
时间:2018-09-02 05:22:14
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童话故事狼和人 篇一

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between the mountains and the forest, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily was known throughout the village for her kind heart and gentle spirit. She spent her days tending to the flowers in her garden and helping her neighbors with their chores.

One day, as Lily was walking through the forest to collect berries, she heard a rustling in the bushes. To her surprise, a lone wolf emerged from the shadows. Lily's heart raced with fear, but she remembered the stories her grandmother had told her about the creatures of the forest. She knew that not all wolves were dangerous.

The wolf looked at Lily with sad eyes and limped towards her, clearly in pain. Lily's compassionate nature took over, and she approached the wolf cautiously. She could see that the wolf had a thorn stuck in its paw, causing it great discomfort. Without hesitation, Lily knelt down and carefully removed the thorn from the wolf's paw.

The wolf whimpered in gratitude and nuzzled against Lily's hand. From that day on, the wolf followed Lily everywhere she went, acting as her protector and loyal companion. The villagers were amazed at the sight of the once fearsome wolf now walking peacefully beside the kind-hearted girl.

Lily and the wolf became inseparable, and their bond grew stronger with each passing day. The villagers soon realized that the wolf meant no harm and had found a true friend in Lily. They welcomed the wolf into their community, and he became known as the protector of the village.

As the years went by, Lily and the wolf grew old together, their friendship enduring the test of time. When Lily passed away, the wolf lay by her side, mourning the loss of his beloved friend. The villagers buried Lily and the wolf side by side, a symbol of the unbreakable bond between human and animal.

And so, the tale of Lily and the wolf became a legend in the village, a reminder of the power of kindness and compassion to bridge the gap between man and beast.

童话故事狼和人 篇二

In a distant kingdom, there lived a young shepherd named Jack. Jack was known for his bravery and quick thinking, always ready to protect his flock from any danger that came their way. One day, a pack of wolves descended upon the village, threatening to devour the sheep and terrorize the villagers.

Jack knew he had to act fast to save his beloved sheep and the people of the village. With his trusty staff in hand, he set out to confront the leader of the wolf pack, a fearsome creature known as Blackfang. The villagers watched in awe as Jack faced off against the mighty wolf, armed only with his courage and determination.

Blackfang snarled and bared his teeth, ready to pounce on Jack and claim victory. But Jack stood his ground, refusing to back down in the face of danger. With a swift and decisive blow, he struck Blackfang on the nose, causing the wolf to yelp in pain and retreat.

The villagers cheered as Jack emerged victorious, driving the wolf pack away from the village and saving the day. From that moment on, Jack was hailed as a hero, his name celebrated throughout the kingdom for his bravery in the face of adversity.

But Jack knew that not all wolves were evil, and he harbored a secret compassion for the creatures of the forest. He often ventured into the woods to visit a lone wolf he had befriended, a gentle creature named Shadow. Shadow was grateful to Jack for saving the village from Blackfang's tyranny and showed his gratitude by guiding Jack through the forest and protecting him from harm.

Jack and Shadow's friendship blossomed, bridging the gap between man and beast. The villagers marveled at the sight of the once fierce shepherd now walking side by side with a wolf, their bond unbreakable and their loyalty unwavering.

And so, Jack and Shadow became a symbol of unity and understanding, proving that even the most unlikely of friendships can flourish in the face of adversity. Their story spread far and wide, inspiring others to look beyond appearances and embrace the power of compassion and friendship.

童话故事狼和人 篇三



  从前有只狐狸向狼谈起人的力量,说没有动物能抵挡得了,所以他认为所有动物都必须施展计谋才能保护自己。 可狼回答说:“假如我有机会碰到一个人,我就扑上去让他无法抵挡。” 狐狸说:“我可以帮你碰到人啊。明早你早点来我家,我把他指给你看。” 第二天,狼很早就来了,狐狸带它来到猎人每天的必经之路。他们碰到的`第一个人是个退役老兵,狼问:“那是个人吗?” “不是,”狐狸回答,“他以前是。” 接着他们遇到一个去上学的小男孩。 “那是个人吗?”狼又问。 “不是,”狐狸回答说,“他将来是。” 最后一个猎人朝它们走来,他肩上扛着一筒枪,腰间还插着一把猎刀,狐狸对狼说:“那个就是人,你该朝他扑过去,我可是要回我洞里去了。”于是狼朝猎人冲了过去。 猎人一看说:“真可惜我没装上子弹,而是散弹。” 他瞄准狼的脸开了一枪。狼疼得一阵痉挛,可还是没被吓倒,又朝猎人冲了过去。猎人又开了一枪。狼忍着巨痛扑向猎人,没想到猎人抽出猎刀左右开弓地在狼身上划了几道口子。狼鲜血四溅,嚎叫着逃到狐狸那里去了。 “狼兄弟,”狐狸说,“和人相处怎么样?” “哈!”狼回答说,“我从没想到人的力量会这么大!他先是从肩上取下一根棍子,朝里面吹了一口气,就有什么东西飞到我脸上,痒得我要命;接着他又吹了一次,就有东西飞到我鼻子周围,像下了一阵雹子。当我靠近他时,他从身上抽出一根白得发亮的肋骨狠狠地打我,几乎把我打死在那里。” 狐狸说:“你这个吹牛大王,谁让你把话说得太大了,自己连退路都没有了呢。”


