
时间:2017-03-01 06:29:50
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广东高考英语听说考试3月18日举行 篇一

The Guangdong College Entrance Examination English Listening and Speaking Test will be held on March 18th this year. This exam is an important part of the overall college entrance examination in Guangdong province, testing students' abilities in listening and speaking English.

The English Listening and Speaking Test consists of two parts: listening and speaking. In the listening section, students will listen to a series of recordings and answer questions based on what they hear. This part of the test requires students to have good listening skills and the ability to understand English spoken at a natural pace.

In the speaking section, students will be required to engage in conversations with examiners on various topics. This part of the test evaluates students' ability to communicate effectively in English, including their pronunciation, fluency, and use of vocabulary and grammar.

Preparing for the English Listening and Speaking Test can be challenging, as it requires students to practice their listening and speaking skills regularly. Students can improve their listening skills by listening to English podcasts, watching English movies and TV shows, and practicing listening exercises. To improve their speaking skills, students can engage in conversations with classmates, teachers, or language exchange partners, and practice speaking on a variety of topics.

The English Listening and Speaking Test is an important opportunity for students to demonstrate their English language proficiency and communication skills. By preparing effectively and practicing regularly, students can perform well on the test and achieve success in the college entrance examination.

In conclusion, the Guangdong College Entrance Examination English Listening and Speaking Test is a crucial part of the overall examination, testing students' abilities in listening and speaking English. By preparing diligently and practicing regularly, students can improve their English skills and perform well on the test. Good luck to all the students taking the test on March 18th!

广东高考英语听说考试3月18日举行 篇二

The Guangdong College Entrance Examination English Listening and Speaking Test is scheduled to take place on March 18th this year. This test is a significant component of the college entrance examination in Guangdong province, assessing students' proficiency in listening and speaking English.

The English Listening and Speaking Test is designed to evaluate students' ability to comprehend spoken English and communicate effectively in English. The listening section of the test requires students to listen to a variety of recordings, such as conversations, lectures, and news reports, and answer questions based on the information they hear. This section assesses students' listening comprehension skills, including their ability to understand main ideas, details, and implications in spoken English.

The speaking section of the test involves engaging in conversations with examiners on different topics. Students are required to express their thoughts and opinions clearly and coherently, demonstrating their ability to communicate effectively in English. This section evaluates students' pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, and overall communication skills.

Preparing for the English Listening and Speaking Test is essential for students to perform well on the exam. Students can improve their listening skills by practicing listening to a variety of English materials, such as podcasts, songs, and news broadcasts. To enhance their speaking skills, students can practice speaking English with classmates, teachers, or language exchange partners, and work on expanding their vocabulary and improving their pronunciation.

The English Listening and Speaking Test provides students with an opportunity to showcase their English language proficiency and communication skills. By preparing diligently and practicing regularly, students can boost their confidence and perform well on the test, ultimately achieving success in the college entrance examination.

In conclusion, the Guangdong College Entrance Examination English Listening and Speaking Test is a crucial assessment of students' listening and speaking abilities in English. By dedicating time and effort to preparation and practice, students can enhance their English skills and excel on the test. Best of luck to all the students taking the test on March 18th!

广东高考英语听说考试3月18日举行 篇三




  据了解,英语听说考试是2011年广东高考的'新变革。从内容上,增加“说”的考察,把“听说”合成一部分,并且由往年的选考科变为所有考生必考科。对于这种变革,很多学生表示压力很大,课外辅导机构也适时推出相关课程,记者从英讯理想教育获悉,今年有300余人参加了英语听说培训,而华附在线学习中心也引入了“英语听说训练系统”,模拟英语的听说考试,以“实战”方式帮助提高成绩。 记者 邓仲谋



