
时间:2015-03-05 07:27:31
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初中英语日记优秀 篇一

Today, I had a wonderful day. In the morning, I woke up early and went for a run in the park. The fresh air and the chirping of the birds energized me for the day ahead. After breakfast, I spent some time studying for my upcoming English test. I reviewed my vocabulary and practiced writing some sentences.

In the afternoon, I met up with my friends at the library to work on a group project. We had to research and present on a famous historical figure. It was fun working together and sharing our ideas. We also practiced speaking in English to improve our pronunciation.

In the evening, I attended my English tutoring class. My teacher helped me with my grammar and pronunciation. I feel more confident now in speaking and writing in English. After class, I went home and watched an English movie to practice my listening skills.

Overall, it was a productive day filled with English learning activities. I am proud of the progress I am making and look forward to continuing to improve my English skills.

初中英语日记优秀 篇二

Today was a challenging day for me. In the morning, I had my English test and I was nervous about it. I had studied hard but I was still worried about making mistakes. However, I tried to stay calm and focused during the test. I answered all the questions to the best of my ability and felt relieved when it was over.

After the test, I met with my English teacher for some feedback on my writing. She pointed out some areas where I could improve and gave me some helpful tips. I appreciated her guidance and made a note to work on those areas in the future.

In the evening, I attended an English debate club meeting. We discussed various topics in English and practiced our speaking skills. It was challenging to express my thoughts and opinions in a foreign language, but I pushed myself to participate and improve my communication skills.

Reflecting on the day, I realized that making mistakes is a part of the learning process. I will continue to work hard and practice my English skills so that I can become more fluent and confident in the language. Despite the challenges, I am determined to keep improving and reaching my goals.

初中英语日记优秀 篇三


  Today is Friday. It’s fine today. Good weather!

  Matt’s class was in the morning. It was a little more interesting. We talked about American football. First Matt showed us a magazine about his high school’s football team and other information on football matches. Then he let us watch a movie called “Friday Night Lights”. That was the name because high schools have football matches only on Friday nights. He also told us other things about football. I don’t like American football because it is too violent. However, I like the movie.

  I find that it’s getting more and more difficult to write a diary, a 100-qord diary!


