
时间:2016-07-07 04:41:11
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暑假的英语周记 篇一

During this summer vacation, I made a decision to improve my English skills. I realized that it is important to practice English regularly in order to become fluent in the language. Therefore, I set a goal for myself to study English for at least two hours every day.

To achieve my goal, I started by reading English books and newspapers. I found it helpful to make a list of new vocabulary words and their meanings, which I reviewed regularly. I also watched English movies and TV shows with subtitles to improve my listening skills. Additionally, I practiced speaking English with my friends and family members who are also learning the language.

One of the highlights of my summer was attending an English language camp. The camp provided me with the opportunity to interact with native English speakers and practice my speaking and listening skills in a real-life setting. I also participated in various activities such as group discussions, debates, and presentations, which helped me build my confidence in using English.

Overall, I am proud of the progress I have made in improving my English skills during this summer vacation. I have learned the importance of consistent practice and perseverance in language learning. I am excited to continue my journey towards fluency in English and look forward to using my new skills in the future.

暑假的英语周记 篇二

This summer vacation, I had the opportunity to travel to an English-speaking country for a language immersion program. I was excited to immerse myself in the language and culture of the country and improve my English skills through real-life experiences.

During my time abroad, I stayed with a host family who only spoke English. This forced me to communicate in English at all times, which was challenging but also very rewarding. I learned to express myself more fluently and confidently in English, and my listening skills improved significantly as well.

I also attended English classes at a local language school, where I had the chance to practice speaking, reading, and writing in English with other international students. The classes were engaging and interactive, and I enjoyed learning from experienced teachers who provided valuable feedback on my language skills.

In addition to my language classes, I participated in cultural activities and excursions that allowed me to explore the country and learn more about its history and traditions. I visited museums, historical sites, and local markets, where I practiced speaking English with native speakers and gained a deeper understanding of the culture.

Overall, my experience abroad was invaluable in helping me improve my English skills and gain a better appreciation for the language. I returned home feeling more confident and motivated to continue practicing English in my daily life. I am grateful for the opportunity to have had such a memorable and enriching experience this summer.

暑假的英语周记 篇三


  Everyone should give his mother a present when his mother’s birthday is coming。 It is 25th May Sunday。 Today is Han Mei’s mother’s birthday。 So she wanted to give her mother a special present。 What present should she give? Maybe a bunch of flowers a birthday card are the best presents。 A card is cheaper。 But it is bad for trees。 The more I buy cards, the more trees will be cut by people。 So what another present should she give? Let me tell y

ou this present。

  It was five o’clock。 It was time to surprise her mother。 When Han Mei’s mother came home, Han Mei said Happy Birthday to her mother。 Then she cleaned her mother’s feet。 As you can see, her mother was very surprise。

  Why do you think it was a good present?


