
时间:2012-01-01 04:27:19
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中学生英语日记 篇一

Today is Monday, and it's the start of a new week. I woke up early in the morning to the sound of my alarm clock ringing. I quickly got ready for school and had a quick breakfast before heading out the door. As I walked to the bus stop, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the day ahead.

In school, we had our usual classes - Math, English, Science, and History. I always enjoy English class the most, as I love reading and writing. Today, we had a writing assignment where we had to write a short story about our summer vacation. I wrote about my trip to the beach with my family, and it brought back so many happy memories.

During lunchtime, I sat with my friends and we chatted about our weekend plans. We decided to have a movie night at my house on Friday, and I can't wait. After school, I had soccer practice, which is always a highlight of my day. I love playing sports and being part of a team.

When I got home, I worked on my homework and studied for a quiz that we have tomorrow. I also practiced playing the guitar for a bit, as I have a performance coming up at the school talent show. Overall, it was a busy but fulfilling day. I'm grateful for all the opportunities and experiences that come my way as a high school student.

中学生英语日记 篇二

Today was a challenging day for me. I woke up feeling tired and unmotivated, and I struggled to get out of bed. As I got ready for school, I couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that lingered in the back of my mind. I knew that I had a big presentation in History class that I hadn't prepared for, and it made me anxious.

In school, I felt nervous and jittery as the time for my presentation approached. When it was finally my turn to speak, I stumbled over my words and forgot some key points. I felt embarrassed and disappointed in myself. I knew that I could have done better if I had put in more effort and practiced beforehand.

During lunchtime, I sat alone and reflected on what went wrong. I realized that I needed to be more proactive and disciplined in my studies. I made a plan to set aside time each day to review my notes and prepare for upcoming assignments. I also reached out to my teacher for feedback on how I could improve in the future.

After school, I went home and spent the evening working on my presentation for tomorrow's English class. I was determined to do better this time. I practiced in front of the mirror and made sure to have all my points memorized. By the end of the night, I felt more confident and prepared.

Although today was a tough day, I learned valuable lessons about the importance of preparation and diligence. I know that setbacks are a part of life, but it's how we respond to them that truly matters. I'm hopeful that tomorrow will be a better day, and I'll be able to showcase my best self in class.

中学生英语日记 篇三

  How time flies! My three-year middle school life will be over soon. Looking back, I have many memories of my English study.

  When I entered the middle school, I had so many difficulties with my English. I was not able to understand the teacher in class, and I couldn’t master the words and phrases. For a time I wanted to give it up. Later, with the help of the teacher and my classmates, I listened to the teacher carefully in class, kept on reading English every day and spoke as much as possible. Step by step I made great progress in English.

  In a word, only when you develop interest in studying English can you learn it well.

中学生英语日记 篇四

  Now many students of Grade 9 are under too much pressure. They always feel too tired to listen to the teachers carefully in class.

  It’s important for students to relax. Only in this way can they study well and be healthy. Here are some different ways to relax themselves. For example, they can try to have enough sleep,or they can listen to their favourite music after class. They can also read some books or do some sports. For me, I often hang out with my friends.

  While you are studying, don’t forget to relax. You will study better after a good rest.

中学生英语日记 篇五

  A boy went to a shop and bought a pencil and other things. When he was going to pay the bill, he took out his wallet and found he had not enough money to pay. He felt awkward. At that moment, an old man who was in charge of the shop smiled and said to the boy that he could give the rest of the money next time.

  The boy was so shocked, as the old man trusted him so much. When the boy went home, he remembered it all the time. So the next morning, when he passed the shop, he gave the money without hesitation. Integrity is priceless and decides who we are.


