
时间:2012-04-04 06:44:19
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英语谚语带翻译摘抄 篇一

"Actions speak louder than words."


This proverb reminds us that what people do is often more important than what they say. Words can be easily spoken, but actions require effort and commitment. It is easy to promise something, but it is much harder to actually follow through and make it happen. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to how people act, rather than just listening to what they say. Actions can reveal a person's true intentions and character.

"Better late than never."


This saying emphasizes the importance of taking action, even if it is later than expected. It is better to complete a task or achieve a goal late than to never do it at all. Procrastination and hesitation can prevent us from moving forward and reaching our full potential. By taking the initiative and making progress, even if it is delayed, we can still make a positive impact and accomplish our objectives.

"Every cloud has a silver lining."


This optimistic proverb reminds us to look for the positive aspects in every situation, even when things seem bleak. Just as every cloud has a silver lining, every difficult or challenging circumstance can also have a hidden benefit or opportunity. By maintaining a positive attitude and seeking the silver lining, we can find hope and motivation to overcome obstacles and find success.

In conclusion, English proverbs provide valuable wisdom and insights that can guide us in our daily lives. By reflecting on their meanings and applying them to our own experiences, we can learn important lessons and improve our decision-making skills. Actions speak louder than words, better late than never, and every cloud has a silver lining are just a few examples of the many powerful proverbs that offer timeless advice and inspiration.

英语谚语带翻译摘抄 篇二

"Where there's a will, there's a way."


This timeless proverb highlights the importance of determination and perseverance in achieving one's goals. When someone is truly committed to a goal or dream, they will find a way to make it happen, regardless of the obstacles or challenges they may face. Willpower and a positive mindset can help individuals overcome difficulties and achieve success in any endeavor.

"Rome wasn't built in a day."


This saying serves as a reminder that great achievements take time and effort to accomplish. Just as the city of Rome was not built overnight, significant progress and success require patience, hard work, and dedication. It is important to stay focused on long-term goals and not become discouraged by slow progress or setbacks along the way. By taking consistent steps forward, even small ones, we can gradually build towards our desired outcomes.

"The early bird catches the worm."


This proverb emphasizes the benefits of being proactive and taking action early. By starting tasks or activities ahead of time, individuals can gain a competitive advantage and maximize their opportunities for success. Early risers who are diligent and efficient in their work are more likely to achieve their goals and make the most of each day. This proverb encourages us to seize the day and make the most of our time and resources.

In summary, English proverbs offer valuable lessons and insights that can inspire and motivate us to pursue our goals and dreams. Whether it's through determination, patience, or proactive behavior, these wise sayings provide timeless wisdom that can guide us in our personal and professional lives. By applying the principles of these proverbs, we can cultivate a positive mindset, overcome challenges, and ultimately achieve success.

英语谚语带翻译摘抄 篇三


  Let bygones be bygones.


  A wise man cares not for what he cannot have.


  Let beggars match with beggars.


  Lend your money and lose your friend.


  Least said, soonest mended.




  Life is half spent before we know what it is.


  Newspapers are the world's mirrors.


  Art is long, but lift is short.


  Nightingales will not sing in a cage.



