外国儿童寓言故事 篇一
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a group of animals in the Enchanted Forest. Among them were a wise old owl, a mischievous squirrel, a kind-hearted deer, and a playful rabbit. They all lived in harmony and enjoyed each other's company.
One day, a fierce storm hit the Enchanted Forest, causing chaos and destruction. The animals were scared and didn't know what to do. The owl, being the wisest of them all, gathered everyone together and said, "We must work together to rebuild our home and make it even better than before."
The squirrel, with his nimble hands, started gathering twigs and branches to build shelters for everyone. The deer used his strength to clear away the fallen trees and debris. The rabbit, with his boundless energy, ran around fetching food and water for everyone.
Days turned into weeks, and slowly but surely, the Enchanted Forest was restored to its former glory. The animals were proud of what they had accomplished together. The owl gathered them once again and said, "Remember, in times of hardship, it is unity and cooperation that will see us through."
And from that day on, the animals of the Enchanted Forest lived in peace and harmony, knowing that as long as they stood together, they could overcome any challenge that came their way.
外国儿童寓言故事 篇二
In the land of Evergreen Valley, there lived a group of animals who loved to sing and dance. Among them were a melodious nightingale, a graceful swan, a lively squirrel, and a talented fox. They would gather every evening by the shimmering lake and put on a magical performance for the moon and stars.
One day, a newcomer arrived in Evergreen Valley. It was a shy little mouse who had a beautiful voice but was too scared to sing in front of others. The other animals noticed her hiding behind a bush and approached her with kindness. The nightingale said, "Don't be afraid, little one. Your voice is a gift that deserves to be heard."
Encouraged by their words, the mouse joined them by the lake that evening. As she started to sing, her voice was like a gentle breeze that touched the hearts of everyone around. The animals were mesmerized by her talent and cheered her on with joy.
From that day on, the mouse became a beloved member of the Evergreen Valley choir. She sang with confidence and passion, inspiring others to follow their dreams. The animals learned that true beauty lies in sharing your gifts with the world and supporting each other along the way.
And so, the animals of Evergreen Valley continued to sing and dance under the moonlit sky, filling the valley with music and laughter for years to come. They knew that as long as they stood together, their harmonious voices would echo through the ages, spreading joy and unity wherever they went.
外国儿童寓言故事 篇三
有一条非常大的鱼。这条鱼粗暴、骄傲、不讲理,总是欺负小鱼们。“我是世界第一大鱼,是鱼国国王,小不点让开!” 他大声喊骂着驱散小鱼。因此小鱼总是提心吊胆。 好吃的食物被大鱼独自霸占,使的他又胖又壮。相反的,小鱼们时常饿肚子,变的消瘦不堪。
“哇!好大的一条鱼啊!” 渔夫欢天喜地的回家了。
小鱼们也高兴的跳起舞来。 有什么值得高兴的呢?你们的食物多了难道不会长胖吗?
猴子是动物群中的小头目,因此非常的任性放肆,一直让大家很受不了。有一天,猴子 对兔子说: “今天天气真好,我们去尖山玩好吗?” 兔子摇着长耳朵拒绝了。 猴子觉得很不舒服,又约狸一起去。可是狸也拒绝了。 猴子更加不高兴,又邀请了狐狸。狐狸也不喜欢任性的猴子,又拒绝了它。 猴子被拒绝之后,不知道该做什么好,所以心里虽然不高兴,但仍然去了尖山。 猴子爬上尖山,看到有只刺猬缩成球状在睡午觉。 “唷!喂!起来!小头目来罗!”
“吵死了!不要打扰我睡午觉!” “唉呀!这么小竟然这么狂妄自大,看我不拿你当作我的凳子才怪!”猴子看不起刺 猬,就坐了下来。 刺猬一怒,就把背上的刺全都竖了起来。 “啊!好痛!呀!”于是,猴子抱着屁股跳了起来。
有只小牛蝇嗡嗡地在狮子面前飞来飞去,得意洋洋的说: “狮子呀!我一点都不怕你,你再怎么吼叫我都不在乎!这样看来我比你强喔!你如果 觉得我再说谎,就让你看看我的本是吧!” 牛蝇像闪电般飞来,在狮子的鼻尖上刺了一下。“啊! 好痛呀!”狮子挥动爪子,拍打着鼻尖。
但是牛蝇却逃走了,狮子的鼻子流出血来。 “怎样?够厉害吧!”牛蝇得意得不得了。唉唷! 就在这时,牛蝇发出了阵阵的呻吟声,因为他被蜘蛛网黏住了,动弹不得。 牛蝇虽然赢了万兽之王的狮子,却输给了小小的蜘蛛,得到这可怜的下场。
乔到街上去,觅得了一根美味、可口的骨头。 “嗯!运气真佳!带回去慢慢的啃吧!” 乔高兴的衔着骨头咚咚的走着。 这天真是好天气,小鸟们愉快的唱着歌。 乔紧紧的.衔着骨头,瞪大着眼睛提防着,好像非常担心随时会有大狗来抢夺他的骨头似 的,那么战战兢兢。 乔终于走到桥上,如果他继续往前通过桥就好了。
可是,乔停住了脚步,从桥上往下看 看河水。他竟看见河里有一头狗也衔着一根粗骨头。 “啊!那根骨头我也要呀!” 乔大声的“汪!汪!”叫了起来。 就在这瞬间,骨头从口中掉下,沉到水底去了。 “真糟!这是我的影子映在水中的啊!”
有天早晨,吃惊不已的老婆婆大喊大叫。“老爷!老爷!不得了!我们家的母鸡生下金 色耀眼的蛋呀!” 从此,母鸡每天都生下一个金蛋,并且卖得很高的价钱。 原本很穷的他们,一下子变的很富有。然而,他们还想拥有更多的金蛋。 “鸡每天都生下一个金蛋,那么他的肚子一定有很多金子吧!”
于是,老爷爷就把母鸡杀了。可是却找不到金子。 “糟糕啦!如果让他活着,每天还能生金蛋……现在惨了。”