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讲好河南名人故事英语范文 篇一

Located in central China, Henan province is home to many famous historical figures whose stories have been passed down through generations. One of the most renowned figures from Henan is the great Chinese philosopher Confucius. Confucius was born in Qufu, Shandong province, but his teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced the culture and society of Henan.

Confucius, also known as Kong Zi, lived during the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history. He was a thinker, educator, and founder of Confucianism, a moral and ethical philosophy that emphasizes the importance of filial piety, righteousness, and social harmony. Confucius' teachings have had a lasting impact on Chinese society, and his ideas continue to be studied and followed by people around the world.

Another famous figure from Henan is the legendary poet Li Bai. Born in Jiangyou, Sichuan province, Li Bai spent much of his life traveling and writing poetry. His poems are known for their beauty, lyricism, and emotional depth, and he is considered one of the greatest poets in Chinese history. Li Bai's works have been translated into many languages and are still widely read and admired today.

In addition to Confucius and Li Bai, Henan has also produced many other famous figures in various fields, including art, literature, politics, and science. These individuals have made significant contributions to Chinese culture and society, and their stories continue to inspire and influence people today.

Overall, the stories of Henan's famous historical figures are an important part of China's rich cultural heritage. By learning about these figures and their achievements, we can gain a deeper understanding of Chinese history and culture, and appreciate the enduring legacy of these remarkable individuals.

讲好河南名人故事英语范文 篇二

Henan province in central China is known for its rich history and cultural heritage, including many famous historical figures whose stories have been passed down through the ages. One such figure is the great military strategist and statesman Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang, also known as Kong Ming, was born in Yangdu, Langya (present-day Yishui, Shandong province) during the Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history. He was a brilliant tactician and advisor to the warlord Liu Bei, helping him to establish the kingdom of Shu Han and playing a key role in the battles against the rival kingdoms of Wei and Wu. Zhuge Liang's military genius and strategic acumen have made him a legendary figure in Chinese history, and he is often referred to as the "Sleeping Dragon."

Another famous historical figure from Henan is the renowned poet and calligrapher Wang Xizhi. Wang Xizhi was born in Linyi, Shandong province, and is considered one of the greatest calligraphers in Chinese history. His calligraphy style, known as "Lanting Xu," is highly regarded for its elegance, fluidity, and grace, and his works are treasured as masterpieces of Chinese art.

In addition to Zhuge Liang and Wang Xizhi, Henan has also produced many other famous historical figures, including emperors, scholars, and artists. These individuals have left a lasting legacy in Chinese history and culture, and their stories continue to be celebrated and honored.

The stories of Henan's famous historical figures are a testament to the province's rich cultural heritage and the enduring influence of its people on Chinese history. By learning about these figures and their achievements, we can gain a deeper appreciation for China's vibrant cultural traditions and the remarkable individuals who have shaped its history.

讲好河南名人故事英语范文 篇三

One possible explanation is: my special grandmother. My grandmother is special to me because, like a friend, she always helps me when I'm in trouble. When my grandmother and I were together, there was no secret between us.

We spent a lot of happy time together. I know my grandmother is very smart, because she seems to know everything my grandmother is good at. One of her best things is cooking.

She often makes delicious food for me. I know my grandmother loves me and I love her.



讲好河南名人故事英语范文 篇四

1934~1936年间,中国工农红军主力从长江南北各苏区向陕甘革命根据地(亦称陕甘苏区)的战略转移. 1934年10月,由于王明左倾冒险主义的错误领导,以及敌强我弱,中央革命根据地(亦称中央苏区)第五次反围剿战争遭到失败,红军第一方面军(中央红军)主力开始长征,同时留下部分红军就地坚持游击战争.8月,xxx中央和xxx为了给中央红军战略转移探索道路,命令红六军团撤离湘赣苏区,到湘中发展游击战争.10月,红六军团与红三军(后恢复红二军团番号)会合,并创建了湘鄂川苏区. 10月上旬,中央红军主力各军团分别集结陆续出发,xxx中央和红军总部及直属纵队离开江西瑞金就途.10月21日,中央红军从赣县王母渡至信丰县新田间突破xxx军第一道封锁线,沿粤赣边,湘粤边,湘桂边西行,至11月15日突破了xxx军第二,三道封锁线.然而博古,李德等领导人一味退却,消极避战,使红军继续处于不利地位.xxx决定从兴安,全州之间抢渡湘江,经浴血奋战,于12月1日渡过湘江(即第四道封锁线),由于连续苦战,红军锐减.12月中旬,抵达湘黔边时,力主放弃原定进入湘西与第二,六军团会合的计划.28日,xxxxxx在黎平开会,接受了的主张,决定向以遵义为中心的川黔边地区前进,使红军避免了覆亡的危险.1935年1月7日,红军占领遵义.1月15~17日,xxx中央在遵义举行了xxx扩大会议,着重总结了第五次反围剿失败的经验教训,纠正了王明左倾冒险主义在军事上的错误,确立了以为代表的xxx中央的正确领导, 制定了红军尔后的战略方针, 从而在最危险的关头挽救了红军和中国xxx. 这次会议是中国xxx和工农红军历史上一个伟大的转折点.3月,组成了实际上以为首,xxx,xxx参加的三人军事指挥小组.他们以xxx中央,xxx的名义指挥红军的行动. 遵义会议后,鉴于川敌布防严密,中央红军确定撤离遵义后,在川黔滇边和贵州省内迂回穿插.特别是在四渡赤水的过程中,中央红军灵活机动地创造战机,运动作战,各个歼敌,以少胜多,从而变被动为主动.随后出敌不意,主力南渡乌江,直逼贵阳,迅即西进,4月下旬以一部在翼侧策应.5月初,抢渡金沙江,摆脱了几十万xxx军的围追堵截,取得了战略转移中具有决定意义的胜利.由于执行了正确的民族政策,红军顺利通过大凉山彝族区.接着强渡大渡河,飞夺泸定桥,翻越终年积雪的夹金山.6月中旬,与红四方面军在懋功会师. 红四方面军原在川陕根据地,为向川甘边发展,1935年 3月28日至 4月28日取得强渡嘉陵江战役的重大胜利.然而红四方面军主要领导人张国焘等擅自决定放弃川陕根据地(亦称川陕苏区)向西转移.5月初,共八万余人开始长征,中旬占领了茂县(今茂汶),理番(今理县)为中心的广大地区. 红一,四方面军会师后,红军以北上建立川陕甘根据地为战略方针,xxx中央决定将两个方面军混合编为左,右两路军过草地北上.xxx中央随右路军跨过草地,抵达班佑,巴西地区.8月底,右路军一部在包座全歼xxx军第四十九师约五千余人,打开了向甘南前进的门户.9月张国焘率左路军到达阿坝地区后,拒绝执行xxx中央的北上方针,并要挟xxx中央和右路军南下.等于9月10日急率第一,第三军(后组成陕甘支队)继续北上,夺取腊子口,突破xxx军渭河封锁线,翻越六盘山,于10月19日到达陕北吴起镇(今吴旗县城),先期结束了长征.11月21~24日取得了直罗镇战役的胜利,为xxx和红军扎根在陕北奠定了基础. 在xxx重兵对鄂豫皖根据地围攻的情况下,红二十五军和鄂豫皖省委按照xxx中央指示,于1934年11月从河南罗山县开始西移,在鄂豫陕边建立根据地,粉碎xxx军两次围剿.次年7月过陇东,9月与陕甘根据地的第二十六,二十七军会师,合编为第十五军团.第一,三军团到达后,与之合编为红一方面军. 在湘鄂川黔根据地的红军二,六军团,于1935年11月从湖南桑植出发,转战湖南,贵州,云南三省,击溃xxx军的拦截,渡过金沙江,经西康,四川,于1936年6月底至甘孜,与张国焘率领的南下受挫的红四方面军会师.二,六军团合组为二方面军.7月,二,四方面军共同北上,在红一方面军接应下,10月先后在甘肃省会宁县城和静宁县将台堡与红一方面军会师,至此,红军长征结束. 中国工农红军长征的胜利,是人类历史上的奇迹.在整整两年中,红军长征转战十四个省,历经曲折,战胜了重重艰难险阻,保存和锻炼了革命的基干力量,将中国革命的大本营转移到了西北,为开展抗日战争和发展中国革命事业创造了条件.

讲好河南名人故事英语范文 篇五

Henan noodles, one of the top ten pasta in China, has a long history. It is a traditional snack of meat, vegetable, soup and rice. It is delicious, affordable and well-known in the Central Plains.

In all parts of the country, noodles are made of high-quality high gluten flour, supplemented by broth and various side dishes. It is a kind of good soup gluten similar to thousand layers. The high nutrition dough consists of tender mutton and sheep bone (split, revealing bone marrow) After boiling for more than 5 hours, seven herbs and bone oil are boiled, and then white Bailiang is taken out from the soup pot, just like milk.

Therefore, some people call it white soup with shredded kelp, shredded tofu, noodles, parsley, quail eggs, sea cucumber, squid, etc. when packing and serving, the small vegetable soup such as coriander, chili oil and garlic can be pided into: noodles And two.



讲好河南名人故事英语范文 篇六



“ 今天是重要的一天。






今天,我将拒绝花时间担心可能会发生什么,如果...... 今天,我无法想象我会做什么,如果事情是不同的。











