
时间:2015-07-06 01:33:40
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格林童话故事第:森林中的三个小矮人中英文版本 篇一

Once upon a time, in a deep forest, there lived three little dwarfs. They were known for their kindness and generosity towards all creatures in the forest. Every day, they would go out and gather food for themselves and for the animals that lived in the forest.

One day, while the three dwarfs were out gathering food, they came across a poor old woman who was lost in the forest. The dwarfs immediately went to her aid, offering her food and shelter. The old woman was so grateful for their kindness that she granted each dwarf a wish.

The first dwarf wished for a never-ending supply of food, the second dwarf wished for a magical cloak that would make him invisible, and the third dwarf wished for the ability to talk to animals. The old woman granted their wishes, and the three dwarfs went on their way, happy with their newfound gifts.

From that day on, the three dwarfs used their gifts to help all the creatures in the forest. The first dwarf shared his never-ending supply of food with the hungry animals, the second dwarf used his magical cloak to protect the forest from harm, and the third dwarf talked to the animals, learning their secrets and helping them in any way he could.

The three dwarfs became beloved figures in the forest, known far and wide for their kindness and compassion. They lived happily ever after, surrounded by the animals they had helped and the friends they had made along the way.

格林童话故事第:森林中的三个小矮人中英文版本 篇二

In a deep forest, there were three little dwarfs who were known for their kind hearts and generous spirits. Every day, they would venture out into the forest to gather food for themselves and for the animals that lived there.

One day, as the three dwarfs were out gathering food, they came across a poor old woman who was lost in the forest. Without hesitation, the dwarfs offered her food and shelter, showing her the kindness that they were known for. In return, the old woman granted each dwarf a wish.

The first dwarf wished for a never-ending supply of food, the second dwarf wished for a magical cloak that would make him invisible, and the third dwarf wished for the ability to speak to animals. The old woman granted their wishes, and the three dwarfs went on their way, eager to use their gifts to help others.

With their newfound abilities, the three dwarfs set out to make the forest a better place for all its inhabitants. The first dwarf shared his endless food with the hungry animals, the second dwarf used his invisibility cloak to protect the forest from harm, and the third dwarf talked to the animals, learning their secrets and helping them in any way he could.

The three dwarfs became beloved figures in the forest, known for their selflessness and compassion. They lived out their days in happiness, surrounded by the friends they had made and the animals they had helped. And so, the three little dwarfs lived happily ever after in the deep forest, their kindness remembered by all who knew them.

格林童话故事第:森林中的三个小矮人中英文版本 篇三

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