
时间:2014-07-02 05:13:49
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高中故事类英语作文范文 篇一

Title: The Unexpected Friendship

One day, during a school assembly, the principal announced that there would be a new student joining the class. Everyone was curious to meet the new student, wondering what kind of person he would be. When he walked into the classroom, he was greeted with stares and whispers. His name was Jack, and he had just transferred from another school.

Jack was quiet and kept to himself most of the time. He rarely spoke to anyone and seemed to prefer being alone. Some of the students tried to approach him, but he would just nod and give a small smile before walking away. Despite his aloofness, there was something intriguing about Jack that caught the attention of one student in particular - Lisa.

Lisa was the complete opposite of Jack. She was outgoing, friendly, and always eager to make new friends. She made it her mission to get to know Jack and break through his walls. Every day, she would strike up a conversation with him, asking him about his interests and hobbies. Slowly but surely, Jack began to open up to her and share bits and pieces of his life.

As they spent more time together, Jack and Lisa discovered that they had more in common than they thought. They both loved reading, hiking, and playing video games. They would often hang out after school, exploring the nearby woods or challenging each other to a game of chess. Jack's reserved nature started to fade away, and he became more comfortable around Lisa.

Their classmates were surprised to see Jack laughing and joking around with Lisa. They had never imagined that the mysterious new student would become friends with the most popular girl in school. But Jack and Lisa didn't care about what others thought. They had formed a strong bond that transcended labels and stereotypes.

In the end, Jack and Lisa's friendship taught everyone a valuable lesson - that true friendship knows no boundaries. It doesn't matter if you're introverted or extroverted, shy or outgoing. What matters is the connection you share with someone and the memories you create together. Jack and Lisa's unexpected friendship was a reminder that sometimes, the most unlikely friendships are the ones that last a lifetime.

高中故事类英语作文范文 篇二

Title: The Power of Kindness

It was a typical Monday morning at school when something extraordinary happened. As Sarah was walking to her locker, she noticed a group of students surrounding a girl in tears. Curious, she approached them and saw that the girl had dropped all her books on the floor, and no one was helping her pick them up.

Without hesitating, Sarah knelt down and started gathering the scattered books. The girl looked up in surprise, her eyes red and swollen from crying. Sarah smiled and reassured her that everything would be okay. She helped the girl organize her books and walked her to class, offering words of encouragement along the way.

From that day on, Sarah and the girl, whose name was Lily, became inseparable. They would eat lunch together, study for exams, and even join the same extracurricular activities. Sarah's kindness had a profound impact on Lily, who had been struggling with bullying and loneliness for years. With Sarah by her side, she found the strength to overcome her insecurities and stand up for herself.

The other students soon took notice of Sarah and Lily's friendship. They were inspired by Sarah's selfless act of kindness and started reaching out to those in need. The school became a more inclusive and compassionate place, where students looked out for each other and offered a helping hand whenever someone was in trouble.

Sarah and Lily's story spread throughout the school, becoming a symbol of the power of kindness. Teachers praised Sarah for her empathy and generosity, and students nominated her for the school's kindness award. Sarah was humbled by the recognition but knew that the real reward was seeing Lily smile and thrive in her newfound confidence.

As the school year came to an end, Sarah and Lily reflected on how their friendship had changed both of their lives. They realized that a simple act of kindness could spark a chain reaction of positivity and make a lasting impact on those around them. Sarah and Lily's story was a reminder that in a world full of darkness, a single act of kindness can light up someone's life and inspire others to do the same.

高中故事类英语作文范文 篇三

My best friend and I get along with each other quite well。 But we are so different。 He is funnier,more outgoing than I am and i'm more serious. He is more athletic and likes to play all kinds of sports but I am smarter on study. My friend is wilder than me and I am calmer。 He is tall,thin,strong,with short hair,And sometimes he is very careless and lazy. On the other hands,I am short,fat,weak,with shorthair. He is very helpful because I am very lazy and don't want to do any sports. And I will help him with his study.

I think our friendship will last forever.



高中故事类英语作文范文 篇四

In the story that happened when I was a child, there are many stars in the sky, among which countless stars have a very deep thing. That is, when I was six years old, my grandfather bought me a bicycle. Because the wheels of the bicycle are all about bicycles, it would not fall down frequently when I was a child.

Then I would ride a little love and put it in the garage all the time A thick layer of ashes covered a day. When I went home, I saw a tall, highly skilled boy riding a bicycle to a place with high speed, power and prestige. I wanted to quarrel with my mother about the two wheels of a bicycle.

My mother said to me, _little wheel, you will be hurt by falling down._ I said, _I would like to. At last, I failed to hit it Mom, only two small wheels were removed. The next day was Sunday.

The weather was very good. My mother had to rest at home early in the morning. I called.

I didn't know what my mother asked. My mother said, _today I'll teach you how to ride a bicycle._ I was ecstatic and quickly changed my pajamas. From the beginning of riding a bicycle in the garage, I carried my mother on the bike.

My mother waved her hand and I fell on the ground I finally couldn't hold on to my legs on the ground. I yelled: _I'm not practicing._ when I was ready to go home, my mother said to me loudly: _coward, I can't stand all the pain. We must not be afraid of hard work and can't_ give up halfway _.

Then she gently said,_ I believe you will succeed. _Mother's words encouraged me. I also rode an injured patient, once Another fall, finally, my mother let go of my hand, but I was riding a bicycle, did not fall _I succeeded_ I cried, this is a small episode of my growth, but through this matter, I see that no matter what kind of difficulties we encounter, we should have confidence and perseverance.



标签: 新学期

高中故事类英语作文范文 篇五

A real princess. She was once a prince. He wanted to marry a princess, but she must be a real princess.

He traveled around the world, hoping to find such a lady, but there were always some wrong princesses. He found many, but whether they were real princesses or not, he could not decide. Now one thing, now another thing.

In his opinion, the two ladies were not very right for him. Finally, he returned to his palace in frustration, because he hoped his wife had one The real princess. A terrible storm happened, thunder and thunder, lightning like torrential rain pouring down from the sky, the sky was dark, suddenly came a fierce knock on the door, the old king, the prince's father, went out to open the door in person, was a princess, standing outside the door, with the rain and wind, she was very sad, water dripping from her hair, her clothes tightly attached to her body, she said she was A real prince.

We will soon see that the old queen mother thought for a moment, but she went into the bedroom without saying a word, took all the bedding off the bed, put a little pea on the bedstead, and then put twenty mattresses one by one on the head of the bed, and twenty feather beds on the mattress. The next morning the princess would spend the night in this bed. She was asked how she was sleeping.

She replied that I had hardly closed my eyes all night. I didn't know what was on the bed, but I had a hard thing under me. My whole body was blue and purple, which hurt me.

Obviously, this lady must be a real princess, because she could feel the pea from twenty mattresses and twenty feather beds. Only a real princess could have such a delicate taste Feeling, so the prince took her as his wife. Now he knew that he had a real princess.

Peas were put in the museum and could be seen there if no one stole them.





高中故事类英语作文范文 篇六

Dear Headmaster, I am very glad to write to you. These days we aretalking about howto make our school more beautiful. Here are some of my suggestions. First, a library with a lot of interesting books in it should be built, so that we can read in our spare time every day. Second, we expect our own dancing hall and piano room. Many of uslike dancing, and some are even good at playingthe piano. Third, we dreams of having a playing-field with many flowers and green trees around. We can exercise there every day to make our body strong. Finally,I suggestteachersin our school organize more colorful after- class activities for students. In a word, I hope our school will attract more visitors and I wish her a good future. Thanks for your reading!Yours sincerely, Liu Yu



