
时间:2015-07-09 06:24:41
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写攀岩的英语日记带翻译优秀 篇一

Date: April 15th, 2021

Today, I went rock climbing with my friends at the local indoor climbing gym. It was an exhilarating experience that pushed me out of my comfort zone and tested my physical and mental strength.

We started by warming up and stretching our muscles before tackling the different climbing routes. The colorful holds on the wall presented a challenge, but with determination and focus, I was able to navigate my way up the wall, feeling a sense of accomplishment with each successful climb.

As I reached the top of one particularly challenging route, I couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline and pride. The view from the top was breathtaking, and I took a moment to soak it all in before rappelling back down to the ground.

Overall, it was a fantastic day of climbing that left me feeling empowered and inspired. I can't wait to come back and conquer even more challenging routes in the future.






写攀岩的英语日记带翻译优秀 篇二

Date: May 20th, 2021

Today, I had the opportunity to go outdoor rock climbing with a group of experienced climbers. We hiked to a beautiful cliffside location with stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and I felt a sense of freedom and excitement as I prepared to tackle the challenging routes ahead. The natural rock formations presented a unique set of obstacles, but with the guidance of my fellow climbers, I was able to conquer each climb with determination and perseverance.

As I reached the top of one particularly difficult route, I was met with a sense of accomplishment unlike any other. The feeling of pushing past my limits and reaching new heights was incredibly rewarding.

After a full day of climbing, we gathered around a campfire, sharing stories and laughter as we reflected on the day's adventures. It was a bonding experience that brought us closer together as a group.

I am grateful for the opportunity to experience the beauty and thrill of outdoor rock climbing, and I look forward to many more adventures in the future.







写攀岩的英语日记带翻译优秀 篇三


  今天我和小伙伴去攀岩,到了那儿,首先我看到了攀岩墙,然后教练先带我们热身,热身好了,我们穿上安全带,我往上爬的时候觉得很害怕,往下看好高啊,教练支持我最有勇气了,最后成功了 。

  Today, I went climbing with my little friend. When we got there, first I saw the climbing wall. Then the coach took us to warm up first. After that, we put on the safety belt. When I climbed up, I felt very scared. I looked down on the height. The coach had the most courage to support me and finally succeeded.


  I went to climb more difficult places, I climbed for a while, so I was afraid, so I gave up.


  I believe that when I am 9 years old, I will be able to climb up that difficult climbing wall.


