
时间:2014-07-07 06:19:36
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英语日记高中短篇范文 篇一

Today I had a busy day at school. In the morning, I had my English class first. We learned about different types of poetry and analyzed a few famous poems. I found it fascinating to delve into the meaning behind the words and understand the emotions the poets were trying to convey.

After English class, I had a math test. I had been studying hard for it, so I felt confident going into the test. However, some of the questions were quite challenging, and I had to think carefully before answering them. I hope I did well on the test.

During lunch break, I sat with my friends and we chatted about our plans for the upcoming weekend. We decided to go to the park and have a picnic if the weather is good. It will be a nice break from all the studying we have been doing.

In the afternoon, I had a history class. We discussed the causes of World War II and the impact it had on the world. It was eye-opening to learn about such an important event in history and how it still affects us today.

After school, I went to my soccer practice. I love playing soccer and it is a great way to unwind after a long day of studying. I scored a goal during practice, which made me feel proud of myself.

Overall, it was a busy day, but I enjoyed every moment of it. I am grateful for the opportunities I have to learn and grow every day.

英语日记高中短篇范文 篇二

Today was a special day for me as I had my first debate competition at school. I have always been interested in debating and I was excited to finally have the chance to participate in a competition.

The topic of the debate was about the importance of technology in education. I was on the pro side, arguing that technology enhances learning and helps students to better understand complex concepts. I spent weeks researching and preparing my arguments, so I felt confident going into the debate.

During the debate, I was nervous at first but as I started speaking, I felt more comfortable and confident. I presented my arguments clearly and rebutted the opposing team's points effectively. It was a great feeling to have the audience engaged and listening to what I had to say.

After the debate, the judges announced the results. I was thrilled to hear that our team had won the debate. It was a rewarding experience and I felt proud of all the hard work I had put into preparing for it.

Overall, the debate competition was a great learning experience for me. It helped me improve my public speaking skills and critical thinking abilities. I look forward to participating in more competitions in the future and continuing to challenge myself in new ways.

英语日记高中短篇范文 篇三

This afternoon we had a PE lesson. Our teacher taught us to practise the long jump. When the bell rang, we gathered on the playground. After warming-up exercises, the teacher told us the way of long jump and showed us how to do it. Then we followed the teacher and practised one after another. Soon came my turn, but I felt a hit nervous. Though I failed the first time, yet I didn‘t lose my heart. I kept on practising. At last I was able to jump over 3 meters. From this lesson I came to see that one will succeed if he has perseverance.

英语日记高中短篇范文 篇四

At two o 'clock yesterday afternoon, my family and one of our families rode off together to explore the countryside.

Six of us rode down the street to the vegetable market and rode bravely forward.

After about ten minutes, we came to a hut. We found out that there were two dogs in front of us, who shouted at us. The dog did not take care of him, but the other dog stood up. We could not help but pinch a cold sweat for our father. Fortunately, the dog did not attack us, but walked leisurely towards us. We all breathed a sigh of relief, but dared not come forward. But dad added courage and rode slowly.

Dad used to wave and let us pass. We walked slowly, emboldened.

After walking through the hut, we went to a dirt road, and we came to a road in the middle of a large hollow that was being flooded. It is only about a meter away from the other side of the land, and it is used for running water. There was a piece of iron in the gap, which was used to make the car go away, and a board on it. Father and father pushed the car over the bridge and then helped our two children push the cart. When we got to the other side, we saw a dyke standing on the side of the road. We climbed up and looked down. It was all water! And there are a few large green xxxislandsxxx, some will move!

After a short rest, we ate some food, and we went on the way to a small house. Riding riding, road become more and more narrow, grassland, reed rod more and more, in the end, we are a tall reeds blocking the way, have to disappointed to his back, on the other way. After a few minutes of riding, we ran into a large dune, and it was easy to push the car past.

Later, we are pushing a car passed many weeds, with two hanging in the bananas on the tree in the shade, also picked a small banana, from how to reside the fence beside the road is full of wild dog back.

英语日记高中短篇范文 篇五

On the second day of the big year, my brother and I visited our grandmother's house. Early spring season, just under a light snow, even though the weather is very cold, but my heart is hot, while the car is very fast, but I still feel the speed is too slow, I can't wait to fly to my grandma's.

Grandmother lived in the countryside, I only to my grandma's three twice a year, for those of us who grew up grew up in a city, to the countryside's opportunity is rare, because rural special fresh air, no noise, no pollut

ion, breathe the fresh air, is really refreshing, make an NPC. My grandmother has a granddaughter, sun kexin, 9 years old, just in the second grade of primary school, I like to play with my cousin very much.

Bypassing the winding path, with the snow, we came to grandmother's house. In the courtyard, I was shocked. Last year, when I went to my grandmother's house, I was still a narrow and shabby brick house, but now I have become a large and bright big house. xxxMooxxx, xxxwoofxxx xxxhawxxx xxxbaa baaxxx... This is really the animal symphony, the big yellow bull, the beautiful rooster, the gentle little goat, as if all the guests are welcome. When I entered the room, I carefully watched the changes of my grandmother's house. In the middle of the room, there was a luxurious 32-inch color TV set, and there was a VCD under the color TV. It seemed that this was the new purchase of my grandmother's house. My grandmother's granddaughter sun kexin, 9, saw me smile and said, xxxbrother, sister, you all have come to eat candy!xxx Say a bunch of sugar. I was so delighted that I dragged sun to the courtyard and played house. At noon we came back, and my grandmother saw me, and put my arm around my neck and said, xxxmy little granddaughter is growing taller againxxx, and she kept asking the cold question. When I asked about my grandmother's harvest, my grandmother said happily, xxxthe wheat has collected tens of thousands of pounds, the cotton has sold more than 7,000 yuan, and the life has been sweeter than honey. Plan a variety of cotton this year, raise a few sheep, have money again buy a computer to sun ke xin to learn later.

When he left, sun kexin cried loudly, and I used three sugar gourd to coax him. Grandma advised me to stay for a few more days, and I put my mouth next to my grandmother's ear and said quietly, xxxgrandma, I will come again next year, I will always come.xxx Grandma smiled like a flower.

英语日记高中短篇范文 篇六

On the morning of June 2, my parents and I decided to go home. Because the new summer vacation begins, we will go back to our hometown. I am so happy, summer vacation, xxxcan play a happyxxx mouth say, this can be heard by the mother, she say: xxxquick pack thing, don't forget to take the summer homework to take.xxx Alas! That's what my mother did. I couldn't make any mistakes in my studies.

At the station, there was a sea of people, all ready to go home or visit relatives and friends, and carry large bags of small bags. We got on the bus with the crowds and didn't return to our hometown until noon.

Once in his hometown, he first came to the lake to take a boat to play. It felt so good to go boating on the lake. I couldn't bear to leave if my mother hadn't urged me. As soon as I walked into the house, I could smell the aroma of dumplings and feel my stomach. I was really hungry. I was ready to eat: wash my hands, take chopsticks, and sit at the kitchen table in a hurry. Grandmother with a plate of steaming hot dumplings in front of me, ah, the original is steamed dumplings, in the white paper is filled with delicious fillings, they are like a bunch of obedient little white sticky goose lay there, coveted. I grabbed a piece of hot pepper sauce and dipped it into my greedy mouth. MMM, how sweet! In this way, in a little while, a plate of jiaozi was solved by me. At night, my grandmother and aunt gave me a hundred dollars, and I thought to myself, it's good to have a summer vacation.

The new summer vacation begins. I wish you all a happy summer and a prosperous New Year. Wish old people happiness as immense as the Eastern Sea, live as long as the southern mountain!


