英文故事大全_少儿寓言故事 篇三
Blind and elephants
An Indian emperor ordered all blind men together, and when they gathered, the emperor ordered his elephants to see them. These officer person went to the xiangjiu and began to touch the elephant.
One touched the Like legs, the other touched the xiangwei, the third touched the butt, the fourth touched the xiangduzi, the fifth touched the ears, the sixth touched the ivory, and the eighth touched Trunk.
Then the emperor summoned the blind man and asked them, " what is my image?"
The blind man said, " it's like a cylinder."
The blind man of the second moxiangwei said, " it looks like a whip."
The third blind man said, " it's like a plank."
The blind man said, " it's like a wall. " moxiangbei said," it's like a hill. "
To touch an elephant the blind man said, " it is like a pushan. The blind man touched the ivory and said, " it's like a rhinoceros horn. " to touch an elephant the blind said," it is like a thick rope. "
So, all the blind began to argue and quarrel.
The turtle's wisdom
Once upon a time, the tortoise realized that wisdom was more valuable than gold, and he began to collect " wisdom ". He met everyone, and he always collected a tiny bit. A lot of wisdom as leaves fluttered and covered the ground, and the tortoise cleaned them and picked them up. Anytime, anywhere search for a little wisdom, put it in a big box. After years, his sand was finally full. The tortoise believes: " all the wisdom in the world belongs to me all."
He thought it necessary to make these wisdom available for his own use, and feared that someone would find his sand and steal. " what about me? He wanted to make up his mind. " where am I hiding the sand? " he thought and thought, suddenly," yes, climb up the tree and hide the sand among the branches, and no one can find it. "
So the tortoise tried to climb the tree with two arms and try not to climb. He tried to lift the sand on his left arm or to climb up. He tried to tizhu with his right arm, but he still did not climb. At this time, his son was watching. " dad," said the little tortoise, " dad, why don't you put the jar on your back and climb the tree?"
The tortoise smiled at his son, " hi! Little guys, do you know more than you Lao Tzu? " but he tried to back the sand on his back. it was strange that he climbed up, and very easy. The tortoise sat on the branch, holding the big sand, he felt very sad. " I can't make sense! " he said to himself," I thought that all the wisdom had been collected in sand, but the child has wisdom I have not. The tortoise thought for a moment, and pushed the cannikin from the tree. Sand smashed into the ground, and " wisdom" spread all over the earth.
Lonely tree
A gust of wind blew two kinds
The trees were small at first, but boring time left them high enough to leave the ground, so that they looked at each other far.
They saw each other.
The fields were so vast, but until the end, there was no other trees in the green plain. Only the two tree stand in the middle of the field, open like a cross, and seem to be a strange bar used to measure space.
They looked at each other, miss each other, mutual admiration. In the spring, when the power of life warms them, the yezhi of nutrients flow in their bodies, they miss their immortality, but always separate the mulin.
They shake branches, gesturing silently to each other. When the same bird, like the same mind, flies from the tree to the tree, they will be excited to shake it.
In the storm, they dongyaoxibai, broke the branches, give out sound, as if trying to earn the ground, fly to meet, embrace each other, seek assistance.
In the dark they were separated and looked at each other. They are pained by this misfortune, and pray to the sky, looking forward to the dawn of the sky, and they can each other each other.
When hunters or the reapers sit in the shade of a tree, it moans sadly and sadly how painful the lonely life is: how slowly, how empty, how empty, how slowly, time is To tell the hope that the hope is fading away; How strong the love that cannot blend, how unbearable the Life life is unbearable.