for positions in foreign companies. Make sure to accurately represent your language skills in your resume. Include any relevant certifications or language courses you have completed. If you have a high level of proficiency, consider taking internationally recognized language tests such as the TOEFL or IELTS and including your scores in your resume.

2. Formatting and structure: When it comes to resume formatting, simplicity and consistency are key. Use a clean and professional-looking template with clear headings and bullet points. Keep the overall length of your resume to a maximum of two pages. Use a font size and style that is easy to read, such as Arial or Times New Roman. Ensure that your contact information is prominently displayed at the top of the page.

3. Highlight relevant experience: When applying for a job in a foreign company, it is important to emphasize any international experience or cross-cultural skills you possess. Highlight any work or study abroad experiences, as well as any experience working with multicultural teams. This will demonstrate your ability to adapt to different work environments and your cultural sensitivity.

4. Tailor your resume to the job description: It is crucial to customize your resume for each job application. Carefully read the job description and identify the key skills and qualifications they are looking for. Ensure that these are prominently featured in your resume, either in your summary or under relevant work experience or skills sections. This will show the recruiter that you have carefully considered their requirements and are a good fit for the role.

5. Proofread and edit: Finally, before submitting your resume, make sure to thoroughly proofread and edit it. Grammatical and spelling errors can make a negative impression on recruiters. Ask a native English speaker or a professional proofreader to review your resume for any mistakes or awkward phrasing. A polished and error-free resume will demonstrate your attention to detail and professionalism.

In conclusion, creating an effective English resume for foreign companies requires careful consideration of language proficiency, formatting, relevant experience, customization, and proofreading. By following these guidelines, you can increase your chances of catching the attention of recruiters and landing your dream job in an international company. Good luck with your job search!

进外企的英文简历注意事项 篇二

In today's globalized job market, many professionals are seeking opportunities to work in international companies. With English being the lingua franca of business, it is essential to have a well-crafted English resume that will make a positive impression on recruiters. In this article, we will discuss some additional considerations when creating a resume for foreign companies.

1. Cultural awareness: Working in a foreign company often means interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds. It is important to demonstrate your cultural awareness and adaptability in your resume. This can be achieved by mentioning any cross-cultural training or experiences you have had, as well as any volunteer work or involvement in international organizations. Displaying an understanding of different cultures will show recruiters that you can navigate diverse work environments effectively.

2. Quantify your achievements: When describing your previous work experience, try to quantify your achievements whenever possible. Numbers and statistics can provide concrete evidence of your skills and accomplishments. For example, instead of saying "increased sales," you could say "increased sales by 20% within the first quarter." This will demonstrate your ability to deliver tangible results and make a positive impact in the workplace.

3. Showcase transferable skills: While technical skills are important, many foreign companies also value transferable skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership. Highlight these skills in your resume by providing specific examples of how you have demonstrated them in previous roles. This will show recruiters that you have the abilities necessary to succeed in their organization, regardless of the specific industry or job function.

4. Include a professional summary: A professional summary, also known as a career objective or personal statement, is a brief section at the beginning of your resume that summarizes your skills, experiences, and career goals. This section allows you to quickly grab the recruiter's attention and provide an overview of your qualifications. Tailor your professional summary to each job application, highlighting the most relevant skills and experiences that make you a strong candidate for the position.

5. Consider including a LinkedIn profile: In addition to your resume, having a strong LinkedIn profile can greatly enhance your chances of getting noticed by recruiters. Include a link to your profile in your resume, as well as any other relevant online portfolios or websites. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up to date and showcases your professional achievements and experiences. This will provide recruiters with a more comprehensive view of your qualifications and make it easier for them to reach out to you for further opportunities.

In conclusion, when creating a resume for foreign companies, it is important to showcase your cultural awareness, quantify your achievements, highlight transferable skills, include a professional summary, and consider including a LinkedIn profile. By following these additional considerations, you can further enhance the effectiveness of your English resume and increase your chances of securing a job in an international company. Best of luck in your job search!

进外企的英文简历注意事项 篇三















  1 Personal Information

  1 Name (姓名)


  2 Address & Postal Code


  3 Phone Number & Email


  4 Gender (性别)

  从理论上判断,没有人会写错。Male或Female ,如果你想再多写一些,可以在在姓名前面已经加上了Mr.,Miss、Mrs.等代替语。如果招聘的职位没有限制性别,也可省略此项。


  5 Date of Birth, Birthdate (出生日期)

  March 12, 1995(美式英语)or 12 March, 1995(英式 英语)亦可用来代替。据说,有些企业HR专门看星座,星座不合者,不予录取!咳,反正招聘过程中倒是什么奇葩事儿,都有发生。

  6 Birthplace & Nationality

  如:Haerbin, Heilongjiang(黑龙江哈尔滨市)。国籍和民族如:P. R. C.(中国),the Han(汉族),亦可用Citizenship : Chinese(中国)。如有双重国籍则写:Duel Citizenship:如:Chinese and Canadan(中国和加拿大) 。倘若不是求职于海外,则不必填写国籍。

  7 Height (身高) & Weight (体重)


  8 Martial Status (婚姻状况)

  Married or Single or Divorced(已婚、单身、离异)

  9 Health Condition (健康状况)

  可以写excellent(极佳)、very good(很好)、strong(强壮)

  10 Hobbies (业余爱好)

  如:playing basketball(打篮球)、playing the violin(拉小提琴) 、jogging(慢跑),dancing(跳舞),有些招聘单位喜欢录用有体育和文艺等方面的专长的人员,因此,如果你有这方面的嗜好或专长也是一种优势,



  11 Membership (会员资格)

  Translators Association of Guangzhou(广州翻译协会) ,现在各行各业都有协会和学会或者研究会,在此项中有则填之,无则不用填。当然,你若是参加了某个或几个学术组织,特别是担任了理事、会长之类的职务,这无疑会增添你的求职竞争优势。一般,绝大多数候选人,不会有这项。

  12 Number of Identification Card


  13 Available(到岗时间


  可以写明到职时间很有必要,例如: Available May 4, 2015(2015年5月4日便可到职)。

  2 Job Objective


  3 Work/Intern Experience

  1 工作经历书写的顺序

  一般来说,目前的工作或近期的实习,写在最前面。以前的经历按照时间倒序和与求职岗位相关性高低,逐一写在后面。如果以前的工作和你现在应聘的工作关系比较密切的话,就先写那次的工作经历,而且要写得比其它经历更详细 。

  2 工作经历具体的写法

  (1) 工作单位;

  (2) 服务时间;

  (3) 职位、职责与业绩。

  4 Education




  5 Social Practice

  社会实践包括在校内担任助教,助研,在校内外从事业余工作(part-time Jobs)、暑期打工 (Summer Jobs)和毕业实习等等。

  6 Extracurricular Activities


  a. 体育活动 (Physical Activities)

  b. 文娱活动(Recreational Activities)

  c. 学术活动(Academic Activities)

  d. 社会活动(Social Activities)

  7 Honors


  8 Technical Qualifications and Special Skills



  9 Scientific Research Achievements

  1、Publications 发表或出版的.作品论文、论著、译著等均可列入此项,必须说明作品的题目,发 表或出版的时间、发表或出版作品的报刊杂志或出版社(公司)的名称。

  2、Inventions 创造发明:写出发明物的名称、时间与地点。

  3、Technical Innovations 技术革新:必须写清楚革新的项目、时间、地点以及所带来的经济效益。

  4、Patents 专利:写明专利的项目、获得专利的时间等。

  10 References







