英美文学欣赏:John Keats【精选3篇】

时间:2017-09-09 09:11:47
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英美文学欣赏:John Keats 篇一

John Keats 是英国浪漫主义诗人中备受推崇的一位,他的诗作充满了细腻的情感和深邃的思考,被誉为英国文学史上的瑰宝。其中,他的一首著名诗作《秋颂》被认为是他最具代表性的作品之一。


此外,Keats 的作品还反映了他对生命、爱情和死亡的思考。在《秋颂》中,他不仅描绘了大自然的美好,还表达了对时光流逝、生命短暂的感叹,展示了他对存在的深刻关怀和忧虑。这种复杂的情感和思想使他的作品充满了哲理性和内涵,成为了英国文学史上不可或缺的一部分。

总的来说,John Keats 的作品展现了他对生命、自然和艺术的独特见解,他细腻的情感和深刻的思考使他成为了英国文学史上不可或缺的一位诗人。

英美文学欣赏:John Keats 篇二

John Keats 是英国浪漫主义诗人中备受推崇的一位,他的诗作充满了细腻的情感和深邃的思考,被誉为英国文学史上的瑰宝。其中,他的一首著名诗作《致樱桃花》被认为是他的代表作之一。


Keats 的作品还表现出他对爱情和美的追求。在《致樱桃花》中,他通过对樱桃花的描绘和赞美,表达了对美的向往和对爱情的执着。诗中的“蜜蜂啜饮清泉,蝴蝶翩翩起舞”等情景描写,展示了诗人对美好生活和纯真爱情的向往,使作品充满了浪漫主义的情感和审美情趣。

综上所述,John Keats 的作品充满了对生命、爱情和美的思考和表达,他细腻的情感和深刻的思考使他成为了英国文学史上不可或缺的一位诗人。他的作品不仅展示了他对自然和艺术的独特见解,也表达了对生命和爱情的深刻追求和向往。

英美文学欣赏:John Keats 篇三

英美文学欣赏:John Keats

  John Keats (1795-1821)

  Born in London in 1795 in a lower-middle-class family; father the manager of a livery stables. Father died when he was 9 and his mother died of TB 6 years later. At 16 he left school and apprenticed to a surgeon. After four years apprenticeship he registered as a student at Guy’s Hospital. He began writing poetry in 1814, his first publication , a sonnet “ O Solitude” appeared in 1816. With the encouragement of his friend, he decided to abandon medicine and pursue a literary career. His first collection Poems appeared in 1817, followed by Endymion in 1818. In the summer of 1818 a walking tour with Charles Brown. Tom dying , nursed him until he died at the end of that year. During this time he met Fanny Brawne, engaged, but his plan to marry Fanny was thwarted by financial problem and illness. In the autumn of 1819 his health worsened. The last of the three volumes published during his lifetime, Lamia, Isabella, the Eve of St Agnes and Other Poems appeared in July of !820. In sep of the year went Italy. Died at 25, 23 Feb 1821 in Rome.

  Literary career:

  Very short, about 4 years, yet produced a variety of works, including epic, lyric, and narrative poems. His major achievement and also his most famous poems are a sequence of odes written around 1820.

  Major themes:

  Transience of beauty; the short-lived nature of beauty and happiness

  Pleasure and pain: the relationship between them and the value of suffering

  The value of enduring art and the role of poet

  Myth and the supernatural

  Love, his attitude to women

  Keats learned the art of poetry mainly from the poets of the English Renaissance, such as Spenser and Shakespeare, from Milton and Dante. The artistic aim in his poetry is always to create a beautiful world of imagination as opposed to the sordid reality of his day. He sought to express beauty in all his poems. His leading principle is: “ Beauty is truth, truth beauty”. He expresses the delight which comes not only through the eye and earbut through the senses of touch, taste and smell. His poetry is distinguished by sensuousness and the perfection of form. Known as a sensuous poet.

  On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer.

  The first important poem of Keats, written in 1816 at 21. Written in the early morning following an evening spent with Clark; together they had read passages from the Iliad by Homer, translated by Chapman.

  1. realms of gold: In the old days, America was known as the land of gold where many adventurers went to make their fortune. Here “ the realms of gold” is a metaphor , referring to the realms of great books, chiefly of poetry.

  2. Western islands—imaginary islands in the western ocean, supposed by ancient Greeks to be very happy and pleasant places. Here refer to realms of great poetry.

  3. Deep-browed—with heavy and thick eyebrows, suggesting thoughtful or meditative.

  4. Pure serene—the clear, fresh, vigorous style of Homer.

  5. watcher of sky: Keats touches our own experience when he describes the awe and excitement of a sky watcher at the sight of a new star;

  6. Cortez—a Spanish conqueror of Mexico(1485-1554). He cofused Cortez with Vasco Balboa , the Spanish navigator who discovered the Pacific at Darien in 1513.Bolboa and his followers climbed to the top of a hill in Darien and were amazed by the scene before their eyes: a vast ocean lay before them.

英美文学欣赏:John Keats【精选3篇】

